THERMAL EFFECTS IN VISCOELASTIC MATERIALS 1 A Hussain, 2R J Greene and 3R A Tomlinson University of Sheffield, Department of Mechanical Engineering Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK 1 2 [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ABSTRACT The thermal and thermoelastic effects of rubber are explored. A comparison is made between the theory of thermoelasticity for elastic solids and that for rubber materials. The problems associated with using thermoelastic stress analysis techniques for rubber are highlighted. Experimental results confirming the differing behaviour of aluminium and rubber under cyclic load are presented. Introduction The science of thermoelasticity is a study of the coupling phenomenon between thermal energy and mechanical deformation in elastic materials. The investigation of the non-contacting thermoelastic effect using infrared technology was first reported in 1967 by Belgen [1,2]. This technology has developed to a stage where highly sensitive array detectors are now widely used for thermoelastic stress analysis (TSA) and a variety of thermographic and thermal NDE studies [3]. Array systems such as the DeltaTherm system may be used to obtain full-field maps of the minute differential temperature on the surface of a component due to the thermoelastic effect. In addition, these systems are also capable of providing static thermal images of the absolute temperature of the component at the time the image is captured. The majority of research using TSA has involved metals and composite materials, although early work on the thermoelastic effect in 1805 was using rubber [4]. Little research using TSA has been performed on such viscoelastic materials but the advanced technologies now available offer the opportunity to study in detailed both the temperature and thermoelastic effects of such materials. Rubbers behave differently than other materials in many ways, notably their high elastic properties and their thermoelastic behaviour. A piece of rubber can extend more than 500% of its initial length without breaking, in contrast to metals which will normally permanently deform, if not fracture, before even reaching 25% elongation. The coupling effects between deformation and thermal energy of Indian rubber was realised and reported by Gough [4]. Gough’s observation on the thermodynamics of rubber was confirmed by Joule [5] using vulcanised rubbers in 1859. Two effects that were conclusively found were that rubber contracted upon heating (reversibly) when held in constant load and heated up (reversibly) upon stretching. These effects were referred to as Gough-Joule effects. Rubbers are described as entropic elasticity whereas most other solids behave as energetic elastic. The ‘entropic’ force in rubber is a consequence of the changes in entropy, from a less probable state of lower entropy when extended to a more probable state of higher entropy at its natural length. For metals and other solids on the other hand, the ‘energetic’ elasticity arises from positional perturbation of their molecules from equilibrium state hence changing their internal energy state. [6,7,8] Since the relationship of deformation, energy and entropy is the subject of thermodynamics, many articles have been written on the subject using the rubber as a medium for teaching thermodynamics [9,10,11,12,13]. An excellent account on the development on the theory of rubber elasticity can be found in the work of Treloar [14]. In this paper the thermal and thermoelastic effects in rubber are investigated. First the comparison between the thermoelasticity effects for elastic solids and rubber-like solids will be presented. Next the theory will be extended to thermoelastic stress analysis. Then some experimental findings on the thermal and thermoelastic effects will be reported and discussed. Comparison between the thermoelasticity of elastic solids and rubber-like solids [15, 16] The first law of thermodynamics, for a stationary closed system or a fixed mass can be expressed as ∆U = Q + W (1) where ∆U = the net change in the internal energy Q = the net heat transfer to the system W = the net work done on the system. In the differential form and on a unit volume basis, du = δq + δw (2) For homogeneous solid deformation, the work per unit volume is δw = σ ij dε ij (3) The second law of thermodynamics gives the relationship between the entropy balance per unit volume s at constant temperature, and is expressed by ds ≥ ∂q , T (4) where the equality holds for reversible processes and the inequality holds for irreversible processes. Combining (2),(3) and (4) and assuming the reversible process, the internal energy change in the system is du = Tds + σ ij dε ij (5) Introducing Helmholtz free energy function per unit volume In total differential form, this gives Substituting (5) into (7) yields H = u − Ts (6) dH = du − Tds − sdT (7) dH = σ ij dε ij − sdT (8) H is a state function of strain and temperature, and using the relation for the total differential of H and comparing to (8) therefore ∂H ∂ε ij T σ ij = and ∂H s = − ∂T ε ij (9) Using the property of partial differential, this gives ∂s ∂σ = − ij ∂T ∂ε ε ij ij T (10) Now, using the relation for the total differential of s, for s is a state function of strain and temperature, therefore ∂s dε ij + ∂s dT ds = ∂ε ∂T ε ij ij T (11) Combining (10) into (11) and substituting into (5), yields ∂σ ∂s du = σ ij − T ij dε ij + T dT ∂T ε ij ∂T ε pq (12) But u is also a state function of strain and temperature, and using the relation for the total differential of u and equating to (12), this gives ∂u ∂σ = σ ij − T ij ∂ε ∂T ε ij ij T ∂u ∂s = T ∂T ε ij ∂T ε ij and (13) (14) Each term in (14) describes another thermal property known as the heat capacity per unit volume of the solid at constant strain Cε, which is equivalent to Cv. in the undeformed state, ∂u ∂s Cε = = T ∂T ε ij ∂T ε ij (15) For the elastic solids considering a general case in which the constitutive equation that relates the stress σij, strain εij and temperature T can be expressed as σ ij = 2µε ij + (λε kk − γ ∆T )δ ij where E 2(1 + ν ) Eα γ= 1− 2ν µ= and λ= νE (1 + ν )(1 − 2ν ) (i, j = 1,2,3), (16) are the Lamé constants, E = the modulus of elasticity, = Poisson’s ratio, α = the coefficient of thermal expansion, ν δ ij = Kronecker symbol = 1 if i = j and 0 if i ≠ j. The components of the small strain tensor is expressed as ∂u ∂u j ε ij = 12 i + ∂ ∂ x x j i (17) noting that the higher orders have been ignored. The change in the internal energy in the system can be obtained from (12). On the RHS the first bracketed term can be solved from (16) and the partial derivative of the second term is simply (15), this yields du = (σ ij + γTδ ij )dε ij + Cε dT (18) Integrating (18) using the limits (0 to εij) and (To to T) corresponding to the initial state and the deformed state yields u −u o = 12 σ ijε ij + Eα ε kk (T + To ) + Cε (T − To ) 2(1 − 2ν ) (19) The entropy change in the system is obtained from (11) using equations (15), (10) and (16) and then integrating, yields s −so = Eα ε kk T + Cε ln (1 − 2ν ) To (20) Consider a simple uniaxial tensile case, choosing the direction of the load in such a way that the coordinate axes are coincide with the principal directions, and assuming an isothermal process, then from (16) this gives σ 11 = Eε11 and ε 11 = ε 11 + ε 22 + ε 33 1 − 2ν (21) Integrating (3) the work done on the system is w = 12 Eε11 2 (22) From (19), the change in the internal energy becomes u −u o = 12 Eε 11 + To Eαε 11 2 (23) From (20), the change in the entropy becomes and the reversible heat generated is s − s o = Eα ε11 (24) q = To ( s − so ) = To Eα ε11 (25) Now, substitute (23) (24) and (25) into (16), it is verified that the energy is conserved. The constitutive equation most commonly used to describe the thermoelastic behaviour of rubber is obtained from the statistical mechanics [15]. This equation cannot be deduced by coupling the thermodynamical and mechanical field equations because no hypothesis on the structure of rubber molecules can be made [9]. The equation of state for rubber-like solids given by James and Guth [17] can be stated as L Lo 2 F = KT − Lo L where (26) F is the force, K is a constant which depends on the composition of rubber network, L is the extended length, and Lo is the unstretched length. The ratio of L to Lo is the extension ratio and is always kept the same for all temperatures [17]. In addition, in deriving equation (26) restriction of incompressibility of the rubber is implied, which suggests that the deformation takes place at constant volume. Inserting F in place of σij, and the state variable L with εij (T remains) for the state functions u, s, and H, the equations relating the energetic and entropic contributions accompanying a deformation of rubber can be derived. In view of (3), the work done on the system in a small displacement taking PdV to be zero (constant volume condition) is ∂W ∂W = FdL , hence F = ∂L T (27) It has to be noted that even when the constant volume assumption is disregarded, the contribution of the term PdV at atmospheric pressure is less than FdL by a factor of 10-3 or 10-4 [14]. Referring to (10), the entropy change per unit extension in terms of the measurable quantities is F ∂S ∂F = − =− T ∂L T ∂T L (28) In view of (13), the internal energy change per unit extension yields ∂U ∂F = F −T =0 ∂L T ∂T L (29) The relationship between the internal energy, work and heat for elastic solids as given in (23), (24), and (25), can be seen in Figure 1. Similar relationship but in terms of partial derivatives is shown in Figure 2 to depict the behaviour of rubber-like materials whose constitutive equation is given by (26) and strictly within the assumptions as indicated. (∂W/∂L)T Force Energy ∆U W T(∂S/∂L)T Q Strain Extension (L/Lo) Figure 1 Thermoelastic effects of elastic solids Figure 2 Thermoelastic effects of rubber-like solids. Note that (∂U/∂L)T=0 It can be seen from Figure 1 that all the energy contributions accompanying tensile deformation of elastic solids are positive. In the sign convention used in deriving these relationships, the work done to the system and the heat absorbed by the system are positive, indicating that the system cools down when stretched. For the case of compressive deformation, the line of Q can be projected into the third quadrant. A negative value for Q signifies that the system gives out heat, therefore the material heats up upon compression. The thermoelastic response for the rubber-like solids is contrary to that of elastic solids. When a piece of rubber is stretched, the material gives up heat. This effect is indicated by the line T(∂S/∂L)T or the heat change per unit extension as plotted in Figure 2. When a rubber is subjected to rapid stretching where adiabatic conditions are assumed, then a significant increase in temperature is attainable. This phenomenon was first described by Gough [4]. In this example the contribution of internal energy is zero, since the constitutive equation (26) holds on the basis that rubbers are incompressible materials. Justification of using this equation in this case is that the force-extension relation is established from the basis of statistical theory in its elementary form [14]. Various models have been proposed which include the terms to take account the compressibility of the rubber-like materials. In constant volume processes, the fractional contribution of the internal energy to the force due to deformation as frequently found in the literature is expressed as the ratio of fe/f. Experiments conducted in a constant volume environment are fairly complex, however fe/f of 0.2 has been reported [7]. The fe/f in the present case is zero. Extension to thermoelastic stress analysis, TSA The application of the theory of thermoelasticity in the stress analysis of elastic solids has been well established. Detailed account on the derivation of the equations involved has been given elsewhere [16]. The viability of the method in solving various experimental stress studies has been appraised [18], and its practicality has been demonstrated in industrial applications [19], and in the analysis of medical devices [20]. Briefly, the derivation of the equation for TSA follows from (20). On the condition where an adiabatic process is achieved the basic equation for TSA can be written as ∆T = − Eα ε kkTo Cε (1 − 2ν ) (30) noting that Cε is in unit volume. This equation valid for any elastic solid that is homogeneous, isotropic, whose behaviour follows the constitutive equation (16) and the material properties are independent of temperature. A long term objective of the present work is to establish a relationship for TSA that is applicable to rubber-like solids. The behaviour of viscoelastic materials must be fully understood. Point of departure may involve the dependency of material properties to temperature and contribution of heat generation inside the materials to temperature change. Experiments on the thermoelastic effect A test was carried out using aluminium 2024 and common fluoroelastomer rubber tensile specimens, having the thickness of 1.6 mm for the aluminium and 2.1 mm for the rubber and the gauge area of 5.5 mm by 30 mm for both. The loading machine was an MTS Table Top with a 5 KN capacity load cell. The machine was computer controlled and the same system was used to record the period, displacement, and load, as defined by the operator. The driving frequency of 1 Hz was chosen and 15 data points per cycle were recorded. Sample temperature during the deformation was measured using DeltaTherm 1500 camera/detector using the standard 25 mm lens. A sequence of thermal images was captured by utilising the ‘movie’ application available in DeltaVision software. The number of frames per cycle was equal to the number of data points per cycle recorded by the MTS system, so that point to point synchronisation could be made during post processing of the result. The Deltatherm camera was externally triggered, by manually starting the image recording and the test machine simultaneously. The recording was done for 10 s. The camera was initially calibrated using a two-point calibration with hot and cold temperatures. Two steel plates painted with black surface, one at room temperature and the other heated slightly, and thermocouples were used to provide the reference temperatures. This type of calibration is a standard procedure in TSA, and in doing so, the collected sample temperatures in thermoelastic unit can be converted into Celsius unit if required. The aluminium sample was loaded in a load controlled mode with mean load of 350 N and the amplitude of 344 N. The rubber sample was loaded in displacement controlled mode between in the range of 10 mm to 20 mm which resulting the load of 6 N to 30 N. Results and Discussion The loading and the temperature responses in the first three cycles for each sample are plotted as shown in Figure 3. The load and the displacement were normalised with respect to the mean load and mean displacement, respectively. Two contrasting thermoelastic behaviours can be seen although both aluminium and rubber samples were loaded in tension. However both responded as predicted in the theory. In each cycle the temperature of rubber reaches maximum corresponding to the maximum displacement. On the other hand the peak in aluminium temperature matches the valley of the applied load. Temp: Al Temp: Rub Force: Al Disp: Rub 6.0 5.5 27.0 5.0 4.5 26.9 4.0 3.5 26.8 3.0 2.5 26.7 2.0 1.5 26.6 1.0 0.5 26.5 0.0 0 1 2 Applied load & disp (normalised) Temperature (deg C) 27.1 3 Number of cycle Figure 3 Thermoelastic effects accompanying deformations for aluminium and rubber o The average temperature difference of three cycles for aluminium and rubber measured from peak to peak were 0.082 C and 0.088 oC, respectively. The temperature difference for aluminium is unusually large for the applied load and sample dimensions. Cross checking with equation (30) using the material properties from [21], the temperature difference is in the region of 0.02 oC for the applied load range. The significant temperature difference in rubber sample may be justified due to its viscoelastic behaviour. In fact the mean temperature for rubber increases with every cycle as highlighted by the horizontal line that has been drawn across the curve. A very slight increase in the mean temperature can also be observed in the aluminium curve, but this trend was only temporary, only can be seen in the beginning stage of the cycle. The possibility of the erroneous in the level of temperature difference displayed by DeltaTherm is largely due to in accuracy of taking the reference temperature during the calibration of the camera/detector prior to the test. The thermocouple used was accurate only to one tenth of a degree, lacking in providing correct minute temperature reading. Since a proper calibration or temperature correction procedure is fairly difficult to accomplish therefore for quantitative analysis, stress or strain calibration is recommended in TSA. 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