Click here for a PDF on how USC Sociology courses fit with your career path.

Why Sociology?
As a graduate with a Sociology degree, you will have a foundation for better understanding and
engaging with the globalizing world. You will be equipped with the tools needed to make sense
of the shifting social world and contribute solutions to difficult social problems.
Sociology Major Requirements
Required Major Prerequisites (6 hours):
 SOCY 101
 SOCY 220 (or equivalent quantitative methods)
Required Electives (6 hours):
 SOCY 302
 SOCY 303
Electives (21 hours):
 Select five (5) additional courses from SOCY 300 or above
 Select two (2) courses from SOCY 500 or above
Pursuit of a sociology major opens up a wide variety of careers including, pre-medicine,
education, business, pre-law/criminal justice, and social work. For information about all of the
different careers you can pursue as a Sociology Major see our list of Sociology Careers
Social Work
• Case management
• Social Work
• Youth/Elderly services
• Administration
• Family planning
• Marriage and Family
• Physician
• Nurse
• Mental Health
• Substance abuse
• Substance Abuse
• Health Statistics
Community Work
• Non-profit agencies
• Urban planning
• Community Organizer
• Community development
• Environmental groups
• Advocacy
• Law enforcement
• Investigations
• Probation/Parole
• Criminal justice
• Judicial affairs
• Attorney
• Admissions
• Advising
• Alumni Relations
• Professor
• Research Assistant
• Administrative Support
• Religious / Missions Worker
• Peace Corp
• Paralegal
• Marketing/Sales
• Human resources/Personnel
• Consumer research
Government and Policy
• Census, Statistics
• Politician
• Elementary
• Secondary
• Special Education
• Advertising
• School/Career Counselor
• Community Relations Director
• Local, state, federal
• Demographer
• Media
• Public Policy Expert
• Diversity Training
• Entrepreneurship
• Demographer
• Health Statistics Analyst
• Teaching English as a second
Based on the career direction a student selects, the
following list of potential sociology courses are
Inequalities and Institutions
Law, Crime and Justice (including pre-law)
 SOCY 301 – Sociology of Sex Roles
 SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
 SOCY 309 – An Introduction to Social Inequality
 SOCY 312 – Bureaucracy and Modern Society
 SOCY 323 – Sociology of Deviant Behavior
 SOCY 340 – Introduction to Social Problems
 SOCY 350 – Juvenile Delinquency
 SOCY 351 – Urban Sociology
 SOCY 353 – Sociology of Crime
 SOCY 355 – Race and Ethnic Relations
 SOCY 507 – Sociology of Social Control
 SOCY 523 – Social Processes of Deviance Control
 SOCY 540 – Sociology of Law
Business, Government and Social Policy
 SOCY 220 – Elementary Statistics for Sociologists
 SOCY 301 – Sociology of Sex Roles
 SOCY 303 – Sociological Research Methods
 SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
 SOCY 309 – An Introduction to Social Inequality
 SOCY 312 – Bureaucracy and Modern Society
 SOCY 315 – Global Population Issues
 SOCY 320 – Individual and Society
SOCY 340 – Introduction to Social Problems
SOCY 351 – Urban Sociology
SOCY 355 – Race and Ethnic Relations
SOCY 357 – Sociology of Education
SOCY 500 – Social Networks
SOCY 504 – Social Stratification
SOCY 506 – Social Organizations
SOCY 512 – Internal and International Migration
SOCY 514 - Urbanization
SOCY 520 – Advanced Social Psychology
SOCY 521 – Small Group Analysis
SOCY 522 – Power and Authority Structures in Groups
SOCY 524 – Interpersonal Behavior in Families
SOCY 561 - Advanced Sociological Research Methods
SOCY 557 – Sociology of Education and Inequality
Population and Health
Medicine, Health and Inequality (including pre-medicine)
 SOCY 301 – Sociology of Sex Roles
 SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
 SOCY 309 – An Introduction to Social Inequality
 SOCY 310 – Social Demography
 SOCY 322 – Sociology of Suicide
 SOCY 323 – Sociology of Deviant Behavior
 SOCY 340 – Introduction to Social Problems
 SOCY 355 – Race and Ethnic Relations
 SOCY 357 – Sociology of Education
 SOCY 360 – Sociology of Medicine and Health
 SOCY 370 – Sociology of Sport
 SOCY 460 – Sociology of Mental Health
 SOCY 550 – Sociology of Science
Education and Children
 SOCY 305 – Sociology of the Family
 SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
 SOCY 307 – Sociology of Religion
 SOCY 310 – Social Demography
 SOCY 323 – Sociology of Deviant Behavior
 SOCY 325 – Sociology of Childhood
 SOCY 340 – Introduction to Social Problems
 SOCY 350 – Juvenile Delinquency
 SOCY 357 – Sociology of Education
 SOCY 370 – Sociology of Sport
 SOCY 503 – Famiy and Social Stratification
 SOCY 524 – Interpersonal Behavior in Families
 SOCY 557 – Sociology of Education and Inequality
The Family (including interests in social work)
 SOCY 301 – Sociology of Sex Roles
 SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
 SOCY 305 – Sociology of the Family
 SOCY 308 – Community Organization
 SOCY 309 – An Introduction to Social Inequality
 SOCY 323 – Sociology of Deviant Behavior
 SOCY 325 – Sociology of Childhood
 SOCY 326 – Sociology of Adolescence
 SOCY 340 – Introduction to Social Problems
 SOCY 351 – Urban Sociology
 SOCY 355 – Race and Ethnic Relations
 SOCY 504 – Social Stratification
 SOCY 505 – Social Structures in Communities
 SOCY 506 – Social Organizations
 SOCY 512 – Internal and International Migration
 SOCY 514 – Urbanization
 SOCY 524 – Interpersonal Behavior in Families
Social Psychology
Human Behavior and Group Dynamics (including business,
management, human resources, counseling and research)
 SOCY 300 – Social Structures
 SOCY 301 – Sociology of Sex Roles
 SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality
 SOCY 320 – Individual and Society
 SOCY 322 – Sociology of Suicide
 SOCY 330 – Sociology of the Paranormal
 SOCY 355 – Race and Ethnic Relations
 SOCY 460 – Sociology of Mental Health
 SOCY 500 – Social Networks
 SOCY 505 – Social Structures in Communities
 SOCY 520 – Advanced Social Psychology
 SOCY 521 – Small Group Analysis
 SOCY 522 – Power and Authority Structures in Groups
 SOCY 524 – Interpersonal Behavior in Families
Graduate or Professional School
SOCY 220 – Elementary Statistics for Sociologists
SOCY 301 – Sociology of Sex Roles
SOCY 302 – Sociological Theory
SOCY 303 – Sociological Research Methods
SOCY 304 – Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality
SOCY 305 – Sociology of the Family
SOCY 307 – Sociology of Religion
SOCY 309 – An Introduction to Social Inequality
SOCY 310 – Social Demography
SOCY 320 – Individual and Society
SOCY 340 – Introduction to Social Problems
SOCY 355 – Race and Ethnic Relations
SOCY 357 – Sociology of Education
SOCY 504 – Social Stratification
SOCY 560 – Advanced Sociological Theory
SOCY 561 - Advanced Sociological Research Methods
Additional Resources:
Department of Sociology Website:
Sociology Career Center:
Booklet: 21st Century Careers with an Undergraduate Degree: