INISTRY OF PLAN DEVELOPMENT REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON Perco Work Frtherlrnd - - SECOND GENERAL POPULATION A N D HOUSING CENSUS (W No. 86/508 al 11th w 19851 FORM "HOUSEHOLD -, DEATHS THAT OCCURRED DURING THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD been deaths in this household during the p e r i from April 1986 ml t i ii. Have there . RD2 1 - HOUSING UNIT" QUESTIONNAIRE , I (cinkM.~l.nwnkr) to March 1987 3 Ii yes, circle the number cyKIBspondingto the s e x of each deceased,and record the age at death (a line perdeath) H12. I SEX OF THE DECEASED 2nd death 1-M ....................... 2-F 1-M 1st death 3rd death 1-M 2-f 2-F 4th death 1-M 2-F .....................miam ..................... m m ..................... n QUESTlO"AlRENo. - - IMPORTANT REMARKS I o TOTAL NUMBER OF OUESTlONNAlRES USED INTHIS HOUSEHOU) H13. AO€ AT DEATH REMINDERS TO THE ENUMERATOR 1 ......................................................................... .................................. ................................................. .-................................................................................. I ......................................................................................................................................................................... \ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................................ ......................................................................................................................................................................... II ........................ I.+.$ I 4 ...................................................................................................................................... J . DATEOF VISIT : ' @ ) NAME OF CENSUSENUMERATOR : 1 . . ENDORSEMENTOFCREWLEER: I 1-1 ENDORSEMENTOF CONTROLLER : 1 I Or n t d N T S IN THIS HOUSEHOLD I T H E I I ol 1 Ilruml 1 I I Pl I POPULfiTlON W H O L E I I ?2 n I 1 I I 1PIiRI I ?7 1 n I n I PlO Column P l f ABBREVIATIONS TO USE : Column P3 1 ?ll P11 I P13 I P14 Column Pl7 (contlnurd) , FORM I “HOUSEHOLD - HOUSING RD2 UNIT” QUESTIONNAIRE CONFIDENTIAL - INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT IS CONFIDENTIAL AND SHALL NOT BE USED FOR PROSECUTION, TAX CONTROL OR ECONOMIC PENALTIES. ANY FAILURE TO ANSWER OR ANY INACCURATE ANSWER SHALL BE PUNISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAW No. 83/017 OF 21st JULY 1983 RELATING TO THE OBLIGATION TO FURNISH STATISTICS AND THE SECRECY ATACHED THERETO. U A. PROVINCE: W B. DIVISION : 2 1 C. SUB-DIVISION OR DISTRICT : D. TOWN OR VILLAGE : u E. QUARTER OF TOWN OR LOCALITY : F. ENUMERATION AREA No. : W 10 11 u G. STRUCTURE No. : 15 u u 6 4 7 9 12 14 W ia H. HOUSEHOLD No. : 19 17 TOTAL NUMBER OF QUESTIONNAIRES USED IN THIS HOUSEHOLD QUESTIONNAIRE No. MPORTANT REMINDERS TO THE U U ENUMERATOR 1. INTRODUCTION 4. CALL-BACKS Introduce yourself politely and fully, giving your name, showing your work card, and explaining that you have been authorized to ask a few questions within the framework of the General Population and Housing Census. Interview only one adult person in each household, i n the absence of the head of the household. Return to households where you did not find any adult to answer your questions. Ask the neighbours to tell you when it i s best to come back to a household. Also ask them for any other relevant information, and note i t down i n your field book. 2. ATTIRE 5. RECAPITULATION You should always be w e l l dressed and courteous with the people. At the end of each day‘s work, make a recapitulation of the number of residents on the first sheet used i n each household, using the table provided for that purpose. When the whole enumeration area has been covered, transfer this recapitulation unto the appropriate form. Respect the person you are going to visit. 3 3. REVISION OF QUESTIONNAIRE Do not forget to fill page 4 of this questionnaire. After an interview in a household, go through the questionnaire again to check that no information has been left out or is incomplete, and make sure that no resident has been left out, before you leave the household. I lrnpnm4 par SOPECAM 8 P 1210 Yaounde - 1907 NUMBER OF RESIDENTS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD I 1 I I RESIDENTS- - - 1 1 . I I - I l I ’ d I I V I ri I I ril (List all persons usually residing in the household, whe rn A 1 %I-- 2--F 2-A 1-M 1-P 2-F 2-A 1-M I-P 2-F 2-A 1-M 1-P 1 2--F 2-A 1 4 1 1 2-F I i 1 l --i, 3 ~ ~~ 1-M 1 1 ~2-F 3 7- i 1 I I-Ml ~ 3 2-F 11 - M 1 ‘2-FI I 3 I i Column P15 ABBREVIATIONS TO U S E : Column P3 CM EP ENF PAR Ap Np ~ ~ ~ Heaa o! household Spouse of head of lousehold Son or daughter of head of househoic Father or mother of head of hobsehold Other relative Non-relative MAT COR PF PE POST GEF GEE TEF TEE EF1 EF2 EF3 EF4 UNIV Others ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nursery or Kindergarten Koranic scbco Primary school (Francophone) Primary school iAnglophone) Post-primary ( S A R S M etc ) General secondary education (Francophone) General secondary education (Anglophone) Technical secondary education {Francophone) Technical secondar) education (Anghophonei Professional training scnooi with admission requirement o1 FSLC Professionai training school with admlsslon requ rement of GCE OL Professional training school with admission requiremeqtof Drctiatci re Professimal trdining school with admisslcr? requ ‘eTe?i c’ GCE AL cr tleve LinIversit, Specify Column P17 CEPE FSLC CAM CAP BEPC BE GCEOL CAPE PROB BAC BTS C e l ‘ cd* O e’lides pr ‘fld res First school leaving certificate Certificat d art menager Certificat d aptitude professionnelle Brevet d etudes du premier cycle Brevet elementaire General certificate of ecucation ordinary ievei Certificat d aptitude aux fonctions de maitre d enseignemeil general Certificat d aptitude gedagogiqde elementaire ProDatoire Baccala J Brn.5 :t t e c h m e n superieur 27 ~ fi L BSAEM GCE AL BSC MEP MEPS LIC DES CAPCEG CAPES CAPET Others I I NU, pur a dash in columns P15, P16, and P17 If YES, put in column P I 5 the abbreviation that corresponds to the type of education, according to the instructions at the bottom of the page In column P21 put the last class attended under this type of education and in column P17 the highest diploma obtained Use the list at the bottom of the page tMrLWYMtN I ACTIWTY i TYPE CLASS DIPLOMA P 1 5 I P16 I P17 her present o r absent,?. lumn P17 (continued) evet superieur d aDtitJde a I enseignement me-ager '?er3 cerlificate of edbcat,on advaicec eve1 eve? superieur de capacite litre 7 erseigrement populaire iitre d educario? pvys qLe et spo.tiie ,ence bachelor s deqree plome d etudes superieures master DEA M c a l d aptitude au professorat des CEG aptitude au professorat de I emeignement <: NO ER cs CC P18 P19 1 P20 Column P18 = = ~ ~ NO Regular school Evening s c ~ o o l Correspondence courses Column P19 WK WorKed UN Now uiemployed has b S t his job Looking for work for the first time House-keeper Student pupil Annuity Retired OIL person HAN = HandicaDped OIS Idle LK HK ST + 'ude au professorat de I enselgnement tech REN RET P22 ~ = = ~ ~ P23 Column P21 IND EMP Self-e.nDloiea A G ~ ~ I Employer SAP - Permanent wage earner SAT = Temporary wage earner APR = Paid apprentice APNR UnDaid apprentice AF D ~ ~ e s ht ecp F a n i , he per c = Column P24 P24 I P25 MALE I FEMA P26 I Column P25 AF LN AU IL = = ~ - Can read and write French or English Can read and write a national language only Can read and write another language only Can neither read nor write Bacheiov Ml = Man married to one woman or woman married to a m o n o g a m t M, Man married to two women or woman married to a man with two wives M, - Man married to three women or woman married !o a map hitn three wives married to a man with four 3' more hives = ~ P2; z - nouse wim severai housing units - - _ _ . z - sneer or riles L 3 - Earth 3 - Wood - I llC'3 4 - Plywood 3 - Modern villa 3 - Electricity and kerosene 4 - Harnessed spring 5 - Earth, unbaked brick 4 - Mat, thatch, leaves 6 - Mud 4 - Appartment building 4 - Earth 5 - Well or unharnessed spring 4 - Gas 3 - Gas 4 - Electricity 6 - River, stream 7 - Mat, leaves or straw 5 - Compound or Sare. - 2 Kerosene 3 - Street fountain 3 - Plank 5 - Others 8 Others. ~ 5 - Others 5 - Others 5 - Othërs 7 - Others 6 - Others H8. TOILETS H10.NUMBER OF ROOMS H9. TENURE I - Internal with flush ? - External,private with flush 1 .Owner with land cefliíicaie 3 . Sharedwith other 3 - Renting 2'- Owner without land certificate households, with flush il - Housed by employer 1- Private latrines 5 - Common latrines W 5 - Housed free of charge by some other than the employer ì. Others -DEATHS THAT OCCURRED DURING THE PAST TWELVE MONTHS IN THIS HOUSEHOLD H i i . Have there been deaths in this household during the period from April 1986 I - YES (Circle the appropriate number) to March 1987 ? l;-No If yes, circle the number corresponding to the sex of each deceased, and record the age at death (a line per death) I I H12. I SEXOFTHEDECEASED ~- ~~ 7 H13. ~~ ~ AGEATDEATH ~ Ist death 1 -M 2- F 2nd death 1-M 2-F 3rd death 1 -M 2- F ..................... 4th death 1-M 2- F ..................... ..................... ..................... I W W W I l REMARKS .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................ .......................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................... DATE OF VISIT : ENDORSEMENT OF CREW LEADER : [ NAME OF CENSUS ENUMERATOR : ENDORSEMENT OF CONTROLLER : I 1
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