Isothermal Crystallization Kinetics of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)/Layered Double Hydroxide Nanocomposites Tzong-Ming Wu, Sung-Fu Hsu, Chien-Shiun Liao Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Chung Hsing University 250 Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung, Taiwan 402 E-mail: [email protected] ABSTRACT Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB)/layered double hydroxides (LDH) nanocomposites were fabricated by mixing PHB and PEOPA-modified LDH (PMLDH) in solution. These results obtained from X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) for PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites reveal that the PMLDHs are randomly distributed into the PHB matrix. Effect of PMLDH on the isothermal crystallization behavior of PHB was studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarized optical microscopy (POM). These results demonstrate that the loading of 1 and 2 wt% of PMLDH content into PHB matrix induced more heterogeneous nucleation in the crystallization process extensively increasing the crystallization rate and reducing the activation energy. The addition of more PMLDH content into the PHB perhaps inhibit the transport of the PHB molecule chains, resulting in a decrease of the PHB chain packing during crystallization, thus increasing the activation energy. Mechanical properties of the fabricated PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites show significant improvements in the storage modulus when compared to that of neat PHB. Introduction The biodegradable polymer, poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB), can be accumulated using a variety of bacteria as a reserve energy source [1-2]. In addition to renewable resources, PHB is a thermoplastic material with mechanical and physical properties close to those of isotactic polypropylene [3]. Therefore PHB has attracted much attention in various applications, such as medicine, packages, biomedical implants and agriculture [4]. Nevertheless, the thermal instability and brittleness of PHB significantly limit its application. Organic/inorganic nanocomposites containing high strength and modulus of inorganic material can enhance the mechanical and thermal properties of polymers. Polymer/layered silicate nanocomposites often reveal a significant improvement of physical and/or chemical properties relative to the pure polymer matrix and have received extensive attentions. For example, several investigations of PHB/MMT [5] and (PHB/HV)/MMT nanocomposites [6-7] have recently reported in the literature and their results show remarkable enhancement in the physical properties of PHB by adding a small amount of MMT into the original polymer matrix. Recently a new emerging class of inorganic layered material, layered double hydroxides (LDH), has been developed and considered as promising host-guest materials [8]. The crystal structure of LDH consists of brucite-like layers and the exchangeable interlayer anions, in which the LDHs can be intercalated with both inorganic and organic anions [9-10]. In this study, the PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites have been successfully prepared by the insertion of PHB polymer chains into the interlayer spacing of PMLDH. The aim of this work is to clarify the isothermal crystallization kinetics of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarized optical microscopy (POM). The laternal-surface and fold-surface energy as well as the activation energy of isothermal crystallization for of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites have also been determined. Experimental The poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) obtained from Aldrich Chemical Co. and purified with precipitated method by adding n-hexane into the PHB/chloroform solution. The Mg-Al layered double hydroxides (LDH) with the ratio of Mg/Al = 3 was performed by aqueous co-precipitation and thermal crystallization method [11]. The organic-modified LDH (PMLDH) was prepared using poly(ethyleneglycol) phosphonates (PEOPA) grafted to the surface of LDH and has been described previously [12]. The PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites were prepared by refluxing method in chloroform solution [13]. Isothermal crystallization behavior of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites was obtained using a Perkin-Elmer PYRIS Diamond DSC and the measurement was conducted under a nitrogen atmosphere. For isothermal crystallization, the samples were heated to melt at 190 oC and held for 3 min to remove the residual crystals. Then the specimens were quickly cooled to the proposed crystallization temperatures (Tcs) in the range of 110~130 oC. In order to evaluate the effect of crystallization temperatures on the isothermal crystallization behavior, all specimens were reheated from Tcs to 190 oC at a o -1 rate of 10 C·min . Spherulitic morphologies were performed using a Zeiss polarizing microscopy equipped with a Mettler o FP-82 hot stage. The samples were heated to melt at 190 C for 3 min on the hot stage to remove the previous thermal history, and then rapidly cooled to the proposed Tcs. The spherulite size and density of nuclei of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites recorded at the proposed Tc for various times. X-ray diffraction scans of these specimens were carried out with a Rigaku III diffractometer equipped with Ni-filtered CuKα radiation. Transmission electron microscopy was obtained with a JOEL transmission electron microscope using an acceleration voltage of 120 keV. Ultrathin section of PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites with a thickness of approximate 50 nm was prepared with a Reichert ultramicrotome. DMA experiments o were performed on a Perkin-Elmer instrument DMA 7e apparatus in the range of -50-100 C. The test samples size was 18 × 0.5 × 0.04 mm3 and the collected data were reproducible. Theory The isothermal crystallization kinetics of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites can be analyzed by using the classical Avrami equation [14]: 1 − X t= exp(−kt n ) (1) where Xt is the relative crystallinity at time t; k and n are the Avrami parameters, depending on the nucleation and growth mechanisms of spherulites. Equation (1) can be rewritten into (2) ln[− ln (1 − X t )] = ln k + n ln t The k and n values can be determined from the intercept and slope of plots of ln [-ln (1-Xt)] versus ln t. The activation energy (E) can be obtained using the following Arrhenius plot: (3) 1 / n(ln k ) = ln k 0 − E / RTc o where k0 is a temperature-independent factor and R is the gas constant. The equilibrium melting temperature (Tm ) can be determined from the crossing point of the Tm = Tc line with the extrapolation of Tm as a function of Tc by applying the Hoffman and Week’s equation [15], o (4) Tm =T m (1 − 1 / γ ) + (Tc / γ ) where γ is a factor that depends on the final laminar thickness. The regime theory of crystalline growth can be used to analyze the parameter of crystallization kinetics according to the Hoffman-Lauritzen equation [16]: ln G + ⎡ − Kg ⎤ U* = ln G0 − ⎢ ⎥ R (Tc − T∞ ) ⎣ fTc ΔT ⎦ (5) where G0 is a pre-exponential term, U* is the diffusional activation energy for the transport of crystallizable segments at the liquid-solid interface and was assumed to be 4.12 kcal/mol, T∞ is the hypothetical temperature below which viscous flow ceases and is universally equal to Tg – 51.6 K and f = 2Tc/(Tmo + Tc) is a correction factor that accounts for the change of 0 ΔHf with the temperature. The linear crystal growth (G) is obtained from the data of POM. The nucleation constant (Kg) contains contributions from the surface free energies of the lamellar crystals and it can be expressed using the equation [17], Kg = mb0 σσ eTm0 KΔH 0f (6) where b0 is the distance between two adjacent fold planes and is equal to 0.58 nm according to previous report [18]; m is a parameter that depends on the regime of crystallization, which is 4 in regimes I and III and 2 in regime II; K is the Boltzmann constant; σ and σe are the lateral and folding surface free energy; ΔHf0 is the enthalpy of fusion of the perfect crystalline 8 3 polymer and is equal to 1.85× 10 J/m . The Kg and G0 values can be determined from the slope and intercept of the plots of ln G + U*/[R (Tc -T∞)] versus 1 / [f Tc ΔT]. The derived Kgs can be used to calculate the folding surface free energy, σe, for the polymer as the lateral surface free energy, σ, was estimated by the Thomas-Staveley equation [19]: (7) σ = αΔH 0f (a0b0 )1/ 2 where α is an empirically determined constant and is equal to 0.25 for high-melting polyesters [20]; (a0b0) cross-sectional area of a chain of PHB crystal [18]. 1/2 was the Results and discussion The X-ray diffraction curves of LDH, PMLDH and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites are shown in Figure 1. From the data of LDH, there are three strong diffraction peaks at 2θ = 11.4°, 22.9° and 34.5°, indicating three orders of interlayer spacing between LDHs. The interlayer distance of LDH is 7.8 A determined by the Bragg’s equation using the diffraction peak 2θ = 11.4°, corresponding to the distance of 003 plane. These diffraction peak intensities of PMLDHs are significantly decreased, indicating that the ordered structures of LDHs are gradually disappeared. Nevertheless all X-ray diffraction data of nanocomposites showed no d003-reflection in this region, thus suggesting no regular periodicity between the interlayer distances. These results demonstrate that polymer chains of PHB could have been successfully distributed into the PMLDH galleries. In order to clarify the dispersion of PMLDH in PHB, TEM was used to visually estimate the degree of exfoliation. Figure 2 shows TEM micrographs of 5 wt% PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites, in which the gray areas represent the inorganic layers of PMLDH randomly distributed in the PHB matrix (bright). From the TEM results, the dispersion of PMLDH in the fabricated nanocomposites was well distributed in the polymer matrix. Therefore the results of X-ray diffraction and TEM image demonstrated that most of the hydroxide layers are exfoliated in the PHB matrix. Relative Intensity d003 (f) (e) (d) (c) (b) (a) 2 6 10 14 18 22 26 30 34 38 2θ (degrees) Figure 1. X-ray diffraction data for (a) LDH, (b) PMLDH, (c) neat PHB, (d) 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH, (e) 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH and (f) 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. Figure 2. TEM micrographs of 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH nanocomposite. The isothermal crystallization kinetics of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites are obtained using the Avrami equation. The Avrami parameters k and n values of neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites obtained from the intercept and slope of a plot of ln [-ln(1-Xt)] versus ln t are listed in TABLE 1. The n values of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites are in the range of 2.1~2.6 with increasing Tc. These results suggest that the addition of PMLDH into PHB did not change the crystallization mechanism of PHB. In addition, the k value decreased with increasing Tc due to a gradual decrease in the degree of supercooling. The k value of PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites increased as the PMLDH content increases from 1 to 2 wt %, indicating the presence of PMLDH induced more heterogeneous nucleation of PHB matrix and significantly increased the crystallization rate of PHB polymer. However, the k value decreased as PMLDH increased to 5 wt %, indicating more PMLDH probably causes more steric hindrance during the formation of PHB crystallization. Similar phenomena have been observed in other nanocomposites [21-22]. The activation energy E for PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites obtained by Equation (3) is shown in Figure 3 and summarized in TABLE 1. The E decreases with increasing PMLDH content from 1 to 2 wt %, indicating that the addition PMLDH into PHB maybe induces more heterogeneous nucleation to decrease activation energy during crystallization. But the addition of more PMLDH caused more steric hindrance also reduces the transport of polymer chains during crystallization, hence the E of nanocomposites increased with increasing the PMLDH content from 2 wt % to 5 wt %. TABLE 1. Values of n, k and E at various Tc for neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. Sample o Tc ( C) n k (×102·min-1) 110 2.1 36.6 115 2.2 7.6 120 2.3 1.4 125 2.5 0.2 130 2.4 0.05 110 2.2 57.9 115 2.3 24.9 120 2.4 4.1 125 2.4 0.6 130 2.5 0.07 E (kJ·mol-1) Neat PHB -165.6 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH -170.9 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH 110 2.4 100.6 115 2.4 31.1 120 2.4 5.2 125 2.5 0.7 130 2.6 0.08 -183.1 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH 110 2.2 55.1 115 2.4 15.4 120 2.5 3.9 125 2.4 0.5 130 2.4 0.07 -167.4 0.5 0.0 -0.5 1/nlnk -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 PHB 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH -2.5 -3.0 -3.5 2.45 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 -1 1/Tc (K ) Figure 3. Arrhenius plots of 1/n(lnk) versus 1/Tc for neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. o o The equilibrium melting temperature (Tm ) was determined using the Equation (4). The Tm obtained from our experimental o data is close to that reported in the literature using the Tc in the range of 80~140 C [23] and is also listed in TABLE 2. The value of Tmo decreases with the addition of PMLDH content from 2 to 5 wt %, which indicated the crystalline phase of 2 wt% and 5 wt% PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites was less perfect than that of neat PHB. This phenomenon is probably due to the presence of more heterogeneous nucleation induced by PMLDH, thus leading to small crystallite of PHB in PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. TABLE 2. Values of Tm0, Kg G0, σ and σe for neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. Neat PHB 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH 190.9 191.3 190.1 188.4 5.5 5.3 5.0 4.2 390.9 163.4 63.0 5.1 σ (erg·cm ) 28.6 28.6 28.6 28.6 -2 σe (erg·cm ) 45.6 44.0 41.4 35.4 0 Tm (oC) 2 -5 Kg (K ) ×10 -1 -12 G0 (μm·sec ) ×10 -2 Figure 4 shows polarized optical micrographs of the PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites isothermal crystallized at o o 115 C and 130 C. From this figure, the numbers of spherulites at the same Tc are increased as the PMLDH content increases, indicating that the incorporation of PMLDH induced the heterogeneous nucleation in the PHB matrix. At the same time, the nucleation density in PHB also increases with the existence of PMLDH. Nevertheless, the amounts of spherulites for the same specimens are approximately identical as Tc increases, indicating that the crystallization temperature is not a governing factor of the nucleation of PHB crystallization. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) Figure 4. POM of (a) neat PHB, (b) 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH, (c) 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH and (d) 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites and (e) neat PHB, (f) 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH, (g)2 wt % PHB/PMLDH and (h) 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites isothermally crystallized at 115oC and 130 oC. The linear growth rate of spherulite (G) of neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites was obtained as a function of Tcs. The Kg and G0 values determined from the slope and intercept of the plots of ln G + U*/[R (Tc - T∞)] versus 1 / [f Tc ΔT] are shown in Figure 5 and listed in TABLE 2. The G0 value of the PHB is much higher than those of the PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites, suggesting the presence of PMLDH could inhibit the chain mobility of PHB segments. Thus the G0 value decreases as PMLDH loading increases. lnG+U*/R(Tc-T8 ) 14 13 12 11 PHB 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH 10 9 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.0 4.2 5 4.4 4.6 4.8 -1 1/fTcΔT(x10 K ) Figure 5. Plots of ln(G) + U*/[ R (Tc-T∞)] versus 1 /[ fTcΔT] for neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. From the peak positions of X-ray diffraction data shown in Figure 1, the neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites contain the same crystalline structure. Therefore the crystalline parameter b0 of PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites can be assumed to be the same as that of neat PHB. In order to further investigate the surface energy of PHB during the crystallization process, the Lauritzen Z test was performed to determine the regime of selected Tc. Z test is defined as Z ≈10 3 ( L 2 X ) exp( ) Tc ΔT 2a 0 (8) where a0 is the molecular width and L is the effective substrate length. The value of a0 reported in previous literature is 0.66 nm [18]. According to Z test, if the substitution of X = 2Kg into the test results in Z ≥ 1.0, regime II kinetics are followed. If with X = Kg into the test results in Z ≤ 0.01, regime I or III kinetics are followed. As mentioned by Lauritzen and Hoffman [19], this method is more suitable to identify the value of Kg and the inequalities for Z to calculate the values of L in regime I/III or regime II and to determine whether the value is reasonable. Assuming Z ≥ 1.0 and substituting X = 2Kg into the test, L ≥ 6 2.1×10 nm, which is obviously impossible. Assuming Z ≤ 0.01 and substituting X = Kg into the test, L ≤ 29.6 nm, and this calculation is reasonable for PHB. According to previous publication [24], there was a transition for PHB from regime III to regime II at the temperature around 130-140°C. Therefore, the present data of crystallization regime at 110°C≦Tc≦130°C is attributed to be regime III, and m = 4 was adopted. Therefore the folding surface free energy (σe) for the PHB listed in TABLE 2 can be calculated using the derived Kgs, as the lateral surface free energy (σ) was estimated by the -2 Thomas-Staveley equation. The data of folding surface free energy for PHB is 45.6 erg·cm and agrees quite well with the previous investigation [18]. The σe of PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites was lower than that of neat PHB, suggesting that the addition of PMLDH into PHB may induce the heterogeneous nucleation of PHB crystallization and then decrease the surface energy barrier for PHB crystallization. DMA performed over a temperature range of -50 to 100°C was used to determine the mechanical properties of PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites, in which the data of dynamic storage modulus (G’) are listed in TABLE 3. At -50°C, the G’ increased with increasing PMLDH loading from 1 to 2 wt %, indicating that the intercalated PMLDH into PHB matrix have significant enhancement on the elastic properties of the PHB matrix. The enhancement of G’ of 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH nanocomposite is about 88% higher than that of the neat PHB. Nevertheless, the G’ decreases with the loading of PMLDH increases from 2 wt % to 5 wt %. These results suggested the reinforcement effects of PHB/PMLDH nanocomposite are predominated by the loading of PMLDH and their interaction with the PHB matrix. As the addition of more PMLDH into PHB, the PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites containing more organic PEOPA molecules with low mechanical properties may reduce the storage modulus of material that results in the lower storage modulus in 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. TABLE 3. Dynamic storage modulus (G’) of neat PHB and PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites. G’ (MPa) - 50 oC o 25 C Neat PHB 1 wt % PHB/PMLDH 2 wt % PHB/PMLDH 5 wt % PHB/PMLDH 1600 2730 3000 2020 700 1340 1450 890 Conclusion The exfoliated PHB/PMLDH nanocomposite has been successfully prepared by mixing the PHB and PEOPA-modified LDH (PMLDH) in solution. Mechanical properties of prepared PHB/PMLDH nanocomposites show significant improvements in the storage modulus when compared to that of neat PHB. 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