Amendment 2

Purchasing Department
525 Buena Vista SE
Building “A”, Room #A109
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Amendment/Addendum # 2
April 1, 2014
All Offerors of Record
Keith Adams, Senior Buyer
Amendment/Addendum #2 to P-363 “Dental and Vision Insurance Services”
This addendum becomes part of the Contract Documents.
Offerors are required to acknowledge receipt of this amendment/addendum in the
space provided on page 18; Section E. SIGNATURE OF FIRM'S AUTHORIZED
Questions / Clarifications as follows:
QUESTION 1: I am working on the above mentioned RFP and need some additional information.
Dental ASO current rates and renewal rates
Vision ASO current rates and renewal rates
ANSWER: The RFP addresses both of these in:
Section D: Scope of Services & Evaluation Criteria,
I. Scope of Request,
E. Census, Claims Data, and Premium Rate/Fee History
b. Current and historical premium rates and service fees are based on the entire
population participating in the NMPSIA pooled arrangement; they are not based on
CNM’s unique experience or risk. Therefore, rate and fee history is not relevant, and
will not be included with this RFP.
QUESTION 2: I am working on the above mentioned RFP and need some additional information.
Confirm contributions on vision and dental
ANSWER: Please refer to the posting on CNM’s website entitled “2013 Insurance Premiums for Dental
and Vision” (located at, under P-363).
QUESTION 3: Can you please provide the entire RFP document in Word format?
ANSWER: No, in order to control the RFP content, it is not CNM’s practice to provide entire RFP
documents in Word format.
P-363, “Dental and Vision Insurance Services” Amendment/Addendum #2
QUESTION 4: Can you provide the full Summary Plan Description (SPD or EOC) documents for both
Dental PPO Plans?
ANSWER: CNM currently participates in the NMPSIA benefits pool. The plan documents can be
accessed on the NMPSIA website at
QUESTION 5: Can you please confirm the Usual and Customary Percentile for the Out of Network
benefits on the Dental PPO plans?
ANSWER: The dental plan reimburses for out-of-network benefits at the U&C 80th percentile.
QUESTION 6: Can you please advise what the current employer contribution is by Employee Only and
Employee + Dependent?
ANSWER: Please refer to the posting on CNM’s website entitled “2013 Insurance Premiums for Dental
and Vision” (located at, under P-363).
QUESTION 7: Can you please provide the current 3-tier premium equivalent structure?
ANSWER: Please refer to the posting on CNM’s website entitled “2013 Insurance Premiums for Dental
and Vision” (located at, under P-363).
QUESTION 8: Can you please confirm that CNM is not soliciting proposals for Dental and Vision on a
stand-alone basis?
ANSWER: CNM is soliciting proposals on a stand-alone basis. Proposers should submit a separate
proposal for Dental coverage and a separate proposal for Vision coverage. Cost should not include
bundling discounts for additional lines. You may note in your proposal any cost savings that could be
realized if CNM was to award your company both the Dental and Vision contracts.
QUESTION 9: II. Response Format and Organization: A. Number of Responses: Can you please clarify
the statement about not combining the dental and vision proposals? Are you stating that we need to
submit 7 Binders and 2 CDs (14 binders and 4 CDs total) for each proposal on Dental and Vision or to
keep the Dental and Vision Exhibits separate in our RFP response?
ANSWER: Offerors must provide individual responses to both the Dental and Vision requirements.
Offerors shall not combine their Dental and Vision proposals under one response. Offerors’ Dental
response shall not rely or depend upon their Vision response and likewise, the Offerors’ Vision response
shall not rely or depend upon their Dental response. If an Offeror is responding to both the Dental and
the Vision requirements, they shall submit one (1) original plus six (6) identical hard copies of each
proposal (both Dental and Vision) to the location specified in Section A: Submittal Instructions,
Paragraph 2 above, on or before the closing date and time for receipt of proposals. Offerors must also
deliver two (2) electronic copies of their responses (on CD or flash drive) for both their Dental and their
Vision responses. Electronic copies must be in Word or Excel format, DO NOT CONVERT TO PDF
FORMAT. If there are any discrepancies between the electronic copy and the hard copy, the hard copy
P-363, “Dental and Vision Insurance Services” Amendment/Addendum #2
shall govern. In this case, yes, the Offeror must submit a total of 14 hard copies and 4 electronic copies.
QUESTION 10: II. Response Format and Organization: D. Proposal Organization: Can you please
confirm that this section details the order of the RFP response documents that CNM wants in the binder
ANSWER: Yes, follow the outline in Section D, Paragraph II, subparagraph D.
QUESTION 11: Is it possible to provide copy of the UCCI Dental Benefit Handbook?
ANSWER: CNM currently participates in the NMPSIA benefits pool. The plan documents can be
accessed on the NMPSIA website at
QUESTION 12: Is it possible to provide a sample of the UCCI fee allowable in and out of network for
our underwriter to evaluate with experience?
ANSWER: The dental plan reimburses out-of-network claims at the U&C 80th percentile. Network
providers accept the maximum allowable charge as payment in full. CNM does not have the UCCI fee
allowable schedule.
QUESTION 13: Is it possible to provide UCCI Network Utilization report?
ANSWER: CNM does not have a network utilization report specific to the CNM population to release.
QUESTION 14: Will CNM provide the experience and enrollment separately based on the High and Low
ANSWER: This is not a standard report available to CNM through NMPSIA or the current dental carrier.
We are not able to provide the experience separately by plan at this time.
QUESTION 15: I know we can’t get the utilization broken out for just the CNM population, but can we
get the current fully insured rates?
ANSWER: Please refer to the posting on CNM’s website entitled “2013 Insurance Premiums for Dental
and Vision” (located at, under P-363).
QUESTION 16: Can you confirm that it’s a 100% voluntary?
ANSWER: Both the dental and vision plans our voluntary; however, CNM does pay a portion of the cost
of coverage for these plans. Please refer to the posting on CNM’s website entitled “2013 Insurance
Premiums for Dental and Vision” (located at, under P-363).
P-363, “Dental and Vision Insurance Services” Amendment/Addendum #2
QUESTION 17: If we want to propose the same plan design with some slight allowance differences, do
we still need to send in 7 additional hard copy binders?
ANSWER: Proposers should attempt to match the current plan design as close as possible. Deviations
from the current plan design should be clearly noted in the proposal. You may include in your proposal
additional alternative plan designs in addition to matching the current design. It is not necessary to
submit separate proposals for the alternative plan designs.
QUESTION 18: The geo requirements only give specification for a dental geo. Would you like us to
match the same measurement for the vision geo?
ANSWER: Yes, Vision proposers should include a geo access report based on the census provided for
the proposed network that adheres to the following parameters:
 Urban/Suburban areas – 2 providers within 10 miles
 Rural areas – 1 provider within 20 miles
P-363, “Dental and Vision Insurance Services” Amendment/Addendum #2