(Unofficial Transla�on) NATIONAL Ques�ons in this schedule should be asked to the Household head or to a Household (HH) member who is able to answer. Answers should be marked by circling the number corresponding to the appropriate answer. District ............................ V.D.C./Municipality ................................... Ward No........Enumeration Area No.......Village/Settlement/Tole .............. Household Information Personal Information 1. What is the type of the house occupied by the household ? 1. Own 2. Rented 3. Ins�tu�onal 4. Others .............. Please give the first, middle and last name of the S. persons who usually live in N. your household 2. What is the structure of the house ? 2.1 Foun- 1. Mud bonded bricks/stone 2. Cement bonded bricks/stone 2.4 No. of da�on : 3. Concrete with pillar 4. Wooden pillar 5. Other ..... Floor (star�ng from the head of the household) ........... 2.2 Outer Wall : 1. Mud bonded bricks/stone 2.Cement bonded bricks/stone 3. Wood/planks 4. Bamboo 5. Unbaked bricks 6. Other .... 2.5 How old 2.3 Roof: 1. Straw/thatch 2.Galvanized iron 3. Tile/slate 4. Concrete/cement 5. Wood/planks 6. Earth/Mud 7. Other.... is the house ? ....... 1 4. What is the usual type of fuel used for cooking in your household ? 1. Wood 2. Kerosene 3. LP Gas 4. Cow Dung 5. Biogas 6. Electricity 7. Other ....... 02 First Name : 4. No Toilet 7. Do you have following facili�es in your household ? (Mul�ple response is possible) 1. Radio 2. TV 3. Cable TV 4. Computer 5. Internet 6. Telephone 7. Mobile Phone 8. Motor 9. Motorcycle 10. Bicycle 11. Other type of vehicle 12. Refrigerator 13. None 8. Does any female member of the HH own house in any part of Nepal ? 1. Yes 9. Does any female member of the HH own land in any part of Nepal ? [] 2. No 1. Yes 2. No 11 10. Please tell us the area of land owned by female member ? Unit Bigha Katha Ropani Dhur Last Name : ======================== ======================== 5. Other ........ 6. What type of toilet facility are you using in your household ? 1. Flush (Public Sewarage) 2. Flush (Sep�c Tank) 3. Ordinary Anna Last Name : 03 First Name : ======================== ======================== ======================== Paisa Last Name : Area ======================== 11. Were there any deaths occured during the last 12 months in your household ? 1. Yes, Number : ............. 13 2. No 04 First 12. Please give use the descrip�on of deceased persons. S. N. Sex Cause of death Age at death if deceased woman was 15-49 years of age, Condi�on at the �me of death 1 2 1. Male 2. Female ======== yr.{ 1. Pregnant =================== 1. Male 2. Female 2. Delivery =================== 2. No 3. Deaths during 6 weeks of delivery Personal Informa�on 3. Don't Know 1 Sex 1. Male 2. Female Age at leaving (yr.) ========= ======================== Passed level Absent dura�on of edu. * (yr.) =================== ========= 05 First Name : ======================== Personal Informa�on 14. Give descrip�on of persons absent and living in other countries S. N. Last Name : 2. Delivery 13. Are any persons absent from the household living in other countries? 1. Yes Name : ======================== 3. Deaths during 6 weeks of delivery ======== yr.{ 1. Pregnant Absent reason/ purpose ** Des�na�on country ============= ======================= 2 1. Male 2. Female ========= =================== ========= ============= ======================= 3 1. Male 2. Female ========= =================== ========= ============= ======================= 4 1. Male 2. Female ========= =================== ========= ============= ======================= * Code for passed level of educa�on (5 yrs. & above only) : passed level but illiterate, SLC, Intermediate, Diploma, PhD, should be given proper code. ** Code for reason/purpose: 1. Business 2. Personal Service 3. Ins�tu�onal Service 4. Study 5. Conflict 6. Dependent 7. Other 8. Don't Know 3 2 01 First 3. What is the main source of drinking water in your household ? Name : 1. Tap/pipe 2. Tubewell/Hand pump 3. Covered Well/Kuwa 4. Uncovered Well/Kuwa 5. Spout water 6. River/Stream 7. Other ................ 5. What is the usual source of ligh�ng in your household ? 1. Electricity 2. Kerosene 3. Biogas 4. Solar What is the rela�onship of household head to (Name)? Last Name : 06 First Name : Last Name : ======================== ======================== ======================== 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Household Head Spouse Son/Dau.-in-law Dau./Son-in-law Parent Father/Motherin-law 7. Brother/sister 8. Grandson/G.D. 9. HH worker 10. Other .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Household Head Spouse Son/Dau.-in-law Dau./Son-in-law Parent Father/Motherin-law 7. Brother/sister 8. Grandson/G.D. 9. HH worker 10. Other .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Household Head Spouse Son/Dau.-in-law Dau./Son-in-law Parent Father/Motherin-law 7. Brother/sister 8. Grandson/G.D. 9. HH worker 10. Other .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Household Head Spouse Son/Dau.-in-law Dau./Son-in-law Parent Father/Motherin-law 7. Brother/sister 8. Grandson/G.D. 9. HH worker 10. Other .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Household Head Spouse Son/Dau.-in-law Dau./Son-in-law Parent Father/Motherin-law 7. Brother/sister 8. Grandson/G.D. 9. HH worker 10. Other .. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Household Head Spouse Son/Dau.-in-law Dau./Son-in-law Parent Father/Motherin-law 7. Brother/sister 8. Grandson/G.D. 9. HH worker 10. Other .. What is the sex of (Name) ? 4 POPULATION CENSUS 2011 - NEPAL Sex of Household Head : 1. Male 2. Female (Write down Completed year, enter “00” if less than one year) (Name) ? What is the marital status of (Name) ? What was the age at first marriage of (Name)? 6 7 8 Only for married persons For persons 10 years and above 1. Never Married 1. Male ================ 2. Female What is the Religion of (Name) ? 9 9 3. Mul�ple spouse ===== 4. Re-married Year ================ 6. Divorced 7. Separated 1. Never Married 1. Male 9 ================ 2. Female 3. Mul�ple spouse ===== 4. Re-married Year ================ 5. Widow/widower 6. Divorced 7. Separated 1. Never Married 1. Male 9 Year ================ 2. Female 3. Mul�ple spouse ===== 4. Re-married Year ================ 5. Widow/widower 6. Divorced 7. Separated 1. Never Married 1. Male 9 Year ================ 2. Female 3. Mul�ple spouse ===== 4. Re-married Year ================ 5. Widow/widower 6. Divorced 7. Separated 1. Never Married 1. Male 9 Year ================ 2. Female 3. Mul�ple spouse ===== 4. Re-married Year ================ 5. Widow/widower 6. Divorced 7. Separated 1. Never Married 1. Male 2. Female 9 Year ================ 3. Mul�ple spouse 4. Re-married 5. Widow/widower 6. Divorced 7. Separated 12 Female ===== Year ================ For persons 5 years and above Is Can What is (Name) (Name) the Level of read and currently Educa�on a�endwrite? of ing (Name) ? school/ college? 13 1. 2. 2. India 3. ................. 4. 3. China 5. 2. Second Lang. 6. 4. Other ............. ................ 7. 8. 9. Not disable 1. Read & Physical disable write Blind and low vision Deaf & hard of hearing 2. Read Deaf-Blind Only Speech problem Mental Illness 3. Can't Intellectual disable Read Mul�ple disable & Write 1. 2. 2. India 3. ................. 4. 3. China 5. 2. Second Lang. 6. 4. Other ............. ................ 7. 8. 9. Not disable 1. Read & Physical disable write Blind and low vision Deaf & hard of hearing 2. Read Deaf-Blind Only Speech problem Mental Illness 3. Can't Intellectual disable Read Mul�ple disable & Write 1. 2. 2. India 3. ................. 4. 3. China 5. 2. Second Lang. 6. 4. Other ............. ................ 7. 8. 9. Not disable 1. Read & Physical disable write Blind and low vision Deaf & hard of hearing 2. Read Deaf-Blind Only Speech problem Mental Illness 3. Can't Intellectual disable Read Mul�ple disable & Write 1. 2. 2. India 3. ................. 4. 3. China 5. 2. Second Lang. 6. 4. Other ............. ................ 7. 8. 9. Not disable 1. Read & Physical disable write Blind and low vision Deaf & hard of hearing 2. Read Deaf-Blind Only Speech problem Mental Illness 3. Can't Intellectual disable Read Mul�ple disable & Write 1. 2. 2. India 3. ................. 4. 3. China 5. 2. Second Lang. 6. 4. Other ............. ................ 7. 8. 9. Not disable 1. Read & Physical disable write Blind and low vision Deaf & hard of hearing 2. Read Deaf-Blind Only Speech problem Mental Illness 3. Can't Intellectual disable Read Mul�ple disable & Write 1. 2. 2. India 3. ................. 4. 3. China 5. 2. Second Lang. 6. 4. Other ............. ................ 7. 8. 9. Not disable 1. Read & Physical disable write Blind and low vision Deaf & hard of hearing 2. Read Deaf-Blind Only Speech problem Mental Illness 3. Can't Intellectual disable Read Mul�ple disable & Write 1. Mother Tongue 2. Once married ===== 11 1. Mother Tongue 2. Once married ===== 10 1. Mother Tongue 2. Once married ===== What is the Physical and mental disability of (Name)? 1. Mother Tongue 2. Once married ===== Which Country's Ci�zen is (Name) ? 1. Mother Tongue 2. Once married Year What is the Mother Tongue and Second Language of (Name) ? 1. Mother Tongue 5. Widow/widower ===== Male Absent (abroad) 2. Once married Year Total Usually live First and Last Name of Household Head : ........................................ ....................... Absent (within country) What is the Caste/ Ethnicity of ===== Household Members ................................ House No. ................. Household No. ..................... What is the age of (Name) ? 5 Schedule 1 Contact Telephone No. .......................... Total page ...... of page ...... 1. Nepal 1. Nepal 1. Nepal 1. Nepal 1. Nepal 1. Nepal 14 1. Yes 2. No 1. Yes 2. No 1. Yes 2. No 1. Yes 2. No 1. Yes 2. No 1. Yes 2. No 15 1. Pass level ................ 2. Major Sub. (above SLC) .................. 1. Pass level ................ 2. Major Sub. (above SLC) .................. 1. Pass level ................ 2. Major Sub. (above SLC) .................. 1. Pass level ................ 2. Major Sub. (above SLC) .................. 1. Pass level ................ 2. Major Sub. (above SLC) .................. 1. Pass level ................ 2. Major Sub. (above SLC) .................. NATIONAL POPULATION (Unofficial Transla�on) District ............................ V.D.C./Municipality ................................... Ward No........Enumeration Area No.......Village/Settlement/Tole .............. Ques�ons in this schedule should be asked to the Household head or to a Household (HH) member who is able to answer. Please write down these informa�on from form 1 What What is is the The first and middle N. age name of the persons the sex of of who usually live in (Name) (Name) the household ? ? S. 1 01 2 4 5 What is the marital status of (Name) ? 7 2. Once married 3. Mul�ple spouse 2.Female ======== 4. Re-married 7. Separated 1. Never Married 2. Once married 1.Male 3. Mul�ple spouse 2.Female ======== 4. Re-married 7. Separated 1. Never Married 2. Once married 1.Male 3. Mul�ple spouse 2.Female ======== 4. Re-married 7. Separated 1. Never Married 2. Once married 1.Male 3. Mul�ple spouse 2.Female ======== 4. Re-married 7. Separated 1. Never Married 2. Once married 1.Male 3. Mul�ple spouse 2.Female ======== 4. Re-married 7. Separated 1. Never Married 2. Once married 1.Male 3. Mul�ple spouse 2.Female 3. Service .............................. ==== 1. V.D.C. Year 3. Other country 1. Same Dist. ==== 1. V.D.C. Year 5. Marriage 6. Dependent 7. Conflict 3. Other country .............................. 1. Same Dist. 8. Others ...... 19 2. Other District .............................. ==== 1. V.D.C. Year 3. Other country .............................. 1. Same Dist. 19 2. Other District .............................. ==== 1. V.D.C. Year 3. Other country .............................. 1. Same Dist. 19 2. Other District .............................. ==== 1. V.D.C. Year ======== 4. Re-married 3. Other country .............................. 1. Same Dist. .............................. 5. Widow/widower 2. Municipality 6. Divorced 7. Separated 19 2. Other District 1. V.D.C. 3. Other country .............................. 4. Study ==== Year Have (Name) had any live births during the last 12 months ? What work (Name) usually did during the last 12 months ? 21 22 2. No Descrip�on Son 22 Dat. 1. Yes Sex 2.Dat. 3. Other country 3.Dead 1.Son .............................. 4.Total 2.Dat. 1. Same District 2. Other District .............................. 1. Yes 2. No Descrip�on Son 22 Dat. 1. Yes Sex 1.Living together 1.Son 2.Living sep. 2.Dat. 3. Other country 3.Dead 1.Son .............................. 4.Total 2.Dat. 1. V.D.C. 2. Municipality 1. Agriculture 2. Business 3. Service 4. Study 5. Marriage 6. Dependent 7. Conflict 8. Others ...... 1. Same District 1. Agriculture 2. Business 1. Same District 2. Other District .............................. 1. V.D.C. 2. Municipality 3. Other country .............................. 2. Other District .............................. 1. V.D.C. 2. Municipality 3. Other country .............................. 2. Other District .............................. 1. V.D.C. 2. Municipality 3. Other country .............................. 1. Same District 2. Other District .............................. 1. V.D.C. 2. Municipality 3. Other country .............................. 1. Yes 2. No Descrip�on Son 22 Dat. 1.Living together 1. Yes Sex 2.Dat. 3.Dead 1.Son 2.Dat. 4.Total 2. No Descrip�on Son 22 Dat. 1. Yes Sex 1.Living together 1.Son 2.Living sep. 2.Dat. 3.Dead 1.Son 2.Dat. 4.Total (Describe the actual work done. eg. teaching, high school teacher) What was the status of employment of (Name the establishment (Name) ? or the organiza�on where Where did (Name) work ? (Industry) worked. eg. own land, paddy produc�on) Year Month ==== ====== ==== ====== 2. No 22 Year Month ==== ====== ==== ====== 2. No 22 Year Month ==== ====== ==== ====== 2. No 22 Year Month ==== ====== ==== ====== 1. Agriculture ...... months 2. Salary/Wage ...... months 3. Own Eco. Enterpr. ...... months 4. Extended Eco ...... months 5. Seeking Work ...... months 6. Household work ...... months 7. Study (Student) ...... months 8. No work ...... months 1. Agriculture ...... months 3. Own Eco. Enterpr. ...... months 4. Extended Eco ...... months 5. Seeking Work ...... months 6. Household work ...... months 7. Study (Student) ...... months 8. No work ======================= ======================= 16 yrs.) ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= 3. Own Eco. Enterpr. ...... months 4. Extended Eco ...... months 5. Seeking Work ...... months 6. Household work ...... months 7. Study (Student) ...... months 8. No work ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ...... months ...... months 3. Own Eco. Enterpr. ...... months 4. Extended Eco ...... months 5. Seeking Work ...... months 6. Household work ...... months 7. Study (Student) ...... months 8. No work ...... months 2. No Descrip�on Son 22 Dat. 1. Yes Sex 1.Living together 1.Son 2.Living sep. 2.Dat. 3.Dead 1.Son 2.Dat. 4.Total 1. Yes 2. No Descrip�on Son 1.Living together 22 Dat. 1. Yes Sex 2. No 22 Year Month ==== ====== ==== ====== 2. No 22 Year Month 1.Son 2.Living sep. 2.Dat. 3.Dead 1.Son 2.Dat. ==== ====== ==== ====== 1. Agriculture ...... months 2. Salary/Wage ...... months 3. Own Eco. Enterpr. ...... months 4. Extended Eco ...... months 5. Seeking Work ...... months 6. Household work ...... months 7. Study (Student) ...... months 8. No work ...... months 1. Agriculture 1. Student 2. House work 3. Aged 2. Employee 4. Pension 3. Own account 5. Physically & mentally handicapped worker 6. Sickness or chronic illness 4. Unpaid family 7. Others ........... worker 1. Mother/Father 1. Student 2. House work 3. Aged 2. Employee 4. Pension 3. Own account 5. Physically & mentally handicapped worker 6. Sickness or chronic illness 4. Unpaid family 7. Others ........... worker 1. Mother/Father 2. Mother ...... months 3. Own Eco. Enterpr. ...... months 4. Extended Eco ...... months 5. Seeking Work ...... months 6. Household work ...... months 7. Study (Student) ...... months 8. No work ...... months Total 12 months 2. Mother 3. Father 4. Father & Step. Mother 5. Mother & Step Father 6. Other rela�ve 7. Employer 8. Others ................. 3. Father 4. Father & Step. Mother 5. Mother & Step Father 6. Other rela�ve 7. Employer 1. Employer 1. Student 2. House work 3. Aged 2. Employee 4. Pension 3. Own account 5. Physically & mentally handicapped worker 6. Sickness or chronic illness 4. Unpaid family 7. Others ........... worker 1. Mother/Father 2. Mother 3. Father 4. Father & Step. Mother 5. Mother & Step Father 6. Other rela�ve 7. Employer 8. Others ................. 1. Student 2. House work 3. Aged 2. Employee 4. Pension 3. Own account 5. Physically & mentally handicapped worker 6. Sickness or chronic illness 4. Unpaid family 7. Others ........... worker 1. Mother/Father 2. Mother 3. Father 1. Employer 1. Student 2. House work 3. Aged 2. Employee 4. Pension 3. Own account 5. Physically & mentally handicapped worker 6. Sickness or chronic illness 4. Unpaid family 7. Others ........... worker 1. Mother/Father 2. Mother 3. Father 4. Father & Step. Mother 5. Mother & Step Father 6. Other rela�ve 7. Employer 8. Others ................. 1. Student 2. House work 3. Aged 2. Employee 4. Pension 3. Own account 5. Physically & mentally handicapped worker 6. Sickness or chronic illness 4. Unpaid family 7. Others ........... worker 1. Mother/Father 2. Mother 3. Father 4. Father & Step. Mother 5. Mother & Step Father 6. Other rela�ve 7. Employer 8. Others ................. 1. Employer ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= ======================= Total 12 months ...... months 2. Salary/Wage 27 @& 8. Others ................. Total 12 months ...... months 2. Salary/Wage 26 1. Employer ...... months ...... months Q 22: (1+2+3+4+5) < 6 25 1. Employer Total 12 months ...... months 2. Salary/Wage 1. Agriculture 24 Total 12 months ...... months 2. Salary/Wage 1. Agriculture 23 What was the What is the living reason for arrangment of usually not (Name) ? working during the (Encircle one of the last 12 months appropriate codes for by (Name) ? children less than Total 12 months 1. Yes 4.Total 2. No 22 1.Son 2.Living sep. 1. Yes What work (Name) usually was done ? (Occupa�on) Q 22: (1+2+3+4) > 0 2.Living sep. 1. Same District 1. Agriculture 2. Business 3. Service 4. Study 5. Marriage 6. Dependent 7. Conflict 8. Others ...... 1. Yes Only for Children below 16 yrs. of age Ques�ons are asked to persons 10 years of age and above (15-49 yrs. of age) 1.Son 1. Agriculture 2. Business 3. Service 4. Study 5. Marriage 6. Dependent 7. Conflict 8. Others ...... 3. Service 4. Study 5. Marriage 6. Dependent 7. Conflict 8. Others ...... Only for married women 1.Living together 2. Municipality 2. Business 3. Service .............................. .............................. 5. Marriage 6. Dependent 1. Agriculture 2. Other District 2. Other District 1. V.D.C. 8. Others ...... 19 1. Same District Answers should be marked by circling the number corresponding to the appropriate answer. 20 19 4. Study 7. Conflict .............................. 5. Widow/widower 2. Municipality 6. Divorced 06 2. Other District 5. Widow/widower 2. Municipality 6. Divorced 05 (State all children live born by sex) 18 1. Agriculture 2. Business 19 5. Widow/widower 2. Municipality 6. Divorced 04 1. Same Dist. 5. Widow/widower 2. Municipality 6. Divorced 03 17 16 5. Widow/widower 2. Municipality 6. Divorced 02 For persons 5 years Only for married women and above (15-49 yrs. of age) How many children Where was were ever born to (Name) lived (Name) ? 5 yrs ago ? Total page ...... of page ...... Schedule 2 House No. of Form 1...........Household No. of Form 1 ................. Total Usually Living Household Members ........... Male ........ Female ......... Personal Information year; enter or other country the "00" if less name must be than specified) 1 year) 1. Never Married 1.Male Only for code 2 and 3 in Ques�on 16 How long What is the Where is the (Name) main reason of birth place of has been staying in (Name) ? staying this district here ? (Code must be of encircled, if the place (Write down completed (Name) ? of birth is other dist. CENSUS 2011 - NEPAL 1. Employer 4. Father & Step. Mother 5. Mother & Step Father 6. Other rela�ve 7. Employer 8. Others .................
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