Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Acrylic Hydrazide Cured Epoxy; In- Situ Polymerization R. P. Yadav, P. C. Gope and P. L. Sah Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Technology, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263145, Uttranchal, India E mail: [email protected] , Ph 91 9411159916 ABSTRACT In the present investigation a series of acrylic hydrazide (AH) cured epoxy were synthesized at varying concentration of acrylic hydrazide ranging from 11.5:1 to 6.14:1 (ER: CA, v/v %) through benzoyl peroxide initiated in-situ polymerization method. In present investigation it has been observed that density of AH cured epoxy composite is higher compared to hardener HY951 cured epoxy composite at same concentration of curing agent. It is observed that acrylic hydrazide cured epoxy 9:1 & 7.33:1 (epoxy: acrylic hydrazide, v/v %) have lower wear rate compared to hardener HY951 cured epoxy. Mechanical and thermal property of the developed composite is found to be superior compared to composite made from commercially available hardener HY951 cured epoxy CY230. It is found that composite developed with acrylic hydrazide cured epoxy CY230 of ratio 9:1 & 7.33:1 have higher mechanical strength compared to HY951 cured epoxy composite. For spectral characterization UV-VIS spectra and FTIR tests were conducted to study the stabilization of the developed composites. DTA-DTG-TG tests were conducted to study the thermal properties of the composites. Results are compared with HY951 cured epoxy composite. Properties are found to be superior than the composite made from HY951 cured CY230. INTRODUCTION Recent advances in space and other technologies have continuous and growing need for composite materials that could withstand under prolong wear without loss in their transparency. Since this need has emerged in both civilian and military applications, therefore a number of industries and defense institutes have initiated and sponsored research in this area [1-10]. Jordon [1] discussed the possibility of using composite material in a mass production industry where material cost is a big factor i.e. automobile industry. Steijn [2] has given an exhaustive account of polymer science, polymer friction and wear. To substantiate his arguments on various aspects, he has reported to a number of studies/experimental work carried out by various eminent researchers in this field. Lancaster [3] carried out various wear tests on a polymeric material and reported that in early stages of sliding the volumetric rate of wear is strongly dependent on properties of the counterface. Holmberg et al. [4] carried out friction and wear study of a several commercially available polymers material groups, such as polymides (Nylons), PTFE, Polyethylene etc. Wears are generally classified based either on the phenomena observed or on the causative agents believed to be responsible i.e. cohesive wear and adhesive wear. Cohesive wear processes include those mechanisms which involve the dissipation of frictional work and its resultant damage in relatively large volumes adjacent to interface. Abrasion and fatigue wear fall within this category. One form of wear that is present only in polymeric materials is interfacial thermal decomposition due to their poor thermal conduction characteristics. The addition of fillers to basic polymers improves their thermal conductivity and in turn reduces this type of wear. Epoxy resins are pre-polymers that react with curing agent to yield high performance thermosetting system. These composite display wide usage as engineering materials largely due to their inexpensive nature, ease of casting, high mechanical strength and toughness along with large recoverable deformability, chemical analysis, flexibility addition with others materials, electrical insulation and low shrinkage upon care . By phenomenological wear we mean the type of wear which is actually observed and measured. The behavior encountered ranges from the crude qualitative observations of ordinary experience to the highly sensitive measurement of the rigorously controlled laboratory experiments. Phenomenological wear is based on four types of motion that can be identified in the mechanical interaction of contacting surface: pure sliding; sliding/rolling; pure rolling and impinging motion. In pure sliding the contact region remains fixed on the stationary body and travels along the rubbing patch on the moving body. A familiar example of this kind of contact is found in a stationary pin running on a rotating disc or a ring and it is used in the present experimental analysis. 1 MATERIAL & METHOD Composite materials are cast with hardener Acrylic Hydrazide (AH) cured with epoxy (CY230) at varying concentrations of AH ranging 8 –14%, volume to volume. The hardener Acrylic Hydrazide (AH) was prepared in a round bottom flask (500ml) equipped with condenser, water source and calcium chloride drying tube, by ethyl acrylate (1.08 mole), hydrazine hydrate (99%, 1.45 mole) and hydroquinone( 1.0 g). The contents were thoroughly mixed with dry ethanol (50 ml) and were refluxed for 6- 8 hours. AH as light brown syrup was isolated through distillation of the contents at 20 mm Hg/100oC. A series of composition of epoxy resin and AH ranging 8-14% volume to volume were separately mixed with BZ2O2 (0.5 g) and heated at 85o C for one hour. At this stage, a highly viscous solution formed was poured into moulds of specified dimensions, where a composite was solidified. In present investigation, developed composites are designated as C1, C2, C3 and C4 for 8%, 10%, 12% and 14% concentration of AH cured in epoxy volume to volume respectively. The commercial composite is developed by heating of epoxy at 85oC for one hour. Thereafter it was cooled to o 45 C and a commercially available hardener HY951 (10% v/v) was added to epoxy resin where a highly viscous solution was produced. It was immediately poured into the moulds of specified dimensions. Developed composite is designated composite C0. Composites developed so are then used for testing for wear, mechanical, thermal etc properties. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Wear test were conducted at different hydraulic end load and disc speed in dry environment at room temperature. The variation of wear volume with time elapsed at hydraulic end loading 53.09 N and disc speed 230 rpm for different composites i.e. C0, C1, C2, C3 and C4 are shown in Fig.1. The results indicate that C1 and C4 have higher wear volume compared to C0 while C2 and C3 have less wear volume at a given time. C2 has least wear volume compared to other composites. This indicates that C2 has higher wear resistant than others. The material C0 is cured with 10% HY951 epoxy resin CY230 and C2 is cured with 10% of newly developed hardener AH with epoxy CY230. The base material for C0 and C2 are same. It is found that the deformation time of this newly developed composite is also higher than commercial available composites. 10 W ear vo lu m e (m m 3 ) 9 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 Poly. (C4) Poly. (C0 ) Poly. (C3) Poly. (C2) 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 Wear time(sec.) Fig. 4.1 volume (mm3for ) Vs Wear time (sec.) for HY 951 and Cured FigWear 1 Wear properties different composites (Load 53.09 N, AH speed 232Epoxy RPM) composites Hydraulic end load =1.0 bar (53.09N) Disc speed= 232 r.p.m. 2 SPECTRAL CHARACTERIZATION UV-vis Spectra Acrylic hydrazide shows maximum absorption at 285 nm and epoxy at 291 nm. Composite formed by curing of epoxy with acrylic hydrazide shows common absorption at 285 nm for the composite (C2 & C3). Composite C4 shows absorption at higher wave length 288 nm. Commercially available hardener HY 951 shows at 294 nm whereas epoxy at 291 nm, absorption at 291 nm of Bisphenol-A. That was shifted to 285 nm for composite C0. (Fig. 2). 2.5 C0 C2 AH Ep 2 HY BA Absorbance C3 C4 1.5 1 0.5 0 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 Wave Length (nm) Fig. 4.6 UV-vis spectrum of HY951, AH, Epoxy, Bisphenal -A and Related Fig. 2. UV – vis spectrum of HY951, AH, Epoxy, Bisphenal-A and related composites composites FTIR Acrylic hydrazide shows characteristics FTIR absorptions corresponding C-N stitching (1047.4, 1084.8 cm-1); -1 -1 -1 N-H bending (1530.1 cm ); C-H bending (1420.1, 1379.5 cm ); C=C stitching (1622.2 cm ); C=O (1665.5 cm-1) and a noise wide band corresponding to NH-NH2 in the range to (3429.1, 3211.1 cm-1). These UV-vis and FTIR absorptions confirmed the formation of acrylic hydrazide. Commercial epoxy (CY230) shows characteristic absorptions corresponding to C-O stitching (1118.3, 1319.9 cm-1). C-H bending (1475.5 cm1 ); C-H stitching for aromatic ring (1655.3 cm-1) and due to epoxy group at (3402.4 cm-1) (Fig. 4). Composite C0 has shifted C-O stitching in epoxy from (1118.3 cm-1 to 1029.1 cm-1); C-H bending (1319.9 to 1351.5 cm-1) -1 -1 aromatic C-H stitching (1655.3 to 1594.5 cm ) and O-H absorption at (3434.7 cm ). The acrylic hydrazide cured epoxy FTIR absorptions have shown substantial shifting. Composite C2 shows absorptions -1 -1 corresponding to C-O stitching at (1024.7 cm ) C-H bending (1381.8, 1351.3 cm ) aromatic C-H stitching -1 -1 (1593.5 cm ) and O-H stitching (3430.5 cm ) (Fig. 5). DTA-DTG-TG Composite C0 shows a week endothermic with heat of thermo oxidation at 1169 mJ/mg at 534oC . Replacement of CY951 with acrylic hydrazide result the composite with two stage DTA endothermic. In this o case first endothermic appeared at 411 C with heat of thermo-oxidation 178 mJ/mg (Fig. 6). Composite C4 o shows monotonous DTA endothermic at 534 C with highest heat of oxidation at 1574 mJ/mg. 3 Composite C0 shows quartrat DTG in the temperature range 399 oC to 421oC with corresponding rate of o decomposition 1.852 to 0.68 mg/min . Composite C2 shows a sharp DTG at 411 C with rate of composition 8.3 mg/min. Pair of DTG profile was observed for composite C4 relatively at higher temperature with lower rate of o decomposition then the composite C2. In this case first DTG profile was appeared at 426 C with rate of o decomposition 1.5 mg/min. (sharp) and 531 C with rate of decomposition 0.2 mg/min. TG profile indicates all three composites show three stage decomposition. Composite C0 shows initial o decomposition at 109 C with 97.67 residues. This composite was gradually decomposed at first stage up to 399 oC with 45.49% residue. At the second stage decomposition was started with multiple steps and narrow o time intervals. This was continued up to 421 C with 11.9% residue. Beyond this stage composite was decomposed with slow rate of third stage of decomposition. TG of composite C2 shows initial decomposition at o 107 C with 97.98% residue. This was relatively at lower temperature due to hygroscopic nature of hydrazide linkages. second stage decomposition of same epoxy was recorded at 409 oC with 40.1% residue (Fig. 6). This was relatively higher temperature than composite C0. Second stage decomposition of epoxy comparatively faster than the composite C0. Composite C4 was highly hygroscopic with week decomposition stages. In this o case first stage decomposition started at 101 C with 98.13% residue. Second stage decomposition of this composite highest among all and appeared 425 oC with 38.75% residue. These observations clearly indicate that highest heat of thermo-oxidation was recorded in the composite C4 followed by composite C0 and C2. Highest DTG profile was recorded composite C4. TG data indicates the among all the three most stable composite was C4. Fig. 3 FTIR Spectrum of Acrylic Hydrazide 4 Fig. 4. FTIR Spectrum of Epoxy (CY230) Fig. 5 FTIR Spectrum of Composite C2 5 Fig. 6 DTA-DTG-TG Spectrum of Composite C2 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the present investigation following conclusions are drawn. 1. Composite materials developed by AH cured epoxy synthesized at varying concentration of acrylic hydrazide ranging 11.5:1 to 6.14:1 (ER:CA, v/v%) through benzoyl peroxide initiated in-situ polymerization method shows better mechanical and thermal properties compared to the composite developed with HY951 cured with epoxy. 2. AH shows maximum absorption at 285 nm, epoxy 291 nm, cured epoxy with HY951 at 285 nm, and AH cured composites C2 & C3 at 285 nm. 3. Acrylic hydrazide as new curing agent for epoxy resin was synthesized and characterized through UVvis, FTIR. REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jordan, A. 1987. Mass Production Composites, 6th international conference on composite materials, ICCM and ECCM, Vol.1.pp.1.1-1.4. Steijn, R.P. 1967. Metals Eng. 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