
3-D Structural Geology
Exercise 6.9.7
Predictive Cross Sections from Bedding Attitudes and Tops
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Complete the cross section in Fig. 6.58, keeping bed thicknesses constant. Use both the dip-domain
technique and the method of circular arcs. Scan the section into a computer and complete using the
smooth curves provided by a drafting program. Compare the results of the different techniques.
Fig. 6.58. Cross section through the Burma No. 1 and 2 wells. Short lines are surface dips. Letters A–G are marker horizons
seen at the locations of dip measurements that can be correlated. Arrows point to locations where markers can be identified
in outcrop but the dip cannot be measured. The dips in the wells are from oriented cores
R. H. Groshong, 3-D Structural Geology, 2nd ed., © Springer-Verlag 2006