FORM PC2 NATIONAL POPULATION CEN~~]S - A. HOUSEHOLD SCHEDboEE CENSUS DISTRICT NO. ~ l'? "~ "~~ r "~ j j ~0~s~o~0~~~ i M or F 11. 2. 12. 3. 13. 4. 14. 5. 15. 6e 16. 7. 17. 8o ].8. 9. 19. 10. 20. TOTAL all Individual i j NAME i. Attach , '~~~ ) -~~~ç---~~-~~ToE~~r~~- r' NAME HEAD 1986 VILLAGE N~iME i ~" OF TONGA - Enumerator's Name: s ~~=~0. _9 ~'NG~(M Schedules~ in numerical order to M or F M this F Household Persons Schedule: A HOUSEHOLD CHARACTERISTICS: Answer the following questions for the household as i. Source of Water: 4. Source of EnerRy for Lighting: 6. Tick if Household has: Piped Supply Electricity Supply Radio 2, Own Tank Electric Generator 2 Bicycle 3 Own Wel! Kerosene 3 Boat 4 Other Benzine 4 Hot water system Solar 5 Bath and/or shower Other Motor cycle Truck 2. Type of Latrine: 5. Source of Energy for Cooking: Car i i Flush toilet Electricity Supply 1 Refrigerator 2 j Manual flush Gas 2 TV 3 Pit Firewood Video Tape Recorder 4 i Other type Kerosene 4 Washing Machine __ None Other 5 I B. 3. T y p e of Building: (Main house if more than one building for Household) i 2 3 4 5 Tongan style, Iron roof, wooden walls Tongan style, Thatch roof, wooden walls Tongan style, Thatch roof, thatch walls European style, Brick/cement European style, Wooden Other 1986 This in i~ CB t«~ c e r t i f y No. ~ .... that in Household the village NO . . . . . . of a whole: Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N N N N 7. Tenure of House: Own house Rent Rent-Free Other 1 2 3 4 POPOLATION ~ C I ~ S O S hesded by M r / M r s ..................................... ................................... has been enumerated on ....... November 1986. . o e e o o o o o e e o o e o o o e o o o o e e o o e o o o e ENUMERATOR ~~C3 NATIONAL POPIKATION CENSUS - KINGDOM OF TONGA - 1986 DISIRIOE ~ - O f f i c e Use only Q. 17, 18~ 19 AND 20 FOR ALL CDND. [ VT],IA(~ NAME: i ] 17 TYPE OE MAIN ACTfVITY IAST WN{. ~ , t did this person do last wee~? I) Worked at paid employment ! : 2) On. lenve or t~mporary absence I , ~~~s~~.~ -~Æ. I ] i I I fr~m work I I I ! IMI Day 1FI 4) Pbr~nn"~Flsh"ing/Livestock Production for ¢mqh incane F_urop~, Sam~, l ] F i]l]l : 5 FLICS C~' BIZIH (if born in hospital, state village Wnere mother lived at time of birth, if bo~~ outside 7EEtmg~state country c~ly) .. 6 EIHNiC CRIGIN Tcngan, Part-Tc~~~n, / / Il 5) F ~ ~ ~ / F ~ v ~ o ~ 2 RIIATIC~~IIPTO HEAD[ l 3 SEX i | 3) Wo~ ~~ f~y ~ ~ (~~M-mg=~d~l~) 1 PULL ~ : 4 DATE ~F BI~.IH 0/, ~lo_~, USe on~y Production ~bsistenoe o~fly 6) Full-ti~e ~udent 7) t{Juse~if.e 8) Too old to work 9) Retired 10) Di~abled/Handicapped n) U n ~ p l o y e d / ~ Work 12) Other activities If answer/s ~ h e r Il I 0 1,«,3,-f- or 5 i n Q. 17 ask Q. 18, 19,and 20. [8 ~ A L (LU]PATION ~bat kind of work &id. the person do ~OE week? State the type of work or give Job Title, III , Fijian, Fiji Indian etc. 7 MARITAl, STÆIUS 1) Never Married D 2) ~ ~ i ~ 3) w~~~, 4) Divorced or i Separated ] 8 What is this person's |,, Religion? I usual PLACE OF 9 Is this d æ for this person? If NO, give ~u~~l. place, r (Village or CoJntry) l'Yl ~ho does person work for? ~ hhe Departm~t if Governn,mt or large ~ y , ~, S g ~ if self employed. i) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Own Aczount Worker Choose Fmployer ONE Fmployee- Govt. Pmployee onlv. F=ployee - ( h ~ s i ~ . Employee - Private [hpaid F ~ ]y Worker 7) Other ................... K | i0 Hc~ l~g bas this perso~ lived in rais place? ,[, Y~rs Mths Il Wbere ~as this pers~~ living at the time of ~Irricane t:' ~? (3rd Ymrch 1982) (Vi] ]age or Country) !Il Il illll ~ 12 Where was this per,son at the Mme of the previous Cemm~ (EOth Nov. 1976)? (W]]age or Country) i For FEMALES born i n 1971 or before ONLY. £OY O E il i5 EE~~TIOEALATTA.I~~T Flgh~~t leve! r ~ e d . L 1.6 ~ ~«~IHI~~-~~AEY 1 RFAL M~4ER Alive now or Æ [Aiive ] Dead ] Person No. if present o O~N Q ~ - i I I i | ! I | 14 S~'L, ATIE~,4NEE I) Too Young 2) At Sohoo! 3) Left ~%-]~«fl 4) ]~~-ver ~~:~~<hhool I lAlire I Il 13-Wh~t countri~ bas this person Lived in (6 mths or more)? (Tang~ cnly, NZ, Pmwa//, US Yainland, Ara Sama etc.) Number of children ever Age of Æther at first birth~__JYear, Ik~te of Birth. : F Isthisdd/dalivestill? IY I N Dav ,M~h y~r ~ 7HAT I ~ S ~ - TO O E ( ~ O N S [-----] L '- L [.... .j : (. M | Sex of Imqt chtld. DID O E PERSON h~%HPD,OE ]]qlS F3EM GIYE HIS/H~R OWN ~ CE WN~ ~HEY GIV~ BY ~ : IN OE ~ BY ANUIHI~ ~ ~3 21 RFÂL FAIHER Alive now or Desd I IF GIVEN 1[[ I C~n '] --I' Another I -] Il I!
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