1971 CEiySUS NORTHERSy IRELASyO H Form For Private Households T o t h e Head (or A c t i n g Head) o f t h e H o u s e h o l d . F O R Please complete this form and have it ready for collection on Monday, 26th April, if you need help do not hesitate to ask the enunierator. The enumerator may ask you any questions necessary to help him to complete or correct the form. If a house, flat, apartment, etc.. Is occupied by two or more households, then each occupier must make a separate Return applicable to his accommodation. Boarders are not to be considered as separate occupiers but as part of the household with which they board. The information you give on the form will be treated as C O N F I D E N T I A L and used only for compiling statistics. No information about named individuals will be passed by the Census Office to any other Government Department or any other Authority or person. If anyone in the census organisation improperly discloses information you provide, he will be liable to prosecution. Similarly you must not disclose information which anyone (for example, a visitor or boarder) gives you to enable you to complete the form. The legal obligation to fill in the whole form rests on Y O U , but each person who has to be included is required to give you the information you need. However, anyone who wishes can ask the enumerator or the local Census Officer for an individual form which can be returned direct to the enumerator or local Census Officer and then you need answer only questions B1 and 83 for that person. There is no penalty for refusing to state religious profession. 1 C D . No. PART A PLEASE WRITE G r i d Ref. 1 District Electoral Division or Ward 1 T o w n land T o w n or Village Street etc., w i t h N o , or Name of House Name of Head of Household 1 Males •k Females * Number of Households in Dwelling |Fam. IN INK OR BALL POINT PEN A3 A5 H o w do y o u and your household occupy your accommodation? Does your household share w i t h anyone else the use of any room, or hall, passage, landing or staircase? YES 1 1 NO 1 1 Has your household the use of the following amenities on these premises? [ A s an owner occupier (including purchase by mortgage) 2 1 1 By renting It from a local or public authority 3 f [ A s an unfurnished letting from a private landlord or company A4 4 1 1 A s a furnished letting a 5 1 1 In some other w a y a including whether furnished H o w many c a r s a n d v a n s are normally available for use by you or members of your household (other than visitors) ? b A2 Bathrooms and toilets, srnall kitchens less than 6 feet by 6 feet,sculleries not used for cooking. closets, pantries and storerooms, landings, halls, lobbies or recesses, offices or shops used solely for business 'k purposes. IMote A large room divided by a sliding counted as two rooms. or fixed partition should be I YES - for use only by this household 2 I I YES - for use also by another household 1st Vehicle 2nd Vehicle 1 I 1 [ 1 In a garage or carport within the grounds of your dwelling 2 [ I I 1 in a garage or carport elsewhere 2 1 1 1 1 Within the grounds of your dwelling but not in a garage or carport 4 1 I I 1 On the road, street or verge 5 [ [ 1 [ Elsewhere - pieEse give details 1 I I YES - for use only by this household 2 I I YES - for use also by another household or portable screens should be • NO 1 I I YES - for use only by this household connected to a water supply and a waste 2 I ) YES - for use also by another household pipe 3 A hot w a t e r supply (to a washbasin, or 1 [ I YES - for use only by this household kitchen sink, or bath, or shower) from a 2 I I YES - for use also by another household heating appliance or boiler which is con- 3 • • NO NO nected to a piped water supply A fSush t o i l e t (W.C.) with entrance 1 I 1 YES - for use only by this household inside the building 2 [ [ YES - for use also by another household 3 f A f l u s h toilet (W.C.) with entrance outside the building • NO 1 I I YES - for use only by this household 2 I I YES - for use also by another household 3 A room divided by curtains counted as one room. NO A kitchen sink permanently connected A fixed bath or shower permanently S h o w where each car or van is normally kept overnight. If there are more than t w o vehicles, give answers for only t w o of them. • to a water supply and a waste pipe 3 Include any provided by employers if normally available for use by you or members of your household, but exclude vans used solely for the carriage of goods. Do n o t count 1 I an oven If none, write ' N o n e ' or H o w many rooms are there in your household's accommodation? A cooker or cooking stove w i t h 3 b (Please give details, unfurnished): N- Where boxes are provided, answer by putting a ticic against the answer which appSies. For example, if the answer is 'YES': E l YES DNO A1 1 1 DT 1 •Mil fwwii^aai your household's er questions B1-B23 overleaf. ^6 en a Form No. Urban or Rural District J I M MALLEY, Registrar Genera/. Answer questions accommodation and E.D. No. For Official Use U S E H PLEASE T A K E N O T E There are penalties of up to £10 for failing to comply with the requirements described above, or for giving false information. When you have completed the form, please sign the declaration at the foot of page 5. General Register Office, Ormeau Avenue, BELFAST BT2 8HX. E N U M E R A T O R ' S • NO N_ Complete a line for^— a. sach p©r@oai who speificis Census m^mi, each person wlio arrives on Mondaf 2B PART FHiin this column first for every person p r e s o r t . (see note above) 3. Write the S©K of the person, (M for Male or F for Female). Write name and sisrnamd. b. Write the date o f birth. [ Begin with the head of the household or other person acting as head. For a baby who has not yet been given a name write 'Baby' and the surname. j B1 Write 'Head' for the head of the household and relationship to the head for each of the other persons: for example, 'Wife', 'Son', 'Daughterin-Law'. 'Visitor', 'Paying Guest'. If the person usually lives here, write 'Here'o If not, write the person's usuaS j addrQBS, For students and children who are away from home during term j give their home address. For boarders write *Here' on/y j // they consider this their usuai i address, j For persons with no sett/ed address write 'l^one'. 84 B3 B2 April 1S71 In and has not Write 'Single', 'Married', 'Widowed' 1 or *DWoTGe^' as appropriate. if separated and not divorced, write 'Manried'. hoysehaid^ and @fs a Cm^BUB form eia@wh@re. State the partfcuiar B&ViQlon, RelegloiiS DenomIstation or 0ody to which the person belongs. 1 If born in Northern Ireland, write the name of the CosiintY of birth. (If born in Belfast "^rhe 'Belfast'). j B5 (The term 'Protestant' should not be used alone and the title of any denomination should be given as precisely as possible), // born eise where give the present name of the country. B7 861 [ a. Sex • Was the person's usual address one yeaar ago {on25th AprlMS70) the Bam^ as that shown by the answer to question B47 Write *y©s' or ' ^ © ' , Was the person's usuai address f i v e years ago (on 2Sth A p r i l , 13S6) the same as that shown by the answer to question @S? Write'Yes'or'fao% if 'No' write also the usual address on 25th April, 1970. If 'No' write also the usual 1 address on 25th April, 1966. For a child now under one year of age, write 'Under one'. BB For a child now under five years of age, write 'Under B9 ' i b. Day 1 Month | i Year t a. Sex 1 : b. Day 1 Month Year a. Sex b: bay 1 Month 1 r Year ' / a. Sex b. Day \ Month 1 Year % r a. Sex 1 ; :;. 1 b. Day Month 1 Year 1 1 r • a. Sex b. Day Month 1 Year 1 1 a. Sex 1 r 1 b. Day i /Month 1 ! a. Sex b. Day j Month I r Year i j ^ I Year 1 1 L 1 L L 1 1„ „ _ _ _ _ _ ^ i i The remaSning questaosis (B10-B23) do not a Has the person obtained any of the following? G.C.B. 'A' Level Northern Ireland Senior Certificate of Education (NISC) Ordinary National Certificate (ONC) Ordinary National Diploma (OND) This quest/on need not be answered for retired persons over 70. t o children ur^der 15 y®^^® of age. 1971 CENSUS NOTES Has the person obtained any of the foilowing quatifications since reaching the age of 18? (To be detached before completing questionnaire) a. H.N.C. or H.N.D. b. Nursing t^ualifications c. Teaching qualifications d. Degrees, diplomas or other educational qualifications e. Graduate or corporate membership of professional institutions f. Any other professional or vocational qualifications These notes wi!) help you to answer the questions. Please read them and study the examples on page 6 before you fill in the answers. If so, give full details of all such qualifications in the order in which they were obtained, even if not relevant to the present job Of if the person is not working. If none, write 'FJone'. B12 J o b last week A job means any woric for payment or profit. In particular it includes: Please check these details by asking each person about his qualifications. This question need not be answered for persons under 18 years of age or retired persons over 70, Qualification Major Subject or Subjects a. work on a person's own account b. part-time work if only for a few hours, such as jobbing gardening or paid domestic work Awarding Institution B11 BIO FORM c. casual, temporary or part-time work of any kind I I 1 Q GCE'A'Ievel 2 • NISC 3 • ONC or OND 4 [ ^ None of these 1 Q GCE 'A' level 2 • NISC 3• ONC or OND 4 I 1^ GCE'A'Ievel 2 • NISC 3 • Unpaid work, other than in a family business does not count as a job. Paid work performed by full-time students in their spare time or during holidays does not count as a job. K B13 Employer's name and business Describe the business fully and try to avoid abbreviations or initials. I None of these 1 Q 4 I d. unpaid work in a family business including a shop or farm. General terms such as 'Manufacturer', 'Merchant', 'Agent', 'Broker', 'Dealer', 'Engineering*, 'Shopkeeper', are not enough by themselves and further details should be given about the articles manufactured or dealt In. N. For civil servants, local government officials and other public officials give the name of the Government department, local authority or public body and the branch in which they are employed. ONC or OND For people employed solely in private domestic service, write 'Private' in answer to this question. I None of these N. 1 Q 1^ I ,1 «5 2 • NISC 3 • ONC or OND 4 I For members of Armed Forces see special note overleaf. GCE 'A' level B14 Occupation I None of these 1 • GCE 'A' level 2 • NISC 3 • ONC or OND 4 I I None of these N- Full and precise details of occupation are required. If a person's job Is known In the trade or Industry by a special name use that name. Terms such as 'Scientist', 'Technician', 'Engineer*, 'Machinist', 'Fitter', 'Foreman', 'Checker', should not be used by themselves; greater detail is required, for example: NL Woodwork machinist. Civil engineer. Toolroom foreman, etc. I 1 Q GCE'A'Ievel 2 • NISC 3 C Z l ONC or OND 4 I 1 Q I For civil servants, local government officials and other public officials give their rank or grade. I None of these N. 2 • NISC ONC or OND 4 I I None of these I^L I 1 Q GCE 'A' level 2 • NISC 3 • ONC or OND 4 I I None of these Self-empSoyed 'Self-employed, employing others', means having one or more employees other than 'Family workers'. A 'Family worker' is one who lives in the same household as the employer and is related to him. GCE 'A' level 3 • BIS B16 Apprentices, etc. Answer this question only for a person who is undergoing training for a period fixed in advance and leading to recognition as a skilled worker or technician or to a recognised technical, commercial or professional qualification or managerial post. N. rL.CLMOk. iuntv i^vcn lu JvcAi //^wi_ Do not answer this question for a young person undergoing training who has not yet entered into formal apprenticeship. SIS ( A n s w e r s should b@ w r i t t e n on the line on w h i c h the person's nam® appears in column B1) Answer questions B13-B15 in respect of the main employment last week, or of the most recent job if retired or out of work. Did the person have a Job East week {th^ ended 24th Aprs! 1971}? (see note 812} What was the name and business of the person's employer (if self-employed, the name and nature of the person's business) ? PlacoofWork For people who do not work regularly at one place or who travel during the course of their work (for example, sales representatives, seamen and certain building and transport workers): 3. if they report daily to a fixed address or depot give that address. Tick box 1 if the person had a job even if it wa3 only part-time or if the person was temporarily away from work, on holiday, sick, on strike, or laid off. b. if they do not report daily to a fixed address or depot vyrite 'No fixed place'. For people such as building workers employed on a site for a long period give the address of the site. If the person did not have a job, tick whichever uf ooxe^^ 2, 3, 4 or 5 is appropriate, state the reason if box 5 is ticked (for example. Housewife. Student, Permanently sick). 319 Mearas of t r a n s p o r t If the person uses different means of transport on different days give the means used most often. B12 Do not use terms such as 'Public transport' or 'Private transport' but give the actual means used, for example, 'Train', 'Public service bus', 'Employer's lorry', 'Car', 'Bicycle'. E if the person walks all or most of the way to work, write 'On foot'. Special ftiote im {^embers o f Armed Forces At B13 give arm and branch of service. At B14 give rank or rating only. week 6: J? For persons who have never had a job and for a housewife who did not have a job last week, write 'None* at B13 Give the trading name if one was used. (see note B13) B13 1 2 ^ 4 ^ d ] ^ ^ ^Q NO CD ^ ^ " Q NO [m ^^ " in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job intending to seek work but sick wholly retired not seeking work for some other reason, namely a. Name of business 1 2 3 4 5 • ^~2 [^ [^ Q YES NO NO NO NO - in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job intending to seek work but sick wholly retired not seeking work for some other reason, namely a. Name of business • • YES NO a. Name of business • • • NO NO NO in a job at some time during the we^k seeking work or waiting to take up job intending to seek work but sick wholly retired b. Nature of business s CU Y^S CZ] ^ 0 CH ^ ^ Q NO Q NO 1 2 3 ^ 5 Q CH CH • Q] Was the person an employee, or self-employed employing others (see note B15), or self-employed without employees? Give full details, stating where appropriate, the material worked or dealt in. (see note B14) B14 B15 1I ] An employee 21 b. Nature of business I Self-employed employing others 3 [ ] ] [ ] Self-employed without employees 1I 2 I b. Nature of business 3 I Questions B15, B16, 817 and B20 need not be answered. "* ^ 2 4 5 What was the person's occupation 7 1 I not seeking work for some other reason^ namely 2 I 3 i ~ " - in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job Intending to seek work but sick wholly retired not seeking work for some other reason, namely YES ^0 ^'O '^O NO - in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job intending to seek work but sick wholly retired not seeking work for some other reason^ namely 1 2 3 4 5 Q YES Q NO [ ^ NO j ^ NO r n NO - in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job Intending to seek work but sick wholly retired not seeking workfor some other reason, namely a. Name of business ^ 2 3 4 6 CZ! CH mi • Q] YES i^O NO NO NO - in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job intending to seek work but sick wholly retired not seeking work for some other reason, namely a. Name of business ^ 2 3 4 5 Em dU • • CD YES NO i^O NO NO - in a job at some time during the week seeking work or waiting to take up job intending to seek work but sick wholly retired notseeking work for some other reason, namely a. Name of business a. Name of businsjss b. Nature of business 1 I I An employee ] Self-employed employing others ) Self-employed without employees I An employee I Self-employed employing others 1 Self-employed without employees I An employee 2 [^Self-employed employing others 3 I [ Self-employed — without employees a. Name of business b. Nature of business 1I [ An employee 2 [ I Self-employed employing others I Self-employed without employees 3I 1I I An employee 2I I Self-employed employing others I Self-employed without employees b. Nature of business 3 I 1 I I An employee 2 I b. Nature of business I Self-employed employing others 3 r 1 Self-employed — without employees 1 I 2I b. Nature of business I An employee I Self-employed employing others 3 j — I Self-employed *—* without employees r ^ F o r a l l p e r s o n s w i t h a Job l a s t w a © k . 1 1 [ [f the person is an apprentice or trainee, write 'Apprentice' •Articled clerk' 'Articled pupii' 'Student apprentice' 'Graduate apprentice' 'Management trainee' Trainee technician', or Trainee craftsman' as appropriate, (see note B16) 1 j 1 j j B16 How many hours per w e e k does the person usually I work in this job ? j Exclude overt'ime and meal breaks. For women aged under 60 w h o are married, widowed or divorced. For persons w i t h more than one job, these questions apply t o the main employment last week. 1 1 What is the full address of X\\& person's place of w o r k ? (see note B18) 1 / / the work Is carried on wamfy at home, write 'At home'. What means of transport does the person normally use for the longest part, by distance, of the daily journey to work? (see note B19) Was the person's occupation on@ year ago the same as last week? if so, write 'Same'. !f not, give details of the occupation one year ago. (see note B14) / / the work Is carried on mainly at home write 'None'. If none, write 'None'. B17 818 619 a. Write the m o n t h and year o f marriage (the first marriage if married more than once). Write the total number o f children born alive to her in marriage. b. If the first marriage has ended (by the husband's death or by divorce) write t h e moi^th and year w h e n i t dnded. If 1 not ended, write 'Not ended', If none, write 'None'. B21 |B20 B22 j a. Date of (first) njiarriage Month ; Year Enter the m o n t h and year o f b i r t h of each child born alive to her in marriage: include any who have since died. Enter the dates in order of birth, starting with the first born. If she has been married more than once give the dates for the children of all her marriages. B23 Month \ Year 1 Month 1 Year i Month I Year 1 Month i Year 1 O b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year N. a. Date of (first) rnarriage Month Year 1^ k r b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year ISL 1 a. Date of (first) rjiarriage Month Year 1 «: Month 1 Year 1 Month Year 1 o b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year r ISL a. Date of (first) rharriage Month Year 1 Month 1 Month 1 Year [Year b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year Na. Date of (first) rnarriag© Month 1 Year 1 Month Year Month Year 1 Month ; Year 1 b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year m i a. Date of (first) rnarriag^ Month 1 Year Month Year • 1 1 i b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year 1 1 a. Date of (first) rnarriage Month Year Month j Year 1 Month j Year j il ^ b. Date (first) marriage ended Month ! Year S a. Date of (first) rparriage Month Year Month j Year | Month 1 Year 1 1 s 3 b. Date (first) marriage ended Month Year -i^l.i %«&K£iar3 t h a t ihsa t o r n i m correctly compl®t®sa t o t h e te@st o f m y knowSedge as^d bslllef. 1 1 . ......CJ.——..—~..^i..i.j.,»„ 5 1: i 3 1 1 1 I uiu. . . i ^ u — ™ i M J - Hsed &f H^U3dHo1tS or othsr p«3?son making th® return. NL
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