(CONFIDENTIAL) Republic of Kenya Statistics Act 2006 Province Ward District Location Sub-Location Females = E.A. Number E.A. Type E.A. Status Line Number (P-00) What are the names of each person who spent the night of 24th/25th August, 2009 in this household? (Record two names of each person, young and old, starting with the head of the household.) Illustration An illustration of how to write the names is shown below. Sex Age Line Number of Mother (P-10) (P-11) (P-12) (P-13) (P-14) What is <NAME>? 1=Head 1=Male 2=Spouse 2=Female (Record age in completed years using two digits. If under 1 year, record ’’00’’. If 95 years and above code 95) 4=Grandchild 5=Brother/Sister 6=Father/Mother 7=Nephew/Niece 8=In-Law PATRICIA ODENG How old is relationship <NAME>’s to the head sex? of this household? 3=Son/Daughter Constituency Structure No.: S Spoilt B: Information Regarding Females Aged 12 Years and Above Relationship <NAME>’s Household Type Total Household Population = Usual member of household What is BUREAU OF STATISTICS Household No. A: Information Regarding All Persons Name KENYA NATIONAL Keeping you informed Division Males = KNBS Population and Housing Census – 24th/25th August 2009 Tribe/ Religion Marital Status Nationality (P-15) (P-16) (P-17) Birth Place Previous Residence (P-18) (P-19) Please What Where was What Is What is insert line <NAME> <NAME>’s tribe is is <NAME> born? number a usual or nationality? <NAME>’s <NAME>’s member of religion? marital of this <NAME>’s status? biological household? mother ENTER 1=Yes ’’00’’ IF BIOLOGICAL 2=No MOTHER IS NOT IN HOUSEHOLD For Kenyans, write tribe code. 1=Catholic 2=Protestant 3=Other For non-Kenyans, Christian write code for 4=Muslim nationality. 5=Hindu The code list is provided. 6=Traditionalist 1=Never married 2=Married Monogamous 3=Married Polygamous Write district code, if in Kenya, or country code, if outside Kenya. The code list is provided. If aged under 1 year, write ’’000’’. 4=Widowed 7=Other religion 10=Other Relative 8=No religion 11=Non-relative 9=DK (P-20) (P-21) (P-22) (P-23) (P-24) (P-25) father alive? For respondents enumerated in their district of birth, code month and year of birth. 1=Yes 1=Yes 2=No 2=No If date of movement is not known, write ’’99’’ for month and "9999" for year. 9=DK 9=DK Is <NAME>’s Particulars of Last Live Births Particulars of All Live Births Orphanhood How many children have you ever born mother alive? alive? When did <NAME> move to the current district? in August 2008? Write district code, if in Kenya, or country code, if outside Kenya. 5=Divorced 9=Grandparent Where was <NAME> living Duration of Residence Is <NAME>’s (P-26) (P-27) How many children have you born alive who usually live in this household? (P-28) (P-29) How many children have you born alive who usually live elsewhere? (P-30) (P-31) How many children have you born alive who have died? (P-32) (P-33) When was your last child born? If date of birth is not known code "99" for month and "9999" for year. The code list is provided. 6=Separated 9=DK 99=DK Year FORM 09-KPHC (06-02-09) Page 1 09-KPHC, Enumerator Form Page 1, Base (Black) Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Boys Girls Month Year 20009031 §5!{@¤ Month 09-KPHC, Enumerator Form Page 1, Pantone 354 (20%, 40%) 09-KPHC, Enumerator Form Page 1, Pantone 167 (100%) Line Number Illustration B: Information Regarding Females Aged 12 Years and Above (P-34) (P-35) (P-36) Particulars of Last Live Births Was this last birth notified? 1=Yes 2=No 9=DK Was this child male or female? Is this child still alive? 1=Male 1=Yes 2=Female 2=No 3=Male twins 3=One of the twins 4=Female twins 4=Both twins 5=Malefemale twins 5=One of the multiples 6=Multiple births 5=Two of the multiples 9=DK (P-38) (P-37) What type of disability does <NAME> have? (List not more than three) (P-40) (P-39) Because of the disability, does <NAME> have difficulties in engaging in any economic activity? 1. Visual 2. Hearing 3. Speech 4. Physical 5. Mental 6. Self care 7. Others 8. None 1=Yes 2=No 3=NA 9=DK E: Labour Force Particulars (To be asked of all persons aged 5 years and above) D: Information Regarding Persons Aged 3 Years and Above C: Information Regarding Persons with Disability (P-42) (P-41) Education What is the school/ Learning institution attendance status of <NAME>? What is the highest Std/Form/Level reached by <NAME>? 1=At school/ Learning Institution The code list provided 2=Left School/ Learning Institution Write "97" if P-39 equals 3 or 9 Economic Activity What is the highest Std/Form/Level What was <NAME> mainly completed by doing during <NAME>? the last 7 days preceding the census night? The code list provided The code list provided Write "97" if P-39 equals 3 or 9 (P-44) (P-43) F: Information Regarding ICT (To be asked of persons aged 3 years & above) (P-45) Who was <NAME>’s main employer? (P-48) (P-49) Code "99" for Not Applicable 1=Yes 1=Yes 1=Yes 1=Yes 1=Yes 2=No 2=No 2=No 2=No 2=No 9=DK 9=DK 9=DK 9=DK 9=DK 3=Never went to school/ Learning Institution 7=All of the multiples (P-47) How many hours did <NAME> work in the last 7 days preceding the census night? The code list provided Code "99" for Not Applicable (P-46) Was <NAME> able to get a service from the following items within the last one month? For those who worked or held a job (including those on leave/sick leave) (P-50) How often does <NAME> use internet (e.g. email, chatting, etc.)? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. Daily Weekly Monthly Yearly Never DK G: Annual Live Births (P-51) (H-10) How many live births mainly use occurred in this the household internet? between 24/08/2008 1=Own house and 2=A friend’s 24/08/2009 house (last 12 3=Office/ months)? Workplace Where did <NAME> H: Information About Deaths In the Household (H-12) (H-11) How many deaths occurred in this household between 24/08/2008 and 24/08/09 (last 12 months)? Name of the household member who died. 9=DK Radio If ’5’ or ’9’ Skip to Mobile H-10 TV Set Phone Landline Computer (H-14) (H-15) Age Sex Was this death How old notified? was 1=Male 2=Female <NAME>’s at his/her death? 1=Yes 2=No 9=DK In completed years 4=Cyber cafe 5=Community centre 6=Educational centre Code "00" for less than 1 year 7=Other 9=DK (H-13) 8=Mobile Phones 9=DK If ’00’ Skip to H-17 Code "99" for DK If male skip to next name 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Remarks Continuation page I: Information Regarding Livestock (H-16) (H-17) For females who died at age 12 - 49 years J: Housing Conditions and Amenities – To be Asked of the Household Head or Any Other Responsible Person How many of each of the following livestock are currently owned by this household? Did the death occur... 1=During pregnancy? §5!{R¤ 2=During delivery? 3=Within two months after delivery? 4=Other 9=DK Livestock Number Livestock 1. Exotic cattle 7. Pigs 2. Indigenous cattle 8. Indigenous chicken 3. Sheep 4. Goat Number (H-18) (H-19) (H-20) Dwelling Units Habitable Tenure Status of Main Dwelling Unit How many dwelling units does this household occupy? How many habitable rooms do these units contain? If owner occupied, state whether: 9. Chicken Commercial 10. Bee Hives 1=Purchased 2=Constructed 3=Inherited If rented/provided, state whether: 4=Government 5=Local Authority 6=Parastatal 7=Private Company 8=Individual 9=Faith based organization/NGO 10=Other form (H-21) (H-22) (H-23) Dominant Construction Material of Main Dwelling Unit Roof Wall Floor 1=Corrugated Iron sheets 2=Tiles 3=Concrete 4=Asbestos Sheets 5=Grass 6=Makuti 7=Tin 8=Mud/Dung 9=Other (Specify) 1=Stone 2=Brick/Block 3=Mud/Wood 4=Mud/ Cement 1=Cement 2=Tiles 3=Wood 4=Earth 5=Other (Specify) (H-24) Main Source of Water 1=Pond 2=Dam 3=Lake 4=Stream/River 5=Protected Spring water (H-25) 1=Main Sewer 2=Septic tank 3=Cess pool 4=VIP Pit Latrine 6=Corrugated Iron sheets 7=Protected Well 5=Pit Latrine covered 7=Grass/ Reeds 8=Unprotected Well 8=Tin 9=Borehole 9=Other (Specify) 10=Piped into dwelling 11=Piped 12=Jabia 13=Rain/Harvested L: Emigrants (H-28) (H-29) (H-27) Main Mode Did the Household own any of the following items? Emigrants in the last 15 years (since 1995) of Human Main Type Main Type of Cooking of Lighting 1=Yes 2=No Waste Fuel Fuel Disposal How many members of 6=Unprotected Spring 5=Wood only (H-26) K: Ownership of Household Assets 6=Pit Latrine uncovered 7=Bucket Latrine 1=Electricity 2=Paraffin 3=LPG 4=Biogas 5=Firewood 6=Charcoal 7=Solar 8=Other (Specify) 1=Electricity 2=Pressure lamp 1. Radio 8. Car 2.TV 9. TrucklLorry/ tractor/bus 3. Mobile Phone 10. Refrigerator 4. Landline Telephone 11. Boat 5. Computer 12. Animal Drawn cart 3=Lantern 4=Tin lamp 5=Gas Lamp 6=Fuel wood 7=Solar 8=Other (Specify) 8=Bush 9=Other (Specify) 14=Water Vendor 5. Camels 11. Other 6. Donkeys FORM 09-KPHC (06-02-09) Page 2 09-KPHC, Enumerator Form Page 2, Base (Black) 09-KPHC, Enumerator Form Page 2, Pantone 354 (20% background) 15=Other Specify) this household have migrated to another country since 1995? 20009049 H: Information About Deaths In the Household of 6. Bicycle 13. Canoes 7. Motor Cycle 14. Tuk tuk If NONE write "00" and end the interview If NOT "00" fill the Emigrant Short Questionnaire
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