2 Use No. 2 pencil only. (Do not use ink or ballpoint pen.) O 0 O 0 O 0 1 O 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 ’ 1 1 1 Erase cleanly any changes you make. 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Make n o stray marks o n this f o r m . 3 3 3 4 Completely fill in the oval response. Incorrect Ma r I<s Correct Mark 3 . 3 4 3 3 3 , ( 1 4 4 4 I 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 I 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 9 6 7 8 6 7 8 G 6’ 7 8 G 7 8 9 6 7 8 7 8 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 -- Address Of Househol Bown / WiIlage / District I 0 t PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS A R E A ‘ j I 7 i 3 8 8 8 9 9 9 m 5 II 1 lil II I U I m I 1 I n I B U I I I II BI I I 1 I U 1 I U E I U B I B II I U B II *Resuit Codes: 1 = Completed 2 = Partially completed, call back 3 = Dwelling vacant 4 = Address not a dwelling 5 = Address not found Q T non-existent 6 = No suitable respondent at iiorne 7 = Other (Please specify) I 1.1 (a) Has anybody from this household gone to live abroad in the past year? 1 Yes .No 2 (SKIP TO Q. 1.2) (b) How many persons? 2 1 3 4 5 6 (c) Please give me the sex and age of each. 5. 1 2 6. 1 2 TEWVIEWER SAY: ow fi wsukl lil<eto ask a few questions about the dwe9lilreg which your household occupies and the faccilities that you have. 1 ~ ~ Ask this question ~ only if the~ answer is not obvious. Else, mark the appropriate oval. ~ 31.5 What the outer walls? ~is the construction ~ material of~ W 1 1 Wood 2Concrete 3 .>Wood 8 Concrete 4 i Stone *> 1.2 What type of dwelling does this household occupy? 1 Undivided private house 2 > Part of a private house 3 : FIat/apartment/concbmnium 4 5 6 7 8 % I i Double house/duplex Combined business 8 dwelling Barracks Other 1.3 Does this household own, rent or lease this dwelling? 1 2 3 4 I 7 8 I I ~ 1 Freehold . Leasehold 3 4 5 Rented 6 Permission to work laiid Sharecropping Squatted 7 8 Otlw Don't know/Not stateci j Before 1 9 6 0 1 9 6 0 - 1969 4 5+ 1980 or later Don't know 1 9 7 0 - 1979 1.8 What is the main source of your water supply? (SKBP.-rOCB. 1.5) 1.4 What about the land is it freehold, leasehold, or some other type of occupancy? 2 ~ 3 -----+ Other/Don't know 1.7 In which year was this dwelling built? 2 - 5 6 < 1.6 What is aks materia! used for roofing? 1 Owned . Squatted ' Rented-Private Rented-Govt Leased Rent-free Other Don't know/Not stated 8 * Sheet metal (zinc. aluminum, galvanize) 1 2 .+y, Shingle (asphalt) 3 Shingle (wood) 4 Shingle (other) 5 \,3; Tile 6 'CL Concrete 7 3 Makeshift 8 --I Other/Don't know , Townhouse * j 5 (" Brick 6 i Adobe 75 Makeshift 1 2 4 3 4 5 6 7 Private, piped into dwelling -Private catchment, not piped Public, piped into dwelling ' Public, piped into yard Public standpipe Public well or tank ' Other 1.9 What type of t d e t facilities does this h o ~ s e h o l dhave? 1 2- 3 4 ' i W.C. linked to sewer W.C. Cesspit or septic tank Pit-Latrine Other 1.10 Are these toilet facilities shared with another person not of this household OP another household? 1 2 <C2 Yes '3No 1.116 How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling unit? Bedrooms are rooms used mainly for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters. Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied. - - 4.1 1 What type of lighting does this household use most? O Gas O Kerosene 3 2 Electricity 4 U Other II 2 1.12 What type of fuel does this household use most for cooking? ~3 Coal 2 (-3 Wood 1 3 4 5 6 T Gas '3Kerosene (a) How many radios are owned or rented by members of this household? ' Electricity C.3 Other t"3 1.1 3 Is your kitchen indoors or outdoors? 1 2 (b) How many television sets m e owned or rented by members sf this household? C. indoors O Outdoors 1.14 Is the kitchen shared with another person not of this household or another household? 1 2 1.17 Now I would like some information on the ownership or rental of such facilities as television sets, videos and radios by members of the household. Yes, shared ( c ) How many video recorders are owned or rented by members of this household? " ~ j ' Not shared - 3.15 How many rooms does your household occupy? Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc. 1. 18 is there a telephone serwice in this home? 1 2 y Yes No Whenever a dotted line (, . . .) appears in a question, call the name of 2.1 Please fill in this person‘s assigned number. # :o’ 10, 20 ‘Q 1 2 3 4 5 2.5 To what ethnic, racial or national group do you think . . . . . , belongs? t . 2 i 7 ‘ 8 , 9 6 4 household? 1 Head Spouse/partner Child Son /daughter-in-law 3 4 5 6 7 8 FOR PERSONS NOT SEEN ASK: I s . . . . . . male or female? f i Don’t know/Not stated 1 , 2 3 MONTH YEAR 16 If not known, ask: Mow old w a s . . . . . . on his/her I 4: 5 , 6 7 8 C 2.4 What i s , . . . . .‘s date of birth? DAY ,”- last birthday? 17 C 3.1 Does . . . . . . suffer from any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? 1 i.: 2 Yes .i 5 Portuguese 6 ‘ Syrian/Lebanese 7 L‘White 8 I --‘Mixed 2.6 M a t i s . . . . . .‘s religion? , 2 Afr~can/Negro/Black Amerindian/Carib East Indian Chinese Other (Please specify) 10 Male ‘ Feniale 1 ~ 9 Grandchild Parent/parent-in-law Other relative Non-relative 2.3 INTERVIEWER: Mark the appropriate oval. I 3 2.2 What i s . . . . . . . .’s relationship to the head of 2 the person to w h o m the information relates, Presbytenan/ Cong rey at iona I 10 :* Roman Catholic 1 1 ( - Salvation Army t 2 i”’ Seventh Day Adventist 13 I Hindu 14 Muslim 15 C-4 Rastafarian Id Anglican Baptist (Spiritual) Brethren Church of God Jehovah Witness Methodist Morawan Pentecostal % i ’ %, Other (Please specify) None 3.3 In which of the following ways are . . . . . .Is activities limited compared with most people your/ han one ova! may be marked) No (SKIP TO Q. 4 . 4 1 3.2 What type of disability or impairment d o e s , . . . . . hawe? (More than one owal may be marked) Sight 1 2 3 4 5 7 :+ Hearing .I - ; I 1 SDeech Upper Iinib (arm) Lower limb (legs) 8 9 I Slowness at learning or understanding Mental retardation Other (Please specify) 4 In this country Abroad Not stated Don’t know 3 (SKIP TO i None I 4.1 Where was . . . . . . born? ‘INTERVIEWER: Remember what is required is the mother’s normal residence at the time of birth, and riot the hospital or place where the birth took place. 1 2 3 7 4.3 In what country was that? Don’t know a. 4.3) (SKIP TO Q. 4.5) 4.2a In what part of the country is that? 4.4 In what year d i d . . . . . . Bast corne to Dive in this country? Don’t know 19 4.5 in what country did . . . . . . last liwe? 4.2b Mave you/has country? . . . . . . ever lived in another 1 Yes (SKIP TO Cp. 4.5) 2 -. No/Don’t know (SKIP TO Q. 4.6) LO Q i 120 34 4Q2 6 0 60 70 80 90 12 3 4 5 6>*7 8 9 4.6 ln what town, village or district ie% . . . . . .did ke/she fast live? . here d o e s . . . . . Lasolally Dive? ( 9 At this address (SKIP TO c9.5.9 1 2 C.)Elsewhere in this country 3 1 Abroad SIK KIP TO Q. ci. 1 ) 4 I Don't know (SKIP TO 5.1) Ii o (2Never moved $SKIP $8 Q. 5.1% a. B n what para of th@ * * country is that? come to live in this town, i . - .. attending any schoof or edkacationai institution now. whether fu$!-tn'meor part-time? 1 2 3 c: cC s.2 Ate f c Yes No Don't know 9 2 (SKIP TO Q. 5.68 ( S K P $0 Q. 5.6) 3 3* 1 i hat t y p e OB sckoh~lor institution are yo%a/is/$se/she attending? 2 3 4 C' Nursery/ Infant/ Kindergarten / Pre-schoo! < ' Primary C )Senior School or Secondary Dep?. of Primary School High School Comprehensive or Composite Schooi fi C? Trade / \ I - ,iiona¡ School 3 CT Te [nstituPe 8 i-' C m i t y College/Sixth Forni Cclleijc' 5 9 8 11 6 7 ,derslfy I C: Not stated 6 ' ., Sixth Standard 7 Seventh Standard First Standard - Second Standard ?hird Standard Foiirsh Stand?-.( Fr' I or higher R , ^ h n ' p knww None School leaving Cambridge Schooi Ccrtificate GCE 'O' levels or CXC Number of subjects I' C' Junior Secondary C? Senior Secondary. General Secondary, cy I I 5.8 What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you/he/she earned? > Don't know 2 Cj Part-time t 2 3 4 5 I 4 5 yau/is/he/she attending fu!l-tirne O P part-time? Ci>Full-time I 5.7 What grade/stendard did y ~ / h e / s k ereach? 5.7 I s . . ' [ ' Don't know 9 (a 3 4, 5 6 5 8: GCE 'A' levels 09 O r more CI: Not stated Number of subjects I 2' 3 ' 4 or more : Higher School Ccrtificate Diploma (post-graduate) i Degree C 1 Other (Please specify) Not stated Not stated IO 5.4 Please give the name and address of the schsal or 2' 5.9 ~~~~~~~~~~~: Mark the appropriate ovai. (See Q. 2.4) institution. 3 ' 2 Under 15 (SKIP TO Q. 8.1) 15 years and over 5.18 H a s . . , . . . purasued any course of formal training for at least 3 months? 1 lL Yes 2c,No 3 hat is yous/kisbher main mods of arave! to the school or institution? 1 2 <. Don't know (SKBP TO Q. 6.11 (SKIP TO Q. 6.9) 5.1 T How was this training received? 1 C Correspondence course 2 c - On the job 3 Apprenticeship 4 C Institution 5 C Other (Pkase specify) 0Walk oBcycie 3 O Private car OP vehide 4 Q Public vehicle (bus,etc.) 6 0Hired transport (taxi, maxi-taxi, winibus) 6 O Don't know/Not stated 7 C3 Other 6 CL' Don't know 5-72 For what cpccupati~ndoes this training prepare you/ hi881 / her? tag/,/Post-Secondar Exia TQ Q. 5.8) -- I 1 6.1 What is . . . . . .'s IegaO marital status - that is, are you/is he/she married, divorced, legally separated, widowed or never married? 1 Married Widowed Divorced Legally separated Never married Not stateci 2 3 4 5 6 6.8 HOWmany livebirths has - . . Yes I ~.ever had? (SKIP TO Q. 6.3) 6.9 How old w e r e you/was she when yoka/slae had the fitst !iW@bQrn Chiidl 6.2 Are you/is he/she living with your/his/her husband/wife IWW? 1 I \o (SKIP TO Q. 6.6) ' No 2 6.3 Are you/is he/she living with a partner now? Yes 1 (SKIP TO Q. 6.6) No 2 6.10 Wow old were you/was she at the birth 0%your/her last Biweborn chiid? 6.4 INTERVIEWER: If Q. 6.3 is shaded 2 (No) and Q. 6.1 is shaded 2,3 or 4 then Skip to Q. 6.6. 6.5 Have you/has he/she ever lived together with a partner in a common law relationship? 2: Yes 1 No (SKW TO Q.6.7) 6.6 How old were you/he/she when you/he/she were/was first married or lived with a partner? 6.1 t HQWmany livebirths did y o u i s h e have in the last 42 Bur QnthS? 1 2 3 Nofle (SKGPT One Two separatc births **; 5 Three or more 6.12 What is/are the sexles) of this child/these children? umber of umber of 6.7 INTERVIEWER: Mark the appropriate ova!. (See 0 s . 2.3,, 5.2, 5.3) 1 , 2 ' 3 Male Female - 65 years & over 1 Female under 65 years attending school (SKBP TO Q. 7.9) 7.1 What did . . . . . . do most durinq the past 12 months - for example, did ysu/he/shework, look for a job, keep house or carry on 5881198 other activity? 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 ' (SKIP TO O. 7.4) (SKIP TO Q. 7.4) Worked Had a job but did not work Looked for work Wanted work and available Home duties Attended school Retired Disabled, unable to work Other (Please specify) 9) Qj I 2 No Don't know 4 t5' Q> 4 i-$> 3 ivo (SKIP TO O. 7.1) ~ 1 Worked 2 , Had a lob biit did not work 3 . Looked for work 4 I Wanted work and available 5 (SKIP TO Q. 7.8) (SKIP TO QB. 7.8) (SKIP TO Q. 7.7) l ' Not stated W Q T ~ did a/ou/he/she look for or want? (SKIPTO Q. 7.7) i 7.3 Have you/he/she ewer worked or had a job? 1 2 Yes No ($KIP TO B.7.5) :I 7.5 What did do most during the past week for example, did y o u / h e / s h e work, look for a job, keep house or carry ooi some other activity? 8 9 3 c,j) lm 10 Yes (SKIP TO O. 7.4) ,<z) 2' 7.6 ?/Uhat sort of 1 (2) 'bes :: 7 7.2 Did you/he/she do any work at all in t h e past 12 months? Include work at home, for example, piece w o r k , smocking, etc. i-7 6.13 0 6 these, have any of the babies died? s Not stated Cj 7.7 Did you/he/she do any work at ai! last week for any length of time, inclu business/farm, street vending or work at home? 1 Yes 2 c-3No ~~~~~ TO o. 7.9) 7.8 How many hours did you/he/she work last week? 3.14 Did you/he/she carry on your/his/her own business, work f ~ ar wage or salary or as an unpaid worker in a family business? (SKIP TO B.7.16) (SKIP TO Q. 7.16) (SKIP TO Q. 4. "1) 1 1-3 Paid employee - Governnient 2 -_ Paid employee - Private 3 Unpaid worker > 4 O w n business with paid help (Employer) 5 -'I O w n business without pclidhelp (Own Account) 6 -? Don't know/Not stated Never worked (SKIP TO Q. 7.16) (SKIP TO Q. 7.78) WORK 7.15 00 you/doeS he/She mQVeall your/his/her goods every night; e.g., fruits, nuts, lottery tickets, clothing/s hoes, etc.? 1 1 Completely dependent 2 . Partially dependent 3 Not dependent at all 4 C, Don't know/Not stated 7.7 'I What type of business is/was carried ow at Pfease specify in detek i . .- - i i Yes (Informal trader) d.as . . . . . .'s 2 :NO last pay/iticorne period? 1 Weekly 2 \ ) Fortnightly 3 ( v 1 Monthly 4 < ,j Quarterly 5 f ? Annually 6 ( J Other (Please specify) I 7 \None 8 i 1 Not stated . . . . . .'s gross pay/income during the last pay period, that is before income tax or other deductions? (PRESENT FLASH CARD) 7.17 What was 7.12 What is the name and address of your/his/her present WWQrkplac@? i- No present workplace (SKBP TO Q. 7.18) 7.18 DQ you/does he/she receive any money from family and/or friends abroad? 7.13 How do 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 t 2 3 ~ O U / ~ Qhe/s&e ~ S trave! to work? i Work at home Walk .I--Bicycle 9Private car or velicle -11 Public vehlcle (bus, etc - Hired transport (taxi, minibus. maxi taxi, etc.) " Other ' Don't know/Not stated I 1 C?AP this address O Elsewhere in this country C.)Abroad gEND ~~~~~W~~~~ 1 2 .- Yes <: No (SKIP TO Q. 8.7) 7.19 Approximately how rnucta money did you/he/she receive last yeas (1990) from family and/or friends abroad? (PRESENT FLASH CARD) Don't know
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