-271Appendix CONROEHlUL WHEN COMPLETED This information is collected under the auUlority oi iha statistics Aot (R.S.C. 1985, c. Sl9) and must be provided by law. 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire OFFICE USE ONLY Prov. FED No. J EA No. vfd 2B Hhld No. Form type No. of persons , Quest. No. :, , , , ,‘;, , 3 1 9 9 1 cl TD 1nUD CENSUS OF 2nM 40FR 30DC 5aTR CANADA I I A Messagefrom the ChiefStatisticianof Canada - The informationcollected by the 1991 Censusis essential to planning Canada’sfuture as we pre are for the twenty-first centu Your answers will be kept strictly confidenba .P - but when combined with xt e replies of all other Canadians,they will providethe informationnecessaryfor a better understanding of our country and our differentcommunities.The results of the census are used in making informed decisions at a national, provincial and local level. Your help is vrtal in this national endeavour.Please completeyour census form by following the steps and mail it back on June 4. Thank you for your co-operation. IvanP. Fekgi Chiet Sfatistician of Canada ziak m BEGINiHE.liE by printingyouraddress Apt No. No. and street or lot and concession I Postal code I Province/territory City, town, village, Indian reserve I .I i”i”i”l. I rrymb,er, muIl Turn page and coritinue with STEP2 * , ‘, -272Appendix J 1991 Census Form ‘2B Questionnaire & m -Continued How to completethis questionnaire To answer the questions: Mark a circle.. ._._.. ,. ,..._____. .____..... ,....__. ,..._____. 0 OR Enter a number in a box u OR Print in a box.. _. . _._. _. _. If you require hel with any of the questions, use the Guide OR call us free of charge. T I!e numbers to call are on page 28. If all persons in this household are foreignresidents (see below), mark here _. and do net complete this questionnaire. Mail it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. Foreignresidents are: l government representatives of another country attached to the embassy, high commission or other diplomatic body of that country in Canada, and their families; l members of the Armed Forces of another country who are stationed in Canada, and their families; l residents of another country visiting in Canada temporarily. If all persons in this household are staying here temporarily andhave a usual home somewhere else in Canada, enter the total number of persons in this box.. and do netcomplete this questionnaire. Mail it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope. List lielow all personswho usuallylive here as of Tuesday,June 4, 1991. _. BESURE TOINCLUDE: l (Please see Guide for special situations.) l ,, BE6lNTHELISTWITH: 0 l l children, relatives, room-mates, boarders and live-in employees; anyone temporarily away on June 4, including students away at school, or a husband, wife or others working away from home; anyone who stayed here overnight between June 3 and June 4, who has no usual home somewhere else; anyone who is now in an institution, such as a hospital, a home for the aged or a prison, but only if that person was admitted after December 4, 1990. 1 Don’t forget to include yourself! If neither of the above applies begin / w~~~~~~ft living here. ’ CONTfNUE THELISTWITH: I l l l l I the wife, husband or common-law partner of Person 1; never-married children of Person 1 (including adopted and stepchildren); other relatives of Person 1 and members of their families, if living here; persons not related to Person 1 and members of their families, if living here. If you need more space, use the Comments section on page 28. -274Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued I 1. NAME ,Make sure you copy the names in the same order as your list in Step 5. Given name Initial 2. RELATlON8HIP TO PERSON 1 For each person living here, describe his/her relationship to Person 1. )2 0 Husband/wife of Person 1 11 @ Mark one circle only, 0 Common-lawpartner of Person 1 EQ0 Son/daughter of Person I 13 PERSON1 If you mark the circle “Other”, use the box provided to indicate this person’s relationship to Person 1. 15 0 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law of Person 1 16 0 Grandchild of Person 1 Examples of “Other” persons dated to Person 1: l cousin l grandfather/grandmother l son’s common-law partner l nephew/niece 17 0 18 0 10 0 Examples bf “Other” persons not dated to Person 1: l lodger’s husband/wife or common-law partner l lodger’s son/daughter / l room-mate‘s son/daughter l employee IO 0 I1 0 Father/mother of Person I Father-in-law/mother-in-law of Person 1 Brother/sister of Person 1 Brother-in-law/sister-in-law of Person 1 Lodger/boarder 12 0 Room-mate 0 Other - Speciw 417 I IR SUER ISnA 160 I3 In A 3. DATE OF SIRTH Print day, month and year. Example: If this person was born on the 10th of February 1945, enter Day Month Year L!itlmti 17mmmn Day Month Year If exact date is not known, enter best estimate. 4. SEX I6 0 Male 10 0 Female I6 0 Male 12 0 Female 3. LEGAL MARITAL STATUS 10 0 Legally married (and not separated) 11 0 Legally married and separated 120 Divorced 120 Widowed !4 0 Nevermarried (single) 20 0 Legally married (and not separated) 21 0 Legally harried and separated 22 0 Divorced 23 0 Widowed in 24 0 Never married (single)XY !5 0 Yes 25 0 Yes !6 0 No 26 0 No Mark one circle only. L _: 6. Is this person currently living with a common-law partner? Page 4 -275Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire J - Continued c 04 0 Son/daughter of Person I 04 () 06 () Son/daughter of Person I Person 1 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law of 06 0 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law of Person 1 OCi.O,Son-in.law/daughter-in-law of Person 1 Grandchild of Person 1 06 0 Grandchifd of Person 1 06 0 Grandchild of Person 1 06 0 17 0 16 0 Father/mother of Person 1 of Father-in-law/mother-in-law Person 1 07 () 06 0 07 0 Father/mother of Person 1 Father-in-law/mother-in-law of. 06 0 Person 1 )9 0 IO 0 Brother/sister of Person f Brother-in-law/sister-in-law of Person 1 09 0 Brother/sister of Person I 09 0 10 0 Person 1 Brother-in-law/sister-in-law of IO II 0 Lodger/ boarder 11 0 Lodger/boarder I2 0 Room-mate 12 0 Room-mate 14 0 16 0 Son/daughter of Person I Person 1 Son-in-law/daughter-in-law of 16 0 0 04 0 Other - Specij/ 0 IIII 13 m I6 0 160 A Male 13 m 19 0 19 () Female 19 0 20 0 20 0 21 0 Legally married (and not separated) Legally married and separated 22 () Divorced 23 0 Widowed Other - Specify 160 A’ Male Female 22 () Legally married (and not separated) Legally married and separated Divorced Widowed Never married (single) 21 () Son/daughter of Person I Grandchild of Person 1 Father/mother of Person I 07 0 Father/mother of Person 1 Father-in-law/mother-in-law of Person 1 06 0 Father-in-law/mother-in-law of Person 1 Brother/sister of Person I 09 0 Brother/sister of Person 1 Brother-in-law/sister-in-law of Person 1 10 0 Brother-in-law /sister-in-law of Person 1 11 0 Lodger/ boarder 11 0 Lodger/boarder 12 0 Room-mate 12 0 () 0 0 Other - Sped@ 13 In 160 A 13‘ Room-mate Other - SpeciQ m, 0 16OA Male 160Male 16 19 0 Female 19 0 Female 20 0 Legally married (and not separated) 20 0 21 0 21 0 22 0 23 0 Legally married and separated Divorced Widowed 22 0 Legally married (and not separated) Legally married and separated Divorced 24 0 Never married (single) 23 0 24 0 Widowed Never married (single) 24 0 Never married (single) 23 0 24 0 25 0 Yes 25 0 Yes 25 0 Yes 25 0 Yes 26 0 No 26 0 No 26 () No 26 0 No I-.--r \ rage 3 -276Appendix: J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnhe -Continued- LANGUAGE 7. Can this person speak English or Frencfi well enough to 5 conduct a conversation? Mark onecircleonly. 8. What language(s), otherthan Englishor French,can this . person speak well enough to conduct a conversation? 01 0 02 0 03 0 04 0 English only French only Both English and French Neither English nor French 05 0 None OR ~ 01 0 02 0 03 0 0s 0 05 0 Specifyoth&.‘Eanguage(s) 067 English only French only Both English and French Neither English nor French None OR Specifyotherlanguage(s) 061 : 9. What language does this person speak mostoften at home? . 09 0 10 0 English French Other - Specify 09 0 IO 0 English French Other - SpeciQ 10. What is the language that this person first learnedat home I in childhoodand still understands? 12 0 13 0 English French Other - Specify 12 0 13 () English French Other - Specify If thispersonno longerunderstands the first language learned, indicatethe secondlanguage learned. PLACEOf GGtlH 11. Where was this person born? ’ Markor specifyoneonly, accordingto presentboundaries. 141 In Canada 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 Nfld. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. 0 Man. 0 Sask. .23 0 Alta. 24 0 B.C. 25 0 Yukon. 26 0 ‘N.W.T. 15 0 16 0 21 22 Outaide Canada 27 0 28 0 20 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 () 32 0 United Kingdom Italy U.S.A. West Germany East Germany Poland Other - Specify 33) II Nfld. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. 21 () 220 0 0 25 0 26 0 23 24 Gutside Canada II 3371 Page 6 In Canada II United Kingdom II Italy U.S.A. West Germany East Germany Poland Other - Specify Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Yukon N.W.T. -277Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire - Continued i?iIJ 04 0 Neither English nix French I 2 3 4 0 0 0 0 s0 OR Specify other ianguage(s) J i-J English only French only Both English and French Neither’English nor French I 0 120 130 140 English only French only Both English and French Neither English nor French 11.0 12() 130 140 English only French only Both English and French Neither English nor French None OR Speciiy other language(s) IS 0 None OR . Specify”other language(s) g0 None OR Specify other language(s) 16 I6 : _: I8 19 0 o0 English French Other - Specify 19 0 IO 0 II English French Other - Specify 19 () English IO 0 French Other - Specify English FrenGh Other - Spfciff 12 0 13 0 II .,; 12 0 13 () English French ., Other - Specify 12 0 13 0 English French Other 1 Specify I 14 14 14, _" ... In Canada In Canada 15 0 16 0 17 0 18 0 is 0 20 0 Nfld. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. 0 0 23 0 24 0 -25 0 28 0 21 22 Outside Canada 27 0 28 0 29 0 30 0 31 0 32 0 33, ._~ In Canada United Kingdom Italy U.S.A.-. West Germany East Germany Poland Fher - Specify Man. Sask. Alta. B.C. Yukon N.W.T. 15 0 i6 () 17 0 18 0 19 0 20 0 Nfld. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. Ont. 21 0 Man. 0 Sask. 23 () Alta. 24 0 B.C. 25 0 Yukon, 26 0 N.W.T. 22 15 0 is 0 17 0 18 19 20 0 Outside Canada 27 0 29 0 United Kingdom Italy 29.0 USA. 30 0 West Germany 31 () East Germany 32 0 Poland Other - Specify 0 0 Nfld. P.E.I. N.S. N.B. Que. ant. ..; : 0 Man. 0 Sask. 23 0 Alta. 24 0 B.C. 25 0 Yukon 26 () N.W.T. 21 22 Outside Canada 27 0 United Kingdom 28 0 Italy 29 0 U.S.A. 30 0 west Germany 31 0 East Germany 32 0 Poland Other - Specify 331 ^ I Page7 -278Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued CiTIZENSHIP 12. Of what country is this person a citizen? ’ Markmorethanonecircle,if applicable. 01 0 02 0 09 0 04 0 IMMI6RATION 13. Is this person now, or has this person ever been, a landed . immigrant? 114.1 13.1 05 0 06 0 Canada, by birth Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other country 01 0 02 () 09 0 No - 60 to Question 15 Yes - Continue with Question 14 05 0 06 0 Yeq 14. In what year did this person first become a landed immigrant in Canada? If exactyear is not known,enterbestestimate. ETHNIC OWN 15. To which ethnic or cultural group(s) did this person’s ancestors . belong? Markor specifyas manyas applicable. Note: Whilemostpeopleof Canadaview,themselves as Canadian, information abouttheir ancestraloriginshasbeencollected sincethe 1901 Censusto reflect the changingcomposition of the Canadian population and-is needed.to ensurethat everyone, regardless of his/her ethnicor culturalbackground, hasequal opportunttyt@sharefu//y in the economic,social,culturaland politicallife of Canada: Therefore, thisquestion refersto theorigins of thisperson’sancestors. See Guide. Year 07pj-TJ-j 09 0 08 0 09 0 French English IO 0 11 0 German Scottish 12 0 Italian 19 0 14 0 Irish Ukrainian 0 Chinese 0 Dutch (Netherlands) () Jewish 0 Polish 15 0 Chinese 16 0 17 0 18 0 Dutch (Netherlands) Jewish Polish 19OBlack 20 0 North American Indian 21 0 Metis 19 0 20 0 Black North American Indian French 09 () English 10 0 German 11 0 Scottish 12 0 13 0 14 0 15 16 17 19 23, ltalian Irish Ukrainian _ InuitlEskimo Other ethnic or cultural group(s) - Specify 24 16. Is this person a registered Indianas defined by the Indian Act of Canada? 25 21 () Metis 22 0 lnuit /Eskimo , 23 0 No 25 () Yes, registered. Indian 25 0 SpecifyIndianBandor First Nation (forexample, Musqveam) 2711 ‘- ww@) Other ethnicSpecrrV or cultural -, 24 25 0 See Guide. Page 8 No - Go to tluestion 15 Yes - Continue with tluestion 14 07pj-jl-J 22 0 Examples of otherethnicor culturalgroupsare: Portuguese, Grhek,IndianfromIndia,Pakistani,Filipino, b Vietnamese, Japanese, Lebanese, Haitian,etc. 04 0 Canada, by birth Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other country 271 No Yes, registered Indian Speci@IndianBandor Firs; Nation (forexample, Musqueam, f -279Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire i%J [ 8 a110 Canada, by birth a120 Canada, by naturalization a130 Same as country of birth 01 0 02 0 03 0 a140 Other country 04 a150 0 06 0 ;i I i (other than Canada) -Continued a ,,m i 0 J Canada, by birth Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other country )18.) 01 0 02 0 03 0 ,' 04 0 05 0 0 Canada, by birth Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other country I 01 0 02 () 03 0 No - Go to Guestion 15 Yes - CoMinue with Question 14 05 0 06 0 No - 60 to Question 15 Yes - Continue with Guestion 14 04 0 Canada,.by birth Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other country . a180 No - Go to Guestion 15 Yes - Continue with Guestion 14 05 Year No - 60 to Question 15 Yes - Continue with Question 14 08 Year Year ‘+ C .: -. ( r8 0 French 08 0 French .08 0 French 08 0 French ( r9 English 09 0 English 09 0 English 09 0 English German Scottish Italian IO 0 II 0 12 0 German Scottish Italian IO 0 II 0 12 0 German Scottish Italian IO 0 II 12 0 German Scottish Italian Irish Ukrainian Chinese 13 0 14 0 15 0 Irish Ukrainian Chinese 13 0 14’0 15 0 Irish Ukrainian Chinese 13 0 14 0 15 0 Irish Ukrainian Chinese Dutch (Netherlands) Jewish Polish 18 0 17 0 18 0 Dutch (Netherlands) Jewish Polish 18 0 17 0 18 0 Dutch (Netherlands) Jewish Polish 18 0 17 0 18 0 Dutch (Netherlands) Jewish Polish Black North American Indian M&is 19 0 20 0 21 0 Black North American Indian Metis lOOBlack 20 0 North American Indian 21 0 M&is 190 20 0 Black . North American-Indian M&is InuitlEskimo 22 0 InuitlEskimo 22 0 0 1IO 0 1II 0 I 12 0 113 0 114 0 115 0 118 0 117 0 118 0 119 0 20 0 21 0 22 0 Other ethnic or cultural group(s) - SpeciQ Other ethnic or cultural group(s) -‘Specify, :'y;,:r, 250 28 0 ; No ' Yes, registered Indian 25 0 26 0 SpeciQ Indian Sand or First Nation (for example, Musqueam) 2711 271 2371 241 No 25 0 Yes, registered Indian 26 0 Specify Indian Band or First Nation (for example, Musqueam) _ 1 2711 21-o InuitlEskimo Other ethnic or cultural group(s) - SpeciQ .. _. 0 d 22 0 bj InuitlEskimo Other ethnic or cultural group(s) - Specify 247 231 No 25 0 Yes, registered Indian 26 0 Specify lndian Band or First Nation(for example, Musqueam) No Yes, registered Indian Speciw lndian Band or Firs Nation (for example, Musqueam 271 Page 9 -280Appendix J 1991 Census Fqrm 2B Questionnaire - Continued 20.1 ltELI6ION 17. What is this person’s religion? Indicate a specific denominationor reli ion even if this person is not currently a practising member o9 that group. For example, Roman Catholic, Ukrainian Catholic, United ‘Church, Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Baptist, Pentecostal, Greek Orthodox, Jewish, Mennonite,Jehovah’s Witnesses, Salvation Army, Islam, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh ACTIVITYLIMITATIONS 3. Is this person limited in the kind or amount of activity that he/she can do because of a long-term physical condition, mental condition or health-problem: 4 See Guide. Specifyonedenomination or religiononly SpeciQonedenomination or religion only OlE CrzI- 02 () No religion 92 0 At home? At home? 03 () No, not limited 04 0 yes, limited 03 0 04 0 At schoolor at work? At schoolor at work? 05 0 No, not limited 06 0 Yes, limited 07 () Not applicable 05 08 07 0 0 0 No religion No, not limited Yes, limited No, not limited Yes, limited Not applicable j In otheractivities,e.g., transporta- In otheractivities,e.g., transporta tion to or from work, leisuretime tion to or from work, leisuretime activities? activities? 08 OS 19. Does this person have any long-term disabilities or handicaps? See Guide. 0 () loo 11 0 No, not limited Yes, limited 08 OS 0 0 No, not limited Yes, limited 100 No No Yes 11 0 Yes Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over. MOBILITY 20. Wheredidthis personlive 1 year ago,that is,on June4, 1990? 12 () Lived at the same address as now 12 0 Lived at the same address as now 13 0 Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address ta 0 Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address 14 0 Lived in a different province/territory in Canada 14 Mark onecircleonly. 0 Lived in a different province/territory in Canada Printnameof province/ territory. Printnameof province/ territory. 151 16 0 16 0 Lived outside Canada 171 I PageIO Lived outside Canada Pint nameof country. Printnameof country. -281Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire 121.1 01 _ 02 : 0 - Continued 122.1 Specify one denomination or religion only 24.1 Specify one denomination or religion only Specify one denomination or religion only 011 No religion 0 02 J No religion Specify one denomination or religion onfy 011 4zIIYI o2 0 02 No religion 0 No religion At home? 03 0 No, not limited 04 0 Yes, limited At home? 03 0 No, not limited 04 0 Yes, limited At home? 33 0 No, not limited ~4 0 Yes, limited At home? 03 0 No, not limited 04 0 Yes, limited At school or at work? 05 0 No, not limited 06 0 Yes, limited 07 0 Not applicable At 05 06 07 At school or at work? OS 0 No, not limited 06 0 Yes, limited 07 0 Not applicable At school or at work? 05 () No, not limited 06 0 Yes, limited 07 0 Not applicable In-other activities, e.g., transporta tion to or from work, leisure time activities? 03 0 No, not limited OB0 Yes, limited In other activities, e.g., transportation to or from work, leisure time activities? 03 0 No, not limited 09 0 Yes, limited In other activities, e.g., transportation to or from work, leisure time activities? 08 0 No, not limited OS () Yes, limited In other activities, e.g., transports tion to or from work, leisure tim activities? 08 0 No, not limited 09 0 Yes, limited 100 loo 11 0 100 Ii 0 loo 11 0 No -. IrOYes rg school or at work? 0 No, not limited 0 Yes, limited 0 Not applicable No Yes‘ No Yes No Yes 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over. 12 0 Lived at the same address as now 12 0 Lived at the same address as now 12 0 Lived-at the same address as now 12 0 Lived at the same address as now 13 0 Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address 13 0 Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address 13 0 Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address 13 C Lived in the same province/territory, but at a different address 14 0 Lived in a different province/territory in Canada Print name of province/ territory. 14 0 Lived in a different province/territory in Canada Print name of province/ territory. 14 0 Lived in a different province/territory in Canada Print name of province/ territow. 14 0 Lived outside Canada Print name of country. 151 ,i16 17 0 Lived outside Canada Print name of country. 16 I 0 171 Lived outside Canada Print name of country. Lived in a different province/territory in Canada Print name of province/ territory. I51 15 16 0 171 16 0 Lived outside Canada Print name of country 171 Page 11 -282Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued 21. Did this person live at tliis-piesent address 5 years ago, that is, on June 4, 1986? 22. Where did this person live 5 yearsago,that is, on June 4, 1986? - Somelargecitiesare madeup of smallercitiesor towns calledmq~:ipa!ities.Whereapplicable,distinguish betweenthe municipalityand the largecity, suchas AnjouandMontrtjal, Scarborough and Toronto,Burnabyand Vancouver,Saanich and Victoria. c; 125.1 pJ Yes, lived at the same address as now Go to Guestion 23 No, lived at a diirent address 01 0 02 0 03 0 Lived in the same city, town, village,township, municipalityor Indian reserve 03 0 Lived in the saine city, towr village,township, municipalityc Indian reserve 0 Lived in a different city, town, village,township, municipalii or Indian reserve in Canada Print below. 04 0 Lived in a different city, towr 1, village,township, municipalityclr Indian reserve in Canada Print below. 01 0 02 0 Yes,.lived at the same addresS as now 60 to Guestion 23 No, lived at a different addresS .OR 04 ‘MarkoneCircleonly. OR City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve 05 City, town, municipality I County 051 (if known) County II Province/territory II 06 0 OR Lived outside Canada Print name of country. 07 village, township, or4ndii reserve (if known) Prcvi’nceAerritory “. / dil 06 0 Lived outside Canada Print name of country. 1 1 071 23. For WOMEN’only: How many children were ever bornto this person? Countall childrenincludingthosewhomay ha@died‘$inCe birth or whomay nowbe livingelsewhere.Donot include stillbirths. 06 0 None - OR 09 q IO q 4 Number of children 06 0 None ’ OR 09 q IO q 11 0 .*:; , 4 Number of children EOUCATION 24. What is ttk?biihestgrade (or year) of secondary (high school) . or elementaryschool this person ever attended? Enterhighestnumber(1 to !3) of gradesor years,excluding kindergarten. 25. How many years of education has this person completed at . university?‘:.. Page 12 4 Enter number (1 to 13) of grades or- years of setondary and/or elementary school OR ,- ~ _ II 0 Never attended school or attended kindergarten only 12 0 13 0 14 q None Less than 1 year (of completed courses) 4 Number of completed years at university 12 0 I3 0 14 q 4 Enter number (1 to 13) c,f grades or years of set:ond&y and /or elementarY school OR Never attended school or attended kindergarten only None Less than -1 year (of completed courses) > i Number of completed years at university -283Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire J -Continued / Yes, lived at the same addres as now 60 to Question 23 0 No, lived at a dii~nt addres 01 0 02 0 0 Lived in the same city, towr village,township, municipalityc Indian reserve OR 0 Lived in a different city, towr village,tow&ship, municipalii c Indian reserve in Canada :, Print below. 03 0 04 0 City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve Yes, lived at the same address as now 60 to Question 23 fjo, lived at a different address 11 0 Lived in the same city, town, village,township, municipalityor Indian reserve OR Lived in a different city, town, village,township, municipalityor Indian reserve in Canada Print below. 130 14 City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve (if known) County (if known) 130 140 Yes, lived at the same addres! as now 60 to Puestion 23 No, lived at a different addres Lived in the same city, town village, township, municipalityo Indian reserve OR Lived in a different city, town village,township, municipalitya Indian reserve in Canada Print below. City, town, village, township, .municipality or Indian reserve )5r Countv (if known) County (if known) Province/territory Province I territory 1 n i’- 0 Lived in the same city, town, village,township, municipalityor Indian reserve OR Lived in a dltferent city, town, village,township, municipalityor Indian reserve in Canada Print below. 130 City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve I Province/territory Province/territory 0 11 0 15 ~~1 Countv 12 Yes, lived at the same address as now 60 to Question 23 No, lived at a different address I OR Lived outside Canada Print name of country. 06 0 07 :o None 0 4 Number of children 09 q 4 Enter number (1 to 13) ( grades or years of se1 ondary and /or elemental school OR 0 Never attended school or ‘?- attended kindergarten only 10 q II 0 OR q IL ?O None go Less than 1 year (of complete ) courses) ‘, 4 Number of completed years at university 12 0 13 0 14 r6 () OR Lived outside Canada Prinf name of country. None OR 4 Number of children 4 Enter number (1 to 13) o grades or years of set ondary and /or elementar) school OR Never attended school or attended kindergarten only None Less than 1 year (of completer courses) 4 Number of completed years at university w 0 OR Lived outside Canada Prfht name of country. 171 . 08 ?u; OR Lived outside Canada Print name of country. 18 0 19Ll IO cl 11 0 12 0 t3 0 14 El None OR 18 0 4 Number of children 4 Number of children 4 Enter number (1 to 13) o grades or years of set CI;XI;~ and /or elementaq OR Never attended school or attended kindergarten only None Less than 1 year (of cqmpletec courses) 4 Number of completed years at university None OR IO I-J 11 0 12 0 13 0 14 Ll 4 Enter number (1 to 13) I grades or years of set ondary and /or elemental school OR Never attended school or attended kindergarten only None Less than 1 year (of compleh courses) 4 Number of completed years at university I, -284- Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire - Cotitinued 26. How many years of schooling has this person ever completed . at an ‘in&tMion otherthana university, a secondary (high school) or aD element8ry’school? II 0 None II 0 None includeyearsof schooling at communitycolleges,institutes of technology,CEGEPs (generalandprofessional), private trade schools orprivatebusiness colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. 120 Less than I year (of completed courses) 120 Lessthan 1 year (of kompleted courses) 4 Numberof completedyears at community colleges, trade schools,CEGEPs,etc. Numberof completedyear5 at community colleges trade schools,CEGEPs,etc .-, 27. In the pastninemonths(that is, since last September); was this person attending a school, college or university? 4. 14 0 Includeattendance at elementary or secondary schools,business r5 0 or tradeschools,communitycolleges,institutesof technology, CECEPs, etc., for courseswhichcanbe usedas creditstowards t8 0 a certificate,diplomaor degree. No, did not attend in past nine months t4 0 No, did not attend in past , nine months Yes, full time 15 0 Yes, full time Yes, part time, day or evening 18 0 Yes, part time, day or evening Mark onecircleonly. 26. What certificates, diplomas or degrees has this person ever I obtained? Includeall qualifications obtainedfromsecendary(high)schools, or tradeschoolsandotherpostsecondary educational institutions. Markas manycirclesas applicable. 17 0 None Go to Puestior30. 17 18 0 Secondary/high school gradua tion certificate or equivalent 38 0 Secondary/high school gradua tion certificate or equivalent 19 0 Trades certificate or diploma 39 0 Trades certificate or diploma Io 0 Other non-university certificatt or diploma (obtained at commu nity college, CEGEP,institute o technology, etc.) IO 0 Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at commu nity college, CEGEP,‘instituteo technology, etc.) II 0 Universitycertificate or diplom; fn!Mw bachelor level II 0 Universitycertificate or diploma below bachelor level 0 Bachelor’s degree(s) (e.g., B.A. B.Sc., LL.B.) 18 0 Bachelor’s degree(s) (e.g., B.A. BSc., LL.B.) I3 0 Universitycertificate or diplom; above bachelor level 18 0 Universitycertificate or diplom above bachelor level 14 () Master’s degree(s) (e.g., MA. M.Sc., M.Ed.) 14 0 Master’s degree(s) (e.g., M.A. M.Sc., M.M.) 15 0 Degree in medicine, dentistry veterinarymedicineor optometr: LMDCI,D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M. bMDDj, . . 15 0 i Degree inmedfclne, dentistry veterinarymedicineor optometr b”Dt, D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M. 0 Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D. D.Sc., D.M.) 18‘0 Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D D.Sc., D.Ed.) 12 18 Page 14 0 None 60to flue&n 30 Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire II 0 None II 0 None 12 0 Less than I year (of completed courses) 120 Less than 1 year (of completed courses) 13 u 4 Numberof completedyears at community colleges, trade schools,CEGEPs,etc. J -Continued 4 Numberof completedyears at community colleges, trade schools,CEGEPs,etc. 0 20 3 u 14 0 No, did not attend in past nine months r4 0 No, did not attend in past nine months 140 t5 0 Yes, full time 15 0 Yes, full time 15 16 0 Yes, part time, day or evening 16 0 Yes, part time, day or evening 160 None 60 to Question 30 17 None 60 to Puestion 30 17 18 0 Secondary/high school graduation certificate or equivalent 38 0 Secondary/ high school gradua. tion certificate or equivalent 19 0 Trades certificate or diploma 39 0 0 Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP,institute of technology, etc.) tt 0 0 I0 Less than 1 year (of completed courses) 2 4 Numberof completedyears at community colleges, trade schools,CEGEPs,etc. None () Less than 1 year (of completed courses) 3 4 Number of completedyears at community colleges, trade schools,CEGEPs,etc. No, did not attend in past nine months 40 Yes, full time 5 Yes, part time, day or evening 60 0 No, did not attend in past nine months Yes, full time Yes, part time, day or evening None 60 to Question 30 07 0 None 60 to Question 30 18 0 Secondary/high school gradua, tion certificate or equivalent 08 0 Secondary/high school graduation certificate or equivalent Trades certificate or diploma 19 0 Trades certificate or diploma 09 0 Trades certificate or diploma IO 0 Other non-university certificate .or diploma (obtained at commu nity college, CEGEP,institute oi technology, etc.) IO 0 Other non-university certificatr! or diploma (obtained at cornmu, nity college, CEGEP,institute oi technology, etc.) 1o 0. Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP,institute of technology, etc.) Universitycertificate or diploma bekw bachelor level 1t 0 Universitycertificate or diploma below bachelor level II 0 Universitycertificate or diplomaII bebw bachelor level I 0 Universitycertificate or diploma below bachelor level 12 0 Bachelor’s degree(s) (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.) 12 () Bachelor’s degree(s) (e.g., B.A. BSc., LL.B.) 12 0 Bachelor’s degree(s) (e.g., B.A.I B.Sc., LL.B.) 12 0 Bachelor’s degree(s) (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., LL.B.) t30 Universitycertificate or diploma above bachelor level 13 0 Universitycertificate or diploma above bachelor level I3 0 Universitycertificate or diplomii above bachelor level 13 0 Universitycertificate or diploma above bachelor level 14 0 Master’s degree(s) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.M.) 14 0 Master’s degree(s) (e.g., M.A. MSc., M.Ed.) 14 0 Master’s degree(s) (e.g., M.A. ( M.Sc., M.M.) 14 0 Master’s degree(s) (e.g., M.A., MSc., M.Ed.) 15 0 Degree in medicine, dentistry, 15 0 veterinarymedicine or optometry bMDDj,D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., . . Degree in medicine, dentistry veterinarymedicineor optometr) bMDDj,D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M. . . 15 0 Degree in medicine, dentistry; veterinarymedicineor optometq btD&, D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M. 15 0 Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D. D.Sc., D.M.) 16 0 Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D.,I D.Sc., D.Ed.) 17 IO 16 0 0 Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.) 16 0 0 None 0 Degree in medicine, dentistry veterinarymedicineor optometry bfDDi, D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., 60 Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.) Page 15 -286Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire - Continued 29. What was the major field of study or training of this person’s highest degree, certificate or diploma (excluding secondary or high school graduation certificates)? For example, accounting, carpentry, civil engineering,history, legal secretary, welding 37.1 Major field of study or training Major field of study or training D’F ‘It OR 32 () This person’s highest qualifia tion is a secondary/high schoc graduation certificate. OR ~2 0 This person’s highest qualifica tion is a secondary/high school graduation certificate. WORK g. Last week, how many hours did this person work (not including volunteer work, housework, maintenance or repairs for his/her own home)? Include as -work: l working without pay in a family farm or business (e.g., assisting in seeding, doing accounts); l working in his/her own business, farm or professional practice, alone or in partnership; l working for wages, salary, tips or commission. g. Last week, was this person on temporary lay-off or absent from s his/her job or business? Mark one circle only. 32. Last week, did this person have definite arrangements to start . a new job within the next four weeks? 33. Did this person look for work during the past four weeks? . For example, did this person contact a CanadaEmployment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads! Mark one circle only. Page16 D3 l-l ~4 0 4 Number of hours (to the nearest hour) 4 Number of hours (to the nearest hour) 60 to guestion 36 60 to Question 36 OR OR None 04 0 Continue withthe next question None Continue withthenext D50 No 05 0 No 06 0 Yes, on temporaty lay-off fro1 a job to which this persa expects to return 06 0 Yes, on temporary lay-off fron a job to which this persor expects to return 07 0 Yes, on vacation, ill, on strik or locked out, or absentfor othc reasons 07 0 Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or lockedout, or absentfor other reasons 080 No 08() No 09 0 Yes 09 0 Yes loo No 60 to Question36 loo No 11 0 Yes, looked for full-time worl II 0 Yes, looked for full-time work 12 0 Yes, looked for part-time WOI (less than 30 hours per wee 12 0 Yes, looked for part-time worl (less than 30 hours per week 60 to Question 36 - 287.Appendix 1991 Census Form ZB Questionnaire Major field of study or training J - Continued Major field of study or training Major field of study or training Major field of study or training )I ” I I11 OR OR 0 This person’s highest qualifice bon is a secondarylhigh schor graduation certificate. OR OR 12 0 This person’s highest qualific tion ,is a secondary/high scha graduation certificate. 02 0 This person’s highest qualifica tion is a secondary/high schoo graduation certificate. 13 4 Number of hours (to the nearest hour) 60 to Question 36 03Ll 4 Number of hours (to the nearest hour) 60 to Question 36 120 This person’s highest qualifica tion is a secondary/high schoc graduation certificate. J 4 Number of hours (to the nearest hour) Go to Question 36 OR I0 None Continue with the next question OR ~4 0 4 Number of hours (to the nearest hour) 60 to Ptiestion 36 OR None Continue with the next question oq 0 OR None Continue with the next question )4 0 None Continue w&h the next ques6on a .~. .. - io No D5 0 No 05 0 No 15 0 50 Yes, on temporary lay-off fror a job to which this perso expects to return D6 0 Yes, on temporary layoff frc a job to which this per.s expects to return 06 0 Yes, on temporary lay-offfror a job to which this perso expects to return 16 () Yes, on temporary lay-off fror a job to which this perso expects to return r0 Yes, on vacation, ill, on strik or locked out, or abseht for othc i reasons 07 () Yes, on vacation, ill, on stri or locked out, or absentfor ott reasons 07 () Yes, on vacation, ill, on strik or lockedout, or absent for othr reasons 17 0 Yes, on vacation, ill, on strik or locked out, or absent for othc reasons B() No 06 0 No 06 0 No 36 0 No B 0 Yes 09 0 Yes 09 O,Yes B9 0 Yes No 60 to Question 35 100 No 60 to tluestion 36 too No Yes, looked for full-time wo tt 0 Yes, looked for full-time worl II 0 Yes, looked.for parttjme WC (less than 30 hours per wer 12 Yes, looked for part-time WOI (less than 30 hours per weel 12 . No I. 90 No 60 to tluestion 36 100 i” 0 Yes, looked for full-time worl it 0 2.0 Yes, looked for oart-tjme WOI (less than 30 hours per wee1 12 0 0 60 to Puestk 35 0 Yes, looked for full-time worl Yes, looked for part-time WOI (less than 30 hours per wee1 Page 1’ -288Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire - Continued 34. Could this person have started work last week had a job been 7 available? Markonecircle only. 43.( 11 0 12 () 13 0 )4 0 K0 f6 0 35. When did this person last work, even for a few days (not including s volunteer work, housework, maintenance or repairs for his/her own home)? Yes, could have started work No, already had a job No, temporary illness or disability No, personal or family responsibilities No, going to school No, other reasons In 1991 Continue with the next questton )80 In 1990 Continue with the next question 1s 0 Before 1990 60 to Question 45 IO 0 Never worked in lifetime 60 to Question 45 )70 0 0 30 I 2 40 s0 60 7 0 18 0 19 0 o 0 Yes, could have started work No, already had a job No, temporary illness or disability No, personal or family responsibilities No, going to school No, other reasons In 1991 Continue with the next questton In 1990 Conttnue with the next question Before 1990 60 to Puestian 45 Never worked in lifetime 60 to Question 45 Me: Questions 36 to 42 refer to thisperson’sjob or business last week. If thispersonheld.nojob last week,answerfor thejob of fongest durationsinceJanuarv1, 1990. If thisoersonheldmorefh& one joblastweek,answeriorthejobat whichhe/sheworkedthemosthours. -36. For whom did this person work? * Name of firm, government agency, etc. Name of firm, agency, etc. I Department, branch, section or plant Department, branch, section or olant division, government division, I / 37. What kind of business, industry or service was this? Givefull description. For example,wheatfarm, trapping,road maintenance, retailshoestore,secondaryschool,temporary ;helpagency,municipal police. Page 18 Kind of business, or service industry Kind of business, or service industry -2mAppendix J - 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued ig 146.1 147.1 () Yes, could have started work 2 0 No, already had a job 3 () No, temporary illness or disability 4 0 No, personal or family responsibilities s 0 No, going to school ~6() No, other reasons 01 0 02 0 03 0 Yes, could have started work No, already had a job No, temporary illness or ’ disability 04 0 No, personal or family responsibilities 05 0 No, going to school 03 0 No, other reasons 01 In 1991 Continue with the next question 080 In 1990 Continue with the next question 09 0 Before 1990 Go to Puestion 45 IO 0 Never worked in lifetime 60 to lluestion 45 070 I 170 18 0 130 o0 In 1991 Continue with the next question In 1990 Continue with the next question Before 1990 60 to Question 45 Name of firm, government (I_ etc. , Name of firm, government i__ etc. Department, ie&on or , Department, i__ or branch, division, branch, plant division, 04 0 05 0 0 06 148.1 Yes, could have started work No, already had a job No, temporary illness or disability No, personal or family responsibilities No, going to school No, other reasons 01 0 02 0 03 0 Yes, could have started work No, already had a job No, temporary illness or disability 04 0 No, personal or family responsibilities 05 0 ho, going to school 06 0 No, other reasons In 1991 Continue with the next question 08 0 In 1990 Continue with the next question 09 0 Before 1990 60 to Puestion 45 IO 0 Never worked in lifetime 60 to Question 45 070 Never worked in lifetime 60 to Question 45 plant 0 02 0 03 0 , i 070 08 0 09 0 IO 0 In 1991 Continue with the next questton In 1990 Continue with the next question Before 1990 60 to Puettion 45 Never worked in lifetime 60 to Question 45 Name of firm, government i__ etc. : Name of firm, government i__ etc. Department, branch, i_ or plant , ,;,.I division, divisionS Page 19 -290Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued ‘@ 38. At what address did this person usually work? If streetaddressis unknown,print the nameof the buildingor neareststreetintersemion. Somelargecitiesaremadeupof smaller citiesor townscalledmunicipalities. Whereapplicable, distinguish betweenthe municipalityandthe largecity, suchas Anjouand Montreal,Scarborough andToronto,Burnabyand Vancouver, Saanichand Victoria. 1 01 () Worked at home (including farms) 02 0 Worked outside Canada 02 03 0 Worked at the address specified below ‘03 Street ‘01 0 address 0 0 Worked at home (including farms) Worked outside Canada r Worked at the address specified below Street address ::E 1 City,. town, village, township, municipality or Indian rese.ve City, town, Village, township, municipality or Indian reserve County County (if known) (if known) Province/territory Province/territory Postal code Postal code UIIUII UIIUII 040 04 0 MrnrnI 9. What kindof work wasthis persondoing? Kind of work -05mmun Kind of work For example,medicallab technician,accountingclerk, manager of civil engmeering department, secondaryschoolteacher, supervisorof dataentry unit, foodprocessing labourer,fishing guide(If in the ArmedForces,give rank only.) ~~~ 40. In this work, what were this person’s most important duties or activities? : For example,analysingbloodsamples,veritjfinginvoices, co-ordinating civil engineering projects,teachingmathematics, organizingworkschedules andmonitoring dataentry systems, cleaningvegetables, guidingfishingparties rage zu Most important ~l.- duties or activities Most important duties or activities -291Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire J - Continued 53.) 31 0 Worked at home (including farms) 11() Worked at home (including farms) 33 0 Worked outside Canada 130 Worked at the address specified below Street address 130 33 0 II 0 Worked at home (including farms) 01 0 Worked at home (including farms) Worked outside Canada 13 0 Worked outside Canada 03 0 Worked outside Canada Worked at the address specified below -. 13 0 Worked at the address specified below 03 0 Worked at the address specified below ’ Street address Street address Street City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve EEI City, town, village, township, municipality or Indian reserve City, town, municipality City, town, municipality County County village, township, or Indian reserve I (if known) (ii known) address village, township, or Indian reserve , County (ii known) County (if known) Province/territory Provincelterritdry Province ! territory Province/territory I Postal code I Postal code Postal code Postal code UIIUII uIl1-1 UIIUII urlurl D4 El I4 Cl t4 0 ~5mrnua )5mmun 15rnrnm Kind of work Kind of work 04 cl Kind of work Kind of work .F Most important duties or activitie Most important duties or activities Most important duties or activities Most important I duties or activities t---I 4IIIl lrul 4IIIl mn 1 CIIII UIII 4IIn UIII Page 21 -292Appendh J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire - Continued. Il. In this job, was this person mainly: 155.1 156.1 01 0 working for wages, salary, tips or I?ommission? 01 0 working for wages, salary, tips or commission? 60 to Question 43 02 0 working without pay for his/her spouseor another relativein a familyfarm or business? 60 to Question 43 02 0 working without pay for his/her spouseor another relativein a family farmor business? 60 to Question 43 03 60 to Question 43 0 self-employed without paid 03 0 self-employed without paid help(aloneor inpartnership)? help(aloneor inpartnership)? Continue with the next question Colitinue with the next question 04 0 self-employed withpaidhelp (aloneor in partnership)? 04 0 self-employed with paidhelp (aloneor in partnership)? Continue with the next question Continue with the next question 42. If self-employed, wasthisperson’s farmor business incorporated? 050 No . 060 Yes 05 0 No 06 0 Yes 43. In how manyweeksdid this personwork in 1990? . Includethoseweeksin whichthisperson: l was on vacation or sick leave with pay; l workedfull timeor part time; l workedfor wages,salary,tipsor commission; , l wasself-employed or an unpaidworkerin a familyfarm or business. 07 0 None 60 to Question 45 44. Duringmostof thoseweeks,did this personwork full time or . part time? Markonecircleonly. I‘age 22 07 0 None 60 to Question 45 OR 06 0 4 Number of weeks OR 06 Continue with ihe next question 0 4 Number of weeks Continue with the next question 0 Fulltime(30hoursor moreperweek) 09 0 FUIItime(30hoursor moreperweek) 09 IO 0 Parttime(lessthan 30 hoursperweek) to 0 Parttime(lessthan 30 hoursperweek) -293Appendix 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire II 0 working for wages, salary tips or commission? working without pay fo his/her spouseor anothe relativein a family farm 0 business? Go to Puestion 43 12 0 60 to Ouestion 43 13 0 self-employed without pail help(aloneor inpartnership) self-employed with‘paidhel (aloneor in partnership)? working without pay for his/her spouseor another relativein a familyfarm or business? 60 to Puestion 43 ~2 0 working without pay for his/her spouseor another relativein a familyfarmor business? Go to Puestion 43 13 02 0 working without pay for his/her spouseor another relative in a-familyfarm or business? 60 to Question 43 Continue with the next question 34 60 to Question 43 60 to Questton 43 () self-employed without paid 03 0 self-employed without paid 03 0 self-employed without paid help(aloneorinpartnership)? help(aloneor inpartnership)? help(aloneor inpartnership)? Continue with the next question 34 0 -Continued 110 workingfor wages,salary, ~10 workingfor wages,salary, o! 0 workingfor wages,salary, tips or commission? tips or commission? tips or commission? 60 to Puestton 43 12 0 0 self-employed withpaidhelp (aloneor in partnership)? Continue with the next question Continue with the next question 04 0 self-employed with paidhelp (aloneor in partnership)? Continue with the next question Continue with the next question 04 0 self-employed with paidhelp (aloneor in partnership)? Continue with the next question Continue wtth the next questton D5 0 No D5 0 No 05 0 No 05 0 No D6 0 Yes D60 Yes 00 0 Yes 06 0 Yks None 60 to Question 45 ~7 None 60 to Question 45 07 None 60 to Puestion 45 07 07 0 0 OR 08 q 4 Number of weeks J 0 OR 4 Number of weeks D8 Continue with the next question 0 None 60 to Puestion 45 OR 08 0 Continue with the next question 4 Number of weeks OR 08 El Continue with the ?ext question 99 0 Full time (30 hours or more per week) 09 0 Full time (30 hours or more per week) 09 0 IO 0 Part time (less than 30 hours per week) IO 0 Part time (less than 30 hours per week) IO 0 + Number of weeks Continue with the next question Full time (30 hours or more per week) 09’0 Part time (less than 30 hours per week) IO 0 Full time (30 hours or more per week) Part time (less than 30 hours per week) Page23 -294Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued INCOMEIN 1990 2 7 161.) 162.1 During the year ending December 31, 1990, did this person receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? l Answer “Yes“ or “No” for all sources. l If “Yes’: also enter the amount; in case of a loss, also mark “Loss’: l Do not include Family Allow&)ces and Child Tax Credits. l Consult the .Guide for details. (a) Totalwages and salaries includingcommissions, bonuses, tips, etc., before any deductions (b) Net incomefrom unincorporatednon-farmbusiness, professional practice, etc., on own account or in partnership (gross receipts minus eKpenses) (c) Net farm self-employment income from agricultural operations on own account or in partnership (gross receipts minus expenses) 030 Yes.(I 05 0 No 060 Yes,-1 06 0 No 170 Yew-1 190 No 240 Yes.-1 26 0 No 030 04 07 0 Loss 05 0 No 060 Yes,-j 0 Loss 08 0 No 07 0 Loss (d) OMA e SecurityPension and6uaranteed Incomegupplement fromBederalgovernment only(provincialincomesupplements shouldbe reportedin (g)) (e) BenefitsfromCanadaor QuebecPensionPlan (f) BenefitsfromUnemployment Insurance(total benefitsbefore tax deductions) (g) Otherincomefromgovernmentsourcesincludingprovincial incomesupplements andgrantsand socialassistance, e.g., veterans’pensions,workers’compensation, welfare payments(do not includeFamilyAllowancesandChildTax Credits) (h) Dividends andintereston bonds,depositsandsavings certificates,andotherinvestmentincome,e.g.,netrentsfrom realestate,interestfrommortgages 16 0 LOSS 170 Yes,-1 190 No 240 Yes.-1 26 0 No 16 0 LOSS 25 0 LOSS (i) Retirement pensions, superannuation andannuities (j) Othermoneyincome,e.g., alimony,scholarships (k) TOTALINCOME froma// of the abovesources Page24 25 () LOSS Turnthe pageandanswerthe questions -295Appendix J 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire Dollars -Continued Dollars 030 Yes;/-----jl 15 0 No 04 0 Loss 05 0 No 18 0 No 07 0 Loss 08 0 No 170 Yes.-] 190 No 180 LOSS iso No Turn the page and answer the questions ’ Dollars 030 Yesw[r---q Cents Dollars Cents 03OYest/I 04 0 Lass 05 0 No 04 0 LOSS 05 0 No 04 0 LOSS 07 0 Loss 08 0 No 07 0 Loss 08 0 No 07 0 LOSS 190 No 18 0 LOSS 190 No 18 OLOSS 18 OLOSS about this dwelling. Page 25 Appendix J -296- 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Continued muI 187.1 Ariswer hestiomH1. to.H8 abdut this dwelling. .. ,Family !fJ. Print the name(s) of the person(s) who pay . the rent or mortgage,taxes, electricity,etc., for this dwelling. A dwelling is a separate set of living quarters with a j&ate entrancefrom the outside or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. This entrance should not be through someone else’s living quarters. name Given ,,rnI m 04m0 05m0 ,,rnI name ::rj--/mi Note: One of these persons should answer Questions H2 to H8. If no one living here makes such payments, markhem.. _. 07 0 and answer these questions yourself. -H2. Is thisdwelling: Mark one circle only. 08 0 owned by you or a member of this household (even if it is still being paid for)? 09 H3. (a) Howmanyroomsaretherein this dwelling? 0 rented (even if no cash rent is paid)? 4 Number of rooms 10 Include kitchen, bedrooms, finished rooms in attic or basement, etc. Do not count bathrooms, halls, vestibules and rooms used solely for business purposes. (b) Howmanyofthesemoms ambedrooms? 4 Number of bedrooms H4. Whenwasthisdwellingoriginallybuilt? Mark the period in which the building was completed, not the time of any later remodelling, additions or conversions. If year is not known, give best estimate. H5. Is thisdwellingin needof anyrepairs? (Do not include desirable remodelling or additions.) 12 0 1920 or before 16 0 1971-l 980 1981-I985 13 0 1921-1945 17 0 14 0 1946-l 960 18 0 1986-l 990 15 0 1961-1970 19 0 1991 20 0 No,only regular maintenance is needed (painting; furnace cleaning, etc.) 21 0 Yes,minorrepairsare needed (missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles, defective steps, railing or siding, etc.) 22 0 Yes,majormpairsare needed (defective plumbing or electrical wiring, structural repairs to walls, floors or ceilings, etc.) -297- 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire Appendix J -Continued 7 1&8.1 Answer Questions-H6 to H8for only the dwelling that you now occupy,even if you own or rent more than one dwelling. if the exact amount is not known, please enter best estimate. Note:If you are a farm operator living on the farm you operate, markhere _. .: OI 0 and go to Step 12. H6. Forthisdweitin, whatarethe YEARLYpayments . (tast12 months Bfor: (a) electricity? 02 0 03 None Dollars 0 Included in Cents rent or other payments (b) oil, gas, coal, wood or other fuels? 05 0 06 0 OR O4 I F& None Included in Dollars Cents Dollars Cents Dollars Cents rent or other payments (c) water and other municipal services? 06 0 OS OR None () Included in rent or other payments H7. ForRENTERS only: . What is the monthlycashrent paid for this dwelling? H8. ForOWNERS only,answerpart; (a) through(f): ’ (a) What are the total regular monthlymortgage or II 0 (b) Are the proierty taxes (municipal and school) included in the amount shown in part (a)? OR l2 m %nth Dollars 13 0 OR l4 n !kth 0 Yes - 60 ta port (d) 15 160 Cents None 60to pelt(c) loan payments for this dwelling? 7. Rented without payment of cash rent OR .,‘. ‘._ io (c) What are the estimated yearlyproperty taxes (municipal and school)‘for this dwelling? 17 0 (d) If you were to sell this dwelling now, for how much would you expect to sell it? None Dolbrs Cents Dollsrs Cents OR Dollars 19n (e) Is this dwelling part of a registered condominium? 0 Yes- Continue withpart(f) -6otoStep12 20 210No (f) What are the monthlycondominium fees? 22 0 & None OR 23 1 ke&th You have now completed your questionnaire. Please mail it today. Thank you for your co-operation. mm If you have any comments, please enter them on the back cover. I OFFICEUSE ONLY 24 ._ m Coil. I I 250 4A 27 (7 DR 26 [7 Ref. 26 0 M&./Other I 29 II JIC-A ‘;O m JIGB . 0”“s 37 Appendix J -298- 1991 Census Form 2B Questionnaire -Concluded If after reading the Guide you need further assistance, do not hesitate to call our Telephone Assistance Service. It is available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. from Thursday, May 30 through Friday, June 7 (excluding Sunday). If you live within the local calling area of the places listed below, dial the number shown. In all other areas, dial l-800-287-1991 (no charge). St. John’s (Nfld.) .._..................._.. 772-1991 Halifax ..___..__........__._....__................ 426-i 991 Moncton.. _._. 851-l 991 Montreal ._._..............__...__.___............,.. 283-l 991 Ottawa __._. __ ._.._______. __.___. ._. __.951-l 991 Toronto ._._. 973-l 991 Winnipeg _. __._. .________. 983-l 991 Regina ___.__........,,..........................._.___.. 780-7750 Edmonton _._..__._.._......_.._.....,.,........______._4954000 Vancouver ,666-i 991 For TDDlllY (Telecommunication Devices for the Deaf/Teletype Machines only) - users call: l-800-287-5558 (no charge) Page 28 PIB No.: STCIP-PU-005 STWCOP-01503789
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