PILOT 37. Industry (for persons who work or have worked) Pilot Census of Population, Households and Dwellings, 2010 Bosnia and Herzegovina Census 2010 FILL IN LATIN FORM CYRILLIC Data will be used for statistical purposes only PERSONAL QUESTIONNAIRE (P-1) ENTITY ENUMERATION AREA MUNICIPALITY HOUSEHOLD DWELLING PERSON 1 Activity code NAME OF ENTERPRISE/SHOP Name Father's name Mother's name 38. Place of work / study: In other settlement within BiH Question 40 In the place of usual residence SETTLEMENT Surname In another country Male Female Sex: MUNICIPALITY / FOREIGN COUNTRY Day Date of birth and UPN (unique personal number) Month Yes Is the official address same as the address of usual residence? Year Question1 Other 6 digits of the UPN No SETTLEMENT At least once a week 39. Frequency of returning to the place of residence Daily from the place of work/study: 40. The main source of livelihood throughout the year (not more than two answers): Less than once a week MUNICIPALITY a) BiH STREET Salary or other income based on any kind of employment except in agriculture Social welfare payment Income from agriculture House number Other benefits or income (scholarships, student loans, alimony etc.) Income from renting dwellings, land, stores, or other property or income from royalties Question 44 Question 44 b) Foreign country Loans or savings spending Compensation for sick leave or maternity leave Other sources 1. Is the person enumerated providing the information itself? Financial assistance for people who have lost their jobs (due to bankruptcy, technical redundancy, etc.) Dependent 2. The reason why the person is not providing the information personally? Yes 42. The ordinal number of the household member who supports the enumerated person: 43. The supporter of the dependent being enumerated is a person who: Code for absence in other place in BiH Question 43 No works abroad generates income from agriculture generates income from renting dwellings, land, stores, or other assets or income from royalties MONTH(S) Absent from housing unit when the Census interviewer came Physical or mental inability to provide the data personally Code of absence abroad If the code is one of the following Question 6 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 or 23 The person is underaged Other reasons Does the person have any difficulties in performing everyday activities at home, at work, at school, for longer than 6 months (possible multiple answers) c) Cause of difficulty (the answer is given for each difficulty of the person): b) Grade of difficulty: Yes, some YEAR(S) Duration of the absence abroad: generates other sources of income No No MUNICIPALITY Absent abroad receives compensation for sick leave or maternity leave a) The type of difficulty: Question 3 FOREIGN COUNTRY spends loans or savings is pensioner Yes Question 44 receives financial assistance because the person has lost its job (due to bankruptcy, technical redundancy etc.) receives social welfare generates income from other transfers (scholarships, student or pupil loans,alimony etc.) works in BiH Door number SETTLEMENT Absent (in other place in BiH) Is the supporter of the dependent a member of the same household? Building entrance number FOREIGN COUNTRY Pension 41. For the dependent: 44. Supplement to the house number Yes, a lot Cannot do it at all Congenital Injury during Illness delivery Injury at work Traffic Consequence of war accident 1. Do you have difficulty seeing even if wearing glasses? 2. Do you have difficulty hearing, even when using a hearing aid? 3. Do you have difficulty walking or climbing steps? 4. Do you have difficulty remembering or concentrating? 5 .Do you have difficulty with self-care such as washing all over or dressing? 6. Using your usual (customary) language, do you have difficulty communicating, (for example understanding) Other 3. Does the person have a usual residence in the place where the Census is taking place? Question 6 No, the person has its usual residence Question 4 6 The person is a foreign citizen in another settlement in BiH with a residence permit 4. To be filled in for persons whose place of usual residence is in another settlement in BiH,but are present on the reference date at the location where the Census is taking place Question 5 18 Yes SETTLEMENT MUNICIPALITY STREET Supplement to the house number House number 45. Is the person with mentioned difficulties being helped by another person? Yes Building entrance number Door number Code of presence 5. To be filled in if the person is a foreign citizen with a residence permit in BiH: Country in which the person lived before coming to BiH No Duration of stay in BIH: YEAR(S) MONTH(S) TO BE FILLED IN BY THE MUNICIPALITY INSTRUCTOR Ordinal number of the person Relationship to the reference person Signature of enumerated person Ordinal number of the family Status of the member in the family Signature of enumerator Reason for stay in BiH: Work Family member works in BiH Study Family member studies in BiH Marriage Other Code of presence in BiH 6. Place of usual residence of mother at the time the person was born: BiH BiH and other country Never married Married 18. Citizenship: SETTLEMENT a In BiH: Place of enumeration 19. Legal marital status: Other place Divorced Widowed MUNICIPALITY 20. Does the person live in a consensual union? Yes FOREIGN COUNTRY b Without citizenship Foreign citizen No 22. Years of birth of live-born children 21. Number of live-born children, including For more than 2 live-born children fill in the year of birth of the youngest child those who are not alive any more (answered only by women aged 14 and more) Other country 7. Has the person lived continuously in the place of usual residence since birth? Yes Question 18 No GODINA YEAR first one second one According to Article 2. of the Constitution, citizens are not obliged to declare themselves in the following two questions 8. The person moved to the address of the place of usual residence from: SETTLEMENT Other address within the same settlement 23. Ethnicity/nationality: MUNICIPALITY Other settlement YEAR (Only if question 21 is answered proceed with question 22) Croat Bosniak Not declared Serb Other 24. Religion: FOREIGN COUNTRY Other country Islam Year of migration Orthodoxy not declared Catholicism other 25. Mother tongue: 9. If the person (ever) moved to BiH from abroad where he was longer than one year: Year of immigration Country from which the person immigrated Bosnian Croatian Other Serbian 26. Literacy (answered only by persons aged 10 and more): Main immigration reason: Family member Family member Study works in BiH studies in BiH 10. Place of usual residence one year prior to the reference date (except for persons born after 31.03.2010) Another address within The same address where the person usually resides today the same settlement Work Attends primary school Specialization after secondary school Without formal schooling High schools and college Bachelor’s degree (first cycle of studies) Graduate Incomplete basic education Higher education/faculty/academy/university Master’s degree (second cycle) Specialist Doctoral degree (third cycle) Master of Science secondary art school Doctor of Science Duration in years: Primary school MUNICIPALITY Type of secondary school: FOREIGN COUNTRY Other country 29. School's attendance 11. Place of usual residence at the time of the Census 1991 (except for persons born after 31.03.1991): Another address within The same address where the person today usually resides today the same settlement Does not attend school SETTLEMENT Mandatory pre-elementary school education 2 30. FOREIGN COUNTRY 4 or 5 secondary vocational school secondary religious school gymnasium secondary technical school Primary school High school Secondary school Basic academic studiesold program Specialist studiesold program Specialization after secondary school Old program (e.g. balet, music) teacher-training school Master studiesold program Doctoral studiesold program First cycle (Bologna process) Second cycle (Bologna process) Third cycle (Bologna process) Has the person worked at least one hour for income or as an unpaid supporting member in the week from the 25th until the 31st of March? No, but has a No Question 35 Yes Question 35 job to return to 32. Might the person start to work during the period of 1-15th April, following the reference week, should they be offered employment now? Question 33 Question 34 Yes No 31. Has the person looked for a job in the period between the 4th and 31st of March? 12. Did the enumerated person have the status of refugee from BiH after 1991? 13. The enumerated person returned from refuge: Yes To the place the person refuged from 14. Does the person still have the formal legal status of refugee in BiH? Yes No Has not returned to BiH To some other place in BiH Yes Question 15 No, has found a job and will start soon 33. What is the person’s non-active status? No No Pupil (aged 15 and more) or student Recipient of capital income(from property or investments. interests, rents or royalties) THE SETTLEMENT FROM WHICH THE PERSON HAS BEEN DISPLACED: 34. Has the person worked before? 35. What is the person’s status in employment? MUNICIPALITY Yes Employee (work for employer) Employer (employs others) Question 18. 36. Occupation (persons who work or have worked before): Fill in 16. Has the enumerated person returned to the place from which he was displaced? Yes No 17. Does the person still have the legal and actual status of a displaced person in BiH? Yes No Question 38 Pensioner 15. Did the enumerated person have the status of a displaced person after year 1991? No 3 Bologna-compliant program Economic activity (30 - 37 answered only by persons aged 15 and more) MUNICIPALITY Other country Yes 28. Title achieved (only if answer “higher education/faculty/academy/ university” is marked at question 27) Other Secondary school Other settlement within BiH No 27. Highest level of completed education (answered only by persons aged 14 and more): Forced displacement SETTLEMENT Other settlement in BiH Yes No Question 40 Homemaker Question 40 Incapable for work Other economically non-active persons Question 40 Self-employed worker (does not employ others) Farmer on its own property with employees Farmer on its own property without employees Unpaid contributing family worker
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