STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL CENTRAL STATlSnCAL OFFIE. OUESTIONNAIRE SERIAL NO: P. O. BOX 31908. LUSAKA. 1990 CENSUS O F POPULATION, HOUSING AND AGRICULTURE U 1. PROVINCE NAME 1 r n 2. DISTRICT NAME 2- 3 VILLAGEILOCALITY 9 - NAME 10 RESIDENTIAL ADDRESSlVlLLAGE NAME 11. CHIEF’S AREA 16 I 12. WARD Completed I Checked Coder coded Edhr Edited TO TAL ,-. l INTERVIEHL-=STATUS D* Name Enurnaolor 2 18 L1 QSSIGNMENERECORD . ,a n 13. INST1 TUTlONlCOLLECTIVE QUARTER Supervisor - 3 L - I0ccupied) 1 Interview completed 2 Non-contoct IOccupiedJ Not intarviawed (Vaamt)- ßO to H-1 on Nonrcs¡dcnt¡al- 00 to H-1 on page 9 O 22 pao.9 I E (a) R I A Ib) U M B What IS the of household? Whot ore t h vho s p m t I.:*t the heod of L N HARACTERISTICS NAMES S cl name of the head names of persans nght here(0th.r Ihan household)? the nanes of usuol household members who didn't s p e d lod night herelothar than Ih head What ot are household)? IEMBERSHIP STATUS , . . . . . . . . . .a )-t L 25 What IS.. SEX . . . . .S mt IS relalionship to M . . . . . :s s e x ? head of b e house- ykltor? I- k d mud 2- Sparre - absent' -Male hold? !-Fmk )-Own scnldaogMar 3 ymrr BLIN)? ,Yes *NO OC'OO' 5-Other relatie P-2 - 6 Un~Aakd d e r code) - (Enter code) 26 27 e- 3 P-4 CI O U CI o n U L Er& age n canpleted L ~ S t t e psonldoughter - 2 what IS ... .b age' P-5- P - 6 28 29 - 3 0 o CI U U IZI n U o 17 ~ a U U m a o m o o m U m U m m n o L ' o S 6 7 U /c o O FOR( CPHA-9001 o n Im 1 Page 2 DISABILITY .......... ............ it less thon 1Y d O tf AGE Is mi member present last night? E R - RELATIONSHIP I b. DEAFlWMB? 1 -Yes 2- No RETARDED? MIGRATIOF Wham was.. O . Stote district and country Zambia If tf . . . . . . , . . . . . . bom? boro in Zambia born outside ( R e f m to usud districtlcountry of residence of mother at time of giving I OENERAL CHARACTERlSTlCS ~~ birth) b, Was this part of t h e IS... d IEfle . . . . . . . . ..f .. cfiizmshlp? . . .bem i ond enter its cade; Zambians jurt enter cade of county 'Odd , continuously living in this district? (For non tombions wrtte name 1- Ruml 2-lkbon {Enter district n m and 3-d¡g¡l code from lirt of provinces and districts) - awHry drstrtct rural or urban ot time of birth? &Not Applicable lakide Zambia1 35 wm for Enter c o m p k b d years ad months) P-8 36 37 n a n cul CI m l CI U o r mI u3 m l a OH! C I M MI GRATION ~~~~~~ ~ Whm was lort ...... .¡ng in ymt? August what -n LI.. . . . . . .:s grow? LANOUAOE AND WhrR is ... . .. . . . . ..Is LANGUAGE OF CoMW ICA1ION? ~~ #ah district if in ZanbP and country if ouhide Is Zambia (Enter district name and 3-digit code from list of provinces and districts) this poft or urban? 1- Rural - 2 Urban 6- Not Applicabk - - 64 African ble - P-12 P- 11 18 19 - m m m 5 0 51 cl m m m m cl o ml O CI CI . i P-13 52-53 mI U ml I I DI CII mI m m m m m m U i enter 88) 68- Other m i (Write the mm d tt language and entei the c0dc.H not applic ble enter 881 COdt- - cm * b. SECONO o. PREDOMINANT major racial group) (Outside Zambia 6 5 American or child less 66 Asian than 1 year) 67 -European (Enter code) 46 ol (Enter Zambian tribe, i f the dstrid ruml not applicable enter - i r m 51- U U U U ul-I ml U U 5 U U ü ü Can- 1 - - _Doer-. - - -go r d and write in - Did---mrly 9 to any i m m n ot Iearnlng? to ony instibhon ot leaning? any Iongu- age? 1- Yes 2- NO t Y c r - f u i l time 2-Yes -Pathme (Write level ond tidd d study. then enter code1-Certificote 1-Yes- Full ~¡IW 2-Yes-Part t i n t 3- Yes-Currespondence 2-Dipkxno 3- Degree &."o40 to P-(o 00 to P17 6- P- 14 56 O in the first b o w ond two dipit code +om the list ol edrtotiml progromm=) NO P-15 P -16 57 SB cl n U U U s9- 60 U CI - P 18 P -17 Il- U 0 U D I D I U I7 U CI I a l 0 I I I I CI 'HA-9001 I um U 517-71 rl U o o am n CI U U U O U o n U U I J J U U um Il- a n o ~ - o o U U b 62-63 C D I CI u u 7 - o I 61 Paga 5 um1 4 R 1-Wakin+.for or pro it 2 - o n leave 2 - On Ieove I- P-19 2 I s r ì ; 7 O 2- an employee? j (Enter code) P-20 p-21 65 66 n U 4 U O U U I U o 0 I'wnte name of occupation and enter code 1 W h a t kind of main product or service I S iwasl produced where works Iworked? - ------ - . (write name of industry and enter code) . P-24 CI U 1 -- - - (Enter code) I - O e n 9 mainly 1 an employer? INOUSTRY mom -W? w i t c l homemaker I 1 ---Is occupation since 7 -Ful- time student 8-Not available tor work for other rmsons 64 1 -- 6 Full- time house O0 t. (Enter code) What was __ 5- Not seeking 5- Not seeking worb but avahble for work 6 Ful- hme housew¡ felhomemaker 7- F u l - time student 8 - Not available for work for o(hw reasons N pay OCCUPATION -- - . - v . - 0 C I I p----œ---- - 0 67- -22 - - - 6s rn U I I . a cl o CI I I E l I lI rrr cul c m 1111 l ' I AGE AT MARITAL STATUS . S E -1 I R I eim A ,,,?Z2 * - L N - U M FERTILITY [On bildren born tc How many childofhe ren bom to yor 1 how many an l . how mony œt are still alm? living clsestill living with KHone"cntcr '00' whnc in mm# YOU? Go (o F-LC o m houseHow many of hW? How many of hese are maie these are mole and how many Hawmrny of and how many arc temde? these mmale are Cmale? and how mmy arc female? E perron R Male P-24 P-25 73 7L -7s ' U m CI 3 5 1 I 171 1 0 m U F-1 76 Maie Female Male 03-81. 85-86 87 - 8 8 Female --I m mhn m m m a pm m ~t male and how many on temale' I I I I I 69-90 I i 91-92 93-94 1 I mim n mim R m I ni n n nm n -1Ijlm n nim ni 1 x 1 Page 9 -w kmale I 1 3 HGY many of these m; mImI mI I i I m om aa .mU m PRW CPHA-9001 1 many did? F-L Ul - 8 2 79-80 CI U l D I O 161 . how . - F-3 F-2 77-m I I I I I I you olrve- p" l t n t r Code) (Give age in If 'NÔ completed GO to 0 1 I FIRST MAR- LIVE rGE A T RIAGE 3RST L I V E BIRTH k . . . . ; . . . . what w a s . . BIRTH ......'s age 1- Married? 1 Have when h e m 2- separa(pd? you Howdd tint got MT had 3- Divorced? were you maftied? a live Widowed? when you finduh first had S- Ntwr(If malo GO babies Iive blrth? who TO n8xt did groon TO F-1, other atter W I W u-1) wise go tonext birth) perron or U 1 1.Ya if lart perron) i 4 FERT ILITY (Own children ever born alive) ZN BORN IN LAST 12months of “ I the children born Have I --- A , you had any a. how many are still livng today? live birth sinœ -1989? -- 1 “l-Ya . 1 2-No- GO TO next penon ot)wrrie u : U YOU alive rince - - -- - 19897 I R L to GENERAL How many of these are male and haw many are female? b how many are lkhg c haw many died? elsewhQre in MIM other household? How many of these are male and how many are female? How many d these are malt and how many a n female? gobo-4 ‘ B E {Mm cod4 Male Female Male F-5 1 gl 2l 93 u Female Male Femde F-6 95 96 97 98 99 I nio I o : o l o m I COMMENTS i L 7 = deaiit In this h o w - I 2 - N o - O o b hold wnce, E C - - ,198?1 O How many died ? H o w m y d these are - I i ,8-0the 4-1 is the inan s o w e of ene I HARACTER O ltctricity 4:3-zPoraffin/ L kerosene What -2 I 4 -3 sourceof enerpy 42- C a t wd for cooking by 3- Paraffin/ kerosene this horachold ? 14- Wood 15- Charcoal ;6- Coal ,7- other - R - I Is this toitet inside ;1 -Inside thi: ' iZ-Outslde housing unit I or &stde O -- Stone , ta -L What.¡s the floor o f thif houvng ' -5 occupancy H n . - :1 Conctetelccmcnt E L ( n o t wooden tiler) 'i Marble i5 Other i$ 30 n b o x w '$-Vacant 1 I I IS mls. toilet CI $-Iron sheets :6-Asbestos lhardboardlwood 17 :7 Pale and dagga Imud ;El -Grass i9 -.Othe U I I Tr-5 46 of this :lBurnt bricks houring unit made o f ? #2- nburnt or d bricks 13 %ncrete bb%t /slab what are the walls U 23 n 36-m LI I E ;1- Concrete / cement , 2 - h b e s t o s sheet 3- Iron sheet /corrugated * iron s b e t :L-G~uss/ IS -Tic1 thatch. Type of roofing motmal U used for l i g h t i ~ by tha househo d? I - Candle :S- Other T P ::7-InstituhonOl 56: gg?g: R I I R Y 3- Part I -2 '2- Several structures of structure 1L-Improvisrd /makeshift Ml-1 I-6 How many. living rooms +di 7I -- ! - , Living rooms bedrooms does this houMg1 unit have? ,I exclusively used by Yes memb n of this 2-Na I housefiold ? l I lI I I I -7 m-6 Is this housing v*t 11-Yes owned by an 12- NO 00 to HH-O - IK7 Was this h o u s i n g , -Built by any member o f 'this household ? unit 12- Bought? ?-Inherited /given? - ? I I 1 - - 1 ta 00 to POCI thls housing unit have a kitchen? ?2-YNo -es I a IS e main source :avrbsupply for t h i s ouse. I 11--P iped water inside the :2 -&$%%itouhide th? ; housing unit and wthin a distance of 100metres :J-Pipd w t e r arts¡ e the I ' W p~w~~n(.and~%clond I I b 8 I s this husing unit ;l-Yes Employa 00 to HH-10 relative-• 3L provided free bythe e lqycr/triend o r 1 2 - y ~ - BY Crien or r%tive o t any GO to dH-13 memter of this i3- No household ? I , b-9 Is this housing vrt ;I-Yes rentcd f r o the '2- N o emdover o'? any I membir of this ; household ? k l 0 I s the employer - 00 to HH-11 :$:in . I I IH41 I s this housing unit ;l-The Central G o v e r y n t ? rented from ,2- The District Council ? i3- A parartatal ? 14-A p,nvate o r anization? :S- An individual! I 37 h 2 Is this housing unit 11-The Central Government' owned by - I I I i How many radios institution have ? b How does this household! many tdeViSion sets d o a this houreholdl institution have 9 !ORM CPHA -9001 I u-n 42- -Lb u 56 - - s is o ing m a m es \o&mch Whg is. ,d0PyY2-k0 ~ ~ F & E N $ C R I C U L N R E a member o f f h i s house- , hold? I 'c4 I :l-.Yes~- COMPLETE AGRICULTURE' household been, managing 1 UeeLEME.NT an! holdi? which does not i 2 4 0 nd. mtervim and beong to h i s household thank, respondent since 1st October 1989 ? ! 8 r I I ENUMERATOR- Cfnnpl.k quertimnah f a rah 'YU* in IS- A n individual ? .IH-130 I -e I - f I L-3 Has any member of t h i s GO to HH-12& t foc this household r-2 11- The contra1 Government g m e Olstrict Cquncil? A r$p.auo[gp"'sation? parastatal I in any agncultural ä d v i t y ince 1st October 1989 n I Y A-3. an uf Aglicultur8 t)k supptm rerponser,"o'~* A-2 and
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