FotltIH fotprivatehouseholds To be completed by the enumerator and amended, if necessary, by the person(s) signing this form P 1981Census (a) EDNo Scotland 1 Form No mnn 1-1 Continuation form reference no. I 40the Head,Joint Headsor Acting Headofthe Househdd 1 I 1I ase cqplete this form and have it ready for collection by the enumeratorwho will nday, 6 April or soon after that day. If you need help in answering any of the ons, do not hesitate to ask the enumeratoror to use the "Freefone" sewice ned below. The enumerator has to ensure that you have completed the form and u should give him any further informationhe may need for this purpose. (c) Address e form is used only for compiling statistics and when you have completed it in ith the instructions, it will be treated as CONFIDENTIAL and no information ndividuals will bp passed by the Census Office to any other Government ent or any other authority or person. If anyone employed in taking the Census operly discloses informationyou provide, he will beliable to prosecution. Similarfy, you ich anyone (for example, a visitor or boarder)gives you to Postcode e legal obligation to fill in the whole form rests on YOU, but each personwho has to be ncluded is requiredto give you the informationyou need. However,if anyone aged 16or bver does not wish to give you his or her personal information,the enumerator or local bensus Officer should be asked for an individualform and official envelope in which to return it. Then you need answer only questions la, 3 and 4 for that person. If the person leaves his completed form with you for collection, pass the envelope unopenedto the I enumerator. \ ' (dl Type of building in which household's accommodation is situated - tick only one box House that is: 1 0 Detached I 2 kompktion Of this fOrm IS COmpUfSOtyunder the Census Act 1920and there We penalties ,of up to E50 for failing to comply with the requirementsdescribed above or for giving false Jinformation. 3 VC STEWART Registrar General Census Headquarters Road ' EDINBURGH EH12 7'F ladyw well if I 1 1 1 4 i I j 1 I I other business Non-permanent structure: 9 Please note Householddefinition A household comprises either one person livingalone or a group of persons (who may or may not be related) livingat the same address with 2storeys O 3 or 4 storeys 6 0 5 storeys or over 7 0 A single flat with a shop, office or 5 8 1 0 Terraced (including end of terrace) Flat or rooms in a building with: 4 When you have completed the fonn, please sign the declaration at the foot of the last Semidetached O Caravan 0 Other non-permanent structure (e) Level of household's - accommodation tick only one box a 0 All on ground or on ground and other floors common housekee'ping. Persons staying temporarity with the household b 0 All in basement are included. Answers please answer questions where boxes are provided by puttinga tick inthe c box against the answer which applies. for example the answer for a female State actual floor of entry to member of your householdat question Ibwould be: household's accommoda1 f3 Male 2 WFemale tion if box c is ticked Linesare provided where a written answer is required. Additional information If you are in doubt about a question, and the notes given Inthis form and the InformationLeaflet do not clarify the situation, please ask the (9 Means of access to household's enumerator for an explanationwhen he calls again or ask the telephone accommodation- either tick box 1 or any of boxes 2-4 that apply operator for Freefone8485 and speak to a member of the Census Headquarters staff.Freefoneis available from 8.30am to 8 pm, Monday to Friday,between 30 March and 10April and between 2and 8 pm on Sunday I Cl NO lift; no external or internalstair (with 6 or more steps) for access the forms provided are insufficientfor the number of persons in your usehold, additional forms may be obtained from your enumerator or by contactingCensus Headquartersby Freefone. Householdswhbuta head If there is no recognised head Ô?acthghead of the bouseholdthe legal obligationto complete the form rests with each member of the household aged 16 or over, any one of whom may complete the form. 2 0 Externalstair or outside steps (with 6 or more steps) for access 3 4 Internalstair (with 6 or more steps) for access o Lift include on this forn: PLEASE USE INK OR each personwho spends the night of 5-6 April in this household e each person who usually lives in îhis householdbut spends the duringtenn time and persons on holidayor in hospitaleven if y e each personwho arrhres in thishouseholdon Monday 6 April wl BALuY)u4JTPENTO COMPCRETHIS FORM Ouestion ____ 1 Name,s e x and date of birth - Istperson 2nd person a Surname a Surname ~ ~ Forenames a Write surname and forename@)in fulf. Forenames _ I - ~ b Please tick !he appropriatebox. c Enter the person's date of birth. ' b 1 0 Male 2 0 Female b 1 0 Male Female 2 Include any newly bom baby even if still in hospital. If not yet given a name write '8ABY' and the surname. 2 Maritalsfatus Please tick the box showing the present status ti?_., 1 O Single 3 0 Divorced 1 2 0 Married 4 Widowed ~ . . 2. . ' I If s(?@?$&dbut not divorced lick box 2 'Married'. 3 Retationship in the household . 2.. +. --. . Relationship to first person , 0 Husbandorwife 2 0 Son or daughter 0 Other relative, please 1 - Please write in relationship of other relatives for example falhe< daughter-inlaw, brother-in-law. niece, uncle, cousin. grandchild. specify Please wrik?in position in household ol unselafapersÓns 2forexampk boarder; friend, housekeeper; flatmafe, foster child etc. 0 Unrelated, please specify Step children and adopted children shouldbe reiurned as son Ör daughter of their step or adoptive parents. I . '4 hereabouts on the night of 5-6 April1981 1 0 At this address, out on 1 night work or travellingto this address * L . " 0 Married 0 Divorced 4 0 Widowed 3 ? Pleasetick the box which indicates the retationshipof each person to the person entered inthe first column. i Single Pleasetick the appropriatebox to indicate where the person was m'the night Of 5-6 April 1981 2 night work or travellingto this address 0 Elsewhere in Scotland, 2 England or Wales ' 5 Usualaddress Ifnot, tick box 2 'Elsewhere' and write in the person'susual address. .. 0 Elsewhere in Scotland, England or Wales 3 0 Outside Great Britain 3 1 0 Thisaddress 0 Thisaddress 2 0 Elsewhere -write the 2 Ilthe person usually lives here, please tick box 1 'Thisaddress'. 0 At this address, out on [3 Outside Great Britain 1 Elsewhere -write the person's usual address and postcode person's usual address and postcode Address (Block capitals please) Address (Block capitals please) including including 0 Same as at Question5 2 0 Difece$ - write the person's 1 2 Address (Block capitals please) Address (Biock capitals please) The home address should be raken as lhe usualaddressfor a household head who lives away from home for pad of the week. For students and children away from home during term fthe; &e hod'ahdress should be regaded as the usual address. '' Boarders should be asked what they consider to betheir usual address. 6 Usualaddress one year ago ~ 1 I! the person's usual addressone year ago, on 5 Apri11980. &the Gme q. lhat given in answer to question 5. ptease tick box 1 'Same'. If not, pleasetick box 2 'Different' and write in the usual'6adress. address and postcode on 5 Aph'?980 '' O Same as at Question5 Different - write the person's address and postcode on 5 April 1980 If everyone on the form has moved from the same address, please write the address in full for the first person and indicate with an arrow that this applies to the other people on the form. . .,....,, . . / For a child born since 5 April 1980 write 'UNDER ONE' r including Postcode 7 Countryofbirth I including Postcode ~ 0 Scotland 2 0 England 3 O Wales 4 0 Northemlreland 5 0 Irish Republic 6 0 Elsewhere. Please write the 1 Please tick the appropriatebox. tf box 6 Elsewhere' is ticked. please write in the present name of the country in which the birthplace is now situated. Cm the person speak, read or write Scottish Gaelic? 2 2 Can read Gaelic 3 Can writeGaelic ~~~~~ 5 Irish Republic 6 Elsewhere. Please write the present name of the country present name of the country Question8 isforall nersonsmed 3or over (bombefore 6 AMill978). 1 Can speak Gaelic 8 ScottishGaeHic ~~~~~ 0 Scotland 2 0 England 3 O Wales 4 0 Northern Ireland 1 0 Can speak Gaelic 0 Can read Gaelic 3 0 Can write Gaelic 1 2 includingvisitors to the household ight of 5-6 April elsewhere,including school pupil; or students away from home u know they are being includedin a Census form elsewhere 3 has not been includedas presenton a Census fonn elsewhere. THE QUESTIONS OVERLEAF 3rd person 4th person Shperson 6thperson a Surname a Surname a Surname a Surname Forenames b 1 Forenames 1 I 0 Male c Day 2 0 Female Month b 1 Year 1 O Single 3 Divorced 2 0 Married 4 0 Widowed I Forenames 0 Male c Day 0 Single 2 0 Married 1 2 Month 1 Female b 1 Year 3 4 0 Divorced 0 Widowed 0 Single 1 2 Married 1 1 2 0 Divorced 4 0 Widowed 3 Relationship to first person 0 Husband or wife 2 0 Son or daughter 0 Other relative, please 0 Husband or wife 2 0 Son or daughter 0 Other relative, please 0 Husband orwife 2 0 Son or daughter 0 Other relative, please 1 1 specify b 1 Year Relationship to first person specify 0 Female Month Relationship to first person 1 FM OlflCtJ UW Person8 on Forenames 0 Male c Day ! form 1 I 0 Male c Day 2 0 Female Month 3 Single 1 ' 2 0 Married 4 b . Year -MC 1 0 Divorced 0 Widowed Relationship to first person 0 Husband or wife 0 Son or daughter 0 Other relative, please 1 ' 2 4 specify specify 1'- :I: 1 2 3 1 At this address, out on night work or travelling to this address 2 England or Wales 0 Outside Great Britain 3 0 Thisaddress 2 0 Elsewhere -write the Address (Block capitals please) 1 0 Elsewhere in Scotland, 2 England or Wales 0 Outside Great Britain .* Address (Block capitals please) 1 3 ~ 0 Outside Great Britain 0 Thisaddress 2 0 Elsewhere - write the 2 30 , ~ *w Elsewhere in Scotland, England or Wales 0 Outside Great Britain . 3 ''_ 0 Thisaddress 2 0 Elsewhere- writethe 1;- ** 1 person's usual address and postcode 0 At this address, out on night work or travelling to this address ,5 0 Elsewhere in Scotland, England or Wales 0 Thisaddress 2 0 Elsewhere - write the person's usual address and postcode 0 At this address, out on night work or travelling to this address 1 1 person's usual address and postcode 0 At this address, out on night work or travelling to this address 0 Elsewhere in Scotland, 0 Unrelated, please specify 0 Unrelated, please specify 0 Unrelated, please specify Unrelated, please specify 1 % **, person's usual address and postcode Address (Block capitals please) Address (Block capitals please) . P ...o - . 1 ' & , Im r***-. I E3 including Postcode including Postcode 1 2 Same as at Question 5 0 Different - write the person's address and postcode on 5 April 1980 Address (Block capitals please) Address (Block capitais please) 0 Same as it Question 5 2 0 Different - write the person's 0 Same as at Question 5 2 0 Different -write the person's 0 Different -write the person's address and postcode on 5 April 1980 including Postcode ' 1 1 Same as at Question 5 1 2 including Postcode address and postcode on 5 April 1980 address and postcode on 5 April 1980 .?' Address (Block capitab please) Address (Block capitals please) et "4 -~ including Postcode 1 2 3 0 Scotland 0 England O Wales 0 Northernlreland 0 Irish Republic 6 0 Elsewhere. Please write the 4 5 - 0 Scotland 0 England 3 O Wales 4 0 Northernlreland 5 0 Irish Republic 6 0 Elsewhere. Please write the Can speak Gaelic 0 Can read Gaelic 3 0 Can write Gaelic 4 0 Does not know Gaelic 2 . 1 0 Can speak Gaelic 0 Can read Gaelic 3 0 Can write Gaelic 4 0 Does not know Gaelic 1 O scotlap9 2 England 1 2 I If Postcode 1 present name of the country present name of the couhtry - including 2 0 Scotland 0 England 3 O Wales 4 0 Northern Ireland 5 0 Irish Republic 6 0 Elsewhere. Please write the 1 2 present name of the country 1 including Postcode including Postcode 2 3 4 3 3 1' ~ u Can speak Gaelic Can read Gaelic 0 Can write Gaelic 0 Does not know Gaelic -- Wales 0 Northernlreland 5 6 0 Elsewhere. Please write the 1 ; t 4 ,~ IrishRepublic present name of the country u Can speak Gaelic 0 Can readGaelic 3 0 Can write Gaelic 4 0 Does not know Gaelic 2 \ k l u d e on this fonn: o each personwho spends the night of 5-6 April in this household o each person who usually lives in this household but spends the during term time and persons on holiday or in hospitaleven if y o each petsonwho atrives in this householdon Monday 6 April w' PLEASEUSE INK OR ~Au,PoIlJtPENT'O COMPLETETHIS FORM Question Ist~erson 2nd Derson 1 Name, Sexa d date ofbirth a Surname a Surname Forenames a Write surname and forename(s) in full Forenames b Please tick the appropriatebox. 0 Male c Enter the person's date of birth. b 1 Include any newfy born baby even if still in hospital. If not yet given a name write 'BABY and the surname. c Day 2 0 Female b 1 I I Month Year a --- Male 2 I c Day 0 Female I Month Year _ _ _ _ I _ _ _ - _ ~ _ _ - 9 Whetherworking,retired, housewifeetc. lastweek 1 Pleasexcall 1 0 In a full-timejob at any time last week the boxes appbpriate to the person's activity last week. Ajob(box 1 and box 2) means any typeof work for pay or profit but not unpaidwork. It includes: last week 0 In a part-timejob at any time 2 2 c]In a part-timejob at any time 3 0 Waiting to take up a job last week last week 0 Waiting to take up a job 3 casual or temporary work already accepted work on a person's own account -, 0 In a full-timejob at any time 0 Seeking work 0 Prevented by temporary 4 work in a family business part-time work, even if only for a few hours Apart-timejob (box 2) is a job in which the hours worked, excluding any overtime, are usually30 hours or less per week. Tick box 1 or box 2, as appropriate, if the person had a job but was not at work for all or part of the week because he or she was: on holiday tempÓrarÍly laid off on strike sick Tick box 1 if the job was normally full-time but was interrupted for any reason during the week. Do not count as a full-time student a person in a paid occupation in which training is also given, such as a student nurse, an apprentice ora management trainee. For a full-time student tick box 9 as well as any other appropriateboxes. already accepted 5 4 0 Seeking work 5 c]Prevented by temporary sicknessfrom seeking work sickness from seeking work €i sick O Housewife 8 c]Wholly retired from employ- 9 0 At school or a full-time Permanently sick Or €i Or 7 0 Housewife 8 0 Wholly retired from employ7 ment 'o ment At school or a full-time student at an educational establishment not provided by an employer 9 student at an educational establishment not provided by an employer 1O Other*pleasespecify [23 Other, please specify Questionsabout presentor previousemployment For persons in a job lastweek (boxes1 or 2 at Question 9 ticked) For wholly retired persons(box 8 at Question9 ticked)OT persons out of work (boxes3,4or 5 ticked)For personswho are pennanentty sick or disabled (box 6 ticked) Forothers,)hdudingthosewithnopmviousjab 10 Name and nature of business of employer - - (or - seffetpployed person's business) a Name of employer a Please give the name of the person's employer For members of the ArmedForces, civil servants and local govemment officials see the notes at the foot of this page before answering questions a Name of employer - ________ 70-12. -- f o r a person employed in privale domesticservice write 'DOMESTIC SERVICE'. b Please describe clearly what the employer (or the person if self-employed) makes or does. General terms such as 'manufacturefi 'merchant: 'agent; 'dealer: 'englneering' are not enough and further details should be given. b Nature of business b Nature of business - 11 Occupation a Occupation a Occupation -- a Please give full and precise details of the person's occupation. If a person'sjob is known In the trade or industry by a special n a m , use that name. Precise terms should be used, for example, 'radiomechanic: 'chartered electricalengineer: yig and tool fitter' or Yoolroom foreman: rather than general terms such as 'mechanic: 'engineer: 'titter' or 'foreman: b Please describe the actual work done. 12 Emptoymentstakrs Pleasetick the appropriate box. Box3 should be ticked far a person having management orsupervisoty responsibility for other employees. pnnep FSrces * .Y_ ' . b Descriptionof work 1 Apprentice or articled trainee 2 Employee not supervising other employees 0 Apprentice or articled trainee 2 0 Employee not supervising 3 0 Employee supervisingother 4 0 Self-employednot employing 1 other employees 3 0 Employeesupervising other 4 0 Self-employed not employing employees Persons employed as quality cdntloI inspectors and concerned only with the technical quality of a product should tick b o x 2. N*s: b Descriptionof work employees others others 5 0 Self-employedemploying 5 0 Self-employed employing LodGovctmmentadotherpublkofficlels For members of the Armed Forceswrite 'ARMED FORCES in loa; for a member of the armed forces of a country other than the UK add the name of the country. For local government officers and other public officials give the name of the At Ha give the rank or rating only. At I l a give rank or grade and complete l l b and 12. local authority or public body at 10aand the branch in which they are employedat lob. Questionslob, l l b and 12 should not be answered. 4 including visitors to the household ight of 5-6 April elsewhere,includingschool pupil; or students away from home u know they are being included in a Census form elsewhere > has not been includedas present on a Census form elsewhere. THE QUESTIONSOVERLEAF SHOULD BEANSWERED '' FOR EACH HOUSEHOLD 3rd person 4th person Shperson 6thmrson a Surname a Surname a Surname a Surname Forenames b 1 1 0 Male c Day Forenames 2 Month I I Female Year b 1 I c] Male c Day I Forenames 2 Month i I c] Female b 1 Year 2 c] In a part-time job at any time 2 last week 3 0 Waiting to take up a job 3 already accepted 4 Seeking work 5 Prevented by temporary sickness from seeking work 6 0 Permanentlysick or disabled 7 c] Housewife 8 9 2 0 Waiting to take up a job 3 ~~ 1 Male 1O 2 Month 1 c] Female ML Year 2 0 In a part-time job at any time 0 Waiting to take up a job 3 0 Waiting to take up a job already accepted .- 0 Seeking work 5 0 Prevented by temporary 4 sickness from seeking work 0 Permanentlysick or disabled 7 0 Housewife 8 0 Wholly retired from employ6 ment 0 At school or a full-time - 9 student at an educational establishment not provided by an employer Other, please specify f m 0 In a full-time job at any ment 9 on 1 sickness from seeking work 0 At school or a full-time Permr last week 0 Permanentlysick or disabled 7 0 Housewife 8 0 Wholly retired from employ- Wholly retired from employment USa last week 0 In a part-time job at any time 6 student at an edúcational establishment not provided by an employer 1O 0 In a full-time job at any time 0 Seeking work 5 0 Prevented bytemporary sickness from seeking work 0 Other, please specify c Day 4 0 Permanentlysick or disabled 7 0 Housewife 9 Year already accepted 6 0 At school or a full-time b 1 last week 0 Seeking work 5 0 Prevented by temporary student at an educational establishment not provided by an employer 1O In a part-time job at any time last week 4 8 3 Female last week already accepted Wholly retired from employment 2 I last week Official Forenames Month I 1 last week c] Male FM 0 Other, please specify 0 At school or a full-time student at an educational establishment not provided by an employer -t 10 0 Other, please specify v - - please answer Questions10-14 in respect of the mainjob last week. - please answer Questions 10-12 in respect of the lastfull-time job, ifany. Leave Questions 13 and 14 blank and go on to Question15. -} - dease write'not amlicable' at Question10.Leave Questionsll-14blankand go on to Question15. a Name of employer a Name of employer b Nature of business b Nature of business a Name of employer a Name of employer b Nature of business ;:p ' b Nature of business f' a Occupation a Occupation a Occupation a Oicupation b Description of work b Description of work b Description of work b Description of work 1 2 0 Apprentice or articled trainee 0 Employeenot supervising 1 0 Apprentice or articled trainee 1 2 c] Employeenot supervising 2 other employees 3 0 Employee supervising other 4 0 Self-employed not employing other employees 3 employees 4 0 Self-employed employing others 0 Self-employed not employing 3 4 others 5 0 Self-employed'employing . ,, 1 0 Apprentice or articled trainee 2 0 Employeenot supervising 3 0 Employee supervising other other employees employees others 5 0 Employee supervising other 0 Apprentice or articled trainee 0 Employeenot supervising Employee supervising other employees 0 Self-employed not employing other employees employees 4 0 Self-employed not employing 5 0 Self-employed employing others 5 others others 0 Self-employed employing others others Cidl Senrants For civil servants give the name of their Department at loa, write 'GOVERNMENT OEPARTMENK at 10b and 'CIVIL SERVANT at lla. , At l l b for a non-industrial civil servant give the rank or grade only and complete 12. At l l b for an industrial civil servant give the job title only which should be in precise terms, for example, 'radio mechanic', 'jig and tool fitter', 'toolroom foreman', rather than general terms such as 'mechanic', 'fitter' or 'foreman' and complete 12. 5 PLEASETURNOVER b Include un this form: PLEASE USE INK OR 8AL@6l)JtPE”T’O COMPCElElHlS FORM o each person who spends the night of 5-6 April in this househokl o each person who usually lives in this householdbut spends the I duringterm time and persons on holidayor in hospitaleven if yc o each petson who arrives inthis householdon Monday 6 April wt Question lstwrson 2nd Derson 1- Name, &X ahcl date of birth a Surname a Surname ‘ Forenames e(s) in full. Forenames - - I _ - - $ b please tick the appropriatebox. 0 Male c Enter the person‘s date of birth. b 1 Include any newly born baby even if still in hospital.If not yet given a name write ‘BABY and the surname. c Day 13 Addrdb of place of work 2 0 Female Month b 1 Year I 0 Male c Day 2 Month I I 0 Female Year I Full address and postcode of workplace Full address and postcode of workplace Address (Block capitals please) Address (Block capitals please) fora person nol tepoding daity to a fixed address,tick box 1. including Postcode including Postcode Fora person working matnly at h b m , tidr box 2. 1 Please give the full address of the person’s place of work. For a p k o n t$mp&ed on a site for a long period give the address of the site. For a person notworking reguI8rfyat one place who reports daily to a depot or other fixedaddrpss,give that address. a . ? , , 2 , 14 Dailyjourney bVirork No fixed place 0 Mainly at home Pleasetick the appropriate box to show how the longest part, by distance,of the person’s daity journey to work is normally made. r c - -F. For a person using diffekkmeans of transpod on different days give the means most oftenused. ear or van incrudes three-wheefedcars atid motor caravans. Mainly at home 1 0 Underground, tube, metro, etc. 2 Bus, minibus or coach (public or private) 3 2 0 British Rail train 0 Underground, tube, metro, etc 3 0 Bus. minibus or coach British Rail train 1 No fixed place Main means of transport to work Main means of transport to work 2 1 4 0 Motor cycle, moped or 5 0 Car or van - pool, sharing (public or private) 4 0 Motor cycle, moped or 5 0 Car or van - pool, sharing scooter scooter driving driving 0 Car or van - driver 7 O Car or van - passenger 8 0 Pedal cycle 9 O On foot 1O 0 Other, please specify 6 11 . 0 Works mainly at home 0 Car or van - driver 7 O Car or van - passenger 8 0 Pedal cycle 9 O On foot 1O 0 Other, please specify 6 11 0 Works mainly at home Question15 is for all personsaged18 or over (bombefore 6 April 1963). 15 Degrees, protessionaland vocational qualifications j Has the person obtained any qualificationsafter the age of 19, such as: 0 No - none of these 2 0 Yes - give details 0 No - none of these 2 0 Yes - give details 1 1 Title Title Subject - Degrees.Diplomas, HNC,HND. Nursing qualifications,Teaching qualifications, Year Graduate or corporate membershipof professionalinstitutions. Other professional, educationator vocationalqualifications? - Institution Year - Institution Exclude all qualificationsnormallyobtained at school such a$ SCE, GCE or School LeavingCertificates. Title If box 2 is ticked enter all qualificationsw e n if they are not relevant to the person’s present)obor if the personis not working. Subject Please list the qualifications in the order in which they were obtained. Write for each qualification: Title - Year Year Institution the title, Subject -- _- Institution the major subject or subjects, the year obtained and Title Title the awardinginstituiion. Subject - Subject N mofe than three,please enter in a spere column and link wifh an arrow Year Institution Institution -. including visitors to the household ight of 5-6 April elsewhere,including school pupil; or students away from home u know they are being included in a Censusform elsewhere 3 has not been included as present on a Census formelsewhere. THE QUESTIONS OVERLEAF SHOULD BE ANSWERED 3rd person 4th person Sthperson 6thperson a Surname a Surname a Surname a Surname Forenames 1 b 1c] Male c Day Forenames 2 Month I ~ - b 1 Year - 1 1 0 Male 0 Female Forenames c Day 2 Month 0 Female I 0 Male b 1 Year c Day FM OffIl UM Per: on Forenames 2 Month 1 1 I 0 Male 0 Female b 1 Year forn c Day 2 0 Female Month Year Questions13and 14 are for all persons aged16 or over (bom before 6 April 1965) who were in a job last week Give details for the main employment Full address and postcode of workplace Address (Block capitals please) Full address and postcode of workplace Address (Block capitals pleasel including Postcode including Postcode 0 No fixed place 10 No fixed place 0 Mainly at home 2 1 2 III 3 0 Bus, minibus or coach 4 0 Motor cycle, moped or (public or private) Mainly at home 4 scooter 5 0 Car or van - pool, sharing driving 6 0 Car or van - driver 7 O Car or van - passenger 8 0 Pedal cycle 9 O On foot 1 O 0 Other, please specify 5 6 7 8 9 1 O 0 Works mainly at home including Postcode including Postcode scooter 0 Car or van - pool, sharing driving Car or van - drivet O Car or van - passenger 0 Pedalcycle O On foot 1 2 [3 Mainly at home Main means of transport to work 3 0 Underground, tube, metro, etc 0 Bus, minibus or coach 4 0 Motor cycle, moped or 4 5 0 Car or van - pool, sharing 5 1 (publicor private) (publicor private) scooter driving 6 0 Car or van - driver 7 O Car or van - passenger 8 0 Pedalcycle 9 CI On f o o t 1 O 0 Other, please specify 0 Other, please specify 0 Motor cycle, moped or 8 scooter 0 Car or van - pool, sharing driving 0 Car or van - driver O Car or van - passenger Pedalcycle 9 [IIOnfoot 6 7 1 O c] Other, please specify 0 Works mainly at home 0 Works mainly at home 1 1 1 1 Question15 is forall mrsons ased18 or over (bom before6 Arwil 1963). 1 0 No - none of these 1 0 No - none of these 1 0 No - none of these 2 0 Yes - give details 2 0 Yes - give details 2 0 Yes - give details 0 No - none of these 0 Yes-givedetails 1 2 Title Title Title Title Subject Subject Subject Subject Year Year Year Year ___ Institution- Institution Institution - Institution i - * \. Title Title Subject ~ Title Subject . Subject -* sx Year Institution Institution Title Title Subject Subject t Subject ~ Year ___ Institution Year -- ______ Institution - Year Year Institution Institution Title Title Subject Subject Year ~ -- - Year Institution Institut ion -- ~ - - * :r 3 Title rih _ I . Year .- 0 British Rail train 2 0 Underground, tube, metro. etc 3 0 Bus, minibus or coach 2 0 Motor cycle, moped or I 0 No fixed place CI ~ o f i x e dplace 0 Mainly at home Main means of transport to work 10 British Rail train 1 1r] Works mainly at home 1 1 Full address and postcode of workplace Address (Block capitals please) 1 Main means of transport to work 1 0 British Rail train 2 0 Underground, tube, metro, etc. 3 0 Bus, minibus or coach (publicor private) Main means of transport to work 10 British Rail train 2 0 Underground,tube, metro, etc Full address and postcode of workplace Address (Block capitals please) 2 MI ---- gease answer the following questions which relate to your household's accommodation. 16 Tenure ' Household amenities How do you and your household occupy your accommodation? Has your household the use of the following amenities on these premises? Please tick the appropriate box. 1 Please tick the appropriate boxes. 0 As an owner-occupier (including purchase by mortgage) a A fixed bath or shower permanently connected to a water supply and a waste pipe By renting, rent free or by lease: 2 0 from a local authority (council or New Town) or from the 0 Yes - for use only by this household 2 0 Yes - for use also by another household 1 Scottish Special Housing Association (SSHA) 3 0 from a housing association other than the SSHA or from a charitable trust 3 0 WI-92a job, shop, farm or other business 5 0 furnished from a private landlord, company or other organisation 6 0 unfurnishedfrom a private landlord, company or other c] No fixed bath or shower 4 b a flush toilet (WC) with entrance inside the dwelling (exclude any on common stair or landing) 0 Yes - for use only by this household 2 0 Yes - for use also by another household 3 0 No inside flush toilet (WC) 1 organisation In some other way: 0 Please give details c a flush toilet (WC) with entrance outside the dwelling (include any on common stair or landing) 0 Yes - for use only by this household 2 0 Yes - for use also by another household 3 0 No outside flush toilet (WC) 1 If the accommodation is occupied by lease originally granted for 20 years or more, tick box 7 'As owner occupiers'. If the accommodation is a tied house, or other accommodation provided in connection with the employment of a member of your household on the condition that its tenure is to be given up on leaving the employment, tick box 4 whether rent is paid or not. In the case of a tenancy originally granted by virtue of employment, but extended although the employment has now ceased, tick box 4 if no rent is paid (by yourself or anyone else) but tick box 5 or 6 if rent is paid. 19 Shared access Does your household share the use of any hall, passage, landing or staircase with any other household? 1 17 Rooms 0 Shares only for entry to own household'saccommodation 3 0 Shares for movement between the rooms of the household's 2 a How many rooms in your accommodation, that is dining rooms, living rooms and bedrooms shown at question 17a. household's accommodation are dining rooms, living rooms or bedrooms? Count spare rooms if they could be used for these purposes. room(s) 20 Cars and vans b Is cooking generally done in one of the rooms entered in 'a' above? O Yes c Have you any room used for 0 No O yes 2.n*No Rooms divided by curtains orportable screens count d one, thobe' cooking but not included in 'a' above? 0 Does not share 1 divided by a fixed or sliding partition count as two. Rooms &ed solely for business, professional or trade purposes should be excluded. Please tick the appropriate box to indicate the number of cars and vans normally available for use by you or members of your household ?{Òther than visitors). ' O " 0 None 1 Oone 0 Two 3 0 Threeormore 2 Include any car or van provided by employers if normally available for use by you or members of your household, but exclude vans used solely for the carriage of goods. It3efore YOU siSn the f mwill YOU plea~e checkO that alt relevant questions have been answered a that you have fnduded everyone who spent the night of 5-6 April in your household O that you have included anyone who usualty lives here but was away from home on the night of !j-6 April O that novisitors, boarders,children or newly bom infants have been missed Declaration: This form is correctly completed to the best of my knowledgeand belief. Signature(s) Date -April 1981. f&T 63-2593 ?OBO Od. 80sld76 -
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