COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING MAY 12, 1980 DEPARTMENT OF STATIS TICS HOUSEHOLD SCHEDULE CONFIDENTIAL The Statistics Act 1 9 7 3 This Census is being taken in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 9 ; Subsection (1) of the Statistics Act 1973. “Any person required t o furnish information, estimates, or returns, or to supply particulars under this Act who fails so t o d o shall bt :uilty of an offence”. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY YúMb Identifying Number Household Number (From Record of Visits) A Enumeration District L L 1. H ~ O Location Street For collective type dwellings only give name o r type of dwelling ....................................... ~ ~ ~ City/Town/Settlement Island e.g. Ambassador Beach Hotel, Fox Hill Prison, St. Francis Convent, Police Barracks etc. m ~ 2. Head of household 3. How many persons who usually live here were here o n Census Date? How many persons who have a usual place of residence elsewhere in The Bahamas stayed here on Census Date? U S E H 4. O L 5. How many persons who usually live here were absent abroad o n Census Date? 6. How many persons who usually live here were absent elsewhere in The Bahamas on Census Date? 7. How many foreign visitors were here o n Census Date? 8. How many conjugal family units share this dwelling [i.e. parent(s) and their children 1 9. Type of dwelling Check / ) one box D S P R I V A T E H O U S 10. E Type of Tenure Check H 0 )one box O L D Rented unfurnished 1. What is your monthly rent or mortgage in dollars? 2. Construction material of outer walls S O N L Y -------__ -Rented furnished - - Owned Check ( 4 ) one box - 7i -7: Other - - - - 151 Not stated -a O a _ I n U 13. I In which period was this dwelling built? Check P ( v )one box 15. Main source of water supply Check -m -1091 1970-1974---1961 - 1969 - - -- -------- 1960 or earlier ’ Number of rooms excluding bathrooms and kitchen V : 1021 i 1978 i 1975 - 1977 a i 14. R I 1980 1979 Not stated r n r n (t) one box A T U E 16. Toilet facilities Check (t)one box H O U U S E 17. H O 18. Are these toilet facilities shared with another household? L F U Type of lighting Check L ! ( v )one box D S O N 19. Type of Cooking Fuel Check ( V )one box 20. What was the total household income for the preceeding 12-month period? 7,001 - 10,000 m : 10,001 - 12,000 losl ! 12,001 - 15,000 losl : 15,001 - 17,000 B$ - 1,000 1,001 - 2,000 : 1 - L 2,001 3,000 Y 3,001 - 4,000 - 4,001 5,000 5,001 - 7,000 a: 17,001 - 20,000 @ 20,001 - 40,000 I i 40,001 and over i Not stated ---- m 1111 E I D E l a STATISTICS ACT 1973 SECTION II SUBSECTION (3) “Any person who knowingly or recklessly makes any statement in any information or particulars given under Subsection (1) which is false i n a material particular shall be guilty of an offence”. i COMMONWEALTH OF THE BAHAMAS CENSUS OF POPULATION MAY 12, 1980 OF INDIVIDUAL SCHEDULE SNFTDENTIAL *r?d..,d*w,.,3.“‘., *- * DEPARTMENT STATISTICS V , ’ ., , The Statistics Act 1973 This Census is being taken in exercise of the powers conferred by Section 9, Subsection (1) of the Statistics Act 1973. “Any person required to furnish information, estimates, or returns, or to supply particulars under this Act who fails so to do shall be guilty of an offence”. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY IS Identifying Number E.D. H.H. I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ? All Persons 9 r Number of persons in household - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 v 1. Relationship to head of household Head of household (u/)one box ----------a 1071 Father or mother-in-law of head Spouse or partner of head Son or daughter-in-law of head ----- Son of head or spouse - - - - - - - -1031 Daughter of head or spouse - - C Check Father or mother of head - - - - - -m 1051 Grandchild o f head or spouse - Other relative - - - - - - - - - - - - - Other not related R A C T 2. U Primary (Head of household) 1 First Secondary ---------- Second Secondary I Third Secondary m . E l - - - - - - - - [11 - - - - - - - - - -151 Other not related - - - - - Other related Not stated .. . . . ... ... 191 O --------- S U T I S -m fimily Membership All E Person R C losl - - - - - - - - - - - - llol H A - 4. Age last birthday IND. 1111 o 6. What is your religion? Anglican/Episcopal - - -- Check ( d ) one box -oll Greek Orthodox - - - --- Presbyterian ------ - .................................................................... (Write either name of island in The Bahamas or name of foreign country) C H 8. Usual residence of mother at birth 9. Country of citizenship A R A C T ............................. E All R Persons I (write here) 10. S For Bahamian Citizens only By what method did you acquire Bahamian Citizenship? T By birth t o Bahamian parent(s) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I By birth in Bahamas t o Non-Bahamian parents C By adoption by persons of Bahamian status S ---- ------ -kl ------ -41 By naturalisation:, a. Marriage t o Bahamian husband - - - - - -El -a b. Option _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 . Where is your usual place of residence? n 12. Did you change your island or country of usual residence during the last ten years? >- M I 13. G ‘‘ All A Persons T 1 o N Skipto 1 5 If the answer t o “12” above is “yes” name the last Island d The Bahamas or the last country lived in. 3 15. What is the highest grade or year of regular school ever attended? Check ( J ) one box. If now in school check the grade or year you are now in. Never attended school - - - - - - - - - - - Nursery School/Kindergarten ---- ---------- Elementary/Primary School (Grades) 1-4- H i g h S c h o o l ( G r a d e s ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1College/University (Academic year) - - - - 1 6+ Not stated 16. E l m 5+ U *(, 131[. 1361 21 412.1 9 4(341 2m, ------------------------ What is the highest level qualification you have obtained? Check ( J ) one box All Person! G.C.E. - ‘O’ Levels (Number of subjects passed) 2 R , 4 m m 5ormorem Cambridge School Certificate G.C.E. -‘A’ Levels (Number of subjects passed) Other - - - - - 1981 Not stated Professional (e.g. law, accountancy, medicine, architecture, etc.) 17. Since last September have you been attending a School; College or University of any kind? o 18. Have you been trained or are you being trained for a specific craft or trade? C I Yes 19 For which occupation are you trained or being trained? ................................................................. Write (e.g. plumber, lab technician, tailor; secretary, cook, stewardess, etc.) 20. State method of training. - On the job - - - - - Private Study C h e c k ( 4 ) one box 111 Technical Institution ---- .. 161 ................. m Other Institutional training.. Secondary school Universit y Vocational, Trade or Commercial school Other .................... Not stated 21. ........ ................ What stage are you at? Being trained - - - - - - - - -- Training completed - - - - - U E l Not stated w U m 23. Did you have a job at anytime during the last 12 months? Yes 24. No to ques. 2 8 Not stated What is your employment status now or when you last worked? 191 Check (4)one box U 5 25. What kind of industry or business was this? ............................................................ Write here (e.g. retail storeyhotel, law firm, bank, brewery, etc.) 26. 28. What type of work did you do? 1 - 4 m 14-26 40-48 5 - 1 3 m 2 7 - 39 49-52 Number o f live-born children ever had. Notstated Check ( J ) one box D loll 29. How many are still alive? Check ( J ) one box I :oq 30. Age of mother at birth of first live-born child ............................... (Wriie age in completed years) 31. 32. Age of mother at birth of last live-born child Number of live-births in last 12 months Check ( J ) one box 33. O Type of birth Single Twin c l Other multiple 3 Not stated 191 U 6 34. Union status at present or at age 49 Married .. . .. .. . . Common-law.. Visiting .. . .. .. . . . No longer living with commonlaw partner n u Never had a husband or common-law partner Not stated . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 35. Duration of Union in completed years 36. What was your total income for the preceding 12-month period O 7,001 - 10,000 10,001 12,000 1,001 2,000 - 12,001 15,000 2,001 3,000 - 15,001 17,000 3,001 4,000 - 17,001 - 20,000 - 5,000 20,001 - 40,000 - 40,001 and over 4,001 - - Not stated - - - 37. -El 1071 1081 1091 m - 5,001 7,000 U m - 1,000 1 141 No longer living with husband E l E l Where did you spend Census night? ~~ ~~~ STATISTICS ACT 1973 SECTION II SUBSECTION (3) “Any person who knowingly or recklessly makes any statement in any information or particulars given under Subsection (1) which is false in a material particular shall be guilty of an offence”.
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