QUESTIONNAIRE OF THE GAMBIA THE REPUBLIC FORM A HOUSEHOLD - PART 1 Strictly Confidential .. LG.A. Statistics Act 2005 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS, April, 2013 . .. Settlement E.,!\: No. District Rtype No. -t, Name .- I Code - Full Name I . GPC 3 U sua 1Mbem ers P resen on Census N'19 ht Sri Sex Compound Ward I I I I I I I - I - Sri Household No I 2: Rural GPC 4 V·isitors . Present Relationship to Head of No Head of Household , 1: Urban -- I Normal Household No. in Compound 1 I I o n C ens us N'IQ h t Sex Relationship to the Head of Full Name Usual Residence Household ... _ DistrictiCountrv 1 2 1 3 2 A 0 5 4 6 5 I 7 R q Persons in GPC-3 II Persons in GPC-4 I II Male Male Female I 0 II I Fernals II Persons in GPC-5 II Male II I I I Female Persons in GPC-3&4 Male I I I Female Settlement II II Persons in GPC-3&5 Male II I I Female I I I - GPC 5 U sua 1Mb em ers Ab sen to n Census N·IQ ht Sri Se)C Age Full Name No Relationship to Head of Household Address on Census Night District/Country Settlement How Long Absent (in Completed Months) 1 :;; :: 4 : Name 1st Visit 2nd Visit Signature Date ..... .t ..... .t .... Enumerator .... .t . ... .1 ..... ...... .t ..!.. ..J .... J ... Supervisor .... ~e ult ...... .l .... J. Result of Visit: ... l . ... J . 1 Completed Name Signature Date Final Visit ...... .t .... ..!. ... 2 Partially completed 3 vacant 4 Refused 5 Other Form of , , ..!. .I. -Coder . .... ..!. ... I. .. FORMA Demographic 1 0 SrI. No. Full Name 2 Sex 3 Age WritetheNamesof the Usual Members 1: Whatwas Present and Visitors Male your Age last Birth2: Fe- day? male OO:less than (please refer to GPCs 3 and 4) 1 Year 98:98Years & Over - -- 1 -------------------- -- 2 ..... 3 -------------------- -- -- 1 1 ---l--1 I 1 1 --..,--- PART 2 Information for Whatis your Relationship to Head/Temporary Head of the Household? 01 :Head 02:Temporary Head 03:Wife/Husband 04:Son/Daughter 05:Son's SQn/Daughter 06:Oaughter's Son/Daughter 07:Father/Mother 08:Mother's Husband /Father's Wife 09:Brother/Sister 10:Brother's Son/Daughter 11 :Sister's Son/Daughter 12:Father's Father/Mother 13:Mother's Father/Mother 14:Father's Brother/ Sister 15:Mother's Brother/Sister 16:0ther Relative 17: Adopted/Foster Child 18:Live- in-Maids 19: Non Relative T 1 -------------1--- I -------------~-1 , 1 ------------------ -- 8 -- 9 0 -------------------- -- - _L __ I I ---l--I 2. - 1 :Fula/Tuku 3:Tra ditional lur/Lorobo 2:Wollof Is your Mother alive? 1:Yes 1:Yes 2:No 2:No 3: Don't 3: Don't know know 4:0ther 3:Jola/ Karoninka 4:Serahuli 5:Serere ---- ------- ----- ---- ------- ----- ---- ----- ------- ----- ---- I I -------1-I 10----- , 1 , 1 I 2:Chris tianity 1 I 1 O:Mandinkal Jahanka (b) Ethnicity ______ ------------'-1 .-------------~- (a) What is your What is your Ethnic Origin? (For Religion? Is your Father Gambians alive? 1:lslam only) 9:0ther I I 8 Survival of Parents 8:Bambara I I 7 Religion If code is not 00 6:Creole/Aku Enter Country Marabout code and (skip to col 7) 7:Manjago 1 1 1 1 -------1-- -------------r- I OO:Gambian 10: Senegalese 11: Guinea (Conakry) 12: Guinea (Bissau) 13:Malian 14:Sierra Leonean 15: Mauritanian 16:Ghanaian 17:Nigerian 18:Liberian 19:0ther West Africans 20:0ther Africans 21: Non Africans I I 1 1 I ---l--I 7 What is your Nationality? -------1- 5 -- 6 Ethnicity 5 Nationality I 6 - Persons 4 - - -------------------- -,... All 4 Relationship L_ ----- ---- --- ------- ----- ---- ---- , I -------1-I 1------ FORM A - PART 2 (CONTINUED) o 9 Birth Place (place of usual residence of mother at the time of birth) SrI. No. Duration Where were you born? 11a Reason for Movement 11 10 Previous Residence of Stay Where have you been living before? How many months What is (Last Residence) <NAME's> have you lived in this 00: In thisSettlementfTownNiliage In another SettlementfTownNillage: Specify District and SettlementfTown/ 00: Always lived in this Settlement! TownNillage and Skip to reason For Village 13a migration? (in complete months) TownNillage In another SettlementfTownNillage: 1: Education Specify District and SettiementfTownNillage 2:Employment Outside Gambia: Specify Country Outside Gambia: / in search of Specify Country Employment OO:Less than 1 Month 3:Marriage 4: Followed Family 60:60 Months and Over 5: ConflictJWar 6: Disasters 7: Drought 8: Medical Reason 9: TourismNisit 10: Other/Specify I I I I ! I 2 1 Iii I ! ! i ! iii I ! iii 5 1 1 I 1 o 1 i ... -- - -- ---- -- - - -.--.----. -.-1----+--+-- --.- --- ......................... _ ......... _ ... ...................................- -. - i"- ---- ! i . _. ._. · · . · - . -- - - - - . -·----- l- I, 1 I I I _ -_j_ i i ---I---'ti-- - _._._. ...._.... _ __ . . . . -.3 .. _.---_.- _·. _ · _. I I i 1 I i ! --~I--+-~~-+-·----··----···- iii . . . . -- i- . -. - i __ .__ . ! ! ! ! i ! .. _ .. _ .. _ ...... _ ........ _L__L_l __ l ........_. iii I iii -· ·-·r---r--t. · r1 · i I -1-_-'-, i I I I I--t-·- ---.-'---.---~---- 7 9 : _. r---i-_ I 6 8 i i i I 4 1---1--1---1 ! ! '--lii-T-' 3 1 I i i -l-l-i- .- -- , 1 --I-_+-----+_-i-_,_~-.---- ... - _____ --l __ i L_~~-~+--i . __ -<-_-'!-1 i 1'-- _ I ·-J_-l--_ _. · . _. · _ . _ _ FORM A - PART 2 (CONTINUED) 7 Years and over 7 Years and Over For Aged 3 & Over 0 13 14 14a SrI. No Full Time Education Literacy Numeracy (a) (b) (aa) (c) What is the field of study for the highest level completed? 15 Can you read and Can (NAME) Do you usually have access to the following ICT facilities write in any Do simple· at least once a week? Have you If Now or If Now or Past in ever Attended in 13a, language with Calculations in the Past; In highest level and Arabic/Roman Roman and Arabic grade Alphabets Numbers? attended School/ Which what is the 15a 15b 15c AccesstolCT Do you own a How often does (name) Mobile? use internet (e.g. email, Where does name mainly use the internet? chatting, skype) / Educat - educational attained/completed ional system did in Regular Institut- Name have School/Institution? ion? (b) (b) level of o education? 01-04; Early childhood Script Numer bers 1 Primary 01-06. (Skip to 2 Lower 2:Read 3 Upper 2=Madrassa Secondary 10 -12. (c) (e) (f) Mobile Telephone Computer Phone Land Line (d) (g) (h) News Radio TV. 1: Own Mobile (i) 1. Never use 1. Own house (Skip to 16a) 2. Friend's 2. Daily 3. Official work Magazi house Arabic 1: Yes Arabic ne 2: 2: No 2: 1: Yes 1: Yes 1: Yes 1: Yes 1: Yes 1: Yes 1: Yes 3. Weekly 4. Private 2: No 2: No 2:No 2: No 2: No 4. Monthly 5. Community 5. Other 6.Educational (specify) center place and WritE secondary 07-09. 1= Western (b) paper/ 1: 1:Read (a) Num- the highest 2:Now (a) acy 1: Never 14) Only for those who (a) corrnleted level,S, or 6 or 7, or 8 with certificate(s). Literacy Roman only cyber cafe Roman 3: DK 3: Both 2: No 2: No 3: Both center 4 Non-tertiary 01-02 (exclude 3:Past Daral Karanta) 5 Tertiary/ diploma 01-12. 6 Bachelor 01-12. 7 Masters 01-12. 8 Doctoral 01-12. Level Grade 3:No 4: (skip to Other 14a (a)) 4: Script i 1 i, 2 !, 3 I 4 ii i 5 6 I i t 7 ! 8 II 9 II 0 I I ! 4 Other 7. Mobile Script 8:0ther FORM A - PART 2 (CONTINUED) For those WorkinglEmployed For Aged 7 & Over (incl. those with jobs, but did not work) and the Unemployed Aged 7 and Over o 16 17 18 19 SrI. No Type of Activity Occupation Industry Employment Status During the past 30 Days (a) (b) What were you doing (If answer most of the time? Did you 1: Working (skip to work at all 16d) for payor (dd) (a) looking for for work? work? How how many many hours did days did you work you per day? (If not working in the past 30 days, ask last kind of work/occupation in the past 12 months. Enter never worked. If person did not work in the past 12 months) 2: Had a Job, but 4: Home making (go to 16b) ment status establishment where you work? services of this establishment? in this (for those who worked past 30 days) establish(for those who worked past 30 merit? and 1: Yes days) and (those who did not work past 12 months) 2: No 2: No during the past 12 months) or wages (If 16c and 16cc are both No, skip to 2: Selfemployed 17) including without employees pay in kind) 3:Employer 1: Yes (skip t016d) 5: Student (skip to 20) 6: Something else (go to 16b) 1 :Employee for pay 30 days but worked sometimes (Includes not at work (skip to work for family 17) farm or 3: Did not work and business, did not have job (skip to 16c) your employWhat is the main product or but worked sometimes during the past profit? What is/was What is the name and Location of the (those who did not work past 30 days work? 1: Yes (b) On average What is your main joblwork (occupation)? Were you Were you in 16a is 4 available (past 30 days,16March or 6) -14 April 2013), (d) (cc) (c) 4:Unpaid family worker 2:No(go 5:0ther to 16c) (specify) 1 ~-------- 2 3 ----------------- --------_- -------- ------------ . ------- . -_------ -_---------------------- ------------- 4 5 6 7 8 9 o 5 ---------------------------- -------- --------------------------- ------------ FORM A PART 2 (CONTINUED) For Aged 12 and over 0 20 SrI. no Marital Status For Aged 2 & Over For Females Aged 12 Years and Over 22 21 Type of Union Particulars Status What is/was How many How many How many How many your Union? Children of them are of them are of them (For ever have been living in this living (a) (c) How man) Year have died? Children of (d) of your disability? Do you born to Enter 1 :Monogamous you durin, 2: number (01 - 12) 2:Polygamous the last 1< 2012 3: months? 1-Congenital disability? during the last 12 disability 1 :Seeing months are still 2:Hearing 3-lnjury / Accident 1: 4-Spousal alive? Yes Violence 3:Speaking 1: Yes 4:Physical of the 5:Strange behaviour 2013 Month 2: 5-0ther Violence No 6-Unknown 3:Polygamous 6. Fits with 3 spouses (Skip to 7. Learning 7-0ther difficulties 8. Other Specify 4:Polygamous with 4 spouses with 5 spouses and more Does (Name) smoke? 2: No 5:Polygamous / At Birth 2-Disease / Illness 25) 5:Widowed What is form of only) with 2 spouses How many of born to you to 22) 4:Separated Main Disability Month of those Children have beer Birth you? 00 if Birth married Persons born alive to Household? elsewhere? 3:Divorced 25 Tobacco have any your main 1 :Never Married (Skip 2:Married 24a. What is the main cause of Births in the last 12 Months April 2012 to March 2013(Record None) What is your Marital 24 23 Number of Children Born 10 Years & Over (a) Male (b) (c) (d) Fe- Male Fe- male (e) (f) Male Fe- male (g) (h) (a) Male Fe- male (b) (c) (d) Male Fe- male (e) Male (f) (a) (b) Female male j j i 1 , t _ .. _- : 3 ........_._. ----- 1 ,, I- .-._---_._ I 2 _._-------- 4 _. 1 i, i 5 - --- _--_. ~-. --- 6 ! ~ I 7 -_._. _._- - 1 -- i,, Ii i ! 8 ,, , 9 t--- f--- ,-_", 0 .. _----_. __ .... _-- ~-.- ~ I 1 ,, !, ~ ! ;, ! , . i __ 1 ! t ,, j I, i ! ._._. -·-i-·- .. -.. -~.-, , , 1 i ! !, i , , l ~. --_._------_---- , ! ! -_._-- .....!, i ! i 1 6 1------------- i .- -- ---_._--- FORM A - PART 3 MORTALITY MORTALITY: (To be answered by head of household or any responsible Death in the Household in the Sex Relationship (3) (4) last 12 months (2) (1 ) Maternal Deaths members of the household) Age at death of If the deceased was female 15 years and above did deceased she die? (5) (6) What is the Was the What is the relationship of the deceased to How old was in this household in the last 12 Name of person female Head lor Temporal Head of household? the person months? the deceased How many deaths occurred or male? Household (April 2012 - March 2013) Enter number of deaths. (if During Pregnancy when he/she 03:Wife/Husband; member? (a) 04:Son/Daughter 1= Male 05:Son's Son/Daughter; 2= Female 06:Daughter's Son/Daughter died? (b) (c) Giving Within six Birth weeks after 1 Yes termination of 1 Yes delivery or 2 No none, enter 00, end go to part List all names 07:Father/Mother 4) of persons 08:Mother's who died in this 09:Brother/Siste~ household 11 :Sister's in the last 12 Father/Mother 13:Mother's Father/Mother pregnancy? 2 No Husband /Father's Wife 10:Brother's Son/Daughter; 9 OK 1 Yes Son/Daughter 9 OK 12:Father's 2 No 14:Father's Brother/Sister, 15:Mother's months Brother/Sister, 9DK 16:0ther Relative; 17:Adopted/Foster Child; 18:Live-in-maids; 19:Non Relative 1 2 4 3 5 _.- - 6 7 - ~~ 8 - - 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Has a continuation sheet been used? 1=Yes; 2=No Continuation 7 UUofUU FORMA PART4 HOUSING CONDITIONS - TO BE ASKED TO THE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD ORANY OTHER RESPONSIBLE (Circle code number of correct answer) 2 1 Accommodation Main Source of 4 5 6 7 Main Cooking Fuel 8ath Room Toilet Facility Main source of 3 Kitchen PERSON Light a) On what basis do you occupy this dwelling? 1 -Owner Occupied (Skip to 2) 2 - Rent 3 - Not Owner, but Rent Free b) If you rent it or it is rent-free, who owns the accommodation? 1 Relative Individual 2. Non-Relative Individual 3. Private Institution 4 - Public Ownership 1 -Electricity (NAWEC) 1 - Firewood 2 - Kerosene 2 -Electricity (Generator) 3 Kerosene Lamp with Shade 4 - Other Kerosene Lamp 1 - Separate Room (in the House or Compound) for Exclusive Use of Household 7 Firewood 8 Battery Powered light Where do you usually have your bath? What Type of Toilet does your Household use? (a) (b) 1 - Piped Sewer 1 - Exclusive 3 - Briquette --- 4 - Charcoal 5 - Gas 2 - Separate Room (in the House or Compound) for Use of other Households also 6 - Electricity 1 - Separate Room (in the House or Compound) for Exclusive Use of Household 7 - Solar 5 - Candle 6 - Solar 5 - Other Private (Institution) drinking Where do you generally cook? 8 - Saw dust 3 - Open Space (in the Compound) 9 Other 4 -Don't cook (Skip to 5) Specify 5 Other (Specify) 3 - Enclosure without roof (in the Compound) 9- Other (Specify) 1 Piped into Dwelling 3 - Communal 2 Piped into Compound 2 - Septic Tank 3 Public Stand Pipe 3 - Pit Latrine 2 - Separate Room (in the House or Compound) For Use of Other Households also with Slab 4 Protected Well in Compound 4 - Pit Latrine without Slab 5 Unprotected Well in Compound 6 Well with Pump (Public) 5 - Ventilated Improved c) What is the main source of drinking water used by the household? 2 - Shared System water Pit Latrine 7 Well without Pump (Public) 8 Stream or River 4 - River/Sea 5 Other 6 - BuckeU Private Pan (Specify) 7 - No Facility/ 9 Rainwater Collection (Surface Water 10 Bottled Water Bush/Open Space 8 - Other (Specify) 8 11 Other (Specify) FORM A - PART 4 (CONTINUED) HOUSEHOLDS ASSETS 10 Do members of this household own any of the following assets which are in good condition? DISPOSAL OF HOUSEHOLD WASTE 9 Solid waste disposal Frequency ?f collection (If 9(a) is 5, 6 or 7) (a) How does the household usually dispose of rubbish (refuse)? • (b) Collected Private Liquid waste disposal Liquid waste from household chores (d) Liquid waste from human convenience (c) Liquid waste from economic activity (e) 1. Regular How does your household usually dispose of liquid waste? How does your-household usually dispose of liquid waste? How does your household usually dispose of liquid waste? 2. Not Regular 1. Through the sewage 1. Through the sewage 1. ThrotJ§~e system system system 2. Through drainage system into a gutter 2. Through drainage system into a gutter 2. Through drainage system into a gutter 3. Through drainage into a 3. Through drainage into a pit 3. Through drainage into a 3. Regular pit (soak away) (soak away) pit (soak away) 4. Not Regular 4. Thrown onto the 4. Thrown onto the street/outside street/outside 4. Thrown onto the street/outside 5. Thrown into gutter 5. Thrown into gutter 5. Thrown into gutter 6. Thrown onto compound 6. Thrown onto compound 6. Thrown onto compound 7. Other (Specify) 7. Other'(SpecifY) 7. Other (Specify) = Radio B = TV C = Mobile Phone o = Land Telephone E = Computer/Laptop F = Bicycle G = Motor Cycle H = Car I = Truck/Lorry j = Bus K = Boat L = Animal Drawn cart M = Canoe A Direct Disposal: 1. Landfill/Bury 2. Burn Collected Municipality 3 Use as Compost 4. Recycle • Indirect Disposal: 5. Collected by Municipality (household provides containers) 6. Collected by Municipality (municipality sewage provides containers) 7. Collected by Private Body 8. Use Set Setal 9. Public Dump (authorised) 10. In the Bush or Open Space near Compound 11. Other (Specify) SECURITY OF TENURE 11 A = Do you have compound title deed for the compound in which you stay? B = Do you pay compound yard rate for the compound in which you stay? C = Do you have any ownership document for your accommodation in this compound? 0= Are you the owner of this compound in which you stay? E = Are you the owner of the accommodation in which you stay? F = Is this land suitable for residence? G = Is this compound a family compound? Do you sometimes feel that you can be evicted from your accommodation at any time in the future? 9 1. Yes 2.No Yes No 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 FORM A - PART 5: AGRICULTURAL ACTIVITY Last 12 allowed (you can circle more than one response) 1. Did any member of your household during the last 12 months? a Type of main crops 1. Yes cultivate Months. (Questions for the household level only) crops for sale or family use 2. 2. No (skip to 2) Did any member during b How many household members the crops for sale or family use TO BE COMPLETED FOR EACH HOUSEHOLD of your household the last 12 months? grow vegetables 1. Yes Type of horticulture/vegetables Female 1. cabbage 1. Rice 2. Tomato 2. ground nuts 4. Onions 4. maize 8. Garden eggs 8. Millet 16. Lettuce 16. Findo 32. Okra Other (specify): 64. Sweet Pepper 128. Hot Pepper Other (specify): 10 use (skip to 3) b How many household members plant horticultural crops and vegetables for sale or family use Male Male for sale or family 2.No a cultivate Multiple responses are Female FORM A - PART 5 (CONTINUED) 3. Did any member of your household plant forest/fruit trees for sale or family last 12 months? 1. Yes 2. No (skip to 4) a Type of forest/fruitst tree(s) use 4. Did any member of your household farm fish for sale or family use last 12 months? 1. Yes 2. No (skip to 5) a b How many household members for sale or family use plant forest/treestrees Type of fish farmed by household members for sale or family use I b How many household membersrarmed fish I I I j Male Female Male 1. Avocado Female I ,, I , , , 2. Paw-Paw I I 4. Oranges I I 8. Mangoes , 16. Bananas 32. Cashew 64. Coconut I : 128. Guava t t 256. Grape fruit I 512.Soursop I 1024. Lime i I ! I 2048. Shea nut Other (specify) I I I I, I I 11 ,, I I, I I I I, It I I 5. Did any member of your household rear livestock for sale or family use during the last 12 months? 1. Yes a Type of livestock owned by household members for sale or family use 2. No (End interview) b Number of livestock owned by household Total Male Female c How many household members breed the livestock for sale or family use Male Female 1. Cattle 2. Sheep 4. Goats 8. Pigs 16.Chicken 32. Ducks 128. Horses Other (Specify) <o o-. o-, 12 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA FORM B GROUP QUARTERS AND FLOATING POPULATION QUESTIONNAIRE - PART 1 Statistics Act 2005 POPULATION AND HOUSING CENSUS, April, 2013 Strictly Confidential L.G.A. District Settlement E.A. No. Ward Rtype Compound Group Group No. Name 1: Urban Code 2: Rural Male female 2 Name of Group Quarter/Institution/location of outdoor sleepers: ------------------------------------------------ Description / Address of Group Quarter/Institution/Location of Outdoor Sleepers: ------------------------------------------------ Name 1st Visit 2nd Visit Signature Date Name Enumerator Coder Date Result ...................... .................. ......./......./...... ……. Result of Visit: ….. ...................... .…../……/……. ......./......./....... 1 Completed Signature Date Final Visit ......./......./....... Supervisor ……………….. ………………. …. 2 Partially completed 3 vacant 4 Refused 5 Other Form …...… of ………... ..…../……/……. ....................... .…../……/……. FORM B - PART 2 Demographic Information for All Persons 0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 Srl. No. Full Name Sex Age Nationality Ethnicity Religion Birth Place Duration Of 11 Previous Residence Stay Write the Names of all individuals found in the institution/Location 1: Male What was What is your Nationality? your Age 2: Female last Birthday? 00:Gambian 1:Islam 2:Christianity Jahanka 3:Traditional In another 4:Other Settlement/Town/Village: Specify 2:Wollof District and 00:Less than 1 15: Mauritanian 3:Jola/Karoninka Settlement/Town/Village Month . 16:Ghanaian 4:Serahuli . 17:Nigerian 5:Serere . 18:Liberian 6:Creole/Aku Marabout & Over 20:Other Africans 8:Bambara 21: Non Africans 9:Other Enter Country code and (skip to col. 7) 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 months) 14:Sierra Leonean 7:Manjago (Last Residence) Settlement/Town/Vi 00: Always lived in this llage (in complete Settlement/Town/Village and 1:Fula/Tukulur/Lorobo 98:98 years 19:Other West Africans Where have you been living before? this 13:Malian If code is not 00 3 Settlement/Town/Village 0:Mandinka/ Ethnicity 1 How many months have you lived in 00: In this only) 10: Senegalese 00:less than 12: Guinea (Bissau) 2 What is your Where were you born? Origin? (For Gambians Religion? 11: Guinea (Conakry) 1 Year What is your Ethnic Outside Gambia: Specify Country . . 60:60 Months and Over Skip to 13a In another Settlement/Town/Village: Specify District and Settlement/Town/village Outside Gambia: Specify Country FORM B - PART 2 (CONTINUED) For Aged 3 & Over (a) Have you ever attended School\ (aa) If Now or Attended in the Past; In Which educational 7 Years and Over 13 14 14a Full Time Education Literacy Numeracy (b) If Now or Past in 13a, what is the highest grade attained/ completed in Regular School\Institution (c) Can you read and write Can (NAME) What is the field Do simple Calculations in Roman and in any language with of study for the Arabic/Roman Alphabets Arabic Numbers? highest level completed? Educational system did Name attended? Institution? have the highest level of 1: Never education? (Skip to 14) 2:Now 3:Past 0 Early childhood 01-04; 1 Primary 01-06. 2 Lower secondary 07-09. 1= Western 2=Madrassa 3 Upper Secondary 10 -12. 4 Non-tertiary 01-04. (exclude Dara / 5 Tertiary/ Karanta) diploma 01-12. 6 Bachelor 01-12. 7 Masters 01-12. 8 Doctoral 01- 12. Level Grade (a) Only for those Literacy who completed level, 5, or 6 or 7, or 8 with certificate(s). 1:Read and Write 2:Read only 3:No (skip to 14a(a)) (a) (b) (b) Script Numeracy Numbers 1: Arabic 1: Yes 1: Arabic 2: 2: No 2: Roman 3: DK 3: Both Roman 3: Both 4: Other Script 4: Other Script FORM B – PART 2 (CONTINUED) For Aged 7 & Over 0 Srl. No For those Working\Employed (incl. those with jobs, but did not work) and the Unemployed Aged 7 and Over 16 17 18 19 Type of Activity Occupation Industry Employment Status During the past 30 Days (a) What were you doing most of the time? (past 30 days, 16 March – 14 April 2013), (b) (If answer in (cc) (c) Were you Were you looking 16a is 4 or 6) available for for work? Did you work work? at all for pay 1: Working (skip to 16d) or profit? 2: Had a Job, but not at work (skip to 17) 3: Did not work and did (Includes work 1: Yes for family farm or business, including pay not have job (skip to 16c) in kind) 4: Home making (go to 16b) 5: Student (skip to next person) 6: Something else (go to 16b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1: Yes 2: No 2: No (If 16c and 16cc are both No, then skip to 17) (d) How (dd) What is / was your main job\work (occupation)? many On average how many days hours did (If not working in the past 30 days, ask last kind of work did you you work / occupation in the past 12 months. Enter never worked, if per day? work? person did not work in the past 12 months). (a) (b) What is/was your What is the name and Location of the establishment What is the main product or services of employ- where you work? this establishment? (for those who worked past 30 days) and establish(for those who worked past 30 days) ment? and (those who did not work past 30 days but worked sometimes during the past 12 months) ment status in this (those who did not work past 30 days 1:Emplobut worked sometimes during the past yee for pay or 12 months) wages 2: Self-employed without employees 3:Employer 4:Unpaid family 1: Yes (skip worker to 16d) 5:Other (specify) 2: No (go to 16c) FORM B – PART 2 (CONTINUED) For Aged 7 & Over 0 Srl. No For those Working\Employed (incl. those with jobs, but did not work) and the Unemployed Aged 7 and Over 16 17 18 19 Type of Activity Occupation Industry Employment Status During the past 30 Days (a) What were you doing most of the time? (past 30 days, 16 March – 14 April 2013), (b) (If answer in (cc) (c) Were you Were you looking 16a is 4 or 6) available for for work? Did you work work? at all for pay 1: Working (skip to 16d) or profit? 2: Had a Job, but not at work (skip to 17) 3: Did not work and did (Includes work 1: Yes for family farm or business, including pay not have job (skip to 16c) in kind) 4: Home making (go to 16b) 5: Student (skip to next person) 6: Something else (go to 16b) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1: Yes 2: No 2: No (If 16c and 16cc are both No, then skip to 17) (d) How (dd) What is / was your main job\work (occupation)? many On average how many days hours did (If not working in the past 30 days, ask last kind of work did you you work / occupation in the past 12 months. Enter never worked, if per day? work? person did not work in the past 12 months). (a) (b) What is/was your What is the name and Location of the establishment What is the main product or services of employ- where you work? this establishment? (for those who worked past 30 days) and establish(for those who worked past 30 days) ment? and (those who did not work past 30 days but worked sometimes during the past 12 months) ment status in this (those who did not work past 30 days 1:Emplobut worked sometimes during the past yee for pay or 12 months) wages 2: Self-employed without employees 3:Employer 4:Unpaid family 1: Yes (skip worker to 16d) 5:Other (specify) 2: No (go to 16c) FORM C: BUILDING & COMPOUND PARTICULARS THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA Population And Housing Census, April, 2013 Strictly Confidential L.G.A. Ward District Statistics Act 2005 Settlement E.A. No. Rtype Name 1: Urban Code 2: Rural Building/ What is the Status Structure of the Building? Number 1: Complete 2: In-Complete (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (1) Write all household numbers in the compound that can use this building whenever they want to. Construction Material (write code) Walls Roof 1-Cement 1- Iron/ Block, Asbestos Burnt Brick 2- Thatch (If a building in 2- Mud/ (Grass/ a compound is Krinting Palm not used by any Leaves) household in that 3- Other, compound write Specify 3- Concrete oo) 4. Roof Tiles 5- Other, Specify (2) (3) (4) Compound No. Use/Classification of Building (Put a tick mark in the column (s) of use) (for residential and non-residential) Floor 1 Sand/ Earth / Mud/Clay Owner Tenants Owner Business/ IndusResiden only Residen Commerce try tial tial and Tenants Hotels Constr& uction Restaur ant Education Health Religion Recre- Transation port/ Commu nication Government/ Public Service Other, Specify 2 Cement / concrete 3 Wood 4 Tiles (ceramic/wood/ plastic) 5 Other, Specify (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) Form ………..of……….. Building/ Structure Number Type of Rooms and Number of Rooms (Including Kitchen, Bathroom, Toilet and Stores). Only for households, that is, rooms used by households for any purpose. A Living Rooms B C D Sleeping Kitchen Bathroom Room E Toilets F Stores G Study H I J Business Recreation More than one use specify K Other L All Rooms Enumerator: Name …………………..….… ……../……../…….. Supervisor: Name …………………..….… ……../……../…….. (0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) Signature Date ………………. Signature ………………. Date
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