NUMERICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF BENDING BEHAVIOR OF THIN WALLED BEAMS FILLED WITH METALLIC FOAMS. Eng. Gustavo José Cazzola National Technological University General Pacheco, Buenos Aires 1617 Dr. Eng. Francisco Aparicio Izquierdo & Eng. Teresa Vicente Corral Superior Institute of Investigation of Automobile (INSIA) Polytechnic University of Madrid Madrid, 28031 ABSTRACT The purpose of this work is to know the behaviour of big rotation of thin walled beams filled with metallic foam under bending loads. Potential applications of filled sections with metallic foam are to improve on the passive safety of vehicles, for example to the improvement of coaches structures under lateral rollover. The filling acts as a slowdown of the collapse by beams wall buckling, consequently more energy can be absorbed. Introduction The lateral resistance of the vehicle structures are conditioned by the bending resistance and capability of energy absorption of beams used. The mentioned beams of low thickness to obtain the high inertias with low weight, which behaviour is conditioned to the fold formation at the compression flange characterized by a moment-rotation response that displays as a basic parameters : the maximum resistant moment and the negative slope of decresing resistance based on the plastic rotation, , this fact is in opposition to the previous one of different construction with beams of low thickness being due therefore to reach solutions that keep a difficult balance between resistance and weight. This behaviour had been studied by several investigators [1-2] within whom it is possible to mention Dr. Andrés García Thesis, professor of the Polytechnic University of Madrid. Recent developments in the relation cost-benefit from the processes for the production of metallic cellular materials of low density, such as the metallic foam [4], position them like an alternative of special interest for the application like elements of absorption of energy to reinforce structures. The filling with metallic foam can be more efficient in terms of optimization of weight compared with the increase of structural columns thickness[6-11]. The application of metallic foam filling in structures of vehicles is beginning to be used in certain zones of the tourism vehicles, being totally novel any attempt of application in structures of coaches and buses . Based on previously exposed Advanced Pore Morpholgy (APM) foams [12] has been used in this study, developed by Fraunhofer for Institute Manufacturing and Advanced Materials, like filled material for sections buses bodies. IFAM has developed and patented the process of pulvi-metallurgy for the foamed metals FOAMINAL ® . In contrast to FOAMINAL® process the general concept of technology APM is to separate the process in two parts: 1-) Foam expansion 2-) Foam conformed in parts The parts of foam with pore morphology outpost consist of metallic foam elements of small volume which are expanded production volume /mass. When united with others in a separated process elements they form foam APM. The objective of this paper is to analyze the crushing behavior of thin –walled beams in the deep bending collapse mode. The strengthening method with aluminium foam are compared to the conventional method of wall thickening. The effectiveness of the lightweight core is assessed by examining the ratio of energy absorption to the column weight. The numerical models and tests presented in this work, were made in the facilities of the Superior Institute of Investigation of Automobile (INSIA) of the Polytechnical University of Madrid. Model of finite elements The geometric model and the model of finite elements were made with the commercial code of finite elements ANSYS. Beams were modelled with plate elements of 4- node shell element with six degrees of freedom, for each node, displacement and rotations in the three directions of the space, and is applicable for great rotations problems and/or great nonlinear deformations. The filled material of metallic foam was modeled with solid elements of 8- node with three degrees of freedom, displacement in the three directions of the space, and is applicable to analyses that includes plasticity, to hyper elasticity, creep, great displacements and deformations. In order to prevent the interaction between the walls with the metallic foam material , contact elements were used. The filling is defined as the “Master Element” , the walls of the beams are defined as the “Slave Element”. These contact elements are based on Penalti formulation, where the geometric interaction between the surfaces in contact are penalized by forces of opposite sense that they are proportional to the depth of penetration. In the presence of adhesive, bonding between metal filler and the column wall is modelled with the model of friction of Coulomb included in the contact element, in which a shear ι tension is defined, for which the sliding of the surfaces begings like a fraction of the contact pressure p (ι = µ*p + COHE, where µ is the friction coefficient and factor COHE specifies the resistance to the sliding by cohesion). Once the shear tension is exceeded the two surfaces will relatively slide respect to the other. Figure. 1- Behavior Modeled of the adhesive of the metallic foam Material Modelled The behaviour of the thin plate element for the material of the beams are based on the elastic-plastic Von Mises model with isotropic algorithm of plasticity. The plastic hardening is based on the definition of the polygonal curve, in which both tangent modules and plastic tensions must be adjusted to make the validation tests on the unfilled beams. The material of the columns is steel St-42 type, with a Young modulus E = 210 Gpa, initial yield stress σy = 260 Mpa and Poisson´s ratio ν = 0,3. Advanced Pore Morphology Aluminum Foam (APM aluminum Foam) Most of metallic foam properties can be approximate on the basis of its relative ρfoam/ ρsolid (density of the foam ρfoam , divided by the density of the solid material ρsolid) and a constant for the considered property. These properties can be calculated according to the following law [4-12]: Property foam = Constant property*(ρfoam / ρsolid )n Figure 2 is a good example of the general behaviour of metallic foam under compression loads. An initial approximately linear regime is followed by and extended plastic plateau, truncated by a densification response at high strains during which the stress again increases steeply. Based on these characteristics, the behaviour of metallic foam is characterized by the elastic module E*, the plastic tension of collapse σ*pl, the shear plastic tension ι*pl , the shear modulus G *, the densification strain εD . These parameters depend strongly on the density of foam ρ*. Figure. 2- Behaviour to compression of metallic foam The mechanical properties of the modelled metallic foam have been determined by the following mathematical expressions[4]: Parameter Young’s Modulus E* / GPa Plastic tensile collapse stresses σpl* / MPa Equation E*= Const. Young’s modulus*(ρ*/ρs )n Const.mód. de Young = 80 GPa ρs = 2.7 g/cm3 , n = 1.85 σpl* = Constcomp * ( ρ*/ ρs )n Const.comp.. = 361 MPa ρs = 2.7 g/cm3 , n = 2.27 Shear modulus G* / Gpa G* ≈ Plastic shear collapse stresses ιpl* / Mpa Tensile strength σt / Mpa 0.5 * σ pl Densification strain εD (2) (3) 3 * E* 8 (4) * 1.1 * σ pl (1) (5) * (1 − 1.4 * (ρ * / ρs ) + 0.4 * (ρ * / ρs ) ) 3 ρs = 2.7 g/cm3 (6) Experimental and numerical results Preparation of the test beam filled with metallic aluminium foam APM. In order to filled up, an aluminium plate was placed at the end of beams. Later, the metallic foam was placed by gravity through the top of beams until covering the height anticipated in each test beams. The following step consisted of curing the adhesive with which the metallic foam spheres APM are covered, producing the bonding among the metallic spheres and as well to the walls of the beam. The curing of the adhesive was made in a climatic camera in which the cured time depended the temperature. INSIA has a climatic camera in which a temperature of 150 ºC, can be reached that´ s why the cured time of the test beam with the metallic foam filling was of 3 hours. Figure 3- Test beam in climatic camera Figure 4- Cured Foam into beam Static bending test . Description of the test method. The following figure is the scheme of the test device. The force in the cable is measured by means of a loading cell. Next to the pulley the displacement sensor mounts. The end of the cable of the displacement sensor is joined to a thin cable which is joined in the other end to the screw fixed to beam that holds to the cable that contains the loading cell. The cables of connection of the loading cell and the displacement sensor are connected to a signal amplifier. The amplified signals of displacement and force pass through a conditioning, which is an analogical-digitalis converter. Finally the signals of originating force and displacement of the conditioning arrive at the computer through the bus. The bus is connected to the computer data acquisition card. Test Parameters and quantities. Previous measures to the test. L0: Measurement from the point of the pulley tangency to the screw axis of which it is used to pull the beam. b: Test beam length. Measurement from the screw axis of which it is used to pull to the midpoint of the inferior longitudinal beam. c: Measurement from the point of the pulley tangency to the midpoint of the inferior longitudinal beam. Figure 5- Scheme of assembly and data acquisition of the test In order to make the experimental validation of the mathematical models, five bending test were made in the following sequence: Test nº Test tube with profiles of rectangular section Specimens test code 1 Beam 80.40.3 empty Prb_80403_sr 2 Beam 80.40.3 with 70 mm of foam filling length. Prb_80403_cr150 3 Beam 80.40.3 with 200 mm of foam filling length. Prb_80403_280 4 Beam 80.40.3 with 400 mm of foam filling length. Prb_80403_480 5 Beam 80.40.4 empty Prb_80404_ sr For the mathematical models validation bending static tests were made on rectangular beams sections more frequently used on the coaches structures. As rectangular representative section, beam 80,40 mm was used in thickness of 3 and 4 mm. Figure 6- Deformation pattern of filled beam with APM foam. Figure 7- Numerical simulation and experimental results of foam filling and empty beam. Code Height of filling (mm) Peak moment rotation Model (degrees) 5.83 Peak moment rotation Error % -14.51 Peak moment Test (Nm) Peak moment Model (Nm) Peak moment Error (%) --- Peak moment rotation Test ( degrees ) 6.82 80403_SR 4457 4444 -0.29 80403_CR150 150 10.01 7.98 -20.28 4786 4940 +3.2 80403_CR280 280 9.87 7.83 -20.67 4929 4954 +0.5 80403_CR480 480 10.01 7.828 -21.8 5000 4947 -1 80404_SR --- 9.87 7.8 21 5566 6273 +18 Table 1- Comparative analysis of peak moment –rotation response obtained in the test and model of beam 80.40 mm Plastic moment –rotation response (Nm) Beam M(0º) 4444 4940 4954 4947 6273 80.40.3_sr 80.40.3_cr150_04 80.40.3_cr280_04 80.40.3_cr480_04 80.40.4_sr M(5º) 3800 4425 4441 4433 5341 M(10º) 3330 4209 4237 4232 4900 M(15º) 2980 4058 3943 3975 4547 Falling rate % M(20º) 2700 3812 3726 3742 4218 M(25º) 2310 3538 3494 3543 3910 48 28.4 29.5 28.4 37.6 Table 2- Plastic moment-rotation response and falling rate between peak and minimum moment of beam 80.40 mm. Plastic energy –rotation response (Joule) Beam E(0º) 0 0 0 0 0 80.40.3_sr 80.40.3_cr150_04 80.40.3_cr280_04 80.40.3_cr480_04 80.40.4_sr E(5º) 368 408 408 410 506 E(10º) 675 792 794 797 949 E(15º) 947 1141 1146 1151 1360 E(20º) 1196 1487 1481 1489 1750 % E(25º) 1421 1774 1761 1774 2046 0 24.8 23.9 24.8 43.9 Table 3- Plastic energy-rotation response and variation rate respect to the test beam 80.40.3_sr Specific energy –rotation response (Joule/Kg) Beam 80.40.3_sr 80.40.3_cr150_04 80.40.3_cr280_04 80.40.3_cr480_04 80.40.4_sr E(0º) 0 0 0 0 0 E(5º) 141 147 140 130 147 E(10º) 259 286 272 252 276 E(15º) 364 412 392 364 396 E(20º) 460 536 507 471 509 % E(25º) 546 640 603 559 595 0 17.2 10.4 2.3 9 Table 4- Specific plastic energy-rotation response and variation rate respect to the test beam 80.40.3_sr Results Analysis It is observed a high correlation between the results of the tests and the models of moment-rotation response. Respect to the peak moment in the models, in the 3 mm thickness beam the peak rate error respect to the test is 3,2 percent. In the 4 mm thickness beam a difference of 18 % over the value obtained in the test is observed (table 1). This is because the models of finite elements have in the zone of elasto - plastic behaviour, a behaviour with a greater rigidity to the real one. Thus, the angle in which it is reached the maximum resistance, is smaller in the models than in the tests. In the zone of plastic collapse, the models reproduce beams behaviour with greater fidelity. The plastic moment-rotation response, it is observed in the test beam (table 2) an increase of the peak plastic moment of 13.2 % and a decrease in the loss of resistant capacity of around 20 % of the foam filled beam respect to empty. The filled test beam with 4 mm thickness presents an increase of the peak plastic moment of 25 % and a decrease in the loss of resistant capacity of around 10 % respect to the empty beam of 3 mm thickness. Plastic energy absorbed at a 25 degree rotation (table 3), was 24.8 % higher in the filled beam than the empty beam with 3mm thickness. In the beam of 4 mm thickness, an a increase of 43.9 % of the plastic energy was obtained respect to the 3 mm tickness beam. Specific plastic energy absorbed (table 4), bring us information about efficiency of filling material efficiency like a energy absorption element. With a minimun height of filling (150 mm ) , the specific plastic energy was 17.2 % greater than the unfilled beam with 3 mm of thickness. Specific plastic energy of the unfilled beam with 4 mm of thickness was 9 % greater than the unfilled beam with 3 mm of thickness Conclusion From the analysis of the results obtained in the present work, it is observed that the contribution of the metallic foam filling respect to the capacity of absorption of energy in plastic deformation, was obtained increasing the pick moment so as decreasing the negative slope of resistant moment. In the test beam unfilled foam with thickness of 4 mm the absorbed plastic energy it is greater than in the test beam with foam filled. In the test foam filled beam with minimum foam filling, the specific energy is greater than in the test beam empty with thickness of 4 mm. This indicates that the element of absorption of energy, foam filling is more efficient than the increase of the thickness beam. Another aspect to consider, is that the height of filling, with the density of foam used in the present study (0.4 g/cc) didn`t influence in the response of energy absorption. It is highly recommendable to deepen the study of the influence of the metallic foam filling in thin walled beams, like an element of absorption of energy in vehicle structures. This will allow improve the structures behaviour as opposed to the absorption of energy no increasing the weight of beams ( greater thickness). It is important to mention that the filling with metallic foam produces changes in the process of manufacture of structures, due to the cured of foam inside the beams. This will have to be considered for a future incorporation of metallic foam in the productive process of vehicles structures. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. T.H. Kim , S. R. 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