JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 89, NO. C1, PAGES 641-648, JANUARY 20, 1984 Thermohaline Stratification Below the Southern Ocean Sea Ice ARNOLD L. GORDON AND BRUCE A. HUBER Lamont-DohertyGeologicalObservatory The end of winter stratificationwithin the cold cyclonictrough of the Weddell gyre near 60øSbetween 5øE and the Greenwichmeridian is resolvedwith the Mikhail Somovdata set.The temperaturemaximum of the Weddell Deep Water (WDW) is, for the most part, lessthan 0.5øC,but warmer cellsof WDW are found. These warm WDW cellshave temperature,salinity,and oxygenpropertiessimilar to the WDW characteristicof the Weddell gyre inflow, which is situatedto the southeastof the Mikhail Somovstudy region.The warm WDW cellsare accompaniedby domesin the pycnoclineof 40 m amplitudeover the surroundingpycnocline,while deeperisopycnalsare depressed.Anticyclonicshear below the 27.83 a-0 isopycnalwithin the warm WDW cells is compensatedby the cyclonic shear associatedwith the pycnocline dome. The pycnoclinedomes are exposedto about 50% greater entrainment by the turbulently active winter mixed layer, relative to the regionalentrainmentrate. This entrainmentcan significantly erode the warm cells in a singlewinter season,introducingexcessheat and salt into the mixed layer. While the heat is lost to the atmosphere,the excesssalt is not necessarily compensated by increasedfresh water introduction.It is hypothesizedthat the warm WDW cells within the Weddell gyre trough are derivedfrom instabilitywithin the frontal zone which extendsfrom Maud Rise to the northeast,separating the Weddell warm regimefrom the cold regime.Greater than normal injectionof warm WDW cells into the Weddell gyre trough would increasethe surfacesalinity, which would tend to destabilizethe pycnocline,increasingthe probabilityof deepconvectionand polynyaevents. 1. INTRODUCTION During October and November 1981 the joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. Weddell Polynya Expedition was carried out within the SouthernOcean seaice, aboard the Sovietship Mikhail $omov 1979' Gordonet al., 1981' Gordonand MolineIll,1982,plates 231-233].This?egio n is characterized by a relativelycold(less than 0.5øC)Weddell Deep Water (WDW) and is here designa- ted astheWeddellcol•.regime(Figure2). The northernsta- of the Arctic-Antarctic Research Institute of Leningrad tions fall withinihe eastward flowing limb of the Weddell [Gordon and Sarukhanyan,1982; Gordon, 1982]. The objec- gyre,with stations36a0d 37 positioned northof the northern tives of the expeditionwere to obtain a comprehensiveinter- boundary of theWedd•11 gyre.Theboundary is markedby a disciplinarydata set near the Greenwichmeridian (0øE),well slightincrease in barOclinicity and a transitioninto deepwater wRhin the seasonalsea ice zone and to investigatean active far toowarm(wellin excess of 1øCat thetemperature maxiopen oceanpolynya. A polynya developednear 65øSand 0øE mum' Figure 3) to have participatedin the upstreamsegment in the 1974-1976 winters [Carsey, 1980]; however,no poly- of the Weddellgyre.This warmerdeepwater is calledCircum- nyadeveloped in 1981.Theobservations extendacross theice polarDeepWater(CDW). edgezone into the interior pack about 590 km from the mean positionof the outer fringesof seaice during the expedition. The Mikhail Somovhydrographicdata set resolvesthe thermohaline stratification during the transition phase from waxing to waning of the Southern Ocean sea ice cover. Sea ice covers the region near 60øS between 0¸ and 5øE in June, reachinga maximum northward extent during Septemberand October. The region becomesice free in mid-December (Antarctic Ice Charts, Navy-NOAA Joint Ice Center, Naval Polar Oceans Center, Suitland, Maryland). In 1981 the ice edge overtook the region between June 18 and 25, remained near 56øSfrom the end of July to early November, and retreated from the region during the third week of December.The Mikhail Somov data set reveals the cumulative effects of the 1981 South of the Mikhail Somovdata set, historical (summer) data reveal the westward flowing limb of the Weddell gyre, with warmer WDW (temperaturemaximum of up to 1.1øC), here designatedthe Weddell warm regime.The warmer WDW is derived from the main mass of CDW in the vicinity of 20ø-30øE [Deacon, 1979]. It appearsas a wedge of warm WDW with its apex near Maud Rise (Figure 2). A rather abrupt transition to the Weddell cold regime occursto the west of Maud Rise (Figure 4) and extendsto the northeast from Maud Rise. The transition from cold to warm regimes occurswithin a distanceof 100 km (e.g.,betweenlslas Orcadas stations95 and 96; Figure 5). The increasein WDW temperature of over 0.4øCis accompaniedby a decreasein depth of the temperaturemaximumfrom 425 m to 240 m and shallowing of the pycnoclineby approximately50 m. An lslas Or- austral winter and thus depictsthe end of winter stratification, althoughthe expeditiontook placein the austral spring. cadassection along20øE(Figure. 6) shows a similartransition The positions of the CTD-O2/Rosette hydrographic sta- occuringbetweenstations75 and76. tions and the expendablebathythermograph(XBT) observaThus, there is a relatively sharp transition from warm to tions [Huber et al., 1983], as well as ice core sites [Ackley et cold regime coincidingwith southwestflow within the Wedal., 1982] and the ice edge position at the time of entry and dell gyre(Figure 2). It is markedby the 0.6¸ to 0.8øCisotherms of the temperaturemaximum, extendingfrom 58øS20øE to exitfromthepac•k icearegivenasFigure1. 63øS2øE.The historicaldata setsuggests that this is a climatic 2. OCEANOGRAPHICSETTING feature(e.g.,see350 m temperaturesectionplate 23 of Gordon Most of the Mikhail Sotnov hydrographic stations fall and MolineIll [1982]). within the trough of the cyclonicWeddell gyre [Deacon,1976, The primary advectivepath of warm WDW into the western hemisphereoccurs south of Maud Rise, over the contiCopyright1984by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. nental slopewhere a relatively strongwestwardcurrent exists (Figure 2) ITchernia, 1977; Foster and Carmack,1976]. OutPaper number 3C1642. sidethe:boundary currents theWeddell gyreis'sluggish with 0148-0227/84/003C- 1642505.00 641 642 GORDON AND HUBER' STRATIFICATION BELOW SOUTHERN OCEAN SEA ICE IOøW 5ø 0ø 5ø I0 øE cumpolar DeepWater(CDW)occurs near56ø45'S Onboth XBT 55øS - -55os sections. The anomalouslycold WDW observedat station 35 (temperaturemaximumof only 0.19øCat 600 m) and at XBT 103, 109, and 113 surroundsthe CDW eddy.This cold deepwater is probablyan eastwardextensionof the Weddell-Scotiaconfluence[Pattersonand Sievers,1980]. 3. 60øS 60øS WARM WDW CELLS The warm WDW cells have not previouslybeen observed. within the Weddell cold regime,thoughthe historicaldata set is too sparseto excludethe possibilityof their existenceduring the summer. .... CTD Station • Ice Care X XBT Ice Edge _ Wedde Abyssal Plain • 65øS - -65os IOøW 5ø Oø 5ø IO ø E Fig. 1. Cruise track and station sitesof the Mikhail Somovduring the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Weddell Polynya Expedition, October-November 1981. The warm cellsare representedin temperature-salinity (0/S) space(Figure 9) as nearly isohalineextensionsabove the cold WDW. The WDW of the Weddell warm regime and CDW just north of the Weddell gyre have the samenearly isohaline 0/S form above 0.4øC I-Huber et al., 1983; Gordon and Molinelli, 1982]. This indicates,as expected,that the sourceof the warm WDW cells is the deep water surroundingthe Weddell cold regime.The warm cellsappear within or to the southof a trough in dynamic topography as determinedfrom the Mikhail Sotnov data and have characteristics similar to the WDW of the Weddell warm regimefound eastof Maud Rise. The Mikhail Sotnovpotential temperature-oxygen(0/02) characteristicvelocityof only 1 cm/s [Gordonet al., 1981]. points(Figure 10) within the warm cellsfollow the 0/02 trend The hydrographicdata along the two north-south sections of both the South Atlantic CDW and Weddell warm regime. obtained by Mikhail Sotnov(Figures 3 and 7) reveal three Oxygenlevelswithin the cellsare higher than thosewithin the structuresassociatedwith lateral variationsof WDW temper- cold WDW temperaturemaximum. While it is possiblethat ature and pycnocline depth. These structuresare (1) the the warm cellsare spawnedat the Weddell gyre-CDW front, it warmer deep water observedat CTD stations36 and 37 and is probable that the sourceis the Weddell warm regimewhich by the seriesof expendablebathythermograph(XBT) observa- is closerto the observedwarm cells.The warm cellsrepresent tions north of the Mikhail Sotnovhydrographicstation grid a transferof propertiesacrossthe transitionalzone separating (Figure 8); (2) very cold WDW at station 35; and (3) isolated the Weddell cold from the warm deepwater regimes. cellsof warm WDW within the Weddell cold regime(above The other major characteristicof the warm cellsis doming 0.6øCat the temperaturemaximum). of the pycnoclineabove the cells (Figures 7 and 11). Within The warm feature from 57ø40'S to 58ø40'S on the 0 ø XBT the warm cells, where the potential temperaturemaximum section(lower panel of Figure 8) is apparently an eddy of (O-max)is above 0.5øC,the top of the pycnocline(marked by CDW. The CDW characteristicswithin the eddy as revealed the depth at which the density increasesby more than 0.01 at CTD station36 and 37 extendto 1100m beforeyieldingto sigma-0units in 10 m) occursat an averagedepth of 74 m. At a local oxygenminimumwith WDW characteristics [Huber et sitesof the cold WDW (O-maxof lessthan 0.5øC)more typical al., 1983]. The primary transition from Weddell gyre to Cirof the region,the top of the pycnoclineoccursat 114 m. Vl/eatlell Worm / Fig. 2. Schematic of theWeddellgyre.Dashed linesshowtheisotherms 0,.6 øand1.0øC withintheoxygen minimum corelayer [Gordonand Molinelli, 1982,plate 206)whichis coincidentwith the temperaturemaximumcore layer within the Weddellgyre. Solid lines showthe 0/2500dbar isopleths0.65 and 0.70 dynamicmeters[Gordonand Molinelli, 1982, plate 230). The Mikhail Somov sections(line a) and schematicrepresentationof the warm WDW cells (solid circles) appear north of Maud Rise (large open circle near 65øSand the Greenwich meridian). GORDONAND HUBER:STRATIFICATION BELOWSOUTHERN OCEANSEAICE I Y I00 o ' •o 2 ? 3 Y 5 ? 643 7 Y 9 II 151721 ? ß vvv ._,g½ 200 300 t I\, i i i / 400 \ / .-.'•'44'6øJ / /.69'•'x // 60O 700 8OO •DO S%o IOOC 3 I00 200 300 400 500 0 I00 37:56 200 :35 34 300 400 33 32. 31 29 260 500 28 3bo 4bo 5bo 26 23 ,, ivv vvvv ß vv 30O 400 500 7OO I00 200 300 400 500 0 I00 200 300 400 500 0 I00 200 300 400 5•X) Distance (kin) Fig. 3. Potential temperature, salinity, andpotential density alongthemeridional hydrographic sections obtained by Mikhail Somov(Figure 1). Similarly,the depth of the 0øCisothermincreasesby about 50 m asthe O-maxtemperatureis reducedfrom 0.7ø to 0.4øC.The samerelationis foundin the regionalIslas Orcadasdata set. The warm WDW cells(representedby station 28 and 32) dbar relative to 5000 dbar (Mikhail Somovstation pair 29-32) is 0.4 cm/sin the samesenseas the O-maxvelocitymaximum; thus the surface current relative to 5000 dbar is close to zero. Hence,the pycnoclinedomeeffectivelycompensates the baro- containan excess of 20.5Kcal/cm 2 of heat(49Joules/m 2)and clinicity of the rest of the water column. This situation is 2.3 gm/cm 2 (23 kg/m2) of salt relativeto the Weddellcold similar to, though substantiallylessenergeticthan, the pycregime water column (representedby stations 31 and 33) nocline eddies observed in the Arctic [Newton et al., 1974; above 500 m (Figure 11). Manley, 1981]. The shearreversalwithin the upper layer of the Arctic is believed to be induced by secondaryEkman circulation in the ocean boundary layer below the sea ice The isopycnalinterval 27.82 to 27.83 near 200 m, which coincideswith the O-max,is nearly horizontal, while deeper isopycnalsdip below the warm cells(Figure 7). This induces cover [Manley, 1981]. The secondaryEkman circulationassociated with the warm anticyclonicgeostrophicshearbelow27.83 and cyclonicshear above 27.82. The baroclicity is not great. A maximum geo- WDW cell is extremely weak, inducing a maximum pycof 10-5 to 10-6 cm/s.Thisassumes a circustrophievelocity of only 0.5 cm/s relative to 1900 decibars noclineupwelling (dbar)occursin the 27.82to 27.83sigma-0interval.A second- lar form of the warm cells,a drag coefficientat the sea iceary velocitymaximumof the samemagnitudebut of opposite waterinterfaceof 5 x 10-3 [Langleben,1982;Andreas,1983], velocitywithin the cell of 0.5 to signoccursat the seasurface.The geostrophic velocityat 1900 and a tangentialanticyclonic 644 GORDONAND HUBER:STRATIFICATION BELOWSOUTHERN OCEANSEAICE 126 125 124 122 lib • 2OO 105 -----•oø.'o o .•4oo ./ BOO BOO IOOO I •4•'• 20 • 601 80 •5•/'• I00 I D•stonce (•) 120 •/'• 140 160 180 •4•'• 200 220 •5•'• 240 Fig. 4. East-west potential temperature section (lineb ofFigure2)fromlslasOrcagas cruise12[flubete•al.,1981]. 1.0cm/sas determined fromthe geostrophic velocityrelative surroundingdeeper pycnocline.Within the warm cells the to 1900 and 5000 dbar, respectively. During the ice-covered pycnocline intensityis stronger(Figure 11), whichmay be periodthiswouldinducea pycnocline domeof onlya meter takenas evidence for enhanced entrainment [Phillips,1977]. or two, not the 40 m pycnoclinerelief observed.It is more likely that the shallowpycnoclineassociatedwith a warm WDW cellis a characteristic transferred into the regionfrom the Weddellwarm regime. 4. ENTRAINMENTOF THE WARM WDW Niiler andKraus [1977], in a reviewof one-dimensional mixed layer models,offer the followingequationfor mixedlayer deepening rate,WE(cms- 1)in a twolayersystem: 2mpU, 3 npBo WE- • CELLS h gap gap (1) The pycnocline domeof the warmcellsis exposed to more whereU, isthefrictionvelocity defined by U, = (CdU2) 1/2,p intenseentrainmentby mixed layer turbulencethan is the is the waterdensity,Cais the dragcoefficient at the ice-water 98 97 0 96 95 93 92 91 90 89 88 V V ! V V • kV • L.__•c V i.o IOO / 20O •x ---_._ // --'•o.•_• • .// / / / / I 3OO I / I I II / // I / / i / i i / 400 \ II / \\k // // / /I I \\ i \\ /I / / / / / / k 60øS 61 ' D,stance /// 65 ø ' /•--•-o,••[ 68" 69 ø ' 70øS (km) Fig.5. Potential temperature section along 10øE (linecofFigure 2)fromIslasOrcadas cruise 12[Huber etal.,1981]. 645 GORDONAND HUBER: STRATIFICATION BELOWSOUTHERNOCEAN SEAICE 73 74 V 75 ! ! / 76 L 77 V • _ _ 78 79 V • •._L.••o__.-• 80 81 f • • 82 83 • V _ _ 84 85 V • :_ • -tO 86 --oo - ,N• '"-i,•• • 600 7OO 800 90O [ a• •o[ I•o •o 53øS 56 ø I '• 57ø •o •• 59ø I •1 620 I • 61ø Distance (kin) 63ø I ' 1•4oo •oI •o •67 ø 65ø I 680S Fig. 6. Potentialtemperaturesectionalong 20øE(line d of Figure 2) from Islas Orcagascruise12 [Euher et M., 1981]. interface(a valueof 5 x 10-3 is used[Langleben,1982;An- dissipationand rangesfrom 0 to 1 (approaching zero as the dreas,1983]); U is the magnitudeof the oceancurrent relative to the ice; h is the mixed layer thickness,taken as 74 m for the warm cells and 114 m for regional value; Ap is the density differenceacrossthe pycnocline,taken as 0.2 a-0 units; Bo is the buoyancy flux into the ocean (at the ice-oceaninterface Bo - g[/•SF] where/• is the expansioncoefficientfor salinity, S is the salinity of the mixed layer, F is the freshwaterinput to the ocean);g is the accelerationof gravity.The coefficients m and n are proportionalityfactors.The value of m is taken as 1.25, given by Kato and Phillips [1969] though a range of 0.9-2.8 has been suggested[Cushrnan-Roisin,1981]. The factor n is proportional to the loss of convectiveenergy to mixed layer deepens). A maximumnegativeBo value would occurif all the observed75 cm of sea ice [Ackley et al., 1982] were formed locally.Usingn = 0.036(Farmer[1975] for frozenlakesmixed layer) the entrainmentinducedby the secondterm on the rightof equation(1) is 2.8x 10-5 cm s-•. It is likelythat muchof the seaice is transportedinto the region,rather than formedlocally(by the endof wintertheremay be net melting [Gordonet al., 1983]);thus,thisrepresents a maximumvalue. From the first term on the right of equation (1) and the reliefof the pycnoclineover the warm cellsthe entrainment rateat the pycnocline domeis expected to be 1.54timeslarger ioo 2OO 300 400 5OO I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 I0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Distance (kin) Fig. 7. Expandedscalehydrographicsectionof the stationswithin the southeastcorner of the Mikhail $omovstation array (Figure 1). 90 I00 646 GORDONANDHUBER'STRATIFICATION BELOWSOUTHERN OCEANSEAICE -5O .x<a-• .,.•/"•:'% /,o-,\ • • :.-,, ,oat--, / x // •'11 I1.\ :.: ...... i ..-•';-,). -IOO ¾'"•' '-'•-,•'"•/)"7x• ', , \o I .;, !I :1 •.."... ..:' "..t // .-.,/ \ z•o• • '-, /- I1',.•I [ ', ,.; I I II I/l I Ill II Ilk• I Ill t o : / • ,I / [ -15o .: ß..... , [L/; ......... -•/ I, ,:: I I : ..' -25o " O l:. -300 /i 350 ' I , , ! , , ' •eo ' •'o' ' 5'90 ' •o' ' 350 6o0 ,, ,fo,, ,'ffi,,'f•,,,f, ,, I,•, , , ,f,, ,•,,ff ,,, ,f,, ,v•,,,v?, • • ,ßl,' T• • TI • ITo • off' : III II ..;..l BIB _ lB 50- I00- 150- \øe• - 200 250- -250 -300 550 53ø •o' •' 57 ø Latitude goo go' 35O 6,0 øS Fig. 8. Temperature sections across theiceedgeforthetwomeridional sections obtained byMikhailSornov (Figure1). Toppanelis theeastern section. Thevertical ticksareXBT observations, thetemperature datafromCTD hydrographic stations aremarked bytriangles. Theapproximate seaicecoverisdenoted bythethicksolidlinealongtheseasurface [see AckleyandSmith,1982]. 20 Ix'xx .......... ' ' , ,•.• +, , •'• e* CDWx•x • ,0 '•:,' • ß • oo •'•'.... - '•'• WDW .:.:',:•:" -, . •....,_:.•... o.• + Islas Orcados X DrakePassage •-I0 •,•, "' M'f'•?L"" "• ' ' -20 I.C ßSomov Z.O 3.0 , • 40 50 60 7.0 8.0 9.0 Oxygen (ml/I) 34 2 343 344 34 5 346 34 7 Salinity(%0) Fig. 9. Potentialtemperature-salinity relationof the MiAh•il $omo• CTD data. Fig. 10. Potentialtemperature-oxygen distributionfrom the Mikhail Sornovdata set, superimposedon selectstations from the Islas Orcadascruise12 and Drake Passagestationfrom FDRAKE-75 data [Nowlin et al., 1977]. GORDON AND HUBER: STRATIFICATION BELOW SOUTHERN OCEAN SEA ICE 200 ---'" - Potenhal (eøc)___ o 2 3 be diluted with sea ice melt, but since all the sea ice melts regionally each spring anyway, the excesssalt of the warm WDW cellsmust ultimately be compensatedby an increasein atmosphericwater and glacier melt or by net convergenceof sea ice. If the salinity anomaly of the warm WDW cells is introducedinto the overlyingmixed layer within 1 year, then a 67 cm increasein the yearly fresh water input is required b Salin•ty(%0) 400 600 34.25 i 34 35 i 34 45 i 3455 i I 34 65 I 34 75 200 400 __ _ Density (or e)], 600 :>74 . 275 salinity observedfrom Mikhail Somovwas -1.844øC and 34.2879/oo, respectively,which is 0.035øC above the freezing point (Figure 9). Pre- and post-cruisecalibration of the CTD and independent calibration of the reversing thermometers [Huber et al., 1983] support the significanceof the abovefreezingmixed layer temperature,which is believeda product of the upward flux of deep water heat. The excessheat would either be lost to the atmospherein leads and thin ice or be usedin the melting of seaice [Gordon,1981; Gordonet al., this issue].Presumably,local seaice productionoccursonly when the atmosphereremovesheat faster than deep water heat is entrainedinto the mixedlayer. The excesssalt introducedto the mixed layer initially may Tmperature •--200-• • 647 276 277 278 279 Fig. 11. (a) Potential temperature,(b) salinity, and (c) potential densityand verticalgradientof densityof threeMikhail Somovhydrographicstationsacrossa warm WDW cell (seeFigures1 and 3). The scalebar for densitygradientrepresents a valueof 2 x 10-3 % units per meter. than .theregion.alrate. Using a value for U of 17 cm/s, based on a 6 hour Soviet current meter record at 60 m [Huber et al., 1983], an estimate of the entrainment rate at the dome is 32.1 x 10-'• cm/s(82 m/month)versus20.1 x 10-'• cm/s(54 locallyto producethe meanannualsurfacewater salinityof 34.259/0o [Gordon et al., this issue]. This would more than double the normal annual freshwater input of 45 cm [Gordon, 1981]. Naturally, the area over which extra freshwater is required to maintain static stability dependson the degreeto which the salinity anomaly spreadslaterally within the mixed layer. It may spread rapidly into the entire regional mixed layer, in which casethe required extra fresh water demand is not significant, though this ultimately depends on the number of warm cells. It is more likely that the excesssalt introduced into the mixed layer is confined to the cell scale of tens of kilometers.Thus the local requirementfor freshwater is large and may not be met. In this situation, the warm cell might convert to a convective chimney [Gordon, 1978; Killworth, 1979]. This interestingpossibilitydeservesfurther attention. What relation might the warm WDW cells have to the polynya?The normal route of warm WDW into the Weddell cold regime seemsto be by way of a westwardflow over the continental slope [Foster and Carmack, 1976]. Instability of the frontal zone from Maud Riseto the northeastwould inject warm WDW directly into the axial trough of the Weddell cold regime(to the 0.65 dy m isopleth;Figure 2) whereit would be advecteddirectlyinto the deepoceanwestof Maud Rise,thus transferingsalt into the central region or "hub" of the Weddell gyre. An increasein the transfer of warm WDW cellsinto the central region of the gyre would increasethe salinity of the surfacewater and decreasethe pycnoclinestability, unlessan m/month) for the regionaldeeperpycnoclinevalue. However, this U value is most likely not representative.In addition, the relative ocean-icemotion at a depth of 1 m, within the logarithmicboundarylayer, would be the appropriate value to use with Ca values [Langleben,1982]. Such a value would be significantlylessthan U at 60 m. For example, calculating U from the winter entrainment rate determined increase in freshwaterfluxaccompanies thec•epwatertransfrom Mikhail Somovoxygen data [Gordon et al., this issue] fer. This is unlikely sincethesetwo processes are not coupled. yieldsa value of 8 cm/s. The decrease of pycnocline stability increases the probability A reasonable conclusion of the entrainment estimates is that of convectiveeventsand the initiation of an open oceanpolythe 40 m pycnoclinedomesof the warm WDW cellswould be nya. expectedto be significantlyattenuated within a single iceWhat would induce instability and generation of warm coveredseason,introducingmuch of their heat and salt anom- WDW cells ? An increase in the curl of the wind stress would aly into the mixed layer. Warm cells that survivethe winter spin-upthe Weddell gyre [Gordonet al., 1981] which would would be subjectto much lessintenseentrainmentduring the draw more warm saline CDW into the gyre thus increasing summer,when the densitydifferenceacrossthe seasonalpyc- the frontal zone intensitybetweenthe Weddellwarm and cold noelincincreasesto greaterthan 0.5 a-0 units. regimes.Perhapsthis would make the front more prone to 5. DISCUSSION As the warm cells are entrained,injecting excessheat and salt into the mixed layer, someimpact on mixed layer characteristicsis expected.The averagemixed layer temperatureand instability,increasingwarm WDW cellgeneration. 6. CONCLUSION Instability of the frontal zone separating relatively warm deepwater of the Weddell gyre inflow from colderdeepwater 648 GORDON AND HUBER: STRATIFICATION BELOW SOUTHERN OCEAN SEA ICE of the Weddell gyre outflow injectsWDW cellsinto cyclonic Gordon, A. L., and E. M. M olinelli, Southern Ocean Atlas: Thermohaline-Chemical Distributions and the Atlas Data Set, trough of the Weddell gyre. The excessheat and salt of these ColumbiaUniversityPress,NewYork, 1982. cells eventually (of the order of 1 year) enters the surface Gordon, A. L., and E. I. Sarukhanyan, American and Soviet Exwater. Any increasein the injectionrate of thesecells,perhaps pedition•iniothe SouthernOcean sea ice in October and Novemdue to spinupof the Weddell gyre,would forcemore heat and ber 1981, Eos Trans. AGU, 63, 2, 1982. salt into the central region or hub of the Weddell gyre, which Gordon, A. L., D. G. Martinson, and H. W. Taylor, The wind-driven circulationin the Weddell-EnderbyBasin,Deep Sea Res.,28A, 151ultimately would enter the surface layer. The excessheat wouldbe lostto theatmosphere, but the excess saltwould 163, 1981. Gordon, A. L., C. T. A. Chen, and W. G. Metcalf, Winter mixed layer accumulate unless a commensurate increase in fresh water entrainmentof Weddell Deep Water, J. Geophys.Res.,this issue. inputoccurs, whichis unlikely.Thusgreaterproduction of Huber, B., S. Rennie,D. Georgi, S. Jacobs,and A. Gordon, Ara Islas Orcadas Data Report, Cruise 12, Ref. CU-2-81-TR.2, Lamontwarm WDW cellswould tend to lower the pycnoclinestability Doherty Geol. Observ.,Palisades,New York, 1981. making the central region of the Weddell gyre more suscep- tible to complete pycnoclinebreak down and polynya occurrence. Huber,B. A., J. jennings,C.-T. Chen,J. Marra, S. Rennie,P. Mele, and A. Gordon, Reports of the US-USSR Weddell Polynya Ex- pedition,Hydrographicdata,vol. 2, L-DGO-83-1,Lamont-Doherty Geol. Observ., Palisades,New York, 1983. Acknowledgments.The funding for the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Weddell Polynya Expedition was•providedby the Division of Polar Programs of the National ScienceFoundation. 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