ON THE CHARACTERISATION OF CELLULAR MATERIALS USED IN SANDWICH CONSTRUCTION R.A.W.Mines, Impact Research Centre, Department of Engineering, University of Liverpool, Brownlow Street, Liverpool, L69 3GH, UK ABSTRACT The paper gives an overview of issues relating to the characterisation of the progressive collapse of core cellular materials used in sandwich construction. The specific structural application addressed is foreign object impact, and in this case the core cellular material is subject to multi axial stresses, progressive collapse and possible rupture. The paper gives an overview of various theoretical and modelling issues, which are then related to experimental materials and structural tests for model development, calibration and validation. Most discussion concerns polymeric foam, metal foam and metallic micro lattice structures. Introduction Sandwich construction is being used for lightweight structures in aerospace, marine and automotive industries. The application driver for this is good specific stiffness and strength properties. Skin materials can be polymer composite, metal or hybrid materials, such as fibre metal laminates. Design parameters include skin and core thicknesses, skin and core mechanical properties. Structural design criteria include skin buckling, core shear failure and core skin debonding. Loadings not only include one off loads, but also fatigue behaviour. An important design driver is foreign object impact, e.g. dropped tools and ballistic impact for aerostructures. Foreign object impact will be the starting point for discussion here. Mines et al [1] give a discussion of low velocity impact of sandwich panels with syntactic foam type and aluminium honeycomb cores. They experimentally study the localised crush behaviour of core materials under multi axial stresses, and also the rupture behaviour of cores. For the case of aluminium honeycomb (low density) , the indenter (diameter 50mm) deforms the upper skin and core, then perforates the upper skin and crushes the core, and finally perforates the lower skin. For the case of the syntactic foam type of material (high density), the core plays a greater role in the perforation process as its failure stress is similar to the failure stress of the skin. Crushable Foams Crushable foams have been used for many years as core materials in sandwich construction. Possible foam materials are based on polymers (e.g. Divinycell [2], Rohacell [3]), metals (e.g. Alporas [4]) and graphite. It has been shown that the mechanical properties of cellular materials, e.g. elastic behaviour, uniaxial crush and densification, are dependent on the cell geometry, on the cell size (foam density) and on the parent material [5]. Figure 1 shows the microstructures for Rohacell 51 WF and Alporas foams [3,4]. Rohacell 51WF (density = 51 kgm-3) is a PMI foam with a well defined cell geometry and a fine structure (cell size typically 0.5mm). Alporas (density 200 kgm-3) is a closed cell alumimium foam with a coarse and variable cell size (2 to 10mm). A feature of foam behaviour during the progressive collapse of a sandwich beam or the perforation of a sandwich panel is multi axial crush. In this, not only the initiation of damage is of interest, but also progressive damage and large scale rupture. These behaviours can be simulated using finite element analysis and continuum models, in which not only deviatoric deformation is taken into account but also hydrostatic effects. 5MM Figure 1. Microstructure for (a) Rohacell 51WF [3] and (b) Alporas [4] foams Deshpande and Fleck [6] summarise a basic model for this, and their equation for the initiation of damage ( σ ) is: ⎛ ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ 1 ⎜ ⎟ 2 σ= ⎜ σ e + α 2σ 2 m 2 ⎟ ⎜ 1 + ⎛⎜ α ⎞⎟ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ ⎝3⎠ ⎠ ( ) (1) Where σe = deviatoric stress, σm = hydrostatic stress and α = curve fitting parameter that defines the shape of the yield surface. They also describe the progression of failure in terms of a linear tangent modulus. This model has been implemented in the explicit finite element code DYNA [7]. DYNA has a number of other foam crush simulation models of varying complexity. Langseth et al [8] compare these for metal foams and for various loading conditions. They conclude that current models do not accurately simulate all behaviour, and also that a more complex model does not necessarily give more accurate results. Also, a more complex model usually requires more experimental data as input. Hence, there is a balance to make between sophistication of material model and its robustness and ease of calibration. Such models require extensive experimental data as input, e.g. multi axial data, hydrostatic compression and even hydrostatic tension data [2,3]. The Arcan test can be adapted to test foams under combined compression/shear or tension/shear (see Figure 2). As the grips are rotated with respect to the uniaxial testing grips, so various combinations of stress can be achieved. The aim is to construct the failure envelope in principal stress space. In the case of hydrostatic testing, Deshpande and Fleck [ 9 ] use a complex 3D cruciform geometry, Mines et al use a cylindrical specimen [3] and Peroni et al [10] also use a cylindrical specimen. In some cases, cell walls can rupture giving rise to large scale tearing in a structure, e.g. core shear failure in a bending sandwich beam [11]. Hence, in this case, a multi axial failure criterion has to be developed to integrate with a continuum model. Langseth et al [12] suggest a two parameter approach for metal foam, which includes maximum plastic volumetric strain and maximum principal stress. Mines et al [13] suggest a single parameter, i.e. maximum effective strain criterion, for polymeric foam. Daniel and Gdoutos [14] suggest a point interactive criterion based on Tsai Wu for polymeric foam. These parameters have been validated for specific foams and specific loading conditions. However, there is a need for more fundamental investigation of these types of failure criteria for foams. An issue here is the modelling of progression of damage. If finite element simulations are being used, then element erosion or deletion can be used, however this leads to mesh sensitivity [11]. Complicating factors in describing the behaviour of foams One of the disadvantages of the continuum modelling approach for foams is the occurrence of strain softening in some foams, e.g. Rohacell. This gives rise to strain localisation, which means that strains are discontinuous through a volume being crushed [15]. This has implications for continuum modelling. Other issues relating to the characterisation of foams are as follows. Metallic foams (e.g. Alporas) have large cell size that can make a continuum analysis inappropriate for cores with small relative dimension. Also, such foams have variable cell size by up to a factor of five, which means that there are large property variations through a core volume [11]. Figure 2. Arcan test for multi axial testing of metallic foams Microstructural models for foam Given the wide variety of foams, and other cellular structures, there is interest in looking at the microstructure and to relate the microstructure to continuum models. This is called homogenisation. For example, truncated octahedral structures have been proposed to characterise elastic and collapse behaviour of Rohacell foam [16,17]. Figure 3 gives the geometry in the form of a frame work, which can be used for open cell foams. There is the possibility to use this geometry as a shell structure, which is applicable to closed cell foams, e.g. Rohacell. Chen and Lakes [16] quantify such properties as relative stiffness and strength with these models. Mills and Zhu [17] develop this truncated octahedral approach to model a single cell with edges and faces. They quantify the deformation of cells and faces, and they include elasto plastic response. It should be noted that cell edges contain 40% of the material in a metallic closed cell foam, and so a combination of framework and shell models may be required. Additional complexity comes from the variation of cell size in foams. This issue has been addressed by Bazant et al. [18], and they model the behaviour of Divinycell H100 foam using a micro plane model. They model each sphere individually, and they assume perfect friction and no slip between spheres. Figure 3. Framework model for truncated octahedral geometry The direct approach in foam modelling It is perhaps worth noting here the direct approach of taking a computed X ray tomography picture of the full depth of the foam and inputting the geometry into a finite element analysis [19]. This is a useful approach for small blocks of material but it is still problematic for the non linear behaviour of large scale structures. Also, the approach does not give transparent understanding of micro structural effects. New generation metallic lattice structures Another driver for micro mechanical models is the development of manufacturing procedures for lattice structures. These include conventional manufacturing techniques [20] as well as more advanced manufacturing techniques [21]. In the latter, the rapid prototyping selective laser melting (SLM) technique allows the realisation of metallic open cellular lattice structures at the micro meter scale [21]. For example, micro lattice structures can be developed with strut diameters of 150 micro meters, and with aspect ratios from 1 to 100 plus. Figure 4 shows a body centred cubic structure (Stainless Steel 316L) block tested under compression and a beam after test under three point bend. In the latter, the two ply skin is woven carbon epoxy pre preg. There has been no attempt as yet to optimise lattice geometry for crush efficiency, as manufacturing issues are non trivial and are still being sorted out. This SLM manufacturing technique is being used at Liverpool to investigate body centred cubic [22,23], octet truss [24], tetrahedral [25], and Kagome [26] structures. The preferred core topologies are those of stretch and compression without bending [24]. Tetrahedral trusses are good for plates [25], Kagome trusses have superior isotropy and greater resistance to softening modes such as plastic buckling [26] and octet trusses are good for stretching not bending behaviour but they are complex [24]. Figure 4. bcc block at 6% compression [ 22] and beam after three point bend [ 23]. Cell size 2mm Given the generality of the SLM manufacturing approach, there is the opportunity to realise lattice structures that have been formally optimised. This ties in with the Topology Optimisation approach proposed by Sigmund and Bendsoe [27]. However, these methods are mostly focussed on elastic behaviour, and methodologies are less well developed for the progressive collapse of lattice structures. However, Pedersen [28], has made a start in the area. Multiple modes of failure (e.g. strut yielding, elastic buckling, plastic buckling and rupture) make formal optimisation difficult. For example, modes of strut failure during crush will be dependent of the aspect ratio of struts. It should be noted that the quantification of behaviour of such lattice structures requires the measuring of strut properties. This requires tension and compression testing at the micro scale, where failure loads are the order of one Newton. The properties of the struts will be dependent on their orientation, as in the SLM manufacturing process, lattice structures are built up layer by layer [21]. Graded cellular structures Given the ability to tailor cellular structures, there is the opportunity to realise graded structures. For example, in the case of foreign object impact of sandwich panels, there would be interest in having a finer cellular structure nearer the skin and a more coarse cellular structure towards the centre of the panel [29]. These stratified structures have been realised for open cell foams using investment casting manufacturing processes [30]. Figure 5 shows a possible graded geometry for selectively laser melted bcc,z lattice structures of the type described in [21]. The transition region doubles the cell size in going from bottom to top, i.e. 4 cells into 1. The picture shows the 4 cells and the transition region. A design aspect is structural continuity for the struts. The general structural design issue here would be the transition of properties from fine to coarse regions, and making sure that the transition region does not become a weak point in the structure. Strain rate effects in cellular solids It is not the purpose of the current paper to discuss strain rate effects in depth, but fairly obviously these may well be important for foreign object impact damage. The dynamic response of cellular materials can be thought to be dependent on global strain rates, although in the case of strain localisation, local strain rates will be higher than global rates. Figure 5. Model of transition in cell size in a bcc,z micro lattice structure Impact compression, shear and tension tests are possible using drop weights or dynamic servo hydraulic machines [31]. For Rohacell 51WF, it has been shown that [32]: σ dy ⎛ ε& ⎞ A log⎜⎜ ⎟⎟.....when.....10 −3 ≤ ε& ≤ 100 s −1 = 1+ σy σy ⎝ ε&r ⎠ σ dy = 1.21.....when.....10 0 ≤ ε& ≤ 10 2 s −1 σy (2) (3) Where σdy is the dynamic failure stress, σy is the static failure stress, A is a material value, έ is the strain rate and έr is the static reference strain rate. This foam shows some rate sensitivity at low rates and insensitivity at higher rates. Gibson and Ashby [5] have identified the physical bases for these behaviours as cell wall inertia and strain localisation. At the very high rates (strain rates greater than 104 per sec), shock waves form in the material and so there is a maximum speed at which a disturbance can travel through foam [34]. Summary of issues to be addressed Manufacturing technology is now developed to such a point that we can now think about tailoring and optimising cellular structures at the micro scale. Although foams and lattice structures have been the focus of discussion here, manufacturing technologies are also developing for other cellular cores such as honeycomb and folded cores [34]. In the latter, folded geometry can been pre defined to give specific sandwich panel properties. The manufacturing process consists of rolled Nomex paper [33]. To summarise, the study of cellular microstructure and the relating of this to structural behaviour is currently a very active research field. Some of the current experimental mechanics research issues are: 1. 2. Deriving parent material properties for structural features with micro meter dimension. Development of homogenised models which can simulate the complex micro structural behaviour but which can also be used efficiently to simulate the non linear behaviour of large sandwich structures. 3. 4. 5. The development of various global materials tests that can be used to develop, calibrate and validate these models. These include Arcan and hydrostatic tests. Deriving impact material properties, and distinguishing between parent material strain rate effects and cell wall inertial effects. Materials tests and models need to be able to cope with graded structures and to provided bases for the development of optimum configurations, taking into account the limitations of the specific manufacturing process. Acknowledgements The work described in this paper was supported from contracts: EPSRC/EP/C009525/1, EPSRC/EP/009398/1, and EU FP6 CELPACT. EPSRC/GR/F10057/01, EU FP4 CRASURV, References 1. Mines, R.A.W., Worrall, C.M., Gibson, A.G., Int. J. Imp. Engg., 21 (10), 855-879, 1998 2. 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