1. ɋɉɂɋȺɄ ɑɅȺɇɈȼȺ ȾɈɆȺȶɂɇɋɌȼȺ (ɫɬɚʃɟ 31. ɦɚɪɬ 2001. ɭ 24 ɫɚɬɚ) ɍɩɢɫɭʁɭ ɫɟ ɫɜɢ ɱɥɚɧɨɜɢ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɚ, ɛɟɡ ɨɛɡɢɪɚ ɞɚ ɥɢ ɫɭ ɭ ɦɨɦɟɧɬɭ ɩɨɩɢɫɚ ɩɪɢɫɭɬɧɢ ɭ ɦɟɫɬɭ ɫɬɚɧɨɜɚʃɚ ɢɥɢ ɨɞɫɭɬɧɢ ɡɛɨɝ ɪɚɞɚ, ɲɤɨɥɨɜɚʃɚ, ɨɞɫɥɭɠɟʃɚ ɜɨʁɧɨɝ ɪɨɤɚ ɢ ɫɥ. ɍ ɫɩɢɫɚɤ ɫɟ ɭɩɢɫɭʁɭ ɢ ɫɚɦɚɱɤɚ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɚ. ɑɥɚɧɨɜɢ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɚ ɫɟ ɭɩɢɫɭʁɭ ɭ ɨɤɜɢɪɭ ɫɜɨʁɢɯ ɭɠɢɯ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɚ, ɧɚʁɩɪɟ ɱɥɚɧɨɜɢ ɩɪɜɟ, ɡɚɬɢɦ ɞɪɭɝɟ, ɢɬɞ. ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɟ. Ɋɟɞɧɢ ɛɪɨʁ ɱɥɚɧɚ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɚ (ɚ) ɉɪɟɡɢɦɟ ɢ ɢɦɟ 1 ɂɦɟ ɨɰɚ, ɚ ɡɚ Ɉɞɧɨɫ ɩɪɟɦɚ ɥɢɰɭ ɭɞɚɬɟ ɢ ɭɞɨɜɢɰɟ ɧɚ ɤɨʁɟ ɫɟ ɜɨɞɢ ɢɦɟ ɦɭɠɚ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɨ 2 3 Ɋɚɡɥɨɝ ɨɞɫɭɬɧɨɫɬɢ ɢɡ ɦɟɫɬɚ ɫɬɚɧɨɜɚʃɚ 4 ɉɨɩɭʃɚɜɚ ɫɬɚɬɢɫɬɢɤɚ ɩɨɥɨɠɚʁ ɪɟɞɧɢ ɛɪɨʁ ɱɥɚɧɚ ɭ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɟ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɢ 5 6 Ʌɢɰɟ ɧɚ ɤɨʁɟ ɫɟ ɜɨɞɢ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɨ 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ɦɭɠ - ɠɟɧɚ ɫɢɧ - ɤʄɢ ɨɬɚɰ - ɦɚʁɤɚ ɞɟɞɚ - ɛɚɛɚ ɭɧɭɤ - ɭɧɭɤɚ ɡɟɬ - ɫɧɚʁɚ ɭʁɚɤ - ɭʁɧɚ ɫɬɪɢɰ - ɫɬɪɢɧɚ ɫɜɟɤɚɪ - ɫɜɟɤɪɜɚ ɬɚɫɬ - ɬɚɲɬɚ ɢɬɞ. Ɋɚɞɢ ɭ ɞɪɭɝɨɦ ɦɟɫɬɭ ɭ ɋɊȳ ɇɚ ɲɤɨɥɨɜɚʃɭ ɭ ɞɪɭɝɨɦ ɦɟɫɬɭ ɭ ɋɊȳ ɇɚ ɪɚɞɭ ɭ ɢɧɨɫɬɪɚɧɫɬɜɭ ɤɨɞ ɫɬɪɚɧɨɝ ɩɨɫɥɨɞɚɜɰɚ ɢɥɢ ɧɚ ɫɚɦɨɫɬɚɥɧɨɦ ɪɚɞɭ ɍɩɭʄɟɧ ɧɚ ɪɚɞ ɭ ɞɢɩɥɨɦɚɬɫɤɨ-ɤɨɧɡɭɥɚɪɧɚ ɢ ɞɪɭɝɚ ɧɚɲɚ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɧɢɲɬɜɚ ɢ ɩɪɟɞɭɡɟʄɚ ɭ ɢɧɨɫɬɪɚɧɫɬɜɭ, ɦɟɻɭɧɚɪɨɞɧɟ ɨɪɝɚɧɢɡɚɰɢʁɟ ɢ ɫɥ. Ȼɨɪɚɜɢ ɤɚɨ ɱɥɚɧ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɟ ɥɢɰɚ ɨɞɫɭɬɧɢɯ ɢɡ ɪɚɡɥɨɝɚ 3 Ȼɨɪɚɜɢ ɤɚɨ ɱɥɚɧ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɟ ɥɢɰɚ ɨɞɫɭɬɧɢɯ ɢɡ ɪɚɡɥɨɝɚ 4 Ɉɫɬɚɥɢ ɪɚɡɥɨɡɢ (ɫɥɭɠɛɟɧɢ ɢɥɢ ɩɪɢɜɚɬɧɢ ɩɭɬ, ɥɟɱɟʃɟ ɢ ɫɥ.) ɭ ɡɟɦʂɢ ɢɥɢ ɢɧɨɫɬɪɚɧɫɬɜɭ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2. Ɋɟɞɧɢ ɛɪɨʁ ɱɥɚɧɚ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɚ (ɚ) ɋɉɂɋȺɄ ɊȺɋȿȴȿɇɂɏ ɅɂɐȺ ɋȺ ɄɈɋɈȼȺ ɂ ɆȿɌɈɏɂȳȿ (ɩɨɫɥɟ 24. ɦɚɪɬɚ 999.) ɉɪɟɡɢɦɟ ɢ ɢɦɟ Ɋɚɡɥɨɝ ɂɦɟ ɨɰɚ, ɚ ɡɚ Ɉɞɧɨɫ ɩɪɟɦɚ ɥɢɰɭ ɨɞɫɭɬɧɨɫɬɢ ɢɡ ɭɞɚɬɟ ɢ ɭɞɨɜɢɰɟ ɧɚ ɤɨʁɟ ɫɟ ɜɨɞɢ ɦɟɫɬɚ ɩɨɩɢɫɚ (3 ɢɦɟ ɦɭɠɚ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɨ ɢɥɢ 5) 2 3 4 ɉɨɩɭʃɚɜɚ ɫɬɚɬɢɫɬɢɤɚ ɩɨɥɨɠɚʁ ɪɟɞɧɢ ɛɪɨʁ ɱɥɚɧɚ ɭ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɟ ɩɨɪɨɞɢɰɢ 5 6 Ʌɢɰɟ ɧɚ ɤɨʁɟ ɫɟ ɜɨɞɢ ɞɨɦɚʄɢɧɫɬɜɨ 6 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 7 72 73 74 75 3. Ɋɟɞɧɢ ɛɪɨʁ ɥɢɰɚ (ɚ) ɋɉɂɋȺɄ ɅɂɐȺ ɄɈȳɂ ɋɍ ɋɌȺɅɇɂ ɋɌȺɇɈȼɇɂɐɂ ȾɊɍȽɂɏ ɆȿɋɌȺ ɍ ɋɊȳ, Ⱥ ɍ ɈȼɈɆ ɆȿɋɌɍ ɋȿ ɇȺɅȺɁȿ ɁȻɈȽ ɊȺȾȺ (ɪɚɡɥɨɝ ) ɂɅɂ ɒɄɈɅɈȼȺȵȺ (ɪɚɡɥɨɝ 2) ɉɪɟɡɢɦɟ ɢ ɢɦɟ Ɋɚɡɥɨɝ ɩɪɢɫɭɬɧɨɫɬɢ ɭ ɨɜɨɦ ɦɟɫɬɭ (ɭɩɢɫɚɬɢ: ɢɥɢ 2) 2 8 82 83 84 85 4. Ɋɟɞɧɢ ɛɪɨʁ ɥɢɰɚ (ɚ) 9 92 93 94 95 ɋɉɂɋȺɄ ɋɌɊȺɇɂɏ ȾɊɀȺȼȴȺɇȺ ɋȺ ɉɊȿȻɂȼȺɅɂɒɌȿɆ ɍ ɂɇɈɋɌɊȺɇɋɌȼɍ, ɄɈȳɂ ȻɈɊȺȼȿ ɍ ɋɊȳ ɇȺȳɆȺȵȿ ȽɈȾɂɇɍ ȾȺɇȺ ɁȻɈȽ ɒɄɈɅɈȼȺȵȺ (ɪɚɡɥɨɝ 2), ɊȺȾȺ (ɪɚɡɥɨɝ 3) ɂɅɂ ɄȺɈ ɑɅȺɇɈȼɂ ɉɈɊɈȾɂɐȿ ɅɂɐȺ ɇȺ ɊȺȾɍ ɍ ɋɊȳ (ɪɚɡɥɨɝ 5) ɉɪɟɡɢɦɟ ɢ ɢɦɟ Ɋɚɡɥɨɝ ɩɪɢɫɭɬɧɨɫɬɢ ɭ ɨɜɨɦ ɦɟɫɬɭ (ɭɩɢɫɚɬɢ: 2, 3 ɢɥɢ 5) 2 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA FEDERAL STATISTICAL OFFICE CENSUS OF POPULATION, HOUSEHOLDS AND DWELLINGS, 2001 P-2 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR HOUSEHOLD AND DWELLING Place (locality) Street and number Household Building Community Census district 1. The household use this dwelling on the basis of: Owner Lease-holder Subtenent Kinship (lives with parents, children or other relatives) Other 2. For the member of household being the owner or lease-holder of the flat a)Surname Name b) Number in the Register 1 or 2 DATA ON THE DWELLING 1. Questionnaire is to be filled in for: Dwelling Resident business premises Premises resident for necessity 2. Use of the dwelling Only for living For living and business Temporary not resident Spoiled For vocation and recreation in weekend house in family house in other type of building During seasonal works in agriculture 1. Area of useful floor space, m2 2. Number of rooms in the flat (of area of 6 m2 and over) Dwelling 3. Area of useful floor space of the kitchen, m2 4. Bathroom in the dwelling There is There is not 7. Toilet in the dwelling There is There is not 5. Installations in the dwelling a) Water There is Connected to the public water system Connected to the hydro and other Not connected There is no a) Sewerage system There is Conncted to the public sewerage system Connected to the septic hole and other Not connected There is not v) Electric power There is There is not g) Central-floor heating There is There is not a) Pipeline There is There is not 9. Dwelling ownership Physical persons Other types of ownership 10. The floor dwelling is on 11. Year of construction 12 Type of building dwelling is in Exclusively residental Prevalently residental Prevalently non-residental Taken for necessity 13. Material of outside building wall 2 Hard material Poor material 1. LIST OF THE HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS (as of 31, March 2001, at 24.00 hours) Ordinal number of the household member Surname and name Father's name; for married and widowes husband's name 01. Relationship to person leading the household Reason of absence from the place od residence FOR STATISTICS ordinal number of the family FOR STATISTICS status of the member in the family Person that the household is registere-d on 1. LIST OF DISPLACED PERSONS FROM KOSOVO AND METOHIA (after 24, March 1999) ista tabela, osim Reason of absance from the place of census 2. LIST OF PERSONS BEING PERMANENTLY RESIDENT IN OTHER PLACES IN FRY, AND IN THIS PLACE ARE FOR EMPLOYMENT (reason 1) OR EDUCATION (reason 2) Ordinal number of the person Surname and name Reason of the presence in this place (1 or 2) 1. LIST OF FOREIGNERS WITH RESIDENCE ABROAD, BEING IN FRY AT LEAST A YEAR FOR EDUCATION (reason 2), EMPLOYMENT (reason 3) OR AS MEMBERS OF A FAMILY OF THE PERSON ON WORK IN FRY (reason 5) Ordinal number of the person Surname and name Reason of the presence in this place (1 or 2) 3 DATA ON AGRICULTURE 1. TOATL LAND IN HOUSEHOLD OWNERSHIP (Total of cultivable and noncultivable land as ownership of all household members) ha a) are of which only cultivable 1. LAND TAKEN ON LEASE (for money, lease, sharecropping, free and other) 2. LAND GIVEN ON LEASE (for money, lease, sharecropping, free and other) 3. TOTAL LAND USED BY HOUSEHOLD owned + given on lease-taken on lease a) b) of which only cultivable number of separated parts 1. THE COMMUNITY WITH THE MOST CULTIVABLE AREA USED BY HOUSEHOLD 2. WHEAT (2000) a) b) c) Area harvested Total production,kg Supplies at end of year, kg 1. MAIZE a) b) c) Area harvested Total production, kg Supplies at end of year, kg 1. CONSUMPTION OF ARTIFICIAL FERTILIZERS AND PLANT PROTECTION PREPARATIONS (2000) a) Quantity of consumed fertilizers,kg b) Quantity of consumed plant protection preparations,kg 1. HORSES ( young and other head) 2. CATTLE ( young and other head) of which: a) b) c) calves and heifers Cows and heifers in calf Oxen, bull and other cattle 4 1. SHEEP ( young and other head) of which: a)Lambs and lambs under 1 year a) Ewes for breeding b) Rams and other sheep 1. GOATS ( young and other head) 13. PIGS ( young and other head) of which: a) b) c) Suckling pigs under two months Pigs from 2 to 6 months Boars and other 14. ALL KIND OF POULTRY 15. BEE-HIVES 16. TRACTORS AND COMBINES a) b) c) one axis tractors two axis tractors combines for cereals 5 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA FEDERAL STATISTICAL OFFICE P3 CENSUS OF POPULATION, HOUSEHOLDS AND DWELLINGS, 2001 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR COLLECTIVE DWELLING PLACE (LOCALITY) STREET AND NUMBER 1. QUESTIONNAIRE IS TO BE FILLED IN FOR: Shack for workers' lodging Hostel or hotel for solitary persond Students', pupils' hostel and boarding school Hostel for children and handicapt youth Hostel for socially endangered children Hostel for pensioners, for old aged and exhausted Hostel for adult disabled persons Monastery overnight stay Other collective dwellings 2. TOTAL AREA OF USEFUL FLOOR SPACE 3. DATA ON BASIC PREMISES a) b) c) d) Efficiancy apartment or one-room apartment Sleeping rooms Premises for different activities Dining-rooms, restaurants 1. DATA ON ACCESSORY PREMISES a) b) c) d) e) Kitchens Bathrooms in efficiancy apartments or one-room apartments Showers in collective bathrooms Toilets in efficiancy apartments or one-room apartments Toilets in collective premises 1. INSTALLATIONS IN THE APARTMENT a) Water There is -connected to public water system -connected to hydro and other not connected There is not 6 a) Sewerage system There is connected to the public sewerage system connected to the septic hole and other not connected There is not v) Electric power There is There is not a) Central-floor heating There is There is not a) Pipeline There is There is not 1. NUMBER OF BUILDINGS WITH COLLECTIVE DWELLING 2. OWNERSHIP OF BUILDINGS WITH COLLECTIVE DWELLINGS Social Government Other types of ownership 3. SERVICE BENEFICIARIES a) b) - Persons whose households live in the other place Members of all households permanently living in their dwelling number of all households members number of all households 7 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA FEDERAL STATISTICAL OFFICE P-1/IN CENSUS OF POPULATION, HOUSEHOLDS AND DWELLINGS, 2001 ACCESSORY GUESTIONNAIRE for Yugoslav citizens working abroad with foreign eployer or working independently and for the members of the family living with them 1. SURNAME NAME 2. SEX 3. DAY OF BIRTH AND URNC (Uniform Register Number of Citizen) 4. MOTHER'S RESIDENCE PLACE AT THE PERSON'S BIRTH 5. PLACE OF RESIDENCE AS OF 31.03.1991 6. QUESTIONNAIRE IS FILLED IN FOR: Displaces person from Kosovo and Metohia Refugee person from the area of former SFRY Other persons 7. HAS THE PERSON MOVED IN TO THE PRESENT PLACE OF RESIDENCE IN FR YUGOSLAVIA a) Moved in from b) The year of moving in 1. MARRIAGE STATUS 2. NUMBER OF LIVE BORN CHILDREN 3. CITIZENSHIP 4. NATIONAL AFFILIATION 5. NATIVE LANGUAGE 6. HIGHEST COMPLETED EDUCATION 7. IS PERSON LITERATE 8. THE SCHOOL PERSON IS CURRENTLY ATTENDING 9. NAME OF THE FOREIGN COUNTRY (COUNTRY OF WORK-RESIDENCE) 10. LENGTH OF WORK - RESIDENCE ABROAD 8 INFORMATION AND CALL TO OUR CITIZENS EMPLOYED-RESIDENT ABROAD THAT WERE IN YUGOSLAVIA BEFORE CENSUS STARTED In the period 1-15 April 2001 Census of population, households and dwellings will be performed on the territory of the FR Yugoslavia. You are asked to fill in a copy of this questionnaire for you and each member of your family, who are with you working or being resident abroad.Filled in questionnaires should be left in the place of your residence in Yugoslavia, to your relatives or other persons in your dwelling, in local community, in local bureau or in community (for "community census commission"). At census period, these questionnaires will be given to an ennumerator to be able to copy most correct data about you and your family members being abroad. In case that there is not Yugoslav Embassy or Consulate in place you are employed in, or you are residence, you are asked to take a spare copy of this questionnaire with you, give it to your friends to fill in, that is, to send back questionnaires by post to Yugoslavia, to the community (with note: "for community census commission") they permanently live in, deadline by 20,March 2001 LIST OF PERSONS EMPLOYED ABROAD AND MEMBERS OF THEIR FAMILY WHO LIVE WITH THEM ABROAD Ordinal number Surname and name Father's name, for married and widows husband's name 1. Kinship with "first person" First person "LIST" should be recorded by all members of household who are employed or residence abroad, only in the questionnaire to be filled in for"first person". All other members of household should fill in only the first page of questionnaire P-1/IN ADDRESS OF HOUSEHOLD IN FR YUGOSLAVIA INSTRUCTIONS FOR FILLING IN: P/1 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA FEDERAL STATISTICAL OFFICE CENSUS OF POULATION, HOUSEHOLDS AND DWELLINDG, 2001 QUESTIONNAIRE pitanja 1-17 su ista kao na prethodnoj popisnici 1. Activity in the last week (from 25, to 31.03 2001) 9 a)Performs an occupation Employed (employment) Works out of employment Employer (founder or co-founder of enterprise or shop) Individual farmer Performs activity individually Helping member of household Others performing occupation a) Does not perform occupation Unemployed - surching job Stopped workong due to military service or serving a sentence Pensioner Has income from property (lease, rent, dividend, other) Other personal incomes (social welfare, sustain and other) Housewife Child, pupil or student Inable for work Others not performing occupation 1. Occupation 2. Working hours performed in usual working week 3. Activity 4. Sector the person is engaged in Corporative-profitable Government Non profitable Sector of household 5. Is the person supported If the answer is "yes", type of supporter: Performs agricultural activity Performs non-agricultural activity At work with the foreign employer or independently working abroad Pensioner, or person with other personal income Legal entity 6. Does person work-attends school in the place of residence If the answer is "not", then: a)Where does the person work-attend school b)Returning to the place of residence 10 every day once a week more rare TO BE FILLED IN BY STATISTICS The reason of absence-presence Ordinal number of the family Position of the member in the family (husband-wife;child) 11
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