7989 CENSUS Sunday 75th October Household Questionnaire CAYMAN ISLANDS TO THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD OR OTHER PERSON COMPLETING THIS FORM Piease complete this form and have it ready to be collected by your enumerator on Monday 16th October. I t is your legal obligation to complete this form forevery person who usually lives in your household and for any other persons present on Census night. Ifyou are not sure how to complete any of the questions your enumerator will be glad to help when the form is collected. Your enumerator will also need to check that you have filled in all the entries. The leaflet headed ‘Census 89” delivered by your enumerator explains why the Census is necessary and how the information will be used. Your replies will be CONFIDENTIAL Your name and address will NOT befed into the computer. In addition, NO Information about identifiable individual8 will be pawed by the Statbtic8 Ottlce to ANY Government department or any person outaide of the office. If any member of the household does not wish other members to see his or her personal informationthen your enumerator will beglad to supply an extra form and an envelope. Thank you for your cooperation. PHILIP TURNBULL GOVERNMENTSTATISTICIAN PART A: INDIVIDUALS CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL } Other “lative please describe below CDay I (Day Month i Year I Month ml single II, Married 0 Separated 117. Divorced a Year ml single n2 Married 0 Separaed ul, Divorced a o,Widowed 0 IH Husband or wife Son or daughter Other }please describe below Unrelated 0 0 0 0 Husband or wife Son or daughter Other Unrelated }please describe h l O W ------------------ CONFIDENTIAL r ni YES 01 NO ~ounderone b I '0 Grand Cayman i IO BracNltle Cayman '0 Jamaica 7 O nouSA OIO Untled Kingdom O t h r ; (pkasewrtte) 0 Ø- I IGrand C&man I OIO Unlted Kingdom 0 Other;(p-m) C O N F I D E NTIAL t YES; becsuse person tms one or more Caymanian parent 0 YES; by some other means (eg.by 2 marriage or because status granted) n a NO 0 O Always lived In the Cayman lshnds Yearofarrival Li ---- CONFIDENTIAL 0 Unhrsity or edage bachdots degra, or equiMknt. 1 of a hlgher degree. n i NO 2 a YES; part-time (kbding n I -------i NO 0 2 YES; íul-Ume 01r YES; part-tho (IncMlng correrpondenco collms) L r L n i NO ny YES; hra-tlme 0 YES; part-time(Includhg J corraspondenœ counsrr) -------P ai NO 0 2 YES; lul-time 0, YES; part-time(including correspondence courses) or other equwahmt post-secodaryquaMicabon. 0a 'O' bwk. GCSEs. CSEs. High School dipkma or corraspondence coursers) I ì 0 'A'bv&.cobge cectlficrrte.two yew assockse degree. YES; run-ttme orlher equhkmt qudifimtion. 0 6 N~dtheabovs. C O N FI D E NTIAL fm YES; mlsmpkyed not employing mea 0 Permanemty d c k or disabled 0t YES: S O # M @ O Y ~ empkying a(herr~ 0 Atschool or a student without a part-time job 0a YES; anpltyed in a Ml-Ume01 patt-thw job 0 Wholty ratired from pald M 0 YES; unpaldwork in a fami@ krslnes 0 Engagedonly in househdd duties In Onrn home O I 7 O 4 O I seekingand a v a i i d e tor work O DO Other; (pleasedescribe bebw) I L 0 YES; more than I one job 0 NO second job 2 0 At school or a student wlthout a part-time job 7 I 0 YES; melamployad employing uhem 2 o 7 A tschool or aIbrddnf wtthd a put-tlme Job I u II PermanenUy sickor disabbd 0 At rchod OT a student rvtthoul a part-timo Job 0 Whdty rstired trom paid work 0 Engagedonly in houdehdd duties in awn home 0 YES; more than O 7 O 1 O D e 0 t h ~ (;pl- d-ribs bekw) --------------- 0 NO second )ob P 0 Permanentry sickor dkabkd YES; sel-empbyed not employhg others 0 YES; se#amployed empbying others 0 Alschool or a student whhoul a part-time job 03 YES; employed In a tull-Ume or part-timejob 0 Wholly raked from paid work 0 YES; unpakl work in a family krsiness 0 Engaged only in househddduties in awn home 0 YES; mrne than O ( I O 2 7 O 4 0 ~~eekingandavaita~erorwork O ILO Other; (pleasedescribe bekw) 1 one job 1I NO second p b CONFIDENTIAL ----------B. of Type business (tor CMIsewants. wrlte the ---------B. done: Type of w k 0 Not cunmtty employed 0a George Town 0 North Side 0a Webt e a ~ 0 Bracme cayman BoddenTown D District unknown 0 Eest End (pkase mite bekw) O 7 0 department). 4 I ---- 10 -0 --------- I \ Newhadakb 'A. Company, or empbyer's nane ----------Lo Never had a job r -------- O A. Company, or empkyer's m e I A. Company, or empkyer's næne B. Typedbusiness (for cM1 senram. wr&eUæ dept). 0 Not cunsntly empkyed A. Company. or employer's name ----------- B. Typedbusiness (tor civil servank, write the dept). o 0a G e o r g e Town ---------- B. Type of work done: 0a West Bay 0 0 North Side 7 Bracme Cayman 0 Bodden Town 0 D ~ s t r k unknown t 0 Eest End (pkase wrae bekw) 4 I CONFIDENTIAL 0 In Als) O ,hou~w~ly O Not currently employed 1 Fare-payhg 0 YES; tor some other /ob (wrlt0the occupation) O or minlbus Car. van, pick up truck or any .O.P 9 t a x t . bus mr vshkle c] 0 0 4 Bcycle 8 On toot 0 Work m t y at home rouro 0 U l e r : (give deww 7 ' C O N FIDE NTIAL CONFIDENTIAL PART B: HOUSING 0 1 Cormete. blocks. brick or phstsr/stucco. incruding Umber chd DO NOT COUNT rooms used mainly for Mher acttvUies (e.g. a living room). DO NOT COUNT: -- -- i 0 GaragesoccarportS Endosedp~rchss, Wandab O1 Rooms U ONLY tor buspUpsS DO COUNT spare bedrooms. None DO COUNT: 0 1 - 1 1 2 3 1 4 - 0 Bafhroocrwandtdlsbs Rooms 6ft WIDE OR LESS uvkrg, d M q w,snd bdroomS Any othsr rooms OVER 6R WIDE. lncludlng kltchensandutllltyroom 2 I a l 1 1 I 0 6 1 1 7 0 8 0 4 0 0 9 n1Oormore 4 0 Sormore 5 YES; for lb^ miy by this ~OU&WM YES; shared wtth amther houbshdd a NO kitchen wlth sink permanently COMdctd 0 1 2 a YES; for use mly by this household YES; shared wtth another household NO flush toilet Ul ~ ~ d r - ~ ~ ~ ~ l t m l n g 0 YES; separate room units 2 0 3 YES; centrai airconditioning You may Include veheles. Including trucks, provlded by employers. 8s bng as they are normally available for use and are NOT used only fu Carrylng goods. UNone 1 1 0 2 0 1 3 lotm more HOUSEHOLDER Plea80 complete the panek below M o r e algning the declaratlon PANEL A: PANEL8: Was there anyone else (such as a visitor) here on the night of Sunday 15th October who is not included because there was no room on this form? Before you 8lgn th18 form, plea80 chock: 0NO 0YES; please ask your Enumerator for that you have completed the housing section inside this back page - this must be completed by jail households, even those visiting for a short holiday. another form Have you left anyone out because you were not sure whether they should be included on this form? If so, please give their names and the reason why you were not sure about including them. that all questions which should have been answered have been answered for every member of the household. that you have included everyone who spent the night of Sunday15th October in the household, and everyone who usually lives here but was away from home on that night. that no visitors, lodgers or new bom children (even if still in hospital) have been missed. DECLARATION This form is correctly completedto the best of my knowledge and belief Signed I---oLIIIII.lI--.II Telephone Number: Home, -- - o o Date ..---..------ Work -------- "We're counting on you? " Statistia Offce, Government Adm¡n¡stration Building 97900 Exteosion 2216,2230
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