SUPERVISOR’S DISTRICT.. POPULATIO1 ............................................. ENUMERATION HOUSEDXSTRXCT NO................HOLD NO. ............................... THE BAJ PARTICULARS OF DWELLING OR Lr I 1. TYPE OF DWELLING [J House 3. (FOR SHARED ROOMS [J R o o m i n [J Flat occu- Yard rl House, shared* [I 61 Rooms in THSS HOUSEHOLD. ahared house. I Other (describe) ..................... .j.. HOUSE OR FLAT ONLY) [J PIED BY Non-private BUXLDING. Before 1940 [J 1940 to 1950 Total 1951 to 1960 Rooms in house or flata I 5. WALL MATERIAL [I Stone [I 6. TENANCY O F DWELLING ,‘ 7. TENANCY OF LAND Or concrete block from Gov’t [ ] Rented privately [J Rent-free em- ......... ............... 1 lother .................I[J ployee Other rent-free [I Rented separately from Governmen 1“r l Rented separatelu from private ownc NAME AND PARTICULARS ( Where particulars are not reguired or questions are not applicable, enter a dush (-). Write “O” for ug SURNAME AND NAME USUAL RESIDENCE (Surname first). List all Persons whose usual residence is in this dwelling and who are alive at midnight, whether present or absent. Also list any other persons who pass Census night in this dwelling. Ii here, write HERE; if elsewhere in this I 4.g., wife, common-law wife, son, sor in-law, visitor, servant (living Territory, write locality and island; ii abroad write island, territory or country 1 (See note) RELATIONSKI TO HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (See INote b) (See note) I IJ 1 I 2 I 6 I 10 -~ Col. 1: Col. 2: Col. 3: Write H (here) for all Do not include ab- Treat persons away persons passing Census sent persons whose boarding total perjo3 of ab- from family fox night in the dwelling or sence will exceed major part of arriving after Census six months, or ab- each week as night without having been enumerated ebesent persons lodg- rt-siding where ing or boarding they board. Treat where. For absent persons write EL (elseaway f r o m the as r e s i d e n t where in this Territory abroad, only if iamily residence for the greater part ;otal stay in Ter- or ABR (outside this of each week. ritory is ta be less Territory). than six months. I Col. 4: When a mar and woman live togethei lhough Umarried and the man is head, describe the woman as C.L. WIFE I common- law wlie). Col, 7: Write NM if never married. If ev@ married, write Co!. 10: Col. 11: Col, 13: Write DA (one maie). Describe present status as M (married) if living with husbmd. CL (common-law) if living with common-law partner, EX if no longer living with husband or partner, or NIL Ff never lived with parxier, For M, CL or E X state how long she has lived in thin status. Xf never lived for n s i x months in any o ish, town or isianc F tone iemale). M (still MM (two married), LS males) , (legally :ep- e;e. or o (nu arated) ,W (Widowed), birth). Exclude or D (divorced). 5tm- births. tory in the case o i l write FB (from Mrt2 wise write years si son last came to 8 returned to live. c town or island arb residence. (Tecase of Col. 13b). 1 year write O. I DECLARE THAT THIS SCHEDULE IS CORRE SIGNATURE ........................................ OF HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD OR OTHER PERsONdf) A HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE ATION CENSUS, 1963 Initials Filled up by Checked by WELLING OR LIVING QUARTERS OCCUPIED BY T H I S HOUSEHOLD 7. F CI i- >v. [ I [I [I TENANCY OF LAND 18. FORI 9. (ONLY 1 io WATER SUPPLY Ill. TOILET FACILITY RENT- WHEN ED LAND IS [I Public piped into dwelling’ [I use Owned by OcCuPie: DWELL- RENTED Public standp,pe [I Flush, shared ING SEPARNot rented separate- ONLY* ATELY) [I Private piped into dwelling r i pit, exclusive use ly Rental Land rent [I Own catchment not piped Pit, shared Rented separately [I Stream II Other, exclusive use from Government E r l Pond per Well per [I Other, shared Rented separately r l No facility rl Other from private owntr ,-, 1 I 1.................... ..... U I Iii ................................i I supply I 1 [1 Private supply ri None I 1-1 I WER PERIOD OF RESIDENCE - RELIGION TYPE OF - SCHOOL NOW ................................ , 4. I and Others here on?census night, residents of the Bahamas .............................. Others here on census night non-residents of the Bahamas ............................... Total persons at final enumeration I ATTENDED ION IWS (For persons Jote) aged 5 and under 25) If not nttending fullt h e at any school write braLion rears NTL - I FOR I- Tota’ Usually resident here absent on census night -1 I I I l I I ’ IF AGED 10 OR OVER 1 l- ................................ 2. and D PARTICULARS OF EVERY PERSON IN THIS HOUSEHOLD ). Write “0’’for ages or periods less than one year, (in Col. 6, Col. l l b or Col. 13) and for zero numbers of children (in Col. 8 or Col. 10). - Fema*- 1. Usually resident here here on Cemus night 3. [Ib Public r] ........ 12. ELEc-1 - -.- - - - TRICITY Data .................... FINAL NUMBER OF PERSONS ENUMERATED IN THIS HOUSEHOLD( THE BAHAMA ISLANDS m . PERSONS AGED AND 14 OVER i Main Occupation etc. Over Past Year R E! 4; J J STA. OCCUPATION TUS Kind of business in which (See engaged note) none, write NIL* ind of work done. If no occupation. (see note j INDUSTRY or b/’ employed. 43 If nu2 ZO 5 d T (21) (22) (231 :11b - I I I Col. 13: ribe If never lived for more than as s i x months in any other parI h r - ish, town or island (Terricd, law) tory in the case o f Col. 13b) ‘om- write FB (from birth), other?r, wise write years since perr m hus- son last came to :ner, returned to live. ?a Qsrfsh ever town or island d m e n t :ner. residence. (TerrWiry frs the Ex, long case of Col. 13b). U under in 1 year write O. * , - Col. 18: 1COI. 19: Col. 15: Col. 16: For persons with For persons who worked for pay or pro- Write E (employed Write W others) O A (work(able to fit at âny time during the past year, er on own accouii* read, and write the main such occupation. For without paJd emwrite), R tormer occupation; or if no former ployees), F (un(able to reaci only) persons who during the year looked paid fainily helper) WG (wage or salEX (no for work, but found none, describ? ary eamer e m longer by GOVV11able to occupation, write SFJ (seeking first p20y~;l n--ent),WP (wage read or job). For all others describe the prhi- etc. earner emwrite), or NIL (flever cipal activities as HD (home duties). ployed privately) learncd tc SCH (Scholar or student) R, (retired For persons with no g.iinfui ocruread or or living on pension), U (unable to patio2 or lcokírg write). work because of illness or disability) for a first fob w i r e , NIL. or OTH (other not seeking work).. University degree, or professional qualifications, write “B.A.”, “M.I.E.E.” etc. For all others above primary write SCH CERT (passed School Certificare or equivalent) or SEC (Secondary not pâssing School Certificate). ULE 1s C O R R E a ’ P FILLED UP TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE A N D BELIEF. .......................................................................... )THER PERSON m N S I B L E FOR PROVIDING CENSUS INFORMATION. Col. COI. 22: 21: If worked during week If in for pay or profit, write EddiW followed b y numtlon to ber of days worked. the If had h job but did niain not work, write 3. If occupation wanting work, and available for work the person in that week, write L. Otherwise deskas scribe as HD. SCH, any other, R, U or OTII. (See note to Col. 19) describe. - ICol. 23: For any person vy operates a farm, o otherwise has a v w table garden, fruit poultry or other listock above the m.* mum,* write the a r ) of the farm, vegetagarden, orchard, y a d etc. in acres. For areas under I acre write “under %’,. ya, Y2 OP %. SCHEDULE Regulation 7(1) CENSUS OF THE:BAHAMA ISLANDS 1963 SCHEDULES FOR VISITORS PASSlNG CENSUS NIGHT IN HOTELS, GUEST HOUSES, ETC. IN THE BAHAMAS No. 1 Name 1 1 Sex Usual Residence Date of expected Departure from &e Bahamas On Cer’sus Night i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 - -- 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 I 21 22 23 24 25 I 1 I
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