I REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA a. MINISTRY OF City, Town or other place name I PLANNING AND ECONOMIC AFFAIRS FORM PH-3 LONG FORM 1974 CENSUS OF POPULATION b., C. Street address if available Structure number d. Household Serial number r CONFIDENTIAL: This questionnaire is required by the Government of Liberia for the purposes of planning for 'the future as well as appraising needs of the Country. All infdrmation herein is accorded confidential treatment and can not be used for purposes of taxation, or regulation. No person on this form w i l l be mentioned by name, only totals will be shown. // Ask all persons over age ' 5 Ask Ask all women over age all persons over age the present investigation 10 rears IO years years 1 NAME RELATIONSHIP HEAD Whot is the name of the head of this household ? Nr '(!of persons who usually live here. At.,- Babies or old people you did not list? Name of persons temporily away but who will return within 2 months. Name of persons staying here with no usual place of residence elsewhere. Name of persons not usual residents but who have been staying here more than 2 months. How many persons staying here less than 2 months have a usual piace of residence elsewhere p..... (List all persons in order shown in relationship to head column.) (- TO List persons in following order. HEAD. Ist. wife with unmarried children. Other wives and their children ( number each wife 1 Married children o f head. Grandchildren of head. Other related persons. Other nonrelated persons. MARITAL STATUS n w œ ntsr "00" a What was person doing most during past 12 months ? If person reported as anything but working, skip columns on occupation, industry and work status.) If person working uhat type of work did they do ? Example: Rice Farmer Auto Mechanic BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY What kind of business or industry did person work in ? Example: Iron mine Rice farm WORK STATUS Was person paid employee ? Was person employer ? Was person selfemployed ? Was person unpaid family worker! I D W a 2 s o a - Pp zgg O w > t O W .-I n O o u > œ w 3 z 2 x 5 (2) '00" USUAL O CCUPATI ON ECONOMIC ACTIVITY I œ -LL CHILDREN BORN IN PAST YEAR Ask all women w e i age 14 years regardless of mantal status. Ask all Last Country if Number of persons birth dab outside Libaria years person lived in this over 10 year! country. If always, enter '25" If less than 1yr, enter" ~ # I have listed (-7 persons. Are there any other persons who are usually here that have not been mentioned? If yes, list them. AGE I 1 1 1NUMBER O F LENGTH CITIZEN COUNTY O F OF OF BIRTH ATTENDGRADE CHILDREN BORN RESIDENCE LIBERIA ANCE COMPLETED a E w u) (ln (5) 1 2 ' 3 3 I 2 3 2 3 4 I 2 3 2 3 4 I 0 I. Owned 0 Rented or being bought. for cash Rent free or other arrangment. If rented, what is monthly rent ? (enter amount) I-[ ASK " X" /7 (H-2) IS HOUSING UNIT OWNED BY SOMEONE LIVING IN IT OR IS IT BEING RENTED 7 Other 4 - 2 2 a 3 Temporary J W io 3 2 (H-3) CONSTRUCTION' MATERIALS OF OUTERWALLS. /7 Stone, concrete cement block U Wood boards D Mud and mat /7 Reed, bamboo, grass E3 Galvanized iron LI 2 -. ( H-I) 'TYPE OF HOUSING UNIT 17 I Conventional- permanent. D 2 Conventional- semi- permanent \ I ! IF LISTING IS CONTINUED ON A CONTINUATION SHEET, ENTER a 3 2 (18) 3 2 IO GJ ALL (H-4) Number of households in this structure UNumber of rooms in this household Number of persons in household ( Enter number of persons in household) lZ7 Number of persons in household under age 14 years (count children in column I.) UTILITIES Yls I D a 3 4 4 3- 4 3 - 2 3 2 3 4 - 2 3 4 - HOUSEHOLDS ( H-5 1 AVAILABLE IN HOUSING UNIT No 2 17 Inside pipe water UElsctricity 7 ( H-6) Number of persons who died in this household in past year. (H-7) AVAILABILITY OF RADIO IN HOUSING UNIT Ye s I EZ7 7 /7 Inside flush toilet C3 I Is kitchen shared with other units ? 7 /7 Is toiiet shared with other units ? I l . Under S 5 U Z .S 50 to Sl00 Ger Z73. S l o to $150 per /4#sl50 to S Z ~ D s . 5200 to S250per to $300 per month month u 7 . $300 to $350 per month month U 8 . $350 to $400 per month ~P ~ ~t f ' Dl 9 . Over $400 per month month 4 - 4 I REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA a. uture as well as appraising purposes of taxatiorl, ONFIDENTIAL: City, Town or other place name /TT7 Ministry Of Planning And Economic Affairs C. Street address if available Structure number Form PH-4 Short Form 1974 Census of Population d. Household Serial number b. // persons RELATIONSHIP HEAD NAME TO AGE SEX MARITAL STATUS COUNTY OF BIRTH \ place o f residence elsewhere ?..... (List all persons in order shown in relationship to head column.)- z Ask all Last persons i r t h dat over IO yea1 List persons in following order. HEAD. Ist. wife with unmarried children. Other wives and their children, ( number each wife 1 Married children o f head. Grandchildren of head. Other related persons. Other nonrelated persons. IF LISTING IS CONTINUED ON A CONTINUATION SHEET, ENTER ' I X " /7 IO years LITERACY SCHOOL HIGHEST ATTENDGRADE ANCE COMPLETED Write i a m of tribe. if notribc nter "OO" h n person read and write English ? k person What wasthc presently highest grodc attending completed ? school ? If none enter ECONGMlC ACTIVITY Ask all women ove1 age 14 years regardless of marital status. What was person doing most during past "12 months ? [If person reported as working, anything skipbut columns on occupation, industry and work status.) USUAL OCCUPATION If person working, h a t type of wo& did they do ? Example: Rice Farmer Auto Mechanic BUSINESS OR INDUSTRY WORK STATUS What kind of business or industry did person work in ? Example: Iron mine Rice farm Was person paid employee ? Was person employer ? Was person selfemployed ? Was person unpaid family worker: 1 - r - 7 o w O o I (312 10 TRIBE t 1 9 CITIZEN LENGTH OF OF RESIDENCE LIBERIA Country if Uumber of outside Liberia (ears persor ived in this country. f always, bnter "25" f less han yr, enternd here that have not been mentioned? If yes, list them. 3 1 age 5 years - What is the name of the head of this household ? Name of persons who usually live here. Any babies or old people you did not list? Name of persons temporily away but who will return within 2 months. Name of persons staying here with no us ual place of residence elsewhere. Name of persons not usual residents but who have been staying here more than 2 months. How many persons staying here over the present investigation (41 -4 (6) W o O o P l 2 -4 -4 1 2 1 2 2 -4 1 2 2 -4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 112 -3 2. 2 . 2 9) ~ 3 4 4 REPUBLIC OF LISERIA I I a, Place Name on original questionnaire Ministry Of Planning And Economic Affairs CONFIDENTIAL: // // / / / / I b. Original Structure Number Form PH-5 Continuation c. Origina\ Household Serial Number L~~~ F~~,,,,1 9 7census ~ of -Population I // This questionnaire is required by the Government of Liberia for the purposes o f planning for the future as well as appraising needs o f the Country. All information herein is accorded confidential treatment and can not be used for purposes of taxation, or regulation. No person on this 1 form will be mentioned by the present investigation name, only totals will be shown. Ask all persons over uge Ask all women c ver age 5 years IO year Ask all persons over age IO years b -~ RELATIONSHIP HEAD NAME What is the name of the head o f this household ? Name of persons who usually live here. Any babies or old people you did not list? Name of persons temporily away but who will 'urn within 2 months. Nar, ,f persons staying here with no u s ual place of residence elsewhere. Name of persons not usua! residents but who have been staying here more than 2 months. How many persons staying here AGE TO MARITAL STATUS Ask all Last sirth dat persons over IO year List persons in following order. HEAD Ist wife with unmarried children. Other Wives and their children ( number each wife 1 Married children o f head. Grandchildren o f head. Other related persons. Other nonrelated persons. COUNTY OF BIRTH TRIBE LENGTH OF RESIDENCE ~ Write name qf tribe., If no tribe Number of Country if outside Liberia years persor livsd in this country. If always, enter "25" If less than I yr, enter"@ 1 CHILDREN NUMBER O F LITERACY SCHOOL HIGHEST CHILDREN BORN BORN IN 4TTENDGRADE PAST YEAfi COMPLETED ANCE Can person Is person read a n d presently write Eng- attending school 1 lish ? What wasthc Ask all women over highest grodc age 14 years regcompleted 7 ardless of marital If none entei status. "00" USUAL O CCUPATION ECONOMIC ACTIVITY What was person doing most during past 12 months ? :If person reported as anything but working, skip columns on occupation, industry and work status.) If person working what type of work did they do ? Example: Rice Farmer Auto Mechanic BUSINESS WORK STATUS 3R INDUSTRY What kind o f business or industry did person work in ? Example : Iron mine Rice farm Was person pc em Was ploperson yee ? er ployer ? Was person st employed ? Was person UI paid family wor n w relationship to head column.)-, a I have listed persons. Are there my-e#w persms who are usually here that have not been mentioned? If yes, list them. a z w a o m O LL W a = a z $2 $E J E w W O k a c (2) (41 1 (! 2 (6) (7) 1-12 4 4 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 5 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 - 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 - - ,&KG IF IS CONTINUED ON A CONTINUATION SHEET, ENTER " X" 0 Enter housing information on original questionnaire I" J & I a - n w SC3 & œ : E A ' $ 5 0 0 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 2 I - 3 4 I - 2 3 4 - I - 2 3 I 2 3 I 2 3 I - 2 3 1 c c 4 L I I - REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA a. Ministry Of Planning CONFIDENTIAL: City, Town or other place name /TT7 And Economic Affairs b. c. Form PH-6 Continua- Street address if available Structure number /// tion; Short Form.1974 d. Census o f Population Household Serial number This questionnaire is required by the Government of Liberia for the purposes of planning for the future as well as appraising needs of the Country. All information herein is accorded confidential treatment and can not be used for purposes of taxation, or regulation. No person on this form w i l l be mentioned by name, only totals will be shown. I // Ask all persons over age 5 years RELATIONSHIP HEAD NAME What is the name of the head of this household ? Name of persons who usually live here. Any babies or old people you did not list? Name of persons temporily away but who will return within 2 months. Name of persons staying here with no usual place of residence elsewhere. Name of persons not usual residents but who have been staying here more than 2 months. How many persons staying here (List all persons in order shown in relationship to head column.) ,- TO AGE STATUS List persons in following order. HEAD. Ist. wife with unmarried children. Other wives and their children (number each wife 1 Married children o f head. Grandchildren of head. Other related persons. Other nonrelated persons. La st >kth datc over IO yea BIRTH LENGTH CITIZEN OF OF RESIDENCE LIBERIA /D (7) I + d8)2 1 2 1 2 X" /7 What was person doing most during past 12 months ? :If person reported as anything but working, skip columns on occupation, industry and work status.) USUAL OCCUPATION BUSINESS OR INDUSTFn If person workiq What kind of what type. of wad business or did they do ? industry did Example: person work Rice Farmer in ? Auto Mechanic Iron Example: mine ' Rice farm WORK STATUS Was person paid 8mplOYUe ? Was person employer ? Was person selfemployed 7 Was person unpaid family worker: I w ID s 4 I 2. 3 4 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 2 ; 3 4 1 'I ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 4 7 ENTER Is person What wasthc Ask all women w e i presently highest grodc age 14 years regattending completed? ardless of mantal school? If none entei status. "00' CHILDREN BORN IN PAST YEAR 3 2 CONTINUATION SHEET, years 3 1 IF LISTING IS CONTINUED ON A IO 2 6 IO age 2 2 9 over 1 2 1 8 1 all persons 1 1 5 1 Ask IO years NUMBER OF ATERACY SCHOOL HIGHEST CHILDREN BORN ATTENDGRADE ANCE COMPLETEC k n person of read and write Engtribe. f no trib lish ? nter "00" iame Ask all women over age 1 a i TRIBE lurite Number of years persoi lived in this country. If always, enter "25" If less than I yr, enter% w here that have not been mentioned? If yes, list them. the present investigation - I I REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA CONFIDENTIAL: a. City, town o r place n a m e T;TT7 Ministry of Planning And Economic Form P H - 7 Affairs b. Street address if This questionnaire is required by the Government of Liberia for the purposes of planning for the future as weH as appraising needs of the Country. All information herein is accorded confidential treatment and can not be used for purposes of taxation, or regulation. No person on this form will be mentioned by name, only totals will be shown. available GROUP QUARTERS Ask all persons over age 1974 Census of Popuc . Name o f I lation Group Quartets R E L ATIONSHIP NAME Type -I AGE SEX MARITAL STATUS Inmate Guest Lodger Wor ke r Worker's X son Soldier K a z o a uww 2 x 3 I Ask all w o r n w e i age I4 years regardless of marital status. What was person doing most during :If pastperson 12 months reported ? as anything but working, skip columns on occupation, industry and work status.) CI - w o a w IO years WORK STATUS Was person paid omploy.. ? Was person em- If person workiq what type of wort did they do ? Example: Rice Farmer Auto Mechanic ployer ? Was person selfemployed ? Was person unpaid family worker: (5) 2 3 4 (6) (9l (7) I- n œ ! En u 7 w W n O o ES Yi V l æ-, lUa -Ix0- O o x z Z P w x ~ n o O 3 O c3 w n 1 n v - \ 1 2 ( IS 3 4 5 I 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 I 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 I 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 1 2 ? 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 I 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5 1 2 I 2 3 4 1 2 I 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 9 1 2 I 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 IO 1 2 I 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 I 2 , 3 4 5 /7 age 1 I IF L!STING IS CONTINUED ON A CONTINUATION SHEET, ENTER ' I X " persons over USUAL OCCUPATION ECONOMIC ACTIVITY 2 1 7 1 What was the ighast gmdc :ompleted 3 f none enter '00' w eg O Z a Q (4l all w UJ ' 2 Can persa read and write English 7 wU p I (312 3 1 Number of Country if outside Liberia years person lived in this country. If always, enter "25" If less than I yr, enter"& 2HILDREN 30RN IN 'AST YEAR n ELL (Il NUMBER O F HIGHEST CHILDREN BORN GRADE ;OMPLETED 1 a z w i LITERACY OF Ask Ask all women over age IO years 5 years LENGTH OF RESIDENCE COUNTY BIRTH Last Ask all persons )irth dat over IO yea Patient I the present investigatkw (16) (17)
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