MECHANICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF KMPRTM BY NANO-INDENTATION FOR MEMS APPLICATIONS 1. Kuang-Shun Ou1, Hong-Yi Yan1, Kuo-Shen Chen2+ Graduate student, 2. Professor, +Corresponding author Department of Mechanical Engineering National Cheng-Kung University Tainan, Taiwan, 70101 Abstract This paper presents the elastic properties characterization for a novel negative photoresists: KMPR for MEMS applications. Structures with very high aspect ratio are possible created using KMPR along with the standard lithography technology. However, up to now, the mechanical properties of KMPR has not been reported yet. In this work, nanoindentation technique is used to characterize the modulus and hardness of KMPR thick films after heat treatment with different temperatures. The elastic modulus and hardness are measured as 6.5-7.5 GPa and 0.26-0.32 GPa, respectively. On the other hand, the elastic modulus of KMPR under tensile loading is characterized as 1.07 GPa via uniaxial testing. The additional vibration test confirms that KMPR exhibits strong anisotropy under different loading manners. The test results obtained in this work would be useful for polymer-based MEMS structure design. With the test data reported in this work, MEMS engineers should be able to adjust their fabrication parameter for structural design optimization of KMPR structures. Keywords: KMPR, Nanoindentation, Modulus, Hardness I. INTRODUCTION The ability to create high-aspect ratio structures (HARS) is extremely important for many microelectromechanical system (MEMS) sensors and actuators applications such as gyros, accelerometers, and pumps [1]. Traditionally, HARS are fabricated using LIGA [2] and ICP techniques [3]. However, the expensive and time consuming LIGA process are usually unaffordable for general users and the silicon ICP process usually suffers from poor sidewall quality. As a result, the UV based LIGA-Like process becomes a competitive fabrication process for creating HARS in polymeric materials. During the past decade, with the negative photosensitive resin, SU-8, UV LIGA-Like process has successfully demonstrated its capability in shaping HARS. However, SU-8 needs stringent temperature and time control in baking cycle to avoid cracking and the reliability of the TM fabricated structure could be a serious concern [4,5]. Recently, a new negative photosensitive resin, called KMPR , has been reported to have better characteristics in fabrication and it does not require tight baking control [6]. In addition, unlike SU8, after hard baking, KMPR can still be removed using solvents. As a result, it has the potential to replace SU-8 as the structural material for HARS in the future. However, to our best knowledge, its mechanical properties are not yet reported and this represents a gap to be filled for related MEMS structural design. The purpose of this paper is therefore to provide specific material properties, namely hardness and elastic modulus of KMPR after different thermal treatments via nano-indentation and other associated testing such as uniaxial tensile and vibration testing for MEMS design applications. The rest of the article presents the characterization and the discussion of the test results in detail. In Section II, nanoindentation theory is briefly stated. The fabrication of specimens and the preparation of the test plan are introduced in Section III. Detailed experimental characterization and the results are presented and discussed in Section IV. Finally, Section V concludes this work. II. Nanoindentation Theory A typical instrument nanoindentation system, schematically shown in Figure 1, uses a diamond tip to indent the specimen. By simultaneously recording the applied load and the penetration depth, associated material properties such as hardness and modulus can be extracted from the test data. A schematic plot of the nanoindentation test data is shown in Figure 2. By contact mechanics, it is possible to correlate the initial unload slope S with the reduced elastic modulus Er as [7] S=β 2 π Er A(hc ) . (1) For Berkovich indentor, β equals 1.034 and Er is defined as 1 −ν i 1 1 −ν s , = + Er Es Ei 2 2 (2) where the subscripts i and s represent the indentor and the substrate, respectively. As a result, once the modulus of the indentor is known, the plane strain modulus of the substrate can be deduced from the nanoindentation test data. In addition, the hardness of the material can also be determined by divided the maximum applied load with the maximum contact area. Magnet Coil Springs Capacitance dsplacement gage KMPR Wafer Indenter Stage FIGURE 1. Schematic of a nanoindentation system. III. SPECIMEN FABRICATION AND INDENTATION EXPERIMENT KMPR, obtained from MicroChem Corp, is used to fabricated the test structures, which are firstly fabricated via spin-coating usng a (MSC300T Spin Coater) with a speed of 4000 rpm and an exposure energy of 400mJ at a wavelength of 365nm (ILine). With the associated baking process, the design result in a KMPR thickness of 20μm. Table I shows the detail processing parameters. Finally, a post-fabrication thermal treatment period (various temperature, 100, 140, and 180°C, keeping at the temperature with a period of 100 minutes) is performed using an oven baker. After heat treatment, the specimens are cooled to room temperature. The MTS nano indentor XP with a Berkvitch indentor is used to carry on the experiment. Under the force control mode, the peak loads are set as between 1-20 mN. The penetration and the applied load in both loading and unloading periods are recorded, as well as the final indentation images. In parallel, a self- designed uniaxial tensile characterization system is also used to characterize the modulus of KMPR. As shown in Figure 2, this micro tester uses a step motor to drive the specimen. The loading and displacement are measured by a load cell and a capacitive sensor, respectively. The uniaxial tensile specimen, designed as a dog-bone shape is also shown in Figure 2. The fabrication process is schematically shown in Figure 3, a PCB board is used as the substrate. After spinning KMPR, baking, and the lithography process, the copper layer on the PCB is sacrificially released using FeCl3 and this process usually takes 48-72 hours. TABLE I. The processes parameters of KMPR Soft bake Expose energy o 365nm, 400 mJ Step I: 65 C, 5min o Step II: 95 C, 20min Spin speed 4000rpm (film thickness =20μm ) Post exposure bake o Step I: 65 C, 2min o Step II: 95 C, 5min Specimen 1.6mm 10.8mm Probe 5mm Stage Motor Figure 2. The uniaxial tensile testing system and the schematic plot of the specimen Mask PCB board Spin coating KMPR Photolithography Etch Cu Cu Figure 3. Release KMPR Schematic fabrication flow for the dog-bone specimen for uniaxial testing IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Nanoindentation Test Figure 4 shows the original test data without additional heat treatment with several peak penetration forces. The surface profile after indentation is shown in Figure 5 obtained by Nano Vision. The same test procedure is also applied for those specimens with additional heat treatment and similar results are recorded. By Figure 5, it can be observed that the specimen is slightly piled up after indentation. However, the situation is still acceptable and the test data can still be reduced by using the ideal formula proposed by Oliver and Pharr[7] to find the corresponding modulus and hardness. Figure 6 shows the relationship between the elastic modulus, hardness, the indentation depth, and the heat treatment temperature. It can be found that the modulus decreases with the heat treatment temperature. On the other hand, the hardness shows a different tendency. That is, it increases with the heat treatment temperature. Notice that the film thickness is 20μm and by the rule of thumb, the indentation depth should not exceed 2μm (2000 nm) to avoid the substrate effect. On the other hand, if the indentation is too shallow, the results are also vulnerable to the surface roughness effect. Both hardness and modulus shows depth-dependent results and this is believed to be caused by the pile-up effect shown in Figure 5. It is also important to examine the possible cracks induced during the indentation. By examine the crack length after indentation; it is possible to estimate the fracture toughness of a material. However, by inspecting the optical micrograph, it cannot find any cracks propagated from the indent. As a result, the toughness of KMPR should be up to a certain level and is better than that of SU-8. And this explains that why KMPR is more robust than SU-8 in terms of its fracture behavior after heat treatments. Uniaxial and Vibration Testing The uniaxial test data for KMPR is shown in Figure 7 after data reduction and eliminating the machine compliance from the data. The Young’s modulus is estimated as 1.07GPa, which is only 1/6 of the value obtained by the indentation test. Therefore, we suspect that KMPR is an anisotropic material with different modulus in tensile and in compressive loadings. In order to verify this assumption, a vibration test is conducted. As schematically shown in Figure 8, the dog-bone specimen is clamped as a cantilever and its free vibration is characterized using a laser position sensor. The test data in both time and frequency domain are presented in Figure 9. By finite element simulation using ABAQUS [8] (model shown in Figure 8), with 3 the measured density 1380Kg/m in hand, the Young’s modulus is estimated as 4.81GPa. Since the structure experiences both tensile and compressive loadings during the vibration test, it is reasonable to treat the obtained Young’s modulus as an averaged value between tensile and compressive tested modulus. The magnitude of the elastic modulus tested via vibration is between that performed by uniaxial tensile and nanoindentation test and this qualitatively verify our suspension and the result suggests that KMPR has strong anisotropy in its elastic behavior. Figure 4. The nano-indented load deflection curves for KMPR specimens without thermal treatment Figure 5. The Nano Vision images of the indentation. Pile up can be found at the edge of the indentation. 8 Elastic modulus (GPa) (a) 100℃ 7.5 Un-heat treated 7 6.5 140℃ 6 180℃ 5.5 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Indenting depth (nm) 0.34 Hardness (GPa) (b) 0.32 180℃ 140℃ 0.3 100℃ 0.28 0.26 Un-heat treated 0.24 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Indenting depth (nm) Mechanical properties of KMPR obtained by nanoindentation at different thermal treatment temperature (a) elastic modulus and (b) hardness. 3.5E+07 3.0E+07 y = 1.07E+09x - 2.82E+06 2.5E+07 2.0E+07 stress Figure 6. 1.5E+07 1.0E+07 5.0E+06 0.0E+00 -5.0E+06 0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 Strain Figure 7. The uniaxial tensile test results 0.035 (a) Specimen (b) Laser Laser Figure 8. (a) Schematic plot of the vibration test and (b) the finite element mesh for the cantilever specimen 10 (a) 1 (b) X: 91.21 Y: 0.05329 -1 10 0.8 0.6 Magnitude D is p la c e m e n t (m m ) Spectrum Analysis 0 1.2 0.4 -2 10 0.2 -3 10 0 -0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -4 10 0 50 100 Time (s) Figure 9. 150 Frequency (Hz) 200 250 300 The free vibration test data in (a)time domain and (b) frequency domain. V. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION The ability to create high-aspect ratio structures is extremely important for many MEMS sensors and actuators applications such as gyros, accelerometers, and pumps. Polymer-based LIGA-Like technique represents an opportunity to achieve the structure. However, the traditional material used for LIGA-Like, SU-8, needs stringent temperature and time control in baking cycle to avoid cracking and potentially, the reliability of the fabricated structure become a concern and new materials are sought. This paper presents the elastic properties characterization for a novel negative photoresists: KMPR for MEMS applications. Structures with very high aspect ratio are possible created using KMPR along with the standard lithography technology. However, up to now, the mechanical properties of KMPR has not been reported yet. In this work, nanoindentation technique is used to characterize the modulus and hardness of KMPR thick films after heat treatment. The elastic modulus and hardness are measured as 6.5-7.5 GPa and 0.26-0.32 GPa, respectively. On the other hand, the elastic modulus of KMPR under tensile loading is characterized as 1.07 GPa. The additional vibration test confirms that KMPR exhibits strong anisotropy under different loading manner. The test results obtained in this work will be useful for polymer-based MEMS structure design. With the test data reported in this work, MEMS engineers should be able to adjust their fabrication parameter for structural design optimization of KMPR HARS. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work is supported by Nationa Science Council of Taiwan under contract No. NSC-94-2212-E-006-046. REFERENCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Senturia, S. D., Microsystem Design, Kluwer Academic, Boston, (2001). Becker, E.W. Ehrfeld, W. Hagmann, P. Maner, A. Munchmeyer, D., “Fabrication of Microstructures with High Aspect Ratios and Great Structural Heights by Synchrotron Radiation Lithography, Galvanoforming and Plastic Moulding (LIGA Process),” Microelectronics Engineering, 4, 35–56 (1986). Chen, K-S. Ayon, A. A. Zhang, X. Spearing, S. M. “Effect of Process Parameters on the Surface Morphology and Mechanical Performance of Silicon After Deep Reactive Ion Etching (DRIE),” IEEE J. Microelectromechanical Systems, 11, 264-275 (2002). Song, I.-H. and Ajmera, P. 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