Statistics Statist¡que 1981 Censusof Canada Please mrripkteywr questionnaire on Wednesday,June 3,lW Doc, Quest. No. No. of persons Aux francophones: Please complete address or exact loication: Si ce questionnaire anglais vous a 6t4 remis par erreur et si vous desirez un questionnaire français, veuillez appeler le Service auxiliaire tblbphonique. Les numbros B composer figurent sur ce questionnaire. On vous remettra un questionnaire dans la langue de votre choix. Lega! requirement The census of Canada is taken under the authority of the Statistics Act, which requires everyone to provide the information requested. Confidential when completed The information you will give will be kept confidential and used only for the production of statistics. No one will see the answers you give except for persons sworn to secrecy under the Statistics Act. These persons are subject to prosecution and legal penalties if they disclose personal census information. L Province or territory J L .- -. J I Postal code .- -. A Telephone number: To Temporary Residents If all members of this household are Temporary Residents (i.e., persons staying here temporarily who have a usual home elsewhere in Canada), enter the total number of temporary residents in this box and do not complete this questionnaire. Follow the resurn instructions indicated on the envelope which contained this questionnaire. .. . . . . . . .. ... .. L I Z l To Foreign Residents I f ail members of this household are Foreign Residents (see below), mark this box . and do not complete this questionnaire. Follow the return instructions indicated on the envelope which contained this questionnaire. . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. . 0 Foreign Residents (any person in the following categories): NOTE: Please mark a11 your answers clearly with a dark pencil or pen. The Question Guidelines on this questionnaire should provide the answers to any problems that may arise. If not, don't hesitate to call our Telephone Assistance Service. The numhrs to call are listed on this questionnaire and all calls are free of charge. @ @ @ 0 government representatives of another country attached to the legation, embassy or other diplomatic body of that country in Canada, and their families; members of the Armed Forces of another country, and their families; students from another country attending school in Canada, and their families; workers from another country in Canada on Employment Visas, and their families; and residents of another country visiting in Canada temporarily. Every five years Canada takes a census - a national stock-takingof its people and their housing. From the information it provides, we, as a nation, are better equipped to meet the many challenges facing us at every level, national, regional and local. The answers you give, when compiled into statistics, are used in determining economic and social policies, planning industrial development, and estimating needs for schools, roads and many other public services. Population figures are used to determine electoral district boundaries, and to calculate per capita grants to provinces and municipalities. For every person who does not initially respond, additional funds must be spent on follow-up procedures. The failure to count yourself in could result in the loss of revenue to your own community. The Statistics Act, under which the census is carried out, not only defines your obligation to co-operate, but ensures that the information you provide will be kept confidential and used only for the purposes of that Act. Your co-operation is essential. Please do your part by completing this questionnaire promptly, as of June 3,1981 ,in accordance with the instructions provided. Thank you for your co-operation. Note that stepchildren, adopted children, and children of a commonlaw partner should be considered as sons and daughters. Foster children, wards and guardianship children who are not related to Person l by blood, marriage, adoption or common-law should be listed as lodgers. Question 5. Mark "Now married" if you have a husband or wife who is now living, even if you are temporarily living apart because one of you is employed away from home, hospitalized, etc., but not if you are actually separated or have obtained a divorce. For census purposes, couples living in a common-law type of arrangement are considered as "Now married", regardless of their legal marital status. Mark "Separated" if you are separated from your husband or wife due to causes such as desertion or marriage breakdown, or because you no longer want to live together, provided that no divorce has been obtained. Mark "Divorced" if you have obtained a divorce and have not remarried. Question 6. You must still understand the language you report in this question. For infants, report the first language they are or will be learning. Question 8. If your household has more than six persons you will require more than one questionnaire. Please see the guideline for Question 1 . If you are using more than one questionnaire, please answer this question on the first questionnaire only. Question 9. If you have difficulty determining if a person should be included on your questionnaire, please refer to the WHOM TO INCLUDE item in the column adjacent to Question 1 . Question 11. Special cases Question 1. Refer to the instructions adjacent to Question 1 when considering whom to (or not to) include as members of your household. If you have doubts as to whether a person should be listed, enter the person's name and the reason in the space provided in Question 9. If there are more than six persons in your household and you do not have a second questionnaire, note this in the "Comments" section of your questionnaire, complete the questionnaire for six persons in your household and return as instructed. A Census Representative will contact you later with an additional questionnaire. Question 2. To enable us to identify family groups within the household, it is necessary to select a reference person (Person l ) , and to state the relationship of each household member to that person. For example, if John Smith lives with his father Thomas Smith, and Thomas Smith has been entered as Person 1, John Smith would mark "Son or daughter of Person 1". There may be a member or members of your household whose relationship to Person 1 is not described in Question 2. In such cases, mark either "Other relative of Person 1" or "Other non-relativef; and also print the exact relationship to Person 1 in the space provided. "Other relative" includes persons such as uncles, aunts, cousins, grandfathers, grandmothers, and so on. "Other non-relative" refers to household members who are not related to Person 1 by blood, marriage, adoption or common-law. Some examples are employee's wife, employee's daughter, room-mate's son, landlord, and so on. The term "common-law", as used in "Common-law partner of Person l" or as may be used to describe any other such partnership in the household (for example, "Lodger's common-law partner"), should be interpreted as applying to any case of a couple living together in this type of union. Mark "Owned" if the dwelling you occupy is owned or being bought by you and/or a member of this household even if (a) it issituated on rented or leased land or (b) it is part of a condominium (whether registered or unregistered). For census purposes, a condominium is a multi-unit residential complex in which dwellings are owned individually while land is held in joint ownership with others. Mark "Rented" in all other cases even if the dwelling you occupy is (a) provided without cash rent or at a reduced rent, such as a clergyman's residence, a superintendent's dwelling in an apartment building, etc., or is (b) part of a co-operative. For census purposes, in a co-operative all members jointly own the co-operative and occupy their dwelling units under a lease agreement. Question 12. Single and semi-detached house If you live in what is referred to as a "linked home" (a single house which is not attached to any other dwelling above ground, but is attached below ground), mark "Single house". Duplex and apartment Two dwellings, one above the other, attached to other dwellings are to be considered as apartments and not as duplexes. Apartment Do not count as storeys floors that are used solely for parking, storage or laundry and recreation facilities. If you are in doubt concerning the number of storeys in an apartment building, mark "Apartment in a building that has five or more storeys" if there is at least one passenger elevator in the building. If there is no passenger elevator in the building, mark "Apartment in a building that has less'than five storeys". INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTION 1 If, after referring to the Question Guidelines, you require further assistance to complete your questionnaire, our Telephone Assistance Service is available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. from Thursday, May 28 through Friday, June 5 (excluding Sunday). If you live within the local calling area of one of the cities listed below, dial the number shown opposite the name of the city, ORDER OF LISTING OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS To ensure that all persons in the same family group are listed together, the following order should be used when entering the names of all members of the household in Question 1 : (a) Person 1; choose one of the following as Person 1: - either the husband or the wife in any married couple living Si, après avoir consulté les instructions, vous avez encore besoin d'aide pour remplir votre questionnaire, vous pourrez vous adresser à notre Service auxiliaire télbphonique de 9 heures à 21 heures, entre le jeudi 28 mai et le vendredi 5 juin (sauf le dimanche). here - either partner in a common-law relationship - the parent, where one parent only lives with his or her never-married son(s) or daughter(s) of any age. Si vous habitez dans le secteur de service local d'une des villes suivantes, composez le numéro indiqué. ..................... HALIFAX. ............................ MONTRÉAL ........................... OTTAWA ............................. TORONTO ............................ WINNIPEG ............................ EDMONTON ........................... VANCOUVER ........................... ST. JOHN'S (NFLD.) If none of the above applies, choose any adult member ol this household. 737-2100 (b) husband or wife (or common-law partner) of Person 1; 426-8500 (c) never-married children or stepchildren of Person 1; 283-1981 996-3128 868-1981 949-2010 420-3699 683-5521 (d) other children of Person 1, and their families; (e) . . other relatives of Person 1 (whether related by blood, marriage adoption or common-law),and their families; (f) persons not related to Person 1, and their families. WHOM TO INCLUDE To make certain that every resident of Canada is counted in th1 census (and that no one is counted more than once), the followin1 guidelines should be used when deciding who should be include( on this questionnaire. Include In all other areas, call the long distance operator and ask for ZENITH 0-1981. You will be connected to the nearest Telephone Assistance Service, without charge. Si vous habitez dans un autre secteur, demandez à la téléphoniste de vous donner ZENITH O 1981. Elle vous mettra en communication, sans frais, avec le Service auxiliaire téléphonique le plus rapproché. - I 0 0 0 all persons who usually live here, even if they are temporaril away (such as on business or at school); any persons staying or visiting here who have no other usu: home; persons who usually live here but are now in an institution (suc as a hospital, correctional institution), if they have been ther for less than six months; unmarried persons who have a home elsewhere but stay in th dwelling most of the week while working; COMMENTS infants born on or before June 2,1981; 1 - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ I deceased persons who were alive at midnight between June and June 3,1981. ----__- _ - Do not include 0 persons who are now in an institution and have been there fc the past six months or longer; infants born on or after June 3,1981; persons permanently away in the Armed Forces; L ............ post-secondary students who are financially independent ar who live elsewhere; 1 unmarried sons or daughters who live elsewhere most of tl week while working, even if they return home on the weekenc foreign residents (see front cover). HOUSEHOLDS WITH MORE THAN SIX PERSONS If there are more than six persons in this household, enter the fil six on one questionnaire and continue with the seventh person a second questionnaire, starting in the row marked "Person 2". I If you need additional questionnaires, see the guidelines for Qu tion 1. Page 2 L PTO PERSON 1 onb to describe his or her relationship to Person 1. lative", print in the relationship to Person 1. 1981. grandmother uncle roommate's daughter employee's husband For further examples and special cases, see guidelines. Person 1 511 Given name and initial r] Husband or wife of Person 1 Person 2 Brother-in-lawor sister-inlaw of Person 1 CI Common-law partner of Person 1 Grandchild of Person 1 Son or daughter of Person 1 Nephew or niece of Person 1 Father or mother of Person 1 c]Other relative of Person 1 (print below) c]Brother or sister of Person 1 0Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1 0Father-in-law or mother-in- r]Lodger 0 Lodger's husband or wife L_] Lodger's son or daughter Roommate r] Employee 0 Other non-relative (print below) law of Person 1 [7 Brother-in-lawor sister-inlaw of Person 1 0Grandchild of Person 1 L_] Son or daughter of Person 1 L_] Nephew or niece of Person 1 Father or mother of Person 1 0 Other relative of Person 1 (print below) 0Brother or sister of Person 1 [7 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law Lodger r] Lodger's husband or wife r] Lodger's son or daughter 0 Room-mate Employee 0Other non-relative (print below) of Person 1 1 c]Father-in-lawor mother-inlaw of Person 1 0 Son or daughter of Person 1 L- - - - - . . . . . - - - - - I _ c]Brother-in-law 0 Lodger r]Grandchild of Person 1 [7 Lodger's husband or wife or sister-inlaw of Person 1 04 Person 4 [zl Nephew or niece of Person 1 Father or mother of Person 1 A Last name 0Other relative of Person 1 (print below) Brother or sister of Person 1 Son-in-lawor daughter-in-law of Person 1 -------------Given name and initial r]Lodger's son or daughter Room-mate c] Employee c]Other non-relative (print below 0Father-in-law or mother-inlaw of Person 1 Brother-in-law or sister-inlaw of Person 1 o5 Person 5 Grandchild of Person 1 L_] Nephew or niece of Person 1 0 Son or daughter of Person 1 L A Last name 0Father or mother of Person 1 0 Brother or sister of Person 1 0 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law Other relative of Person 1 (print below) 0Lodger c] Lodger's husband or wife L_] Lodger's son or daughter 0 Roommate 0Employee [7 Other non-relative (print below) of Person 1 Father-in-law or mother-inlaw of Person 1 c]Brother-in-lawor sister-inPerson 6 - law of Person 1 # uGrandchild of Person 1 nSon or daughter of Person 1 a u L _ _ _ _ Given name and initial l J _ _ Nephew or niece of Person 1 Father or mother of Person 1 Brother or sister of Person 1 (print below) Son-in-lawor daughter-in-law of Person 1 _ _ l _ _ L_] Father-in-law or mother-inlaw of Person 1 L_] Other relative of Person 1 _ Lodger Lodger's husband or wife 0 Lodger's son or daughter 0 Room-mate Employee L]Other non-relative (print below) ALSO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON PAGE 4 -3. 4. D A T E O F BIRTH 5. - SEX Print day, month and year. Example: If you were born on the 10th of February, 1945, you would enter (See guidelines for further information.) Mark one box only QI I ' &-p [ M A R ITAL STATUS What is your marital status? Page 3 6. What is the language you first learned in childhood and dll i understand? OFFICE USE ONLY Mark one box only YUI If exact date is not known, enter best estimate. 0 Nowmarried (excluding separated) 0 Separated Male Divorced 0Widowed Female Month (single) 0 Male Separated 0 Divorced 0 Female ' 0Widowed Separated 0 Male Divorced 0 Female Year Widowed USeparated Divorced 0 Female Widowed Never married (single) Year UNOW married (excluding separated) 0 Male Female 0 Separated 0 Divorced 0 Widowed Never married (single) Year 0 Now married (excludingseparated) Separated Male 0 Divorced 0 Female Year 0 English 0 French German 0 Italian Ukrainian English French German O Italian 0 Ukrainian (single) Male Month J 0 Never married Now married (excludingseparated) Month Other (specify) (single) (excludingseparated) Month ' 0 Never married Year 0 NOW married Month Ukrainian 0 Never married Year Now married (excludingseparated) Month 0 English 0 French 0 German 0 Italian u Widowed Never married (single) ALSO ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ON PAGE 4 English French 0 German 0Italian Ukrainian i 1 0 English French German O Italian 0 Ukrainian m --------Other (specify) English 0 French A German O Italian F Ukrainian Ï --------Other (specify) M g. Is this dwelling a: A dwelling is a separate set of living quarters with a private entrance from the outside or from a common hallway or stairway inside the building. This entrance should not be through someone else's living quarters. Mark one box only single house 7. Enter the name of the person (or one of the persons) who lives here and is responsible for paying the rent, or mortgage, or taxes, or electricity, etc., for this dwelling. -a. . , L J 1 I Given name and initial Last name - - a single dwelling not attached to any other building and surrounded on all sides by open space? 0semi-detached or double houw -one of w o dwellings attached side by side but not attached to any other building and surrounded on all other sides by open space? This personshould answer the following questions about this dwelling. here 8. - 0 and answer the dwelling questions yourself. How many persons usually live here (according to the WHOM TO INCLUDE item in the INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTION 117 Number of persons 9. Did you leave anyone out of Question 1 because you were not sure whether he or she should be listed?For example, a student, a lodger who also has another home, a new baby still in hospital, or a former occupant of this household who has become a patient in a hospital or sanatorium within the past six months. uNo U Yes - one of two dwellings, one above the other, not attached to any other building and surrounded on all sides by open space? Oduplex NOTE: If no one living here makes any such payments, mark 0 row houre - one of three or moredwellings joined side by side but not havingany other dwellings either above or below? napartment in a building that h-asfive or more storeys: for example, a dwelling unit in a highrise apartment building? I f "Yes", print the name of each person left out and the reason. napertinent in a building that has lers than fi¡@ storeys for example, a dwelling unit in a triplex, qudruplex or a dwelling unit in a non-residential buildinnor in a house that has been converted? houw attached to a non-a single dential building - dwelling attached at ground level to another building (such as a store, etc.) but separated from it by a common wall running from ground to roof? If you require more space, please use the Comments section. U m o b i l e home (designed and constructed to be transported 10. How many persons who have a usual home elsewhere in Canada are staying or visiting here temporarily (as of Census Day, June 311 on its own chassis and capable of b i n g moved on short notice)? 0 None OR r] Number of persons 11. other movable dwelling (such as a tent, travel trailer, railroad car or houseboat)? OFFICE USE ONLY Is this dwelling: Mark one box only r I owned or b i n g bought by you or a member of this household? 0 rented (wen if no cash rent is paid)? Trans. JIC - A Coll. Ref. Miss. JIC -B m* Statist¡que Canada Statistics Canada Every five years Canada takes a census - a national stock-taking of its people and their housing. From the information it provides, we, as a nation, are better equipped to meet the many challenges facing us at every level, national, regional and local. Census of Canada The answers you give, when compiled into statistics, are used in determining economic and social policies, planning industrial development, and estimating needs for schools, roads and many other public services. Please complete your questionnaire on Wednesday, June 3,1981 _ _ _ . - Prov. Hhld. No. FED No. _ _ _ Doc. ty Pe - . - - - ... - ' _ . - __ _-__ 1. . No. of persons Quest: No. of 3 - - ' VN EA No. - - i S/M Population figures are used to determine electoral district boundaries, and to calculate per capita grants to provinces and municipalities. For every person who does not initially respond, additional funds must be spent on follow-up procedures. The failure to count yourself in could result in the loss of revenue to your own community. The Statistics Act, under which the census is carried out, not only defines your obligation to co-operate, but ensures that the information you provide will be kept confidential and used only for the purposes of that Act. TR - - Aux francophones: 1 Please complete address or exact location: Your co-operation is essential. Please do your part by completing this questionnaire promptly, as of June 3, 1981,in accordance with the instructions provided. Si ce questionnaire anglais vous a été remis par erreur et si vous désirez un questionnaire français, veuillez appeler le Service auxiliaire té16phonique. Les num6ros à composer figurent sur la couverture arrière. On vous remettra un questionnaire dans la langue de votre choix. Thank you for your co-operation. Legal requirement The census of Canada is taken under the authority of the Statistics Act, which requires everyone to provide the information requested. Confidential when completed The information you will give will be kept confidential and used only for the production of statistics. No one wilt see the answers you give except for persons sworn to secrecy under the Statistics Act. These persons are subject to prosecution and tegal penalties if they disclose personal census information. In 1976 the population of Canada was 22,992,604, an increase of almost one and a half million since 1971. To Temporary Residents ff all members of this household are Temporary Residents (i.e., persons staying here temporarily who have a usual home elsewhere in Canada), enter the total number of temporary residents in this box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and do not complete this questionnaire. Fotlow the return instructions indicated on the envelope which contained this questionnaire. Between 1971 and 1976 the percentage of married women who were in the labour force increased from 37% to 44%. D Between 1971 and 1976 the under 30 population decreased to 53.8% of the total from 55.5%. Between 1971 and 1976 the number of children in Canada under 10 years old decreased by 450,000.At the same time, Canadians 50 years of age and over increased by 618,000. To Foreign Residents I f all members of this household are Foreign Residents (see below), mark this box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and do not complete this questionnaire. Follow the return instructions indicated on the envelope which contained this quest ionna ire. 0 In 1976,1,205,000Canadians were living alone, a n increase of almost 400,000 since 1971. More than one third (429,000) were 65 years of age and over. Foreign Residents (any person in the following categories): ~ ~~ NOTE: The guide should provide the answers to any problems that may arise. If not, don't hesitate to call our Telephone Assistance Service. The numbers to call are listed on the back cover of this questionnaire and all calls are free of charge. TBS - B102201 0 government representatives of another country attached to the legation, embassy or other diplomatic body of that country in Canada, and their families; members of the Armed Forces of another country, and their famil ies; students from another country attending school in Canada, and their families; workers from another country in Canada on Employment Visas, and their families; and residents of another country visiting in Canada temporarily. all your answers clearly with a dark pencil or pen. Please mark Answer the questions on pages 2 through 5. Then, starting with page 6,fill three pages for each person in your household, using the same order as you used in Question 1. For example, information for Person 2 will be entered on pages 9,10,l l ; information for Person 3 on pages 12,13 and 14,etc. Page 2 -_ ____ INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTION 1 To ensure that all persons in the same family group are listed together, the following order should be used when entering the names of all members of the household in Question 1 : fa) Person 1; Choose one of the following as Person 1: - either the husband or the wife in any married couple living here - either partner in a common-law relationship - the parent, where one parent only lives with his or her never-married son(s) or daughter(s1 of any age. I f none of the above applies, choose any adult member of this household. (b) husband or wife (or common-law partner) of Person 1; &$-&i persons vsuaily living grandmother uncle I t-j I [XI Person I c; c2 Person 2 fl Husband or wife of Person 1 0common-law partner of Person 1 i% Son or daughter of Person 1 c5 Father or mother of Person 1 01 Brother or sister of Person I c7 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law u adoption or common-law), and their families; Given name and initial ( f ) persons not related to Person 1 ,and their families. Father-in-law or mother-inLaw of Person 1 t22 WHOM TO INCLUDE Brother-in-law or sister-inlaw of Person 1 c Grandchild of Person 1 t i Nephew or niece of Person 1 Other relative of Person 1 (print below) rA9 (79 Person 3 I 1 l nSon or daughter of Person 1 ] (.;i l i 6,s 0 Father or mother of Person 1 c (,; Brother ur sister of Person 1 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1 Father-in-law or mother-inlaw of Person 1 tl-' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - i Given name and initial , v. ------_. law of Person I I n 0 Grandchild of Person I I1 Nephew or niece of Person 1 Other relative of Person 1 (print below) c$ I (I ," 6; Son or daughter of Person 1 L Given name and initial I 1 If there are more than six persons in this household, enter the first six on one questionnaire and continue with the seventh person on a second questionnaire, starting in the row marked "Person 2". If you need additional questionnaires, see the instructions for Question 1 in the Guide. 4 Lodger 0Lodger's husband or wife ~ , Lodger's son or daughter 3 Room-mate 1 Employee Other non-relative (print below 1 Lodger 2 2 0Lodger's husband or wife Lodger's son or daughter Roommate A CI Employee Other non-relative (print below) G s y ., .-_ . . . . .----_-------., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..- .. ~ I-..* *-e 0Brother-in-law or sister-in- law of Person 1 Grandchild of Person 1 [7 Nephew or niece of Person 1 Other relative of Person 1 (print below) 0 Brother or sister of Person 1 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1 o'i -------_----- 1 0Father or mother of Person 1 '16 ~ fl Person 4 ti6 1 L: 0Brother-in-law or sister-in- 0 0 --*-- 'T I ________-_--------------- I'; .--*&-_..rL.m=-m.- I... -- nLodger 2 : Lodger's husband or wife :: Lodger's son or daughter Room-mate Employee Other non-relative (print below) J ; 5 tz ~ ~ a e : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I _ R Ii - law Person 5 if. of Person 1 t z 0Grandchild of Person 1 -i 0Other relative of Person 1 I Lodger Lodger's husband or wife Lodger's son or daughter 0Room-mate Employee - Other non-relative (print below) FM Son or daughter of Person I 0Nephew or niece of Person I I ( 1 0Father or mother of Person 1 - - - - - -----_ -~ 1 Last name I 176 I (;' 1 I a E:..- (print below) 0 Brother or sister of Person 1 , [3 Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1 0law Father-in-law or mother-inof Person 1 ~ j h _______--_________-_----- alaw Brother-in-law or sister-inof Person 1 I Person 6 ,r: HOUSEHOLDS WITH MORE THAN S I X PERSONS roommate's daughter employee's husband Person 1 fe) other relatives of Person 1 (whether related by blood, marriage, persons who are now in an institution and have been there for the past six months or longer; infants born on or after June 3, 1981; persons permanently away in the Armed Forces; post-secondary students who are financially independent and who live elsewhere; unmarried sons or daughters who live elsewhere most of the week while working, even if they return home on the weekends; foreign residents (see front cover). I For further examples and special cases, see Gdide. (d)other children of Person 1and , their families; Do not include ___-_----- describe his or her relationship to Person I. iationship to Person 1. ther relative" w "Other no Other" relationships are: ' here as of Wednesday, June 3, 1981. IC) never-married children or stepchildren of Person 1; To make certain that every resident of Canada is counted in the census fand that n o one is counted more than once), the foliowing guidelines should be used when deciding who should be included on this questionnaire. Include all persons who usually live here, even if they are temporarily away (such as on business or at school); any persons staying or visiting here who have no other usual home; persons who usually live here but are now in a n institution (such as a hospital, correctional institution), if they have been there for less than six months; unmarried persons who have a home elsewhere but stay in this dwelling most of the week while working; infants born on or before June 2, 1981; deceased persons who were alive at midnight between June 2 and June 3,1981. El ma& ORDER OF LISTING OF HOUSEHOLD MEMBERS _____ ----.pp ~ _ _ ^ _ l l _ l . - Son or daughter of Person 1 I) Father or mother of Person 1 ~ c ; Brother or sister of Person 1 (3% Son-in-law or daughter-in-law of Person 1 OE [7 Father-in-law or mother-inlaw of Person 1 (gr fl tf :1 0Grandchild of Person 1 Nephew or niece of Person 1 13Other relative of Person 1 (print below) - 1 I2 1 0Lodger I : 0Lodger's husband or wife I L; 0Lodger's son or daughter I i. I c cf Room-mate Employee Other non-relative (print below) J I i------------------------- -3. 4. DATE OF BIRTH Print day, month and year. €xample: If you were born on the 10th of February, 1945, you would enter SEX What is your marital status? ' .--I ~ -- __ __r__ l Ir___ . -_ 22 Separated t5 i Female 20 I Month - . Year TT]Divorced 2.: Widowed 25 Never married (single1 + Aj =French 8, UItalian L " Other (specify) l---T--l Male 19 Day icr - I $4 Month i T j 0Female 22 [z1Separated 23 0Divorced 2 ' OWidowed German :, cz1 Italian 0Ukrainian Never married (single) 75 Year I ~ I____--;_---I 0NOW married 2:: [IISeparated -- (excluding separated) 2 1 a Widowed 13 Month . ....- - - Now married (excluding separated) 1 6 ' ' j ' . Month ........... ~ ......... ,.,-._*._.I . . . :'< 0Female Year .... _. ............... :.:...:....:...................:.:.:................ :.:.....:.:.:..................... ............... ............ _x i ?..W.... 21 0Divorced 2? Widowed 2 y Never married (single) Cl Italian '/ I 0Ukrainian Male 5'; 1 ( I o I ( I 22 Separated 21 Divorced 2u 0Female 24 0Widowed Month M ',:. u < 3 A .: F tr i M :.? A ClGerman 0Italian I F 19 Male 22 u Separated ' i)i M il--u Ukrainian Other (specify) .................._.._ ....... - ~ x I . . . .....:.........:............................................................................. ~ English .; :: . a . - :: French ClGerman UItalian 0Ukrainian l Year 2(j I t, (,t; u Now married (excluding separated Divorced 23 18 F --------- \ ' j Month 0English 0French 1 ' ) i"' $7 ....., . . _ _ _ _ ~ . - . ~ . ~ . . ~....................................................................................... .~.~ ..:.:...............:...:................ 2i In German :'1 Separated 2: Male Day I :" _--- l'i I A -___I- 0French -_ ?1 1 f P 3 Never married (singlel 7, ? Year M English 5 7 i ' > =Divorced I Other (specify) -- zi 'i - r] English 0French 5') 6 (i E _. (excluding separated1 F * u 0Ukrainian 0Now married A 3 UGerman _.-- i USE ONLY ~ Now married (excluding separated 23 OFFICE ' Mark one box only 21 I ;fi I i Mark one box only If exact date is not known, enter best estim What is the language you first laamsd in childhood and still understand? (See Guide for further in formation.) g$m _1__ 6. - l ~ . 5. MARITAL STATUS ! Page 3 Female 24 a 2 -' 0Never married ' L. Year ' I Widowed (single) 5-8 German : (1 Italian i C c] Ukrainian Other (specify) I :. < F M 1 Page 4 Page 5 ~. z. Is this dwelling a: A dweliing is a separate set of living quarters with a private entrance from the outside or from a common hallway or stair- 7. *f-t *-. --. .*.. -- -. ,-. ** - -_ ==-=- -m--wm-- -.--. .- *--*TI1--l-T * . - Mark one box only ing not attached to any other building and surrounded on all sides by open space? a 1920 or before I, I semi-detached or double house -one of two dwellings (40 1 -------_- This person should answer the following questions about this dwelling. here ’-8. How many persons usually live here laccording to the WHOM TU INCLUDE item in the INSTRUCTIONS FOR QUESTION 1 I? 1; Did you leave anyone out of Question 1 because you were not sure whether he or she should be listed? For example, a student, a lodger who also has another home, a new baby still in hospital, or B former Lc: ElYes - one of three or ---- 1 - - .-_ n-_ - - , ~ UR apartment in a building that has Iess than five storeys aNone, or included in rent, municipal taxes or other payments, OR i lNone Dollars 8 this dwelling? -- I H 5 - 0 (a) What are your totai regular monthly mortgage (or debt) payments for this dwelling? a or kerosene LiPiped gas, e.g., natural u gas Bottled gas, e.g., propane : a Electricity Oii ~ 5- :-awocIcl : Coat or coke c]other movabfedwelling fsuch as a tent, travel trailer, railroad car or houseboat)? - - --. a-*. -. --**- i-n^ - --r .- - * Ves 0Wood a G ‘ aCoal or coke 2, Mark one box only owned or being bought by you or a member of this household? tb- 13 rented (even if no cash rent is paid)? (- - 14 -Trans. JlC - A Coll. JIC -B . I Go to Question 22(d) a N o (c) What are your estimated yearfy property taxes (municipal and school) for this dwelling? Other fuel =None OR Dol I ars .-. .* *.-l***~-z-*.-.~-_ ___ I X 1 i- ___ No, oniy regular maintenance is needed (painting, furnace cleaning, etc.) Yes, minor repairs are needed (missing or loose floor tiles, bricks or shingles, defective steps, railing or siding, etc.) Yes, maior repairs are needed (defective plumbing or etectrical wiring, structurai repairs to walls, floors or ceilings, etc.) Cents O0 i, per year (d)if you were to sell this dwelling now, for how much would you expect to sell it? remodelling or additions.) dwelling: permonth amount shown in Question 22(af? : (b)Which fuel is used most for water heating in this dwelling? Oil or kerosene Piped gas, e.g., natural gas Bottled gas, e.g., propane Electricity Cents Ib)Are your property taxes (municipal and school included in the i : 2 Go FQ Question 221cj O0 Other fuel I: * UR DOlhrS 19. Is this dwelling in need of any repairs? (Do not include desirable 1 1 .Is this aNane t 21 18. la) Which fue! is used m a t for heating this dweliing? 8 permonth 22. Far OWNERS only: Installed electric heating system Heating stove, cooking stove, space heater Other Ifireptace, etc.) ’ I Go to page 6 Cents O0 0 Forced hot air furnace 0None ‘TINumber of persons Doiiars uSteam or hot water furnace 2 of cash rent OR - : n r n o b i l e home (designed and constructed to be transported on its own chassis and capable of being moved on short notice)? 3 aRented without paymsnt Mark one box only , per year O0 21. For RENTERS only: What is the monthly cash rent you pay for t g Cents -‘I ) 8 - per year O0 ( c ) water and other municipal services? I-____ Number of half bathrooms --.- . - - ,. -*. *-.*-____.~-.--l__--.--I.~.LI17. What is the main type of heating equipment for this dwelling? for example, a dwelling unit in a triplex, quadruplex or a dwelling unit in a non-residential building or in a house that has been converted? How many persons who have a usual home elsewhere En Canada are staying or visiting here temporarily (as of Census Day, June 3)? Cents 9 1 If you require more space, please use the Comments section on the back cover, 0None, or included in rent or other payments, Dollars - Number of complete bathrooms example, a dwelling unit in a high rise apartment buildí ng? dwelling attached at ground levei to another building huch as a store, etc.) but separated from it by a common wall running from ground to roof? OR I (See Guide for further information.) house attached to a non-reitidentiat building - a single 10. -* *-* OU per year Ib)oil, gas, coai, wood or other fuels? . OR a - .. ~ apartment in a buitding that has five or morestoreys - for 1 0 Cents ~~ 113. How many bathrooms are there within this dwelling? No _ _ _ ---_ _ -_ _ _ _ _ - OR Number of rooms If “Yes“, print the name of each person teft out and the reason. I 3None, or included in rent or other payments, Dollars - a occupant of this household who has become a patient in a hospital or sanatorium within the past six months. (af electricity? -: * -I 9. I -Ili-C-_f-f_____--.-~_ a __.--- I I _ 20. For this dwelling. what are the yearly payments (last 12 months) for: I more dwellings joined side by side but not havingany other dwellinas either above or below?- Number of persons 2 [duplex row house ( 3 . ( : Less than one year One to two years . Three to five years six to ten years [z1More than ten years -...-.. .. . ... ” . .”.. . ,. . .,_ -,l..._ . . 15. How many rooms are there in this dwelling? (include kitchen, bedrooms, finished rooms in attic or basement, etc. D o not count bathrooms, halls, vestibuies and rooms used solely for business purposes.) I and answer the dwelling questions yourself. m1976-1979 El1980 ci1981 ( - i b NOTE: I f no one living here makes any such payments, mark mark here Mark one box only ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Given _ _name _ _and_initial _____-____i Last name - one of two dwellings, one above the other, not attached to any other building and surrounded on all sides by open space? NOTE: If you are a farm operator living on the farm you operate, 14. How long have you lived in this dwelling? attached side by side but not attached to any other building and surrounded on all other sides by open space? I?- u --- Answer Questions 20 to 22 for only the dwelting that you now occupy, even if you own or rent more than one dwelling. If exact amount is not known, please enter your best estimate. a1971 - 1975 t . i 1921 -1945 1W6-1960 1961 - 1970 I ~ Enter the name of the person (or one of the persons) who lives here and is responsible for paying the rent, or mortgage, or taxes, or electricity, etc., for this dwelling. f-’ I the building was completed, not the time of any later remodelling, additions or conversions.) 0single house - a single dwell- JC --- - , 13. When was this dweiting or the building containing this dwelling originally built? (To the best of your knowledge, mark the period in which Mark one box only way inside the building. This entrance should not be through someone else‘s living quarters. P I - _ _ Dollars Cents O0 j . - (e) Is this dwelling part of a registered condominium? . i; .nyes Page 7 Page 6 ._ NAME OF PERSON 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Given name and initial Last name -~~ J _ -I_-m-----T*m-I-.- 1 . . . * . I . * . n-1- .**.- 28. What language do you yourself speak at home now? {If more than one language, which language do you speak most often?) 1 , 23. Where were you born? (Mark according to present boundaries.) m IN CANADA Mark one box only 0Nfld. P.E.I. CL t,: t 0United Kingdom 1u 'i O Ont. f ' aMan. O.? Sask. I d 0West Germany 29. Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conversation? East Germany Poland (See Guide for further information.) I Mark one box only B.C. t I- 1 DYukon I; 0N.W.T. ) 60 : :2 Yeç Canada, by birth Go to Question 26 Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canadal Other 21 17 fi 2: . - s 1 Native Peoples 2~ c]English . 'i 311 3 4 2'~ 4i; a a a Inuit Status or registered Indian Nonstatus Indian Métis Number of completed years - .*.0 -- .%*- * ,..-*-*- * 34. -- *_* . * -.11 ' a i .-; 2: - 5 Cl Jt L 7 Roman Catholic United Church Anglican Presbyterian Lutheran Baptist Greek Orthodox a .i9 [7 Ukrainian Catholic -C 0Pentecostal 5 -.-, -* .-** -**- -- -* **-* I* -2 :3 54. sr fi tl 3'. P.. - Master's degreefs) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.1 Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M.,O.D.) Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Ed.1 0 34. - __ - -.- - - - Yes, personal or family responsibilities 2o c] Yes, going to school 2 'i IJ Yes, other reasons -40. -. 3 ~ c _ _ --_---_---- -- ----.-. -_ ._- -~ .*__- 0Before 1980 * -* I _-c- * * ._... L_----------------_-------l Name of firm, government agency, etc. Department, branch, division, section or plant ~ I__- _ I+Continue with Questions 39/61 to 46 'I' _ - (b)What kind of business, industry or service was this? ---_--------------------- Give full dmxiption. For example, paper box manufacturing, road construction, retail shoe store, secondary school, dairy farm. _ _ f '2 Yes, on temporary lay-off Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or locked out, or absent for other reasons (cl Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks? ONO .ayes , - __ . r. m _ _ _ _ l _ L I -----~. 42. At what address did you work? If no usual place of work, see Guide. Mark one box only .-3 3p 35 Worked at home {includesliving and workingon the same farm) Worked outside Canada 0Worked at address below lplease specify) -7 1 Go to Question 41 : -DNo 1 Ga to Question 46 A [ *___ (b) Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business? Mark one box only -. $A :P i---__----__----___------J_l_=l-.-- Hours (to the nearest hour) i ..-. - i work or other work around your home)? Include: working for wages, salary, tips or commission, working in your own business, farm or professional practice, working without pay in a family farm or business. None OR - . .*. .--l-_l-_.__-ll_-.._..-___ fa) For whom did you work? - laf Last week, how many hours did you work (not including house- a *-***...** ---fl*--.-**- ----- _ - -- 41. NOTE: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job ot business last week. i f none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1 , 1980. If you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours. Year w II Never worked in lifetime OR --. L n . When did you last work, even for a few days (not inctuding housework or other work around your home)? Mark one box oniy ---- . fi 0 0 - ~ ..*-- None [ZI Secondary high) school graduation Certificate "7 Trades certificate or diploma Slt Other nonuniversity certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP, institute of technology, etc.) '7 University certificate or diploma below bachelor level et Bachelor's degreetsl (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.Sc., LL.B.) ;: University certificate or diploma above bachelor level Jehovah's Witnesses Mennonite Salvation Army islam NO religion Month -- 39. - -'5 Mark one box only .I I What degrees, certificates or diplomas have you ever obtained? (See Guide for further information.) . 27. What is your religion? I. Yes, temporary illness or disability ~ Number of completed years 74 0Chinese c] Yes, already had a job L If exact month or year are not known, enter best estimate. . .- None Less than 1 year (of completed courses) ?? 0No, could have started work 23 Number of children - - _.. I - Mark one box only E5 38. For ALL PERSONS who are married or have ever been married: What were the month and year of your first marriage? (See Guide for further information.) :: .. 0 25 ----. - Yes, looked for full-time work 2; 2 Province or territory a ~ o n e I l 33. How many years of schooling have you ever compîeted at an institution other than a university, secondary (high) or elementary school? tnclude years of schooling at community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs (generai and professionall, private trade schools or private business colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. E l i1 + I - c] Yes, looked for part-time work (less th8n 30 hours per week) _-. ONone Less than 1 year (of completed courses) _ . 0French German Italian Ukrainian Dutch (Netherlands) Polish Jewish e I on first coming to this continent? (See Guide for further information.) - Highest grade or year ( 1 to 13) of secondary or elementary school __ - .-- No i* Go to Question 40 2r 37. For WOMEN who are married or have eyer been married How many 8 children were wer born to you? (Count all children including those who may have died since birth or who may now be living elsewhere. However do not include stillbirths.t 32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university? 26. To which ethnic or cuiturat group did you or your ancestors belong 24 -' -- ,I? Irish L:: [7 Scottish County .----.------ --- Mark one box only L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Ii -- ._ - (d) Did you look for work during the past four weeks? For example, did you contact a Canada Employment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads? 2I --,. - (e) Was there any reason why you could not start work last week? .................... =-I- 7 8 2i City, town, village, borough, or municipatity OR t 2' 1 '2 ----a Continue with Questions 31 to 46 fl No schooling or kindergarten oniy _ _ 15 - (See Guide for further information.) oÏ i f exact year is not known, please enter best estimate. :7 t school you ever attended? Prin t year beio w Year =-. --L_- ONO 31. What is the highest grade or year of secondary (high)or elementary 25. In what year did you first immigrate to Canada? - * 1, - ..-- *- ** *f* * I C 1 I* I 0yes, full-time 0Yes, part-time, d8y or evening END HERE FOR THIS PERSON No I This dwelling : Different dweliing in this city. town, village, borough, or municipality Outside Canada [7 Different city, town, viilage, borough, or municipality in Canada (specify below) 30. Were you born before June 3, 19667 Mark as man y boxes as appi y 1 Where did you live 5 years ago on June 1, 19767 Mark one box only NOTE: If your place of residence 5 years ago was a municipality within a large urban area, be careful not to confuse suburban municipalities with the largest city. For example, distinguish between Mon tr4al-Nord and Mon trdal, Scarborough and Toronto, West Vancouver and Vancouver. (-3" 24. Of what country are you a citizen? . " I c: English only French only Both English and French Neither English nor French "i? "_ __ 5 36. - Alta. r LC .--- i 5 nU.S.A. 9; (,o Ukrainian 1 h 1 L.2 Cl itaiy I 0N.S. 4 0N.B. 0Que. DGerman w:e Cl Italian OUTSIDE CANADA Mark one box only f c 6 - -_ _ - - - 35. Have you attended a schooi, college or university at any time since last September? { tnclude attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc.) Mark one box only 0English 0French :7 1 1 1 _ . QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 1 -CONTINUED I1 " I - Mark one box only I 2 - Number Street If street address is not known, give the building name, shopping centre or street intersection, etc. -----_-----_------------ City, town, vifiage, borough, township or other municipality Important: tY you worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify thatmunicipality, not the main city. - _ _ I Page 8 - [___I _ _ _ -- __ - QUESTlONS FOR PERSON 1 i 43. . -___ - - CONCLUDED @ (5)What kind of work were you doing? For example,accounting clerk, sales representative, civil engineer; secondary school teacher, chief electrician, metal worker. _ - If yes, please check the "Yes.' box and enter the amount; in case of - If no, please check the "No" box and proceed to the next source. Do not include family allowances. Please consult the Guide for details. " i a N~ OUTSIRE CANADA Mark one box only Mark one box only c Cents -- - - -- - - UNfld. ~ -., I (b)Net non-farmself-employment income (gross receipts minus expenses) frum unincorporated business, professional practice, etc., on own account or in partnership ~ - E lyes 7 - A 8 - - ~ - i q NO t3 t a United Kingdom N.S. - DU.5.A. N.B. t, nont. Ï ' DMan. q East Germany 29. Can you speak Engtish or French well enough to conduct a conversation? =Poland - ii 1 i_ (See Guide for further infurmation.) Mark one box only _Other _ _ (specify) _____J working without pay for a relative in a family farm or business? tj.- C)L . . 45. ( 5 u i A seif-employed without paid help? self-employed with paid help? i." Question 44 (b) (a) in how many weeks did you work during 1980 (not including housework or other work around your home)? Include those weeks in which you: :. None ' (See Guide for further information.) (gl Dividends and intereston bands, i deposits and savings certifim tes, and other investment income, e.g., net rents from real estate, 211' interest from mortgages CONTINUE WITH QUESTION 46 French 2 K linuit 2: a NO 1 17 Loss (See Gui& fer further informafion.) __ _. 7 .; I . t . . *-. --.--.- - _-l. - 27. What is your religion? c)Roman Catholic I TL - - 4: '; O I 1 I I__. _ 1 _ _ 1I + - END OF QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 1 __ I - __ -- s- ~ PERSON 2 -CONTINUE __ -- Presbyterian cî 0Mennonite Lutheran ~aptist Greek Orthodox Jewish E; c)Anglican i- No flPentecostai a : ~2 5: JI Salvation Army islam NO religion Other (specify) - _ - -' T:C Jehovah's Witnesses :3 7c7 r+(f 1 L,z I I f -*- 1. * ---m . = A * f -*.- ---. - - T 7I * -1. - * * I _ Mark as many boxes as apply 4 ~ nukrainian ' Catholic 63 . -- - -- What degrees, certificates or diplomas have you ever obtained? (See Guide for further information.) f9 t United Church ***. *. 75 Mark one box only Yes"*. . .-.-.. m 7 34. - _.A :; E lLess than I year tof compfeted courses) Number of completed years - - _ ' (il Total income from all of the above sources (Do not include family allowances) None 7: 13 (h Retirement pensions, superanlci Yes'" nuation and annuities and other money income, e.g., No alimony, scholarships (Do not .! include family allowances) ~- - 33. How many years of schooting have you ever compieted at an institution other than a university, secondary (high) or etementary school? Include years of schooling at community colieges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs (generai and professionaii, private trade schoals or private business colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. I _ 1 rin. ~ Status or registered indian Non-status indian Metis ( German Italian . I t]Ukrainian Dutch (Netheriandsl Polish i Jewish Chinese - Number of compteted years , t3 yesi* i None Less than 1 year fof completed courses) -'(> Native Peoples English Irish aScottish z I * - t24 " OFFICE USE ONLY __ ' ~~ 26. To which ethnic or cultural group did you or your ancestors belong on iirst coming to this continent? ' Highest grade or year {I to 13) of secondary or elementary schooi - 32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university? -- . yes 3No schooiing or kindergarten onty OR Year NO sources including provincial income supplements and social 2' assisiance, e.g., veterans' pensions, workers' compensation, welfare payments (Do not include famil y allo wances) ~~ _ _ I _ 12; If exact year is not known, please enter best estimate. Mark one box only !: Other _- - --- 31. What is the highest grade or year of secondary thigh) or elementary schoof you ever attended? Some as country of birth (other than Canada) Print year bef ow c]Yesi* -a----= Go to Question 26 0Canada, by naturalization (See Guide for further information.) (bf During most of those weeks, did you work full-time or part-time? c]Part-time ~ -- 25. In what year did you first immigrate to Canada? No '' a No 2 fi ( 3 Yes' ' (f) Other incomefrom government OR Fuli-time Canada, by birth English only French onfy Both English and French [z1Neither English nor French 30. Were you born before June 3, 19667 END HERE FOR THIS PERSON c]No Mark as many boxes as apply :2 : Go to Question 46 +1 -* - 24. Of what country are you a citizen? Loss I te) Benefits from Unemployment Insurance 2. worked full-time or part-time; were on vacation or sick leave with pay; were self-employed. Ot ._ 11 NO guarantwd income supplement from federal government only, 2 I and benefits from Canada or Quebec PensionPlan Provincial income supplements should be reported in If)) Yes * - +' it; *- =-.___----_I_ -__I__ - (d) Old age security pension and Cl NO CÎ yes, ' .' I fbi I f self-emptoyed, was your farm or business incorporated? tjis a o - -.--- 2 aN.W.T. (C Net farm self-employment income (gross receipts minus expenses) from agricultural operations on own account or in partnership Go to Question 45 Ukrainian West Germany I LOSS fi Italian (. uworking for wages, salary, tips or commission? _ _ _ _ French I (1 44. (a) In this job were you mainly: 122 _ _ ~ _ __ _ 5Italy 2 - - - ~ - - - German t- a . P.E.I. =Que. t : - _. _. - - D English j iN CANADA : (a) Total wages and salariesincludingcommissions,bonuses, tips, etc., before an y deductions - - 28. What ianguage do you yourself speak at home now? (if more than one language,which language do you speak most often?) I Dollars For example verifying invoices, selling electrical tools, managing the research department, teaching mathematics, supervising construction electricians, operating lathe. (If in the Armed Forces give rank.) ~- Mark one box only AMOUNT (b)In this work, what were your most important activities or duties? OF PERSON 2 NAME During the year ending December 31, 1980, did you receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? Page 9 _ s? (FLT None Secondary (high) school graduation certificate Trades certificate or diploma Other nonuniversity certificate or diploma {obtained at community college, CEGEP, institute of technology, etc.) University certificate or diploma b l o w bachelor level Bachelor's degreelsl (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.Sc., LL.B.1 University certificate or diploma above bachelor !evel Master's degreefsf (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.1 Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.R., D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.WI,, O.D.) Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., DSc., D.Ed.) a 5 a a page 10 - __ - -__ __ __ - - - __ __ .__- ~ ~ E S ~ FOR I O PERSON ~ S 2 -. ----- -- -**-*--C* < - -1I_IEIYc-...-F%- -~ O Ys- f -_uj_- , ___- - r-**-----___C ~ - I 2 t- 36. I 2 ~ * ~ 2; Mark one box only NOTE: I f your place of residence 5 years ago was a municipality within a !arge urban area, be careful not t a confuse suburban municipali fies with the largest city. For example, distinguish between ~ o f f t r é a ~ - ~ and o r d Montrhl, Scarborough and Toronto, West Vancouver and Vancouver. 23 1 , ~ (b) In this work, what were your most important activities or duties? = -- . When did you last work, even for a few days (not inciuding housework or other work around your home)? L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;i: a In 2'5 ci ln 1980 :G City, town, village, borough, or municipality .-**- -" Answer Questions 4 1 to 46 Never worked in lifetime I Go to Question 46 t u i': 4'1. NOTE: Questions 4 1 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. I f none, answer for your job of iongest duration since January 1 1380. i f you held more than ane job !ast week, answer for the job fl E at which you worked the most hours. a ( 1 . ClNone n N o Yes ---.. 45. (a) In how many weeks did you work during 1980 {not including l Name of firm, government agency, etc. Number of chiidren Include those weeks in which you: Department, branch, division, section or plant )( What were the monrh and year of your first marriage? -_ - .. . - Month .. . Year Give full description. For exampfe, paper box manufacturing, road construction, retail shoe store, secondary schooi dairy farm. 32 _ _ 1 _ _ 1 1 . 39. l a ) tast week, how many hours did you work [not including housework or other work around your hornet? 1î None 'b Continue with Questions 39/61 to 46 OR ours (to the nearest hour) b 7 GO to Question 41 i I 1 '4. C I N O 5 Io I aYes, on temporary lay-off Yes, on vacation, il!, on strike or iocked out, or absent for other reasons fc) Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks? * ' '1 a Loss NO (cl Net farm seif-employment income (gross receipts minus expensed from agriculturaî operations on own account or in partnership . I yes 3 f ' 0 Loss NO :(, Idf Old age security pension and guaranteed from federalgiovernmenîonEy, income supplement and benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan Prowinciaì " income supptement8 shouid be reported in M ) 0yes '- No (b)During most of those weeks, did you work full-time or part-time? 42. At what address did you work? I f no usual place of work, see Guide. -"--- 3- Worked at home finciudi?s living and working on the same farm) Worked outside Canada 35 Worked at address below (please specifyvl-- - insurance ;:rJYes' I-: D N a sosourcBs including provinciaî income supplements and social assistance, e.g., veterans" pensions, workers' compensation, welfare payments (Do nat include family aila,wancesl - yes ''' o No _ I - RFull-time ( g l Dividendsand interest on bonds, ; . Cl Part-time -* ~ --*- -* -*- . f*l - *r -- -- -- -- CONTINUE WITH QUESTiON 46 -_-_ i I f street address is not known, give the building name, shopping centre or street intersection, etc. i City, town, village, borough, township or other municipatity Important: If YOU worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify that municipality, not the main city. Province or territory yes P ; ~3 cl Loss NO _ I _ - --Street deposits and savings certificates, and other investment income, e.g., net rents from real estate, 2 interest from mortgages OFFICE USE ONLY Ii - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - County 1 j Mark one box onfy :? (e) Benefits from Wnemployment Mark one box only Number fb) Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business? Mark one box only O yes (flOther income from government i .. . Include: working for wages, salary, tips or commission, 0 working in your own business, farm ar professional practice, working without pay in a famiiy farm or business. 5 Go ta, Question 46 OR 1i - - _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - worked full-time or part-time: were on vacation or sick leave with pa y; were setf- employed. fl None (b)What kind of business, industry or service was this? I f exact month or year are not known, enter best estimate. j__ (bfincome Net non-farm {grossself-employment receipts minus --------------------------i 38. Far A L L PERSONS who are married or have ever been married: II N~ housework or other work around your home)? fl 1 Cents 3 . I (b)If self-employed, was your farm or business incorporated? c (a) f o r whom did you work? OR -. . - __. __. - ..II_- * n 0 Id ,.,. - ... -..- - - - *. -. .- working for wages, salary, tips or : commission? Go to Question 45 working without pay for a reiative in a family farm or business? D self-employed without paid help? self-employed with paid help? >fl who are ~ a ~ rori kave ~ d ever been married: How many children were ever barn to you? (Count ai! chifdren inciuding 'those who may have died since birth or who may now be iiving elsewhere. However do not include stillbirths.) (a) Totai wages and selarie includ- expenses) from unincorporated business, professional practice, etc., on own account or in partnership 44. (a) In this job were you mainly: i c]Before 1980 :- I 1981 For example, verifying invoices, selling electrical tools, msnaging the research department, reaching mathematics, supervising construction electricians, operating lathe. {If in the Armed Forces give rank.) ,4 Mark oRe box onfy 3 Dollars ing commissions, bonuses, îipsc etc., before any deductions a a g. - I f yes, please check the "Yes" box and enter the amount; in case of a loss,also check the "toss" box. If no, please check the "No" box and proceed to the next source. Do not include family allowances. Please consult the Guide for details. AMOUNT No, could have started work Ves, already had a job 24 Yes, temporary illness or disability 2 5 EYes, persanai or family responsibilities ;t Yes, going to schooi i7 Yes, other reasons This dwelling Different dwelling in this city, town, village, borough, or municipality Outside Canada Different city, town, village, borough, or municipaiity in Canada (specify below) kr t:,, For example, accoun ting clerk, safes representative, civil engineec secondary school teacher, chief efectrician, metal worker. (e) Was there any reason why you could not start work last week? Mark one box only Where did you live 5 years ago on June 1, 1976? During the year ending December 31, 1980,did you receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? - oked for full-time work Yes, foclrked for part-time work (less than 30 hours per week) ~ yes, part-time, day or evening t: fl Go to Question 40 I aYes, full-time 04 __-.- Mark one box only D NO 03 _._ employers, piace or answer newspaper ads? ~ Mark one box only (- " _ _ _ _ _- - did YOU contact a Canada Empioyment Centre, check with 35. Have you attended a school, college or university at any time since tast September? (Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc.) Page 1 1 ____ _- _ _ -_ _ _ _fl For example, ~ (d)Did you ~ look for work ~ during the ~ past four weeks? E ~ - . ' 2 In. th) Retirement pensions, superan- nuation and annuities and other money income, @.g., alimony, scholarships IDO not ', yes ' No [' include family allowances) (i) Total income from alt of the above sources {Do not include family allo wances) 3; 0Yes j r 14 a NO i END OF QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 2 PERSON 3 _ - - - CONTINUE 1.7 0 toss Page 13 Page 1 2 I ON 3 28. What ianguage do you youmtf speak at home now? (Ifmore than one language, which language do you speak most often?) IN CANADA OUTSIDE CANADA 53 Mark one box only 50 a~erman {taiian Ukrainian 92 0 P . E . I . 93 14 I N.8. i '7 5 j 1 u aYes, full-time 1 36. i sation? (See Guide for further information.) Mark one box only :J? 65 il hh :? 3 ir7 30. Were you born before June 3,1988? Mark as man y boxes as apply Go to Question 26 - Canada, b y birth 23 Canada, by naturalization 22 Same as country of birth (other than Canada) 2.3 r]Other I J 1 . -- 2 *** - I 54' 26. To which ethnic or cultural group did you or your ancestors belong on first coming to this continent? 7 . 3" 29 OGerman 'i0 25 .XI 3* 32 a - Native Peoples English Irish Scottish 25 3 -3 Inuit Status or registered Indian n Nonstatus Indian CI Métis I I l 1 m who may have died since birth or who may However do not incfude stillbirths.) I I tf 0 0 DNone ROW Go to Question 46 / be living elsewhere. i- - - - - - - _ - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - - - - Name of firm, government agency, etc. OR 1 .- Number of children Less than 1 year (of completed courses) ______________----_------' Department, branch, division, section or plant 38. For ALL PERSONS who are married or have ever been married: Number of completed years -~ ~ e** * , -. *-- What were the month and year of your first marriage? . i tf exact month or year are not known, enter best estimate. . 7-, Month 39. - l i- -_i i Year Include: working for wages, salary, tips or commission, e working in your own business, farm or professional practice, working without pay in a family farm or business. e Number of completed years 2 _I_*__l_tmc--- 34. Give ful! description. For example, paper box manufacturing, road construction, retail shoe store, secondary school, dairy farm. (a) Last week, how many hours did you work (not including housework or other work around your home)? _ _- 7'4 aNone + Continue with Questions 3 9 ( b ) to 46 OR What degrees, certificates or diplomas have you ever obtained? (See Guide for further information.) Hours (to the nearest hour) is Go to Question 41 Mark as many boxes as apply 7z 49 s2 5 52 53 s ,L. 56 Ukrainian Catholic U Pentecostal Jehovah's Witnesses Mennonite c]Salvation Army O islam NO religion '7, TT *'5 79 t; 0 i y I: 83 i- - - - - - Other (specify) - UNone Secondary (high) school graduation certificate Trades certificate or diploma Other nonuniversity certificate or diploma (obtained at community coltege, CEGEP, institute of technology, etc.) University certificate or diploma below bachelor level Bachelor's degreekl (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.Sc., LL.B.1 University certificate or diploma above bachelor level Master's degree($)(e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.1 Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.D., D.O.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., O.D.) Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., D S c . , O.Ed.1 (b) Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business? 0 0 ~-~ --42. At what address did you work? ff no usuai piace of work, see Guide. Mark one box only JJ .*= SC- Worked at home lincludes living and workingon the same farm) Worked outside Canada [3 Worked at address below (please s p e c i f y ) - J c P _____-----------_-------~ Number _ ~ _ _ ~- - - - Street I If street address is not known, give the building name, h o p ping centre or street intersection, etc. Mark one box only L _ _ - _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - -i_ 1 s c]Yes, on temporary lay-off I! fl &tk ___________________------ - - ii None Less than 1 year {of completed courses) 72 Ibf What kind of business, industry or service was this? u_- (See Guide for further information.) Mark one box onfy Roman Catholic 42 c] United Church /*3 Anglican 44 Presbyterian 45 Lutheran c5 Baptist '1-1 Greek Orthodox L:L Jewish aNevet worked in lifetime (a) For whom did you work? 37. For WOMEN who are married or have ever been married: How many children were ever born ta you? (Count all children including those school? Include years of schooling at community colleges, Înstitutes of technology, CEGEPs (generai and professional 1, private trade schools or private business colteges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. 27. What is your religion? YI ! Other (specify) 0Before 1980 I f none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 'I, 1980. ff you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours. 33. How many years of schooling have you ever completed at an institution other than a university, secondary (high) or elementary 0Italian ___- Mark one box only I %I-- Ukrainian [7 Dutch (Netherlands) 313 Polish ?4 Jewish 3.5 UChinese 36 Yes, other reasons - (See Guide for further information.) aFrench aYes, going to school 27 41. NOTE: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. 0 None 73 [1Yes, personal or family responsibilities I ndary (high)or elementary Highest grade or year flto 13)of secondary or etementary schooi ___ . 2; 40. When did you last work, even for a few days (not including housework or other work around your home]? I _* * OR __ 0Yes, already had a job 0Yes, temporary illness or disability .3 . 32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university? 25 Different dwelling in this city, town village, borough, or municipal ity Outside Canada c]Differenr city, town, village, borough, or municipality in Canada (specify b e l o w j - 7 cf No schooling or kindergarten only i f exact year is not known, please enter best estimate. . I. . 1 aNo, could have started work Z .' ? -3 (See Guide for further information.) Prin r year below I Continue with Questions 31 to 46 school you ever attended? 25. I n what year did you firs? immigrate to Canada? I Yes P! 31. What is the highest grad a I END HERE FOR THIS PERSON b L - .!2 I No 3 (e) Was there any reason why you could not çtart work last week? Mark one box only Where did you live 5 years ago on June 119787 , - French oniy Both English and French Neither English nor French =- 24. Of what country are you a citizen? I fiYes, part-time, day or evening [If This dwelling a English only 32 ' Mark one box only NOTE: If your place of residence 5 years ago was a municipality within a large urban area, be careful nor to confuse suburban municipalities with the largest city. For example, distinguish between Montrdal-Nord and Montréal, Scarborough and Toronto, West Vancouver and Vancouver. 29. Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conver- East Germany Poland Yes, looked for fuit-time work Yes, looked for part-tíme work {less than 3 0 hours per week ' t:) IS n U . S . A . t) West Germany ONS. Z-M 6 0United Kingdom U Italy Mark one box only Go to Question 40 French i 1 did you contact a Canada employers, place or answer Engtish -f 56 23. Where were you born? (Mark according to present boundaries.) (d)Did you look for work during the past four weeks? For example, - ege or university at any time since Mark one box only f - CONTINUED I - aYes, on vacation, i l t , on strike or locked out, or absent for other reasons (cl Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks? City, town,village, borough, township or other municipality Important: If you worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify that municipality, not the main city. ?age 15 Page 14 _ _ __ - QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 3 -_ - CONCLUDED .% @ -* 43. (5)What kind of work were you doing? - 1 - L--------------_----------~ f o r exampte, accoun ring clerk, sales representativc: civil engineer; secondary school reacher, chief elettrici-n, metal worker. fif more than one language, which language do you speak most often?) rk one box only I f yes, please check the "Yes" box and enter the amount; in case of a loss, also check the *'Loss" box. if no, please check the "No" box and pr Do not incfude famiiy allowances. Please consult the Guide for details. Given name and in . i 1 (a) Total wagesandsalariesincluding commissions, bonuses, rips, etc., before any deductions i i------__-_------_-_------ for example verifying in voices, selling electrical tools, managing the research department, teaching mathema tics, $upervising construction etectricians, operating lethe. tlf in the Armed Forces give rank, I - __~~------ -- _- ) (b)Net non-fsrm self-empioyment income (gross receipts minus expenseff from unincorporated business, professional practice, etc., on own account or in partnership - Go îo Question 45 5 expensesf from agricultural operations on own account or in partnership Uyes 57 No 84 - - - ! ~. +i Loss ;+ - Weeks n I' NO ti toss oFuli-time --*.-..-- --- CONTINUE WiTH QUESTION 46 SJ Neither English nor French D yes ----- 30. Were you born before June 3, 19667 END H E R E FOR SHIS PERSON No b! Y----= . u - uy_- n . -- _- Print year below ffexact year i s not known, please enter best estimate. . P % - --. Continue with Questions $7 to 46 = * * a J *-..+---_ E NO schooling or kindergarten only ) No yes What is the highest grade or year of secondary (hrgh9 or elementary schooi you ever attended? (See Guide for furrher information.) t. hf OR Highest grade or year ( 1 to 13) of secondary or eiementary school __- . _ _._ _. _ (e) Benefits from Unemployment ' - Irnurance ''i. UYes * J ( f1 Other income from government sources including provincia/ clsocial 2'. srpensions, worktm' compensation, ' welfare payments (00 not include family allowencesi (gl Dividendsandinterestonbonds, ; depositsand savings certificaîes, and other investment income. e.g., net rents from reel estate, ,+,+ inreresr from mortgages - - -Year L A 32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university? . I i. No 26. To which ethnic or culturai group did you or yorir ancestors beiong on first corning to this continent? &e Guide for furrher information.) J Yes yes a 2s /-JFrench '6 Engiish : trish Scottish :.J German Native Peoples 3:! NO 22.4 3'. Ih) Retirement pensions, superannuation and annuities and other money income, e.g., alimony, scholarships IDO not . (il Totat income from all of the above sources IDO not include family allowencesi Yes a Dutch (Netherlands) -IJ Pctlisrc - CONTtNUE I I f - El None aLess than 1 year (of completed courses) r - Jewish Chinese Number of completed years 71 L---- N _ _ P c _ _ {See Guide for further information.1 Matk as many boxes as apply 1 2Roman Cathotic c' 1 United Church :i D ~ o n e i.0 J t- - l Cl Trades certificate or diplorna 77 Pentecostai _Other _ _ _(specify) _-- Secondary (high) schooi graduation certificate í6 aUkrainian Catholic Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP, institute of technology, etc.) '70 University certificate or diploma below bacheior level f',:) Bachelor's degreefsj (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.&.., LL.B.1 University certificate or dipioma above bachelor ievel Master's degree(s) (e.g., M.A., NI.%,, M.Ed.1 Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or 53 optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D,M.D., D.V.M., O.D.) D.Sc., D.Ed.) h ~ i Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., 7tj *> PERSON 4 -_ institution other than a university, secondary (high) or eiementary school? tnciude years of schooling at community colleges, instítute5 of technology, CEGEPs (generai and professional], private trade schoois or private businers coileges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. 7.1 c? No END OF QUESTiONS FOR PERSON 3 ..-----.- (See Guide for furtber information.) 27. What is your religion? Ma-k one box only ' Number of cornpieted years " *?.: -~ L- L~ __ 34. What degrees, certificates or dipiomas have you ever obtained? -~ No -- 1 nyes * include family allowances) a 70 33. How many years of schooting have you ever completed at an aUkrainian I jNone _ _ess - than t year (of cornpieted courses) 551 -- OFFICE USE ONLY /In. aBoth English and French 65 Canada, by birth f* Go to Questkm 26 ! i?Canada, by naturalization 21 Same as country of birth fother than Canada) 3:1 2 English only CI French only 2 . 4 n , CII Part-time one Box only 6: I Mark as many boxes as apply Mark one box only i Mark i 24. Of what country are you a citizen? ,' a " fb) During most of those weeks, did you work full-time or part-time? ----Y- Other (specify) d P I - Go to Question 46 _ 1 --___---- 1 guaranteed income supplement from federal government only, and benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan Provincial income supplements should be rworted in IfIl u OR 3 sation? (See Gukle for furtber j ~ f o r ~ a t ~ ~ n . ~ 1 i (d)Old age security pension and worked futi-rime or part-time; were on vacation or sick leave with pay; were self-employed. t Other (specifyl I u _ _ _ * * - None e yes include those weeks in which you: 0 Mark one box only Mark one box only 0German Uitaiian Cents i {cl Net farm self-empioyment income Igruss receipts minus 45. fa) In how many weeks bid you work during 1980 (not including e housework or other work around your home)? * ,513 OFrench c ) a N o nyes 0 54' t371 fb) If seif-empioyed, was your farm or business incorporated? -- N~ SE, E CA 1 working for wages, salary, tips or commission? working without pay for a refative in a famity ferm or business? self-ernpioyed without paid help? self-employed with paid help? -1 u yes o 29. Can you speak English or French well enough to conduct a conver- 44. (a) i n this job were you mainly: 1 . .t G Engtish Where were you born? (Mark according to present boundaries.1 C A N ~ ~ A AMOUNT Dollars jb) In this work, what were your most important activities or duties? 28. What language do you yaurseif speak at home now? 1 During the year ending December 31,1980, did you receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? J a ' z a fi ____ - ~ _ _ _ _ . I _ _-- -- - - _-- - Page 17 Rge 16 __ - - - QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 4 __ -_- *-_ --*-+.*-- __ CONTINUED .-. - - I - ~ _ - - -- m ~ _ 35. Have you attended a school, college or university at any time since fm September? f Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schoois, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc.) Mark one box only u 2 1 o 1 -_ - - - - . 0No - -.- . ___ 2- ; : ' ' 43. Yes, looked for part-time work (less than 30 hours per week) secondary school teacher, chief etectrician, metat worker. a For example,accounting clerk, sales representative, civil engineer; (b)In this work, what were your most important activities or duties? Yes, temporary illness or disability For example, verifying invoices, selling electrical tools, managing the research department, teaching mathematics, supervising construction electricians, operating lathe. (If in the Armed Forces give rank.) fi Yes, personal or family responsibilities 0Yes, going to school tf Yes, other reasons . 1981 C 3 1 nI ~ S O b -) O None ri (e) For whom did you work? I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ei$, t]NO 't 0Yes 7 i 45. (a) In how many weeks did you work during 1980 (not including 39. worked full-time or part-time; were on vacation or sick leave with pa y; were self-employed. None f b fWhat kind of business, industry or service was this? AMOUNT Dollars (a) Total wages and salariesincluding commissions, bonuses, tips, etc., before any deductions *i tf yes 0N~ Cents __ __ ~ F - Ib) Net non-farmself-employment income (gross receipts minus expenses) from unincorporated business, professional practice, etc., on own account or in partnership O yes I7 Loss 5 CJ NO (c) Net farm self-employment income (gross receipts minus expenses] from agricultural operations on own account or in partnership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - yes , I LI Loss > NO fd) Oid age security pension and . guaranteed income supplement from federat government only, i i and benefits from Canada or Quebec Pension Plan Provincial income supplements should be reported in If)) O Yes - - - - - -r -- -- -_ - - No Weeks .I-8 (e Benefits from Unemployment 1nsurance I. Yes 2.: No ' Go to Question 46 OR Give full description. For example, paper box manufacturing, road construction, retail shoe stctre, secondary school, dairy farm. (b) Duringmost of those weeks, did you work full-time or part-time? (f) Other income from government sources including provincial income supplements and social ?. 5 assistance, e.g., veterans' pen- , sions, woricers' compensation, *. welfare payments (Do not include famity alto wances) -~ yes ir 0NO ---,_-_-_ .--II_--_L--- ta) Last week, how many hours did you work (not including housework or other work around your home)? Include: 0 working for wages, salary, tips or comrnission, * working in your own business, farm or professional practice, working without pay in a family farm or business. None OR Continue with Questions 39(b) to 46 Hours (to the nearest hour) L ' Go to Question 41 job or business? Mark one box only %: CINO 0Yes, on temporary lay-off Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or locked out, or absent for other reasons (CILast week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks? -7 '3 ONO 0Yes _ I C Mark one box only -----__ ---- (gl Dividendsand intereston bonds, deposits and savings certificates, and other investment income, e.g., net rents from real estate, interest from mortgages 42. At what address did you work? If no usual piace of work, see Guide. Mark one box only Worked at home (includes living and working on the same farm) . % - - I (bI Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your i ' - he "Yes" box and enter the amount; in case of I * i ' --*--.I- - Ifyes, a loss, If no, Dono Please Include those weeks in which you: * Year During the year ending December 31,1980,did you receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? housework or other work around your home)? * If exact month or year are not known, enter bert estimate. - - _I__- self-employed with paid help? A Name of firm, government agency, etc. _ I I Go to Question 45 a 38. For A L L PERSONS who are n a r r i d or have ever been married: I 1 I (b) If self-employed, was your farm or business incorporated? I What were the month and year of your first marriage? - .- ~ - ._ self-employed without paid help? Number of children Month working without pay for a relative in a family farm or business? I Go to Question 46 41. NOTE: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. If none, answer for your job of longest duration rince January 1, 1980.If you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours. OR ._ - - I _ _ _ _ _ - - I commission? I:, 37. For WOMEN who are married or have ever been married: How many @ children were ever born to you? (Count ali children including those who may have died since birth or who may now be living eisewhere. However do not include stillbirths.) . _ l l l _ _ _ - fiworking for wages, salary, tips or i; Answer Questions 41 to 46 u Before 1980 ~ @ ___ _ _ _ ._I_ 44. (a) In this job were you mainly: Mark one box only : u i n - ~~~~ work or other work around your home)? __ - L___,-__-__-____-__-_-----~ Never worked in lifetime - - CONCLUDED (2) What kind of work were you doing? 43. When did you last work, even for a few days (not inctuding house- City, tawn, village, borough, or municipatity I - - t]Yes, already had a job T L- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I __ - No, could have started work I _.- - =- Mark one box only j -. . . . QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 4 Go to Question 40 r' __ ___ Yes, looked for fufl-time work (e) Was there any reason why you could not start work last week? Different dwelling in this city, town, village, borough, or rnunicipality Outside Canada Different city, town, village, borough, or municipality in Canada fspecify below) 7 7 8 - - Yes, part-time,day or evening c_f This dwelling 1 -- - Where did you live 5 years ago on June 1, 19767 Mark one box only NOTE: If your place of residence 5 years ago was a municipaiity within a large urban area, be careful not to confuse suburban municipalities with the largest city, For example, distinguish between Montrhal-Nord and Mon trdal, Scarborough and Toronto, West Vancouver and Vancouver. 1'- - No 3 I - (d) Did you look for work during the past four weeks? For example, did you contact a Canada Employment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads? . . - 36. -- __ Mark one box only 0 Yes, full-time 'i; - : ;! Q yes* - - --- . ;i zL) 0 NO -- o Loss 117 Worked outside Canada Worked at address below fplease specify) OFFICE USE ONLY - -~ -----------_------------ Number Street If street address is not known, give the building name, shopping centre or street intersection, etc. i ti _ - _ - , _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ City, town,viliage, borough, township or other municipality important: if you worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify that municipality, not the main city. In. - (h) nuation Retirement andpensions, annuities superanand Yes .-<) * - - - o No other money income, e.g., alimony, scholarships IDO not include family allowances) __ (i) Total income from all of the above sources (Do not include family allowances) :<. 0Yes P . ___ - 33 -.&* 0NO --- CJ i Loss ---_-------_------------ County Province or territory END OF QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 4 PERSON 5 - CONTINUE - _. - __ __ Page 19 Page 18 - . NAME OF PERSON 5 -...-.*.- "* . * (ff more than one language, which language do you speak most often?) i -- OUTSIDE CANADA . 0 P.E.I. c 0N.S. t, *\I, i, - =Que. Ont. 17 36. - 0West Germany 29. Can you speak English or French welt enough to conduct a conversation? Poland + (See Guide for further information.1 Man. Mark one box only ' - 0Sask. t fl 17 nl3.c. 3Yukon 1) N.W.T. u -oil--------- 1 Mark as many boxes as apply - - Canada, by birth u . ~ - Go t o Question 26 Canada, by naturalization Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other ' -----.. _... .7--=.->-L_ if exact year is not known, please enter best estimate. t 4 -*- *_*-. _a :'a + " J f i English trish Scottish I a E l a -1' German Italian Ukrainian Dutch (Netherlands) Polish Jewish aChinese a .-I._------- 34. - 1 a 1 i - 1 9 Lutheran Baptist Greek Orthodox Jewish I 5: ~ 5.: ( S e Guide for further information.1 =None Secondary (high) school graduation certificate Trades certificate or diptoma :. Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP, institute of technoiogy, etc.) University certificate or diploma below bachelor levei I Bachelor's degreek) (e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.Sc., LL.B.1 University certificate or diploma above bacheior level Master's degree(s) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.1 * Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or optometry (M.D., D.D.S., D.M.D,, D.V.M., O.D.) Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., DSc., D.Ed.1 i 0 L ------_ Other (specify) --1 - i t 0 -- Never worked in lifetime Go to Question 46 = . . _ I (a) For whom did you work? - 1 _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ ~i Name of firm, government agency, etc. OR i-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ (b)What kind of business, industry or service was this? I -- Month i Give full description. For example, paper box manufacturing, road construction, retail shoe store, secondary school, dairy farm. t Year -_-f_l__-=-----. . 39. (a) Last week, how many hours did you work (not including house< ---- work or other work around your home)? Inciude: workina for Waues, salary, tips or commission, workini in you; own business, farm or professional practice, working without pay in a family farm or business. 2 0None What degrees, certificates or diplomas have you ever obtained? 8 - Before 1980 7 Less than 1 year (of completed courses) 0 Jehovah's Witnesses Mennonite Salvation Army istam ~ a 41. NOTE: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. If none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1980. If you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours. if exact month or year are not known, enter best estimate. " - . 1 None a Ukrainian Catholic -.= What were the month and year of your first marriage? ._-...--- Mark as many boxes as apply 0Pentecostal - - + _ - 38. For ALL PERSONS who are married or have ever been married: i i - _i 311 . Department, branch, division, section or plant I - . _ - . Number of completed years 1 Province or territory I Mark one box only -- institution other than a university, secondary {high) or elementary school? include years of schooling at community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs (generai and professional), private trade schools or private business coiieges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. Status or registered Indian Q Nonstatus Indian [7 MBtis -- 0Roman Catholic United Church Anglican Presbyterian ONone 3 33. How many years of schooling have you ever completed at an inuit Mark one box only - L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -*.- 27. What is your religion? I I ave ever bean married: How many children were evar born to you? (Count ali children including those who may have died since birth or who may now be living elsewhere. However do not inchde stillbirths.) Less than 1 year (of compieted courses) (' 7: Other (specify) ....- ".^ll.- -i " -*- Yes, going to school 0Yes, other reasons Answer Questions 4 1 to 4 6 ~I---. I (See Guide for further informationJ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ County a I - Native Peoples i------_,-_ _ I _._.I. Number of completed years n a - ,_"I --.TTT-T1-r------- - (See Guide for further information.) 0French ;Î . Yes, already had a job s.When did you last work, even for a few days (not including housework or other work around your home)? City, town, village, borough, or municipality l l l . --- . -- l l l l l l l 26. To which ethnic ur cultural group did you or your ancestors belong on first coming to this continent? cf --. ,e i 32. How many years of education have you ever completedat university? Year :* i, Highest grade or year (1 to 13) of secondary or elementary schooi ;. Go to Question 40 EYes, temporary illness or disability 0Yes, personal or family responsibilities ?c. Different city, town, village, borough, or municipality in Canada (specify below) ---- Continue with Quesrions 31 to 46 l_-.__l = 0 Outside Canada * 6 OR Prin t year below :. h L I village, borough, or municipality u No schooling or kindergarten only I 1- ed for part-time work (lessthan 30 hours per week) ~ (See Guide for further information.) I - _ I I - Yes ' - _ ___ - -: No, could have started work - 31. What is the highest grade or year of secondary (high) or elementary schoot you ever attended? 0 0 ---.-. 25. fn what year did you first immigrate to Canada? . cf This dwelling 0Different dwelling in this city, town, 30. Were you born before June 3, 1W67 No ' ENI) HERE FOR THtS PERSON 24. Of what country are you a citizen? ~- ._ Mark one box only E. i?( English onty French only Both English and French Neither English nor French 0 I' - {e) Was there any reason why you coufd not start work last week? Where did you live 5 years ago on June 1, 19767 Mark one box only NOTE: I f your place of residence 5 years ago was a municipality within a large urban area, be careful not to confuse suburban municipalities with the largest city. For example, distinguish between Mon trdal-Nord and Montréal, Scarborough and Toronto, West Vancouver and Vancouver. .f. 0Alta. ( Yes, full-time Yes, part-time, day or evening edí i3 7 East Germany -_ s, looked for full-time work i 2 =U.S.A. N.B. t , ~ * No . I-l Ukrainian o . Mark one box only 0Italian 17United Kingdom LI itaty -- - - (d) Did you look for work during the past four weeks? For example, did you contact a Canada Employment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads? German ' - I I I I . P. OFrench . i . Mark one box only 0Nfld. - -- ~ English --*. -. **. P*****. Mark one box only e . Mark one box only 23. Where were you born? (Mark according to present boundaries.) {J.- ___ - 28. What language do you yourself speak at home now? L---------------------------_ Last name Given name and initial I_- . h b Continue with Questions 39(61 to 4 6 OR . Hours (to the nearest hour) * 42. At what address did you work? If no usual place of work, see Guide. Mark one box only :1- ?>f i 5 :A Worked at home (includes iivingand working on the same farm) Worked outside Canada Worked at address below (please specifyv) -&T i Go to Question 41 L-,__-_--_----_---_---_-- i Number Street If street address is not known, give the building name, shopping centre or street intersection, etc. (b) Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business? Mark one box only IU iM a ____ __ -_ - ____ L-__--__-----_-_--_------i 0 Alr. City, town,village, borough,township or other municipality Important: I f you worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify that municipality, not the main city. U Yes, on temporary lay-off U ( 0Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or [ockedout, or absent for cf other reasons r- ___ - (c) Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks? .. . , :6 - 7 7 c - ._ .- - 1 . - I L, r -- -- 7 -, 3 .i Page 20 - - - - -__" I. QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 5 -*. f . . *f.* .-*._*-. -**-**.*.. - r_ -*,- ,."l ... ^ -% . I - - _ _ - CONCLUDED -.-- ___ @ 43. (af What kind of work were you doing? - ......................... - For example accounting clerk, sales representative, civil engineec secondary shoo1 teacher; chief electrician, metal worker. i- _ - _ - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ Last name .-_ =_ I_--I Dollars (a) Total w a w and salaries includ- . ing commissions, bonuses, tips, etc., before any deductions ------------------------For example verif ving invoices, selling electrical tools, managing the research department, tesching mathematics, supervising construction electricians, operating lathe. (If in the Armed Forces give rank. 1 a yes OUTSIDE CANADA Mark one box only Mark one box only I .: Cents G t . 6 8.- ic) Net farm wlf-mptoyment income (gross receipts minus guaranteadincomesupplement from federal government only, and benefits from Canada or QuePension man provincial income supplements should be reported in (fi1 . ----_- iZ1Yes - "--- -- I-- .-_l--l .I----y- - _.__c_ "I- 45. (al In how many weeks did you work during 1980 (not including housework or other work around your home)? a Loss trwuranca . . No ti Other income fram gwernment sources including provincial sions, workers" compensation, welfare payments /Ro not include family dlawancesi (b)During most of those weeks, did you work full-time or part-time? : f7 Yes - NO - 1 ___I__Ic- ---.- .--__-I.--,I_- CONTINUE WITH QUESTION 46 I_r r_ - * ?-t. 2: .:L yes (h) Retirementpansions, wperannuation and annuities and other money income, e.g., alimony, scholarships (Do not include family allowances) 1 i Loss 17 --; Inuit - [7 Status ar registered Indian .ic German END t.1 a tf .~ ^I__ ~ "* ---__- _-* __--^h -- --I__ school you ever attended? (See Guide for further information.) [7 No schooling or kindergarten only #)- OR '1 Highest grade or year (1 to 13)of secondary or elementary schooi :; Less than 1 year (of completed courses) 71) Number of compteted years - -. **.. .--, .-xxx " - A 1 . , . l _ T - , f * - -*-.. - ._- .. .- **.- ..-**-.-- 33. How many years of schooling have you ever completed at an institution other than a university, secondary (high) or elementary schooi? Include years of schooiing at comrnunity colleges, institutes of technoiogy, CEGEPs (general and professional), private trade schools or private business colleges, diploma schools of nursing, etc. (See Guide for further information.) Ukrainian Dutch (Netherlands) Polish Jewish Chinese 7: -? 0 .3 None Less than 1 year (of completed courses) - - Number of completed years -'4 ! ---__-____ - 34. What degrees, certificates or diplomas have you ever obtained? -1 1n Yes * I I . No -=.- i Yes 8 Other (specify) ._._______,*. I 27. What is your religion? a * -n N o OF QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 5 PERSON 6 0Non-status Indian 0Metis aItalian 2 NO Native Peoples United Church -1. c]Anglican L - ~ Presbyterian Lutheran .h Baptist 47 Greek Orthodox SS Jewish - CONTINUE 0 Loss a 0 (See Guide for further information.) Mark as many boxes as apply 7' Mark one box only 0Roman Catholic above sources /Do not include family allowances1 _*^ I L(1 1. (i Total income from all of the I__*__*_ ' Scottish I END HERE FOR THIS PERSON 1' 32. How many years of education have you ever completed at university? 1 0English 0Irish OFFICE USE ONLY In. I French - :i A _ Year (See Guide for further information.) ^i (9) Dividends and intereston h n d s , deposits and savings certificates, and other invastment income, e.g., net rents from real estate, interest from mortgages NO 31. What is the highest grade or year of secondary (high)or elementary on first coming to this continent? :G - Go to Question 26 Same as country of birth (other than Canada) Other 1) :* Mark one box only --______ lb - Yes '' Continue with Questions 31 to 46 26. To which ethnic or cultural group did you or your ancestors belong Go to Question 46 Weeks I a Print year below CI Yes * ---.'*r * . A * - 30. Were vou born before June 3,19661 25. in what year did you first immigrate to Canada? f7 NO French only English and French Neither English nor French - Both '3' I Canada, by birth Yes 0English only ' L (el Benefits from Unemployment OR -_ --- t1_7 (75 24. Of what country are you a citizen? Mark as many boxes as apply -- worked full-time or part-time; were on vacation or sick leave with pay; were self-employed. Full-time 17Part-time (See Guide for further information.) If exact year is not known, please enter best estimate. include those weeks in which you: 0None f7 yes mrT---l___= I I - Mark one box only 3 I3N.W.T. 2 i: . c]Ukrainian w. 2Z * French sation? Other (specify) NO : 5,; 29. Can you speak English or French weil enough to conduct a conver- c]Poland 0 Loss (d)Old age smzurity pension and =No English _-__L*.-_r*--wc . [7 Canada, by naturaiization [jo, . ~ expenses) from agricultural operations on own account or in partnership 5'; -- Yu kon (b)If seif-employed, was your farm or business incorporated? 1 S NO * Go to Question 45 (Ifmore than one language, which tanguage do you speak most often?) $1" I I working for wages, salary, tips or commission? working without av for a relative in a fariily farm dr husiness? self -employed without paid help? self-employed with paid help? - cf German ()O 0Italian aUnited Kingdom 0Italy aU.S.A. O yest ' Page 21 - 50 0West Germany I T ; 0East Germany 44. (a) In this job were you mainly: , i 17 1 expenses) from unincorporated business, professionat practice, etc., on own account or in - .I---.--**== IN CANADA No (b) Net non-farmself-employmmt income (gross receipts minus -- Mark one box only 23. Where were you born? (Mark according to present boundaries.) AMOUNT fb)in this work, what were your most important activities orduties? _ _ - - - - - - -- . - .-f. Gvën name and initial -..* -,-, -.x*-I_**-***"-*..-. ' I I í f yes, please check the "Yes" box and er the amount; in case of a loss, also check the "Loss" box. heck the "No" box and proceed to the next source. Do not include family allowances. Please consult the Guide for details. - ._ - - 28. What language do you yourself speak at home now? NAME OF PERSON 6 During the year ending December 31,1980, did you receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? - '1 '-(+ c i' i1 5i 5: 5 5:; n u k r a i n i a n Catholic Pentecostai Jehovah's Witnesses Mennonite Salvation Army istam NO religion (7 a 77 0 7 5' 0 * n 7I None Secondary (high) school graduation certificate Trades certificate or diploma Other non-university certificate or diploma (obtained at community college, CEGEP, institute of technoiogy, etc.) University certificate or diploma below bachelor level Bachelor's degree(s1(e.g., B.A., B.Sc., B.A.Sc., LL.B.1 University certificate or diploma above bachelor level a 0 F.2 ", 3 I*-- a aMaster's degreefs) (e.g., M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed.) u optometry Degree in medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine or D.D.S., D.M.D., D.V.M., (M.D,, O.D.) 17Earned doctorate (e.g., Ph.D., DSc., D.Ed.1 Page 22 . _ _ --_____ - - - = (d) Did you look for workduring the past four weeks? For example, did you contact a Canada Employment Centre, check with employers, place or answer newspaper ads? QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 6 CONTINUED = * .*-. _"*."".. I---.._a ~.* . = 1. I a school, college or universi last September? (Include attendance at elementary or secondary schools, business or trade schools, community colleges, institutes of technology, CEGEPs, etc.) Mark one box only . 0Yes, part-time, day or evening -ly --- I_ _ _ I__ 1 ---_*- 1s t j t. :t 4 1 City, town, village, borough, or municipality - - - - - ------------- County ------ 37. For WOMEN who are married or have ever bean married: How many @ children were wer born to you? {Count all children including those who may have died since birth or who may now be living elsewhere. However do not include stil1births.f i i ___-__--_---__---_-----_- _ I = - --".*. 26 - -" When did you last work, even for a few days (not including housework or other work around your home)? Mark one box only :r u In 1981 3 % = commission? ... .- I I I--.-__ I - working without pay for a relative in a fawilv hiicinece? .,.I farm n r Y I"...-"". I> S * Go to Question 46 _L._.I-*j_L .--. 41. NOTE: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. ff none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1980. If you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours. I 4 39. 1, * Include those _ - weeks in which vou: ,-I;, (b) Duringmost of those weeks, did you work fuli-time or part-time? Continue with Questions 39(b) to 46 Full-time Part-time 42. At what address did you work? If no usual place of work, see Guide. 0 Mark one box only 0Worked at home (includes living and working on the same farm) [7 Worked outside Canada L. cc "& Go to Question 41 (b) Last week, were you on temporary lay-off or absent from your job or business? Mark one box only NO . o CONTINUE WITH QUESTION 46 0Worked at address below (please specify) --7 t __ i l U Yes, on temporary lay-off Yes, on vacation, ill, on strike or locked out, or absent for other reasons L-_-_--,---,-,_,-,_------~ Number Street I f street address is not known, give the building name, shopping centre or street intersection, etc. I (c) Last week, did you have definite arrangements to start a new job within the next four weeks? -9 0 Loss E. Loss NO , 1 Cl yes - * NO I (e) Benefits fram Unemployment Insurance îc - yes' No ;L ( f ) Other income from government sources including provincial income supplementsand social 2 -i assisrance, e.g.. veterans' pensions, workers' compensation, welfare payments (Do not include family allowances) 0yes No - - 0yes (9) Dividendsand intereston bonds, depositsand savings certificates, A and other investment income, e.g., net rents from real estate, 2 ( 5 interest from mortgages 1 NO I; In. (h Retirement pensions, superan3' nuation and annuities and other money income, e.g., alimony, scholarships (Do not include family allowances) yes '* No I L_------___-_-__-_--_---1 City, town, village, borough, township or other municipality Important: If you worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify that municipality, not the main city. I :o OFFICE USE ONLY 1 Hours (to the nearest hour) Loss yes', guaranteedincome supplement from federal government only, 2 and benefits from Canada or Pension Plan (Provincial 2 2 income supplements should be reported in (fl) Mark one box only - . 1 t; NO '' n -----_--_---------------- .:.- yes 1 * I Go to Question 46 [7 None OR l t worked full-time or part-time; were on vacation or sick leave with pay, were self-employed. Give full description. For example, paper box manufacturing, road construction, retail shoe store, secondary school, dairy farm. OR . ny ,, .-- (b) What kind of business, industry or service was this? _ r+ (d) Old age security pension and (a) In how many weeks did you work during 1980 (not including housework n r nther w o r k around vour home)? Name of firm, government agency, etc. Year 0None u. I_q ......................... (a) Last week, how many hours did you work (not including housework or other work around your home)? Include: working for wages, salary, tips or commission, working in your own business, farm or professional practice, workinu without ~ a in v a famiiv farm or business. 11 . fb) I f self-employed, was your farm or business incorporated? Department, branch, division, section or plant Month . UNO 45. If exact month or year are not known, enter best estimate. . -3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yes c]NO 0self-employed with paid help? a 38. For ALL PERSONS who are married or have ever been married: What were the month and year of your first marriage? . nT-' I Y (a) For whom did you work? Number of children U (c) Net farm self-employment income {gross receipts minus expenses) from agricultural or in partnership on own account operations Go to Question 45 self-employed without paid help? LJC I- r" r: Uworking for wages, salary, tips or (1: Answer Questions 4 1 to 46 Before 1980 ~ (b) Net non-farmself-employment income {gross receipts minus 2 i expenses) from unincorporated business, pro fessional practice, i'' etc., on own account or in partnership _ _ ) -- (' If yes, please check the "Yes" box and enter the amount; in case of a loss, also check the "Loss" box. - If no, please check the "No" box and proceed to the next source. - Do not include family allowances. - Please consult the Guide for details. la) Total wages and selaries including commissions, bonuses, tips, etc., before any deductions For example verifying invoices, selling electrical tools, managing the research department, teaching mathematics, supervising construction electricians, operating lathe. (If in the Armed Forces give rank.) 1' OR DNone - - AMOUNT c] No, could have started work :.- 0Yes, already had a job :" [7 Yes, temporary illness or disability [7 Yes, personal or family responsibilities : [7 Yes, going to school : [7 Yes, other reasons 40. - During the year ending December 31,1980, did you receive any income or suffer any loss from the sources listed below? Dollars - (b) In this work, what were your most important activities or duties? Never worked in lifetime Province or territory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For example, accounting clerk, sales representative, civil engineec secondary school teacher, chief electrician, metal worker. Mark one box only In 1980 i- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @ -*..*__u (e) Was there any reason why you could not start work last week? 2: - This dwellina 17 . - CONCLUDED (af What kind of work were you doing? 1, / Different dwelling in this city, town, village, borough, or municipality Outside Canada 7 c]Different city, town, village, borough, or municipality in Cenada (specify below) ----e 43. _____- ____ - __.__ _--___---- _-. Y_ [7 No Go to Question 40 [7 Yes, looked for full-time work : [7 Yes, looked for part-timework (lessthan 30 hours per week) : ____y_--1__ Where did you live 5 years ago on June 1, 1976? Mark one box only NOTE: I f your place of residence 5 years ago was a municipality within a large urban area, be careful not to confuse suburban municipalities with the largest city. For example, distinguish between Montréal-Nord and Montrdal, Scarborough and Toronto, West Vancouver and Vancouver. c _ 1; ONO 36. -- Mark one box only ___ QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 6 I (i) Total income from all of the above sources (Do not include family allowances) 3; 34 0Yes%' ._ _ - - u No ------- 1 END OF QUESTIONS FOR PERSON 6 j a 5 bEPHON E ASS I SYANC E s E w v Ic E If, after referring to the Guide, you require further assistance to complete your questionnaire, our Telephone Assistance Service is available from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. from Thursday, May 2 8 through Friday, June 5 (excluding Sunday). Si, après avoir consulté le Guide, vous avez encore besoin d'aide pour remplir votre questionnaire, vous pourrez vous adresser 4 notre Service auxiliaire téléphonique de 9 heures A 2 1 heures, entre le jeudi 2 8 mai et le vendredi 5 juin (sauf le dimanche). If you live within the local calling area of one of the cities listed below, dial the number shown opposite the name of the city. Si vous habitez dans le secteur de service local d'une des villes suivantes, composez le numéro indiqué. ........................... HALIFAX. .................................. MO NTR ÉAL ................................. OTTAWA ................................... TORONTO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WINNIPEG .................................. EDMONTON.. ............................... VANCOUVER ................................ ST. JOHN'S (NFLD.) In all other areas, call the long distance operator and ask for ZENITH 0-1981. You will be connected to the nearest Telephone Assistance Service, without charge. I 737-2100 426-8500 283 .I 98 1 996-3128 868-1981 949-2010 420-3699 683-5521 Si vous habitez dans un autre secteur, demandez 4 la téléphoniste de vous donner ZENITH 0-1981. Elle vous mettra en communication, sans frais, avec le Service auxiliaire téléphonique le plus rapprocht!.
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