CHANGE OF YOUNG’S MODULUS BY CONSTRICTION EFFECT OF REINFORCED SMART TiNi-FIBER COMPOSITE T. Aoki*, A. Shimamoto** *Department of Computer & Control Engineering Oita National College of Technology Oita, JAPAN 870-0152 **Advanced Science Laboratory Saitama Institute of Technology Saitama, JAPAN 369-0293 ABSTRACT SMA(TiNi) fiber was embedded into the matrix of epoxy resin And the fiber was instantaneously is applied by electric current, which causes reverse transformation on austenite side and produces compressed stress. It is already reported that the structure recovers and reinforces itself by the compressed stress. Thus, structure-members are supposed to be able to decrease the excessive member stress caused by sudden attacks from earthquakes or accidents. And as specimen models of the structure-members, TiNi-fiber-reinforced /epoxy-resin composite materials are manufactured. The specimen models made of epoxy-resin matrix with pre-strained fiber were embedded, by making the volume fraction change. During hardening of epoxy resin in the process of manufacturing, the temperature of TiNi fiber often exceeds the austenitic finish (Af), so that TiNi fiber of matrix contracts before the experiment. To prevent that phenomenon, both ends of the fibers were firmly fixed with jigs. And, keeping the pre-strained volume, the epoxy resins were embedded and hardened. In the experiment, as the specimen, the central beam was supposed. And the central part vibration experiments were conducted with TiNi fiber heated by electric current. The change of Young's modulus by heating TiNi fiber was considered and discussed. The results have shown that Young's modulus can be controlled by changing the volume fraction of TiNi fibers, pre-strain volume and applied current volume. Introduction Recently, Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) has been researched and developed as one of the most valuable and feasible materials because of its high performance comparable to those of living organisms in such points as perception, judgment and respond and so on. Previously, the present authors proposed a design concept of composite materials imbedded by SMA fiber, which can restore itself and strengthen on the high temperature side by generating compressive stress inside the matrix by using shape recovery or restoration effects caused by reverse transformation on the high temperature side(cf. Fig.1). Figure 2 shows the smart structural system with reinforced shape memory alloys and an AE sensor. The system can analyze and evaluate with a computer by using frequency characteristics and strength signal sensed by the AE sensor. When this system judges the signal above critical level set beforehand, the SMA is instantly heated by electric current and the structure contracts and is strengthened. In this research, TiNi-fiber-reinforced /epoxy-resin composite materials were made, based on the above design concept. Using specimen models, and assuming structure-members can decrease the excessive member stress caused by attacks from earthquakes or sudden accidents, the central part of the specimen was experimentally vibrated. The variations of Young’s modulus of TiNi-fiber accompanied by contraction under electric heating, fiber volume-fraction and pre-strain volume were measured and evaluated. Specimen and Experiment Specimen The specimens used in this experiment are TiNi-fiber-reinforced /epoxy-resin composite materials. The dimension of a specimen is shown in Fig. 3. The table 1 shows the mechanical properties of the TiNi fiber and the epoxy resin. The transformation temperatures of the TiNi fiber were determined as martensitic start Ms=31℃, martensitic finish Mf=15℃, austenitic start As=57 C ℃ and austenitic fnish Af=63℃. TiNi fibers had been previously given four kinds of tensile pre-strain volume(from now on, it is called as pre-strain volume)εpt=0,1,3 and 5% and next the TiNi fibers were heat treated and embedded with the same interval into the matrix. In making the specimen, the temperature often rises higher than austenitic finish (Af) during epoxy resin hardening and the TiNi fibers in the matrix often contract before the experiments. To prevent this happening, the both ends of the fibers were fixed firmly with jigs. And the fibers were hardened by epoxy-resins being cast with keeping their pre-strain volume. Fig.1 Basic design concept of intelligent composite material Fig.2 Schematic of the basic functional factors associated with smart material systems 170 15 6 15 3 4 4 2 2 22 2 2 Number of fibers Fig.3 Specimen for center beam Table 1 Mechanical property of constituents Material Young’s Modulus(GPa) Poisson’s Ratio Tensile Strength(MPa) TiNi fiber 30(M) 82(A) 3 0.43 1200∼1300(M) 1700(A) 50 Epoxy resin 0.39 M: Martensite A: Austenite Accelerometer Sensor DC Power Supply Current Specimen Jig Fibers Impedance Head Power Amplifier Personal Computer Fig.4 Experiment system for measuring vibration amplitude of beam Experimental Method Unexpected happenings such as earthquakes and the like often cause various kinds of load stress to the member of the structure. Therefore, in the case of both ends free and center vibration (central vibration type) , the inland earthquakes are taken consideration, the experiments were conducted under the environmental conditions as similar to the natural conditions as possible. It was made free the both ends of the specimen and vibrated the center of the specimen. It performed experiment under the environmental condition which is close to the naturally. The Experimental system used for measuring vibration amplitude of beams is shown in Figure 4. By using the regulated DC power supply device, five levels of current, 0, 1, 2, 3 and 3.5, were applied directly from both ends to the TiNi fiber in parallel. In the experiment, attention was paid for the both ends not to be constrained. The relationship between the applied current values and temperature of TiNi fiber is investigated as shown in Figure 5. Figure 5 shows that the temperature of the fiber rises according to the applied current value increases in all cases of the experiment, which confirms that the relationship is very good. And the vibration frequencies of the specimen were measured with the contact type accelerometer sensor installed on the impedance head and the contact-less type beam sensor, and the resonance frequencies and loss factors were calculated. .The variations of Young’s modulus of the specimen was investigated by applying heating current to TiNi fibers. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION YOUNG’S MODULUS OF TiNi-FIBER REINFORCED COMPOSITE MATERIAL The variations of Young’s modulus of TiNi-fiber by contraction under applied electric current, fiber volume-fraction and pre-strain volume were measured and evaluated. The central part of the specimen was vibrated in the experiments. From the experimental results by application of electric current to TNi fibers embedded into the matrix, the resonance frequency was measured and the Young’s modulus E was obtained by using the following equation. Ei n 2 i 2 l2 2 2 i A LL (i 1,2,3, L) Ig (1) Where ni l A I g i = resonance frequency of i-th-order = = = length of the specimen weight volume ratio cross section area of the specimen = = cross section of the geometrical moment of inertia gravitational acceleration value obtained by numerical analysis method from characteristic equation of vibration = Each Young’s modulus was calculated by the resonance frequencies of the first, second and third order, respectively, and the average value was set to be Young’s modulus E. The results are shown in Fig.6(a),(b) and (c). Figure 6(a) shows the relationship between the pre-strain value and Young’s modulus, Figure 6(b) shows the relationship between the volume fraction of fiber and Young’s modulus. Figure 6(c) shows the relationship between applied current and Young’s modulus. As is seen from Figure 6(a),(b) and (c), the Young’s modulus of center beam increases in accordance with the increase of pre-strain volume, fiber volume fraction, and constriction of SMA. However, from Figure 6(c), the following can be observed: in the case of pre-strain volume 0%, the Young’s modulus is constant, despite the increase of the applied current: in the case of pre-strain 5% and volume fraction 2.51%, the Young’s modulus lies 4.8∼4.6 between 0.17A ∼0.83 of applied current values: and in the case of volume fraction 1.26%, the values are found to be slightly lowered to 4.6∼4.3. Generally speaking, it has already reported 11) that the Young’s modulus of composite matrix decreases in accordance with the rise of temperature. The Young’s modulus E of SMA can be described as follows. E Vm E m Vf Ef Where Vm = Volume fraction of Matrix Em = Young’s Modulus of Matrix Vf = Volume fraction of SMA-fiber Ef = Young’s modulus of SMA-fiber (2) Temperature[℃] 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Current[A] Young's modulus[GPa] Fig.5 Relationship between current and temperature 5 4.5 ○ △ □ ◇ * ● ▲ ■ × Current Volume of a fiber fraction of fiber 0.17A 2.51% 0.33A 2.51% 0.5A 2.51% 0.58A 2.51% 0.0A 2.51% 0.33A 1.26% 0.67A 1.26% 1.0A 1.26% 0.0A 1.26% □ △ ○ * Current Pre-strain 0.33A 5% 0.5A 5% 0.58A 5% 0.0A 0% 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Pre-strain[%] Young's modulus[GPa] (a) Relationship between pre-strain and Young’s modulus 5 4.5 4 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Volumu fraction of fiber[%] Volume (b) Relationship between volume fraction of fiber and Young’s modulus Young's modulus[GPa] 5 Volume fraction 2.51% 1.26% Pre-starin 4.5 ○ △ □ ◇ 5% 3% 1% 0% ● ▲ ■ ◆ 5% 3% 1% 0% 4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Current[A] (c) Relationship between current and Young’s modulus Fig.6 Relationship between fiber volume, pre-strain, current and Young’s modulus As equation (2) shows, the Young’s modulus of SMA can be obtained by the Young’s modulus of the matrix and the Young’s modulus of embedded fiber into the matrix and by the volume fraction of the matrix and of the fiber embedded into the matrix. But, in the case of pre-strain of TiNi fiber 0%, the Young’s modulus lowers despite the increase of the applied current volume, which can be considered by the effect of Vm and Em of the matrix. This agrees to the result by Shimamoto and et al. well. From the results, it can be confirmed that the application of heating to TiNi changes the Young’s Modulus of TiNi fiber reinforced composite materials and that the change of the Young’s Modulus can prevent the destruction by external vibrations. Conclusion Taking material function characteristics such as SMA with self-reinforcement of upper temperature austenite phase and the shrinkage force due to SMA into consideration, the variations of the Young’s Modulus were studied on the center vibration of smart matrix composite (TiNi-fiber reinforced /epoxy-resin composite materials). And the possibility of prevention of destruction by controlling Young’s modulus was researched. 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