THE USSR STATE COMMITTEE FOR STATISTICS No of census division No of instructor district No of enumeration district No of list of residents in dwelling THE 1989 ALL-UNION POPULATION CENSUS No of persons in dwelling The records of the enumeration questionnaire are to be only used for obtaining aggregated data on the number, composition and housing conditions of the population in accordance with the established program. B (sample census) ENUMERATION QUESTIONNAIRE The census staff to be forbidden to disclose the content of answers First, last names No 1. Relationship to the family member recorded under No 1 No 1 family member wife, husband sister, brother single daughter, son mother-in-law, father-in-law family member mother, father……….. daughter-in-law, son-in-law living separately 2. Sex 3. Temporarily absent 4. Temporarily resident 5. Date of birth 6. Place of birth (republic, territory, region) 7. Marital status 8. Nationality (for foreigners also citizenship to be specified) 9. Mother tongue (other languages of the nations of the USSR fluently spoken also to be specified) 10. Education (for persons aged 6 and over) male female day month year 11. Has graduated from a vocational educational establishment? (for persons aged 15 and over) 12. Type of educational establishment attended (for persons aged 6 and over) 13. Sources of livelihood (one or two to be specified) FORM 3B Examples of marks: ▌correct incorrect (when crossed) Examples of numbers and signs: Approved by order No 146 of the USSR Goscomstat of 16.10.87 grandmother, grandfather granddaughter, grandson niece, nephew and other 8 completed years married never married widowed divorced, separated higher higher incomplete yes secondary specialized secondary general secondary incomplete primary does not have primary illiterate no higher educational establishment (university) secondary specialized educational establishment employment at enterprise or institution employment at collective farm employment at cooperative general education school employed by individuals scholarship secondary vocational establishment individual labor activity other school, courses does not study personal subsidiary plot other government support dependent pension, benefit other source 14. Place of work (full nabe of enterprise, institution, collective-farm) 15. Occupation at this place of work (post or responsibilities) wage-earner collective-farmer minister of religion 16. Social status salaried employee person engaged in individual labor activity 17. Duration of permanent residence in a given settlement a) has been lived since the birthday yes no If “no”, specify: b) what settlement he (she) has come from c) the year since which he (she) has permanently lived urban rural a) children ever live-born b) children surviving 18. For women to be specified: Questions 19-26 to be completed for persons recorded under No 1, singles or family members residing separately before 1918 1941-1950 1961-1970 1981-1988 19. Period of the house construction 1918-1940 1951-1960 1971-1980 bricks, stone wood adobe, clay 20. Materials of outer walls concrete, reinforced concrete, panels mixed material other material government, cooperative, housing construction cooperative private 21. Ownership of house public association detached house shared (communal) flat 22. Type of dwelling Commissioning part of detached house hostel rented from individuals of dwelling separate flat other dwelling (for person No 1 within dwelling) electricity flush toilet floor electric cooker 23. Amenities available in dwelling central heating hot water supply bath or shower piped water gas no amenities specified part of room 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24. Number of occupied habitable rooms useful living 25. Floor space (m2) Marks of unrecognized zones I II For foreigners zone I zone II Date of birth Nationality Occupation Place of birth Language Place of Year since which he Children ever Children No of spouse No of mother To be completed by the work (she) has been lived live-born surviving day month year mother other Statistical Office here permanently Useful floor space Living floor space No of enumeration questionnaire THE USSR STATE COMMITTEE FOR STATISTICS No of census division No of instructor district No of enumeration district No of list of residents in dwelling No of persons in dwelling THE 1989 ALL-UNION POPULATION CENSUS The records of the enumeration questionnaire are to be only used for obtaining aggregated data on the number, composition and housing conditions of the population in accordance with the established program. C (complete census) ENUMERATION QUESTIONNAIRE The census staff to be forbidden to disclose the content of answers First, last names No 1. Relationship to the family member recorded under No 1 No 1 family member wife, husband sister, brother single daughter, son mother-in-law, father-in-law family member mother, father……….. daughter-in-law, son-in-law living separately 2. Sex 3. Temporarily absent 4. Temporarily resident 5. Date of birth 6. Place of birth (republic, territory, region) 7. Marital status 8. Nationality (for foreigners also citizenship to be specified) 9. Mother tongue (other languages of the nations of the USSR fluently spoken also to be specified) 10. Education (for persons aged 6 and over) male female day month year 11. Has graduated from a vocational educational establishment? (for persons aged 15 and over) 12. Type of educational establishment attended (for persons aged 6 and over) 13. Sources of livelihood (one or two to be specified) FORM 2C Examples of marks: ▌correct incorrect (when crossed) Examples of numbers and signs: Approved by order No 146 of the USSR Goscomstat of 16.10.87 grandmother, grandfather granddaughter, grandson niece, nephew and other 8 completed years married never married widowed divorced, separated higher higher incomplete yes secondary specialized secondary general secondary incomplete primary does not have primary illiterate no higher educational establishment (university) secondary specialized educational establishment employment at enterprise or institution employment at collective farm employment at cooperative general education school employed by individuals scholarship secondary vocational establishment individual labor activity other school, courses does not study personal subsidiary plot other government support dependent pension, benefit other source Questions 19-26 to be completed for persons recorded under No 1, singles or family members residing separately before 1918 1941-1950 1961-1970 1981-1988 19. Period of the house construction 1918-1940 1951-1960 1971-1980 bricks, stone wood adobe, clay 20. Materials of outer walls concrete, reinforced concrete, panels mixed material other material government, cooperative, housing construction cooperative private 21. Ownership of house public association detached house shared (communal) flat 22. Type of dwelling Commissioning part of detached house hostel rented from individuals of dwelling separate flat other dwelling (for person No 1 within dwelling) electricity flush toilet floor electric cooker 23. Amenities available in dwelling central heating hot water supply bath or shower piped water gas no amenities specified part of room 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 24. Number of occupied habitable rooms useful living 25. Floor space (m2) Marks of unrecognized zones I II For foreigners zone I zone II Date of birth Nationality No of enumeration Place of birth Language Useful floor space Living floor space To be completed by the Statistical Office questionnaire day month year mother other I I I I I A 6 AO 1918 0 n 1918-1940 n 1941-1950 0 n 1961-1970 1951-1w 1971-1980 0 n 1981-1988 0 i] B n I n HeT n 1 THn yrlednoro sasenem HMR, B KOTOPOM YrlUTCR B eo3pac~e6 neT H (Ann nmq craplue) TblBaHHH 30H 3anonn~erc~ B ynpas= nennn CrarucrnKn I
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