! PULATION CENSUS 196 Fonn I The infomation to be entered on this Scbedule i s 1PlfOImatlon rewired under Census Ordem. The mmta of the %hedde will be treated PB stricm confidential tand will- be used for no other pulpose &antbe pmpnmtion of statistical tables. No infoormntion about aoy individual Person WUI be disclosed. The Laws of &e Territodes provide severe penalties for any disclosure of census infoimation it0 unauthorised persons. * m e symbol (*I i s used to indicate that further instructions are to be found in Ule Enumerator's Manunl. NOTE:- O I Vartlc imtt Checked by ........................................ '' a es Females II Il CI Public supply I3 Privatc. supp I y lisually resident here and a h s e n t on census night 3 . Others .. -. residents of this 'Ierritory ........ 4 . Others here on census nighr n o n - r e s i d e n t s of this l'erritory Otlrcr ...................... 1 A N D I I PARIICULAKS 0 5 I I EVERY PERSON IN . . . . . . . . I THIS HOUSEHOLD ~i (12) .... 1 ....... ....................... herr on census n i g h t , tlnub NAML? ,stions clrr riot ........................................ 1. IJsually resident here and here on census nighc ............................. 2. 0 Stone 0 f\rick Concrete or concrete block o Wood Date Filled up by FINAL N U M U E K OF PERSONS ENUMERATED IN THIS I-IOUSEIIOLI) 12. ELECTRICITY D 1940 to 1955 C 1956 0 1 9 5 7 - HOUSEUOLO SCHEDULE Initials AN'IIGUA, BWPISB VIRClN 1SLANl)S. CAYMAN ISLANDS, MONTSEHRI..f. ST CHIRIISl'OPtlBH-NEVIS-ANGUILLA. TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS -". . E SECTION 1 County/Parish/9uarter ............................................................ %rd (if applicable) .............................................................. Di strict Phnnbcr................................................ %meration Type o f Area,............................................................................. Schedule Nranbcr ........................................................................ No. o f Rooms ........................................................................... -. Address o f HDuschold/Btilding...................................................................................... .............................................................................. Tom/M.trlet/Loedity SECTION II TYPE O? CAIU) I 1 Surname and main Christian Name 1 INDIVIDUAL I I Relationship I I I I 05 i R E M A R K S EASTERN CARIBBEAN R E G I O N - TRIBIDAD A N D POPULATION CENSUS 7 t h APRIL, '---i __ TOBAGO 1960 (One Schedule to be completed for each household, one line for each ~ n d i v i d u a l ~ .................................................... ..................................................... FOR O F F l C E USE ONLY *er ................................................ .................................................... .................................................... .................................................-. . Na. o f Fnmilier or Domestic U n i t s............................................... ~~ - 7- 1 No. of 1 Persons per Room ............................................................... .> I Type of Household.......................................................................... d i n g...................................................................................... -- - ! ................................................ i.irict/tocalit~ - SECTION II Coder ...................................... SECTION I Coder....................... I Coder .................................. SECTION IV I i Birthplace If i n this town/locolfti wrlte 'here' and main ian Name Religion 2 If elaewhtre :n this temitory give town or locality and nome. of nearest t o m . entsr ao stated by re.spondent s If abmad. gire nome of country odp. 2) R E M A R K INDIVIDUAL S .VO. I -i : G O Æ- 4 + R ~ G I Q N ~TRINIDAD AND CENSUS 7 t h APBIL, ' 7 1 TOBAGO -TZ G J 1960 P-L.- r each household,one lin&for each individualj ............................ .3FFICE USE ONLY .............................................. ..................,........................... ............................................ II ! ] Enrrmerator........................................................................................ Ï 1 aecked by Supervioor.................................................................. I Checked in Office.......................................................................... 1 1 FOR O F F I C E USE ONLY Total Pkanber o f persons Total Number of families SE rIoN IV Coder .................................. I Levei 3ducation ttained est .hildren still school , 1 to Std. 7 s.c. N.S.C. U.D. U.N. Z.F.C. 1 I Coder .................................. SECTION V I 3id vou i vork r the Int me Harne of person or f h Type of Job in -ah uring by whom engwed for Most of the Time duing the the paat 12 montha. lmths ast Ye./ NO.) Record in dotai 1 None ............................................................ . ............................................................ : ............................................................ : ............................................................ : . I ..................,......................................... l t ........................................................... R E M A R K S i 1 1 job
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