TENSILE AND FLEXURAL PROPERTIES OF SOLID-STATE MICROCELLULAR ABS PANELS K. V. Nadella and V. Kumar Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195-2600, USA ABSTRACT This research is motivated by the potential of solid-state microcellular panels as novel core materials in sandwich construction. We report on the tensile and flexure properties of microcellular ABS cores. Microcellular ABS panels with densities in range of 20%-80% of solid density, were produced using CO2 as the physical blowing agent. Following this, the integral skin on each of the panels was machined off via a milling operation. This was done in order to characterize the mechanical properties of only the microcellular cores. Once the skin was removed, the panels were further machined and sanded into tensile and bending test samples. The sample preparation and testing was conducted according to ASTM D638 for tensile and ASTM D790 for flexural property characterization. It was found that tensile and flexural behavior of the microcellular ABS panels is described quite well by the Gibson-Ashby cubic cell model [1]. Introduction Solid-state microcellular foams refer to thermoplastic foams with cells in the range of 1-100 μm in size. Typically these foams are rigid, closed-cell structures and are produced in a two-stage batch process. In the first stage, the polymer is placed in a pressure vessel with a high-pressure and non-reacting gas such as CO2. Over time, the gas diffuses into the polymer, and attains a uniform concentration throughout the polymer specimen. When this specimen is removed from the pressure vessel and brought to the atmospheric pressure, a “supersaturated” specimen that is thermodynamically unstable due to the excessive gas dissolved into the polymer is produced. In the second stage, the specimen is heated to what is termed the foaming temperature. This step is typically carried out in a heated liquid bath with temperature control. The dissolved gas lowers the glass transition temperature of the polymer [2] and the foaming temperature needs only to be above the glass transition temperature of the gas-polymer system in order for the bubbles to nucleate and grow. Since the polymer is still in a solid state, the foams thus produced are called “solid-state foams” to distinguish them from the conventional foams that are produced in an extruder from a polymer melt. A unique feature of this process is that an integral smooth skin of solid polymer can be created on the microcellular foam. The thickness of this integral skin can be independently controlled [3]. The microcellular process was invented at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in early eighties [4, 5], in response to a challenge by food and film packaging industries to reduce the amount of polymer used in thin-walled articles. Thus was born the idea to create microcellular foam, where we could have, for example, 100 bubbles across 1 mm thickness, and expect to have a reasonable strength for the intended applications. An early review of the subject appeared in 1993 [6]. A more recent account of microcellular foams can be found in the Handbook on Polymer Foams, 2003 [7]. Background We have adopted the original microcellular process to produce thick, flat panels that could be used as part of a panel system for housing construction, for example. This is achieved in a Constrained Foaming process illustrated in Fig. 1. The foaming step is conducted inside the platens of a heated press, where metal shims maintain a gap equal to the desired panel thickness. The constrained foaming process has been used for producing microcellular ABS panels with densities as low as 10% of solid ABS [5, 6]. Since skin-core structures can be directly produced in the solid-state process, these panels may be suitable for use in certain applications, such as structural foams, without further modification. On the other hand, the smooth polymer skin makes these foams ideal as core materials for lamination with stiff outer sheets of higher stiffness. To develop applications for solid-state microcellular ABS panels it is important to understand the fundamental mechanical properties of these materials. In this study we characterize the tensile and flexural behavior of skinless microcellular ABS cores made with the solid-state microcellular constrained foaming process. These properties can then be used to predict the behavior of solidstate microcellular ABS foams with integral skin using the I-beam model of Hobbs for flexural modulus and simple square power-law of Moore for tensile modulus [12]. Metal Shims Saturated Polymer Sheet Hot Platen Hot Platen CO2 Unsaturated polymer sheet Stage I GAS SATURATION Force Force Stage II CONTROLLED GAS DESORPTION Microcellular Polymeric Foam Sheet Stage III CONSTRAINED FOAMING Figure 1: Constrained foaming process for microcellular thermoplastic panels Experimental Materials For this study Cycolac HXW extrusion grade acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) sheets were obtained from General Electric Plastics. The sheets were 9.53 mm thick with a glass transition temperature of 116 C and a density of 1.037 g/cm3, respectively. The ABS sheets were machined into 190.5 mm x 254 mm rectangular samples and processed in the as-received condition. For gas saturation 99.9% pure medical grade CO2 gas was obtained from Airgas. Equipment For the gas saturation step, a 0.28 m diameter and 0.635 m long pressure vessel, made by Ken-Weld Co. Inc, and rated for a maximum pressure of 10.34 MPa at 65 C was used. The pressure inside the vessel was regulated using an OMEGA CN8500 process controller with a resolution of ±0.01 MPa. The constrained foaming step was carried out on an MTP-14 hydraulic press with heated platens. The press was made by Tetrahedron Associates, Inc. and is rated for use up to a maximum force of 50 tons. To create a gap between the top and bottom platens, two stacks of metal shims each with a stacked height of 13 mm were used. For machining the microcellular ABS panels into test samples a 2-axis CNC milling machine made by TRAK was used. A Mettler-Toledo AE240 precision balance with an accuracy of 10 μg was used to measure the density of microcellular ABS samples as described in the experimental procedure section. For the tensile and flexure testing an Instron Universal Testing Machine with a 250 kN load cell was used. The Instron machine had automatic control and data acquisition through a personal computer. Sample Preparation and Testing Procedure Twenty four ABS sheets were first interleaved with a porous paper and then placed in a pressure vessel. Once the pressure vessel was closed CO2 gas at a pressure of 5 MPa and a temperature of 22.2 C was introduced into the chamber for sorption. The chamber temperature was then maintained at 22.2 C throughout the residence time of the samples in the chamber. The saturation pressure and saturation temperature were regulated to ± 0.1 MPa and ± 1C, respectively. After 270 hours of saturation time, the chamber was depressurized to atmospheric conditions and the CO2 saturated ABS sheets were removed from the pressure vessel. The 24 samples were divided into three sets of 8 samples. The first set was foamed immediately in the heated hydraulic press. The second and third sets were allowed to desorb before foaming at room temperature for a period of 3 and 4 days respectively. By desorbing the three sets prior to foaming the gas concentration in the saturated ABS can be varied thereby allowing the creation of panels with similar density but varying cell size. This will then allow the study on the effect of cell size on the tensile and flexure properties of these microcellular ABS panels. For the foaming step two samples from a set were placed between the platens of the heated hydraulic press at each foaming temperature as shown in Figure 1. Of these two samples one sample was designated for tensile testing and the other for flexural testing. The platens were preheated to the desired foaming temperature (Tfoam) and were separated by 13 mm thick metal shims to create a gap in which the saturated sheets were placed for foaming. The shim thickness was chosen to be the same as that used for prior study [5] where the saturation was carried out at room temperature. After the saturated polymer sheets were inserted between the heated platens a force of 544 kg was applied on the top and bottom surfaces of the polymer sheet to constrain its foaming in the thickness direction. The foaming cycle of the saturated polymer sheet in the heated press consisted of two stages. In the foam generation stage the platens were maintained at the desired foaming temperature for 10 minutes under a force of 544 kg. This ensures ample time for heat to flow through the polymer sheet for uniform foaming to occur. In the foam stabilization stage the platens were cooled down to the room temperature (22 C) for 10 minutes under a force of 3629 kg. This ensures that the polymer sheet reaches the room temperature thereby stabilizing the foam structure. The same procedure was repeated on the second set of eight ABS sheets that were desorbed for 3 days and the third set of eight ABS sheets that were desorbed for 4 days. The foaming temperatures were in the range of 67.5-115C and was chosen from a prior study [7-11] based on the target densities. After foaming in the heated press the microcellular ABS panels were allowed to age at atmospheric pressure and room temperature for over 100 days so that the remainder of the CO2 gas in the cells diffuses out. Each of the 12 microcellular ABS samples and one solid ABS sheet designated for tensile testing were then machined using a CNC mill into 5 smaller rectangles of size 200 mm x 19 mm x 7.25 mm. The other 12 microcellular ABS samples and solid ABS sheet designated for flexure testing were milled 6 smaller rectangles of size 125 mm x 18.5 mm x 6.5 mm. This machining operation removed the integral skin on the microcellular ABS panels thereby leaving a cellular structure on the surface of each microcellular ABS core sample. Following this machining step the densities of the ABS cores were determined using the ASTM D792-91 standard test method [12]. The samples used for density measurement were approximately 25 mm long and were cut out from the machined rectangular ABS core samples. The rectangular samples designated for tensile testing were machined to the ASTM D638Type I geometry using the same milling machine. After the milling operations, each surface of all the test samples was carefully sanded by hand using 200, 400, 600 grit paper in that sequence. This was done to ensure that the effect of varying surface finish on the test properties is minimal. Once sanded all the test samples were conditioned in a laboratory environment with a humidity range of 40-55% RH and a temperature of 22.2 C for a minimum of 48 hours. Tensile testing was conducted on the Instron machine according to ASTM D638 at a speed of 5 mm/min which corresponds to an initial strain rate of 0.1 mm/mm/min. Upon testing all the 5 samples at a given density the tensile strength and tensile modulus values were obtained from the acquired test data. In the case of flexural testing, a three point bend set-up was used according to ASTM D790. The flexure testing was conducted at a cross-head rate of 2.667 mm/min, which conforms to the recommendations of ASTM D790. Flexural strength and flexural modulus values were obtained from the acquired test data. Tables 1 and 2 below show the processing conditions, relative density (ratio of density of microcellular ABS to the density of solid ABS) and resulting tensile and bending properties respectively. All samples in Tables 1 and 2 were saturated at 5 MPa. Table 1: Solid-state microcellular process conditions, relative densities and tensile properties for 5 MPa saturated ABS sheets. Tensile Strength (MPa) Sample ID Desorb Time Foaming Temperature (C) Average Relative Density Mean Standard Deviation Specific Tensile Strength (MPa) A1-A5 0 Day 67.78 0.66 18.96 0.77 Mean Standard Deviation Specific Tensile Modulus (MPa) 28.58 819.84 66.11 1235.80 1268.69 Tensile Modulus (MPa) B1-B5 0 Day 80.00 0.49 14.53 0.61 29.64 621.88 34.56 C1-C5 0 Day 92.78 0.36 9.51 0.58 26.78 351.38 19.90 989.25 D1-D5 0 Day 105.00 0.27 6.90 0.89 25.65 259.02 26.09 963.41 E1-E5 3 Day 75.00 0.81 21.53 0.36 26.64 1058.44 33.85 1309.45 F1-F5 3 Day 85.00 0.67 18.11 0.49 26.96 723.54 166.33 1077.31 G1-G5 3 Day 100.00 0.49 12.24 0.76 25.19 469.65 44.67 966.50 H1-H5 3 Day 110.00 0.47 14.01 0.23 29.81 561.56 15.90 1195.38 I1-I5 4 Day 80.00 0.71 19.43 0.37 27.23 850.88 43.06 1192.59 J1-J5 4 Day 90.00 0.67 17.88 0.75 26.78 638.46 72.14 956.27 K1-K5 4 Day 105.00 0.43 13.44 1.10 30.95 554.31 32.49 1276.60 L1-L5 4 Day 115.00 0.53 13.16 2.07 24.73 516.09 112.91 970.17 M1-M5 Solid NA 1.00 38.50 0.93 38.50 2161.55 37.51 2161.55 Table 2: Solid-state microcellular process conditions, relative densities and flexure properties for 5 MPa saturated ABS sheets. Flexural Strength (MPa) Sample ID Desorb Time Foaming Temperature (C) Average Relative Density Mean N1-N6 O1-O6 P1-P6 Q1-Q6 R1-R6 S1-S6 T1-T6 U1-U6 V1-V6 W1-W6 X1-X6 Y1-Y6 Z1-Z6 0 Day 0 Day 0 Day 0 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3 Day 3 Day 4 Day 4 Day 4 Day 4 Day Solid 67.78 80.00 92.78 105.00 75.00 85.00 100.00 110.00 80.00 90.00 105.00 115.00 NA 0.68 0.51 0.40 0.28 0.81 0.65 0.46 0.52 0.75 0.63 0.45 0.50 1.00 30.94 21.36 11.96 7.94 37.84 24.79 15.72 18.43 29.94 26.09 12.70 15.71 63.73 Flexural Modulus (MPa) Standard Deviation Specific Flexural Strength (MPa) Mean Standard Deviation Specific Flexural Modulus (MPa) 1.36 1.78 0.87 1.40 4.59 2.42 1.32 1.14 1.34 1.03 1.39 2.22 0.30 45.36 41.65 29.71 28.68 46.75 38.04 34.17 35.58 40.10 41.72 28.07 31.72 63.73 998.64 656.03 380.26 255.35 1226.27 779.61 412.61 551.58 986.58 822.41 403.72 459.25 2218.28 40.94 59.79 28.79 38.44 144.16 78.65 73.95 66.06 42.47 27.38 44.59 68.72 16.84 1463.98 1279.02 944.30 922.83 1514.93 1196.40 897.16 1064.82 1321.52 1315.39 892.30 926.91 2218.28 Results Density Results Figures 2(a) and 2(b) show the relationship between relative density and foaming temperature for the microcellular ABS panels made as described above. In general, for a given saturation pressure and desorption time, as the foaming temperature increases the relative density decreases until a minimum is reached beyond which the relative density increases due to bubble collapse. Also, as desorption time increases the relative density increases for the same foaming temperature. This is due to reduction in the concentration of CO2 gas that is available for bubble growth. Except for slight variation, the relative density for a given set of process conditions among the tensile and bending samples is similar. 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 Relative Density Relative Density 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Foaming Temperature (a) 105 110 115 5 MPa, 0 Day Desorb 5 MPa, 3 Day Desorb 5 MPa, 4 Day Desorb 0.9 5 MPa, 0 Day Desorb 5 MPa, 3 Day Desorb 5 MPa, 4 Day Desorb 120 0.2 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Foaming Temperature (b) Figure 2: (a) Plot of relative density versus foaming time for microcellular ABS panels made in the constrained foaming process at various process conditions. These samples were used to determine the tensile properties of microcellular ABS cores. (b) Plot of relative density versus foaming time for microcellular ABS panels made in the constrained foaming process at various process conditions. These samples were used to determine the flexural properties of microcellular ABS cores. 45 45 40 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 30 25 Specific Tensile Strength, MPa Tensile Strength, MPa 35 40 20 15 10 5 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 35 30 25 20 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 15 10 5 0 0.0 1.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Relative Density 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Relative Density (a) (b) Figure 3: (a) Plot of tensile strength versus relative density for skinless microcellular ABS cores made in the constrained foaming process at various process conditions. Note the tensile strength of these cores is lower than and follows the trend of the rule of mixtures. (b) Plot of specific tensile strength as a function of relative density. Note that the specific tensile strength of skinless microcellular ABS cores is fairly constant over the whole range of density reductions. 2500 2500 Tensile Modulus, MPa 2000 1750 1500 Specific Tensile Modulus, MPa 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 2250 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Relative Density Relative Density (a) (b) 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Figure 4: (a) Plot of tensile modulus versus relative density for skinless microcellular ABS cores made in the constrained foaming process at various process conditions. Note the tensile modulus of these cores is lower than and follows the trend of the rule of mixtures. (b) Plot of specific tensile modulus as a function of relative density. Note that the specific tensile modulus of skinless microcellular ABS cores is fairly constant over the whole range of density reductions. Tensile Properties Figures 3(a) and 4(a) below show the behavior of tensile strength and tensile modulus, respectively, as functions of relative density for skinless microcellular ABS cores. As expected when the relative density increases the tensile properties are higher. Also, the tensile strength and modulus for a given density are in the range of 25-50% below the value predicted by the rule of mixtures and this trend holds throughout the range of densities that have been tested. The tensile performance of these materials can be significantly improved by leaving the solid integral skin. In fact, a thin integral skin enables the production of microcellular ABS foams of various densities whose tensile strength and modulus closely follows the rule of mixtures as reported by Weller [13]. The tensile strength to weight and tensile modulus to weight benefits of microcellular ABS cores of various densities can be determined by the plots shown in Figures 3(b) and 4(b). Both the specific tensile strength and specific tensile modulus are essentially constant for microcellular ABS cores over the range of densities tested. This trend is similar to microcellular ABS foams with integral skins as reported by Weller [13]. The specific tensile strength for skinless microcellular ABS cores with density reductions above 30% is higher than that predicted by the rule of mixtures which is very beneficial in applications where lightweight is desired without a loss in inherent tensile strength. In the case of tensile modulus the microcellular ABS cores with relative density below 50% show favorable values for the inherent tensile modulus. 80 80 Flexural Strength, MPa 70 60 50 Specific Flexural Strength, MPa 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 40 30 20 10 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 0 0.0 1.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 Relative Density 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Relative Density (a) (b) Figure 5: (a) Plot of flexural strength versus relative density for skinless microcellular ABS cores made in the constrained foaming process at various process conditions. Note the flexural strength of these cores is lower than and follows the trend of the rule of mixtures. (b) Plot of specific flexural strength as a function of relative density. Note that the specific flexural strength of skinless microcellular ABS cores is closely approximated by rule of mixtures. 2500 2500 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0.0 0 Day Desorb 3 Day Desorb 4 Day Desorb Solid ABS Rule of Mixtures 2250 Specific Flexural Modulus, MPa Flexural Modulus, MPa 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 Relative Density Relative Density (a) (b) 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Figure 6: (a) Plot of flexural modulus versus relative density for skinless microcellular ABS cores made in the constrained foaming process at various process conditions. Note the flexural modulus of these cores is lower than and follows the trend of the rule of mixtures. (b) Plot of specific flexural modulus as a function of relative density. Note that the specific flexural modulus of skinless microcellular ABS cores is closely approximated by rule of mixtures. Flexure Properties Figures 5(a) and 6(a) below show the behavior of flexural strength and flexural modulus, respectively, as functions of relative density for skinless microcellular ABS cores. As expected when the relative density increases the tensile properties are higher. Also, the tensile strength and modulus for a given density are in the range of 30-50% below the value predicted by the rule of mixtures and this trend holds throughout the range of densities that have been tested. The flexural strength to weight and flexural modulus to weight behavior of microcellular ABS cores of various densities can be determined by the plots shown in Figures 5(b) and 6(b). Both the specific flexural strength and specific flexural modulus are closely approximated by the rule of mixtures over the range of densities tested. The flexural performance of these materials with the solid integral skin will be significantly better than that shown in Figures 5 and 6, due to the well-known I-beam effect. Also, the solid-state microcellular process provides the ability to accurately control the thickness of the integral skin by manipulating the residence time in step II shown in Figure 1. As desorption time increases the thickness of the integral skin increases [3] and this in turn will improve the flexural performance of microcellular ABS foams. Calculations performed by the authors according to Gibson and Ashby’s model for closed cell foams with integral skins reveal that it is possible to match the flexural stiffness of the solid with select combinations of integral skin thickness and bulk microcellular foam thickness. Conclusions The conclusions of this study are 1) For a given density tensile strength and modulus of skinless, solid-state microcellular ABS cores is 25%-50% below that predicted by rule of mixtures. 2) For a given density the specific tensile strength and modulus of skinless, solid-state microcellular ABS cores is essentially constant and in some cases higher than the values predicted by the rule of mixtures. 3) For a given density tensile strength and modulus of skinless, solid-state microcellular ABS cores is 25%-50% below that predicted by rule of mixtures. 4) For a given density the specific tensile strength and modulus of skinless, solid-state microcellular ABS cores is essentially constant and in some cases higher than the values predicted by the rule of mixtures. References 1.Gibson L. J., and Ashby M. F., Cellular Solids: Structures and Properties, 2nd Ed., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1997) 2.Zhang Z. and Handa Y. 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