NEW EQUIPMENT FOR LIQUID METAL EMBRITTLEMENT CHARACTERISATION FOR VERTICAL AXIS TESTING MACHINES Carpio, J., Álvarez, J.A., Casado, J.A., Gutiérrez-Solana, F. División de Ciencia e Ingeniería del Terreno y de los Materiales (LADICIM) E.T.S.I. Caminos, Canales y Puertos Avda. de los Castros, s/n University of Cantabria 39005 Santander (Cantabria) SPAIN ABSTRACT This paper shows the design, validation and test results of a device for the performance of mechanical tests on specimens disposed in horizontal position when the available testing machines apply vertical loads. The device in this paper solves the specific problem of developing tensile and fracture toughness tests of specimens in liquid Zn at 450ºC when there is only a vertical load machine over a flat surface. The paper begins with the explanation of the problem and the needed equipment. Secondly, the proper solution and the design of the test setup are explained, including dimensional calculation and strength distribution for this specific case. After that, room temperature validation tensile tests were performed, in order to know correction factors to apply. Finally, three different tests were conducted on CT specimens and notched tensile specimens to obtain toughness and metallurgical information. Introduction Hot dip galvanization is a very common technique used worldwide to protect structural steels versus corrosion. It consists of the immersion of the steel piece into a liquid zinc bath, usually at 450ºC. The corrosion protection is achieved by three mechanisms: 1.- The zinc and its oxides act as a barrier protection against oxidation. 2.- The zinc acts as a sacrificial anode that avoids iron oxidation when the barrier is broken. 3.- If the zinc barrier has little defects, the zinc oxide can cover them, avoiding the corrosion cell. During immersion in liquid Zn, some reactions between iron and zinc occur, and Zn-Fe compound layers appear on the steel base. So the steel base and zinc are metallurgically joined, not joined by adherence [1]. Occasionally, cracking during galvanizing of large structural steels occurs. Cracks appear in points with high residual stresses from fabrication process. These cracks can be very big, and they affect the structural integrity of the components. Figure 1 shows a clear example of a big crack. 1,80 m Figure 1. Example of failure during galvanizing. Those kind of failures were very occasionally, but there became more frequent when low melting point elements, such as Sn and Bi, were added to traditional liquid Zn baths, which contained Zn and ≈ 1% of Pb. Research projects have been launched in Japan, United States and Europe to find the solution to this problem [2], but not clear conclusions have been obtained. One of the last research projects about this topic is FAMEGA (Failure Mechanisms during Galvanizing), supported by the European Commission, and which main goal is to know the failure mechanisms during galvanizing and to give recommendations to the industry in order to avoid them. One of the main tasks of this work is to establish the cracking micromechanisms during galvanization. In order to get this achievement, tensile and toughness tests have to be conducted in liquid Zn, at 450ºC, the galvanization temperature. Usual mechanical testing machines apply vertical loads. There are horizontal testing machines, but generally their design and size are not appropriate to place under them a furnace with liquid Zn at 450ºC. Other possible solution is to use little crucibles (usually made of graphite) which can be adapted to the specimen. The setup specimen-crucible is introduced in a chamber that can control the temperature. See an example in Figure 2. Figure 2. Example of crucible surrounding a specimen for liquid metal embrittlement tests [3]. This solution is not very appropriate when there are different kinds of specimens, and it reduces the possibilities of introducing extensometers and other devices to measure strain. Thereby, it was thought that a device that allows test specimens in a horizontal position using vertical axis testing machines was necessary. This device should protect the testing machine against the hot and the contact to liquid Zn. Solution: Crucible furnace and device for liquid metal embrittlement tests To solve the explained technical problem, the first step was to choose the testing machine, and to determine the necessary space to place the furnace with the liquid Zn and the device to transmit the load from the testing machine to the immersed specimen. The chosen apparatus was an INSTRON static and dynamic testing machine, H1730 model, with a capacity of 100 kN, placed over a flat surface. See Figure 3. Figure 3. INSTRON static and dynamic testing machine, H1730 model. The available space under the machine is 108 cm height, 93 cm width and the length was totally free. The furnace is a crucible one for low melting point metals (until 600ºC). It has got a cylindrical shape, its external dimensions are 55 cm height and 42 cm diameter, and the internal dimensions are 42 cm height and 24 cm diameter. The capacity of the used stainless steel crucible is 48-50 kg of liquid Zn. Figure 4 shows a photograph of the furnace. Figure 4. Crucible furnace for Zn melting. The height between the furnace and the testing machine was 53 cm. Other conditions that had to be accomplished by the testing device were [4]: 1.- Transmit the load to the specimen without excessive rubbing. 2.- The device material must have appropriate mechanical properties at 450ºC, galvanization temperature. 3.- Much more tough than the specimen. 4.- Load on the specimen has to be easily calculated. 5.- Space and conditions for COD or extensometer placing have to be permitted. 6.- Flexibility refers to different specimens, test conditions or even liquid metal. The solution obtained was a metallic device similar to a “compass”, with two arms hold to an upper pin hole. In the lower part there are two U-shaped beams, joined to the specimen and to the lower part of the device arms. This device design guarantees that the only part which is immersed in the liquid Zn is the specimen and a part of the U-shaped beams, but not the testing machine. See the design in Figure 5. Figure 5. Drawings of the experimental testing device. The experimental device is put on tracks, with bearings that roll on a surface covered with Teflon® (polytetrafluoroethylene), to minimize rubbing. The joining between the tensile specimens and the device is direct, screwing the specimen into a hole in the proper place of the U-shaped beams. The joining of the CT and other toughness specimens and their clevis is got with proper screws and threads. Observe the final result in Figure 6. Figure 6. Experimental testing device mounted with a notched tensile and a compact tensile (CT) specimen. The material used for the experimental device was the EN 10028:2 X10CrMoVNb 9-1 +NT (1.4903) steel, with a yield stress of 349 MPa at 450ºC. Engineering design This section pretends not to exactly size the experimental device, but to develop the strength calculation required to know the load applied to the specimen in function of the load applied by the testing machine, and we also pretend to give criterions to evaluate if the device will not suffer plastic deformation in its critical points. Strength distribution is presented in Figure 7. Figure 7. Strength distribution in the experimental device for testing in liquid Zn. Due to the symmetry of the device, we get R = R1 = R2 and H = H1 = H2. These strengths are calculated by Eq. (1) and (2): where R= F 2·senα (1) H= F 2·tan α (2) α= angle between the device arms and the horizontal plane There are two critical sections in this device: a) The lower pin hole that joins together the arm with the U-shaped beam, and the remained section of the arm and Ushaped beam closed to this pin hole (Figure 8). b) The corners of the U-shaped beams (Figure 9). Figure 8. Connection point between the arm, the U-shaped beam and the lower pin hole of the device. d Figure 9. Scheme of a corner of the U-shaped beam. The criterions to obtain the applied stress in the critical sections are extracted from the Eurocode 3 [5]. Those criterions are the following: - In the lower pin hole: Figure 8. 1) The shear strength Q and the bending moment M in the section of the lower pin hole fit the following equation: ⎛ M ⎜ ⎜M ⎝ u ,b where 2 ⎞ ⎛ Q ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ ⎜Q ⎠ ⎝ u ,b 2 ⎞ ⎟ ≤1 ⎟ ⎠ (3) Q = 0,5·N M = N· (t1+4c+2t2)/8 Mu,b = pin hole ultimate bending moment = 0,8·Wel·fy/γMp, Qu,b =pin hole ultimate shear moment = 0,6·A·fu,b/γMp, Wel = pin hole plastic section modulus A = Cross-sectional area γMp = Safety coefficient = 1,25 fy = Yield stress fu,b = ultimate strength 2) There is no flattening between the lower pin hole and the remaining sections of the arm and U-shaped beam. N< where 1,5·t ·d · f y γ Mp (4) t = minimum between t1 and 2·t2 in Figure 8. - In the corner of the U-shaped beam: Figure 9. 1) There is no bending of the U-shaped beam: σ= where M ·y ≤ σ y I σ = stress; σy = yield stress I = Moment of inertia y = Extreme fiber distance M = Beam bending moment = H·d (5) Device validation After the design of the testing device for immersed specimens, the next step is its validation. The tests performed to validate the device were tensile tests. The experimental setup is shown in Figure 10, where the furnace is substituted by a horizontal beam. The results obtained with the device were compared with those obtained in a universal testing machine. Two different steels were tested: - EN 10025:2 S460N steel: 3 specimens tested with universal testing machine and 3 specimens tested with the device. - EN 10025:2 S355ML steel: 3 specimens tested with universal testing machine and 2 more tested with the device. Figure 10. Experimental setup for the validation of the device for liquid Zn testing. The results obtained for both of the steels are displayed in Figure 11 and in tables 1 and 2. A little loose of load by rubbing is detected, but is proportionally constant, and a factor of 0.96 can correct effectively the different load obtained. 700 600 600 Universal testing machine 500 Device Device 500 Universal testing machine 400 400 300 300 SpecimenS460N-B1 Specimen S460N-B2 Specimen S460N-B3 Specimen S460N-B4 Specimen S460N-B5 Specimen S460N-B6 200 Specimen S355ml-b1 Specimen s355ml-b2 Specimen s355ml-b3 Specimen s355ml-B4 Specimen s355ml-B5 200 100 100 0 0 0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,14 0,16 0 0,05 ε (basis: 25 mm) 0,1 0,15 0,2 0,25 ε (basis: 25 mm) Figure 11. Stress-Strain graph of EN 10025:2 S460N and S355ML steel specimens tested in a universal testing machine and the device for liquid Zn testing. Table 1. Results for S460N steel validation tests. S460N steel U.T. tests Machine Yield stress 512 ± 4 (Average, MPa) Ultimate strength 648 ± 6 (Average, MPa) Device Correction factor 532 ± 3 0,96 ± 0,02 672 ± 1 0,96± 0,01 Table 2. Results Table 2.for Results S355ML for steel S355ML validation steel validati tests. on tests S355ML steel tests U.T. Machine Yield stress 441 ± 10 (Average, MPa) Ultimate strength 519 ± 15 (Average, MPa) Device Correction factor 460 ± 2 0,96 ± 0,03 544 ± 3 0,95 ± 0,04 Tests performed with the new device The different tests have been performed for the FAMEGA project with the device described in this paper: 1) Toughness tests in liquid Zn with CT specimens of EN 10025:2 S450J0 steel. 2) Toughness tests in liquid Zn with notched tensile specimens made of EN 10025:2 S450J0 steel. 3) Interrupted tests in liquid Zn with CT specimens EN 10025:2 S460M steel. The experimental setup is very similar for the three tests, and is shown in Figure 12. In Figure 13 appears a scheme of the CT and notched tensile (axilsymmetric) specimens. These specimens have to pass the usual surface treatments previous to galvanizing (washing, pickling and fluxing) [6]. Figure 12. Experimental setup for tests in liquid Zn. Figure 13. Scheme of CT and notched tensile specimen to be tested in liquid Zn. The objective of tests number 1 and 2 were to obtain the different material behaviour in liquid Zn, compared with the behaviour in air at room temperature and 450ºC. The results of that comparison are displayed in Figure 14. There is a clear embrittlement effect in liquid Zn. The objective of test number 3 was to apply stress to a CT specimen without breaking it (F = 6.93 kN Æ H = 3.4 kN, with a correction factor of 0.96) and study if there were cracking initiation. The observation by means of an electronic microscope in a longitudinal section of the CT sample confirmed that there were cracking initiation, and the galvanizing layer composition in the crack tip was very much richer in Sn than the original Zn bath. See the micrographs in Figure 15. 12 25 10 20 8 Air 15 Air 6 10 450ºC 4 450ºC 5 2 Liquid Zn Liquid Zn 0 0 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 COD(mm) 0,8 1 0 1,2 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,14 Δφ (mm) a) b) Figure 14. a) Toughness tests (J) of EN 10025:2 S450J0 steel in air at 20 and 450ºC and liquid Zn; b) Tensile tests at slow strain rate of EN 10025:2 S450J0 steel in air at 20 and 450ºC and liquid Zn. 300 μm Sn Zn Figure 15. Micrographs of a crack tip promoted by embrittlement in a CT specimen of EN10025:2 S460M steel. Conclusions This paper has shown the design, validation and an example of use of a device for mechanical tests of horizontally disposed specimens when the available testing machines only apply vertical loads. This paper’s designed, validated and used device had the main goal of testing steel specimens that are immersed in liquid Zn at 450ºC, but the sizing, the device material and some aspects of the design can be easily adapted to each particular case. Validation tests are always necessary in order to obtain the correction factor (0.96 in this paper). The designed device can be used for toughness, tensile and even fatigue tests in aggressive environments, with different kinds of specimens. Finally, the device can be improved to avoid loads in not desired directions introducing flexible articulations in the joints of the U-shaped beams with the specimens (it was not necessary in the device of this paper). Acknowledgments This research is included in the FAMEGA project, sponsored by the European Commission, the Spanish Science and Education Ministry and Cantabria Government. The authors are grateful to Boris Donnay (ARCELOR Inc.) and Bill Rudd (Corus UK) for the material supply. 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