DOCKET SECTION December 13, 1997 Ms. Margaret Crenshaw Secretary Postal Rate Commission 1333 H St. NW Washington, DC 20268-0001 RE: Postal Rate and Fee Changes, Docket 1997 No. R97-1 Dear Ms. Crenshaw: Submitted testimony herewith are of Eugene E. Threadgill, an original on behalf and 24 c,zpies of the Arrlerican of the Public Power Association. Copies this of this proceeding. testimony have been served upon all parties to APPA-T-1 BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 1997 Docket No. R97-1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF EUGENE E. THREADGILL ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN PUBLIC POWERASSOCIATION December 13, 1997 I. This testimony presents Power Association post card (single-piece, the 3 by the 3 service municipal the secure customers at the lowest possible city, services to customers for use cards post those distributors of customers. There for billing the Washington is a broad possible cost. It costs is very of the basic to make available bill their utilities, provide gas, for Post use post array basic These by the proposed much in to public owners and sometimes and sewage cards cards service interesit a very low cost service services rendered. for businesses some of to bill the their at entjties from escalating, bill and commercial in post public to public the services for Their example, postal customers serve. water, post increases the national owned many county, of governmental services entities many small purposes; nation's purposes. electric In addition, lowest rates to keep operating billing services. provide in government- utilities, and many use which impacted municipal for the to their In order cards also they residents, entities severely those use post governments their card and local service cost. to the municipal and town for which electric many of to as "munis", In addition State communities is to provide referred Public increases post These are not-for-profit of to a minimum, in all organization and other utilities. citizens the American of the proposed reductions objective costs all of and automation). national 2,000 owned electric 3 position and requesting prerorted, APPA is the (APPA) opposing rates, more than PURPOSE OF TESTIMONY small Clearly, their will card be rates. to keep the and to continue businesses to the concerns expressed 2 rates are much broader 3 their postal Docket and the which will owned service It that business users envelopes, Mail all the of which card a series obstacles to automation post Automated for cards rate Automated which for categories. obstacles, the 5-digit and carrier presort providing water and Consequently, businesses. to force and convert the to In the USPS terminated a "Basic" category, categories. The impose very having access APPA-1, with categories, postal from severe rate p. the 1). the These abolition resulted increase to of in a very in 1996 for billers. The municipal area, rate a most of the mailers, combined and unanticipated, card Exhibit impose the USPS. Presort from (See eligibility most post for have prevented Automation substantial, small Post cards billing, to services cards except of Automated in objective No. MC95-1, categories increases the customers sewer more profits Docket presort conditions use case, impact using card members. recent and other to stop generate eligibility which cards case, effect this and post reclassification adversely providers, post Classification and put into the USPS has an undisclosed will of the post major in water gas, municipally appears of in of it,s suffered USPS proposes, electricity, receive increases the mere interests as a result second round of increases who proposed have already costs, MC95-1; the than Post card billers in c; by APPA regarding electric and sewer have a most very of and the government utilities, services, high them serve density were able 2 for to all users their use the agencies in a market billing mail. carrier route presort of rate of cents, 16 reclassification's. and the most post card imposition bills many of the users increase rate of from carrier mail of of from eligibility of post cards Users presort to automated experienced as a result of 3.2%; 1 cards, increases Exh.30 D). by statutory Act; carrier categories, n,lling sort, a dramatic Presort 'could convert but most post no other increase card category of in postal costs in letter rates second not rate card and greater further billers injure the Presort for for rate post post the long-standing and the historical 3 using Regular (See USPS by is also 20 automated post cards the is Postal excessive by should reject both card rate, and this post card cards should relationship 2 cent the rate. are excessive The Commission increased. from for established single-piece rate, public. rate standards rates card increases in the presorted the existing card post post The Commission the increase approximating post for and the Basic in be reduced, increase single-piece standards. proposed "penny" will the increase something bar to the Basic for an overall cents); 19 present proposed In fact, to that statutory should 16 cents in the single-piece The Reorganization those effectively automation Consequently, a 5.6% increase cents (18 excessive rate of reclassification. to 21 cents; _, presort experienced such a dramatic a 5% increase Presort which billing of envelopes Now, the USPS is proposing , As a result carrier for for cents. had no such option. service the conditions in 1996 - 12.5% - from 18.0 billers to reclassificatio,l. elimination category, rate prior letter and restore between rate. the As shown below, under out of line. Further, consider whether for cards post allow present Rate History, the post Commission should some form of mitigation is presorted possible post to qualify rates direct far USPS to conditions be undertaken for are the of automation and should cards card in automation order to rates. II. RATE HISTORY RESTORE THE POSTCARD/LETTER RELATIONSXIP USPS witness the Postal that of line the with to the historical in the relationship between years, pressed to increase letter rates. The long in effect 1952, letter cents for about was only rate in 1933, to the standing, letter but rate at Postal 1886 one-third rates in that Service fails to out two kinds changes have, in recent to the the and the post card", and from 1918 of have occurred "penny until were returned letter post to their 1920 rate. card In 1925 the post 1920. has disproportionally of to 3 cents and a penny in 2 cents, and cards rate was totally those of rate significant traditional, from or but both 1918, the very card history between post card rates was increased of two cents raised and the one-half letter relationship letters 65 years, the passage first-class That abbr~aviated to describe Congress since and the post cents, 32 relationship fail years. basic postcard/letter 1970 Those numbers the that, the to 20 cents. mail. over testifies Act, from 8 cents from 6 cents disclose Fronk Reorganization has increased risen David rate prewar card to The to 2 rates rate was it was returned to a penny. In was increased to 3 cents, but the post card of the card rate was held a penny. rate, and the single-piece letter 1929 A complete history rate, is displayedon 4 post the next page. FIRST-CLASS MAIL RATE HISTORY (Letter Rates in cents per first Ounce) YEAR 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891-1899 1900-1917 1918-1919 1920 1921-1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1933 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 194% 1949 1950 1951 1952-1958 1959-1962 1963-1967 J/7/6% 5/16/71 3/2/74 9114175 12131175 5129178 ::;::z: 2117185 4/3/B% 213191 l/l/95 199% USPS APPA POST CARD 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 9 10 12 13 14 15 19 20 LETTER 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 6 8 10 10 13 15 1% 20 22 POST CARD/LETTER % 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 67 50 50 33 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 67 75 80 83 75 80 70 69 67 67 65 64 60 66 63 Recommended Rates: 21 1% 33 33 64 55 In 2 about 3 and for "penny" post post card~rate 57 yearsthe 1952 5 the 1952 9 years it had been 1970, the historical to changed drastically. the letter Postal rate self Rate case, cents but card cents 10 in the rate final the post card the rate the USPS sought a one cent increase post card both the letter letter rate post in the post in the letter rate. Commission In R90-1, and post and subclasses, the recommended to a 15% increase the increases 4 to to 13 cent in the the card rate, which was the rate granted that year. (See Chart rate there and was a in the increase The rate. increases in rate, in in the in the letter highest cents, rate 20% i:ncrease letter back RSO-1, increase card 8 to 8 Nos. R77-1, a 5 cent post in 6 Postal was rolled In R87-1, 27% increase increase first in the letter a proposed 5 cent amounting rate USPS sought the proposed for temporarily and a one cent card rates, but card rate. in rates, rate increases rate criteria the the Service was increased In Docket card and was increased a 35% increase rejected card 2 cent In card rate to 9 cents. by taxpayers, In R74-1 the letter to 6 cents. letter was the rate and the post and R84-1, increase letter relationship the Postal rates. o~cder, the post In R76-1 that established the rate, Congre,ss enacted 1970, directed and equitable No. R71-1, to to I cents. 3 cent which and fair and the post cents, and Act, Docket was increased were subsidized for In the period card In but of the letter rate. letter/post was over subsidized. of was terminated, of the letter l/3 sustaining, determination rate had been l/2 Those rates Reorganization become card and both and a percentage on the following page). CHARTS FROM CHAIRMAN OF DOCKET HALEY’S PRESENTATICN R90-1 RECOMMENDED January Recommended DECISION 4, 1991 Rate Increases 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 1st-Class Letters Post Cards Priority rn, USPS 0 PRC When the USPS requested R90-1, > APPA was intervened Although still the in concerned proceeding the Commission compromised largest percentage and was very damaging rate case, No. R94-1, post across-the card j Docket force The Postal industry. Its of adjustments, also labor adjusted not offset proposed in all rate post card No. time, increase. rate, that was to any subclass of In the last omnibus an approximately in and the to the present in postal clearly rate 10% 20 cent restore of rates. intensive require Those annual increases increases out of line. card rates and it in R94-1, ins R90-1, The one cent which increase rejected. card and letter rates most of postal of the letter historical a policy percentage implemented be totally throughout that be compounds the inequitable should of the post in must productivity, implemented cost employees But the proper to that is service supervisory COLA. in rates is an across-the-board was 50% or less would unions reflect similar demonstrates, labor salaries in postal case for post history a very increases completely in R90-1, increases the postal discriminatory in this rate with classes, card rates card is of inflation As the tabular the post Service increases base established 5, supra) applied first that a 19 cent resulted all by any the cost the very took post with card users. which the opposed the USPS proposed annually passed on through increase and to post behind contracts costs, to recover for in Docket rate. inflation. are card rate it, increase board, The driving living post that a postal mail increase J so a 20 cent rate. relationship. (page history, An 18 cent The policy repeated 3 in the implemented in the current single-piece discriminatory No. rate. Now, the compounded resulted 16 cent was a major increase experienced cost did not Section fair with rates presort category, in rates the rate. Commission and to increase rate and the the 16 '!Basic whi~ch previously increase post postal the presort category, Most presort rate by accepting 3-digit the card letter the rate rate, their post to 18 cents card costs mailers which other THE RATE MAKING CRITERIA DO NOT SUPPORT AN INCREASE IN THE POST CARD RATE nine of criteria for those criteria are discussed Reorganization evaluating of provided the direct and and the effect upon by relative letters and the 9 public, increases costs, the in of what values post the levels. assessment the indirect rate proposed A careful below. Act provides postal to the an analysis services of implemented card For mailers cents. in and No. MC95-1, 17 cent route an adverse incur. and equitable, examination the ia in and increases out-of-line in the post 3622 (b) of the Postal communication available, carrier increases The relationships is to is a 3% increase and burden. II. Commission a completely 5-digit from 17.9 rates single-piece presort "cent" increases Docket terminate route had used the card 5% increase No. R90-1, parallel cent seeking 16.3 cent rate postcard in USPS is to carrier mailers The four the discriminatory the Presort" of seeking Reclassification, USPS proposal USPS in Docket and post out-of-line In Mail cent letter R90-1 and another category, case, policy. Docket by the of the cards, an alternatives demonstrate that the proposed post card statutory criteria increases mandate :1 post not card justified, rate and that the reductions. A. FAIRNESS AND EQUITY In 5 single-piece .> cards. this case, letters, For Presorted the USPS proposes and an increase letters letters and 5.6% for 3 of cards, the .j' examination post cards of of recent the would to 18 cents of cards would is so great bring about card revenue; increase result should demand and possibly increases As an letters rate is and post excessive any revenue the present loss 20 cent reduction of one cent generate could a revenue to card elasticity in demand and a net loss rate by In view be reduced. increase are categories The demand price the proposed cent of USPS profits, decrease two a rate card post monumental. and costs be negligible. a significant are from reducing that 3.1% for single-piece the proposed 20 cent dollar of For the automa.ted values and that multi-billion of 5% for increases present criteria, the USPS that cards. proposed relative demonstrate, the statutory rate the an increase and cards 5.1% for ~I are could in post significantly increase. B. VALUE OF SERVICE If one thing is service" of a post card service 1. rate is it clear, but certainly of a letter, proposed crystal a tiny not is that fraction the of the 60+ percent "value of value of the implied by the relationships. Privacy - Letters and Standard private and sealed The primary Letters against difference is that inspection. 10 between First-class But a post First-class letters card, are like Standard is mail, open possibility of could access gain information for in the economic 2. private resulting that the postal~ and the post letter from them from card rate 3. that Demand quantitative Following of of the Price Elasticity - of value of service is the price p.4) O'Hara As Witness the higher elasticity, "Long--run O'Hara Own-Price (USPS-T-30 First-class price the value Demand Elasticities", p.5) cards Private cards a one double- on a 3.5" in the APPA members decided letter was sufficient should which to has not have a rate. one of the significant most used in establishing of demand. the of the card lower service the cost (USPS-T-30, own-price provided. as reported The by witness are as follows: letters Private elastic is increase elasticity testifies, four can be written of a letter 60+ percent markups and coverage for that for A communication is that has value 6 times, communication of the capacity measures privacy frcm the bills. use of information some letter a mailer and to 24 times, that no has no privacy-value. is (187 to letter percent 17 card reclassification, value provides of bills - The quantity card Clearly, by a o..e ounce letter greater from 4 to users purposes. Quantity (31 a post A competitor card a post as much as information card rate propels to world, page double-sided x 6" post view; communication. Communication pages, public competitive can be conveyed sided to -0.232 -0.944 (those not printed as First-Class letters; 11 by the USPS) are that indicates 4 times that as the service provided 2 the 3 services 5 for post cards Utilities which are moving slowly to electronic also have the option letter billing. Recent and are switching in the net These quantity for three from of prices does 60+% of increases have in the rates Six days gas, carrier's route. a week carriers bill, a return to one ounce, post card difference water bills. in setting dramatic a far privacy/lack of lower privacy, differences in significant that The are totally demand criteria demonstrate a letter. trudge or sewer those bills envelope, those The requires most of cards On a given If - services, post or a loss letters. be the value that out a card proposed of line. WEIGHT MAKES A DIFFERENCE heavy bags of mail. electric, the for III. clearly for pressure even though provided. "value" for postal Service's to customsers, services should Post card to an automated purposes, and tremendous - which used in setting not of communication, elasticity billing than for APPA members have indicated elasticity cards of customers communications. in charges the aspects of one-fourth their to the Postal increase post must bill with for in demand price coverage price to letters revenue difference cost contacts a substantial range to pay more and shift some of them are surrendering requires in the value. letter billers that is day, from bills to would the 400+ which for weigh or recognized its 12 10 services. carrying may be delivering are in envelopes The USPS has prices to door a carrier and advertising, letters door homes on the which runs 12 that contain the letter times a up as much as weight In 1991, makes a the USPS made available i Postmaster letters a half-ounce for International up to 2 pages a postcard) (about IV. Post cards, the lowest United the traditional severely increases "penny" card sewer basic - post nation's It is infrastructure services \: The increases No. R90-1 placed cards. And the another heavy essential restore the of our card rates burden an inexpensive of concern for the in this essential minimum, commercial No. and commercial means of those public's basic and that in Docket use of post MC9551 imposed customers use for can, of an essential in this government, essential and services. were allowed in which national of Docket public case. gas, water, The Commission 13 means in to bill the cost the on governmental of have upon reclassification to the public. card, costs other the 20 cent organizations most that of from rates the been rate, - electricity, to subsidize a heavy confidence of card low to an absolute means of communication provided quantity citizens show its that be kept in post burden services availability of mandatory they must not be compelled that the governmental center infrastructure. of should to the public the between in postcard explained, at are allow have always in the post use a reduction services history, to the present The Commission As previously would IMPACT UPON THE PUBLIC The dramatic the this 35 cents. communication impacted provide for that the communication means of by requiring -j 5 times The Assistant to Mexico. stated our nation's communication. public mail throughout cost S>ates. for Affairs to be mailed :3 7 rate case and communication. the The Commission Single-piece should exercise and the Basics Presort :i i value ': criteria, of rate service, calculated divided cost cards of (the by reducing post rates. card coverage worksharing (other worksharing letters given much elasticity, totally of both the cost. only slightly letters, and presorted worksharing case, cost, from the and the a category and automated (Exhibit below far the above appears of discounts for to be doubtful, much 267.11% coverage category the and the cards, other if the p. 43) That 282.29% cost any which value, cards) USPS-30B, Even limited statutory In this revenue the In the case of "worksharing" "mailgrams"). more other variable the projected of evaluating and volume can be justified, 'greater cost price Loverage is unjustified. USPS witness total Unit cards validity of for purpose the Sharon Costs Presort of to be 7.7560 the USPS cost of this post contribution to system unit Daniel cost (USPS-T-29) Single-Piece single-piece total demand, is 267.11%. than made after to be assessed. variable coverage is as the is aggregate is a cost the coverage" volume cost service ,, elasticity "cost" projected for which coverage by its post decision, is the "cost USPS has calculated ,i authority V. COST COVERAGE The final I its cards to Other witness cents. analyses, rate, costs, of Presort cards but the estimated be 11.429 those will costs which would a 83.37%, is 7.7568; 14 represent mark-up. cents, and address the are The USPS proposes analysis. card reports accepted a 21 cent a 9.6 The the proposed cent projected rate is 19 cents, producing 145% mark-up. a imposes that use low value little cost on postal presorted mail imposes operations system of stamps; the than retail mail processing operations. contribution to the unit costs proposed the-board post projects impact card i rates generate revenue. With $2,242,407,000 of post card revenue reduction reduction of revenue an increased all of revenue in post the cards should sale out of mail per-piece be less cards. than The unit of line. rates to the USPS would reductions total post revenue of only cards, volume, even if loss be very be trivial. 15 Fiscal 1998 Given $29,136,000. reduction increase that Q'Hara of $1,088,979,000. and an increase The benefits would for a rate a total 1.3%. in across- Witness Cards revenue $29 million, of about card and out-going be negligible. USPS-30 A and B), of makes no unit the recommended USPS seeking (Exhibit mail almost in revenue demand for the Presorted purchase and After-Rates of on postal the Total the burdens for should an increase actually mail. undeniable REVENUE IMPACT of these That represents elasticity cost for is by Single-piece Before-Rate-increase of $1,059,84,3,000 less rate a and which It by the USPS are totally VI. The revenue operations. by presorted contribution cents, 11.2 elasticity, Consequently, system per-piece contributions bypasses high far system of costs and out-of-line and very single-piece postal presorted system staggering of very very bulk, to That-is,,simply.a piece mail a contribution might in post card in there would revenue were a loss amount to the public substantial. of to a of a Any loss VII. ? 3 The standard rendered is separates :3 PRESENT AUTOMATION CONDITIONS ARE BURDENSOME billing 3.5" the card with into barcode categories. cards stub able to qualify Exhibit their post for the full for the sufficient to utilities. Card B has a horizontal the full barcode such a configuration employed (See appear to allow Exhibi.t permissible usual card information Card D, the electric, post first water, five p.3) could stub digits and sewer of been to meet address stub, containing might not required across a complete prints card designed portion below rate have not porti.on information strip by some the bottom, the address. revision be which However, of the computer the bills. to be two other APPA -1, post 3.5" that full 11 rates. recently 2.25" to the many users purposes automation to be printed requires and printer There the customer's automation for and a 2.25" However, that the complete Card A has a 3.75" barcode, services to be returned to contain business cards accommodate the p. 1) Consequently, standards. information. program stub and other eligibility enough permits address APPA-1, p. 2 shows two cards automation billing containing APPA-1, for tear-stri.p portion eligibility for billing customers vertical is too narrow required for billing a perforated a 3.5" (See Exhibit post for and a 2.5" That address digit wide x 6", information, mailer. / post card-used possible billers methods which to meet automation First, (Card C) the be extended to 7 inches, and a 3.5" address stub. might standards. length 16 presort most of of to allow a the Second, of the bar code are omitted. utilities be their on Local bills .1 and deliver their Under those circumstances,. across the stub burdensome. i automated ~I of the For proposed 3.5" At that card in to increase used printed its billing No. of increasing opposition, CPUM pointed carrier was renewed out routes carriers a compromise continue presorted Some most utility to be accepted to carrier similar out until inch that 1982, Mailers gas utilities, for for billing, eligible cards immediately. In that MC77-2. cards In issue were was case, sorted to postoffices and, the so and A separate LSM processing. June 2, post punch-card punch-card allowed (LSM). Ut~ility to destination for 3" to the standard No. MC79-1, was established, was worked machines Public post the Service from change-in-size by the USPS in any requirement Docket sorting implemented the and were delivered without proceeding, that a postcard old in Postal and natural if done been the the minimum size response but of of used that consequences, postponed, for was a 3.25 electric still CPUM's be sufficient as has height The Council would have disastrous to unduly sequence. MC73-1, by utilities had many members which and the prospect and walk barcode and use of computers, then represented digit 11 might new letter extensive by a reproducer. (CPUM), which I Docket the minimum before for 6 digits be reached, to implement time, entire postoffices. may be unnecessary routes could example, in order last destination the card to carrier Some compromise 5-digit printing a post Printing sorting past. 3 to local mail in that 3.25" long case, cards as they to were routes. compromise could 17 be reached in this case. As explained, post cards presorted do not need to go through 2 at the outgoing 7 the first sectional destinations. rounds center that At the destination automation equipment five of the automation digits cards delivered .; digit and carrier -1 digits of 3.5" to 5-digits, x 7" card, in should offices also should and excessive the automation rate take increase being provide current rate recommended 33 cent 18 letter relationship. consistent privacy, .z times of some relief very cent single-piece consistent the price elasticity past post for 5- last 6 possibly a actions by card rate the historical and users cards, last year of that relationships, post resulted and the in a major 'The Commission post cards in the the followin'g table, post card rate be 54.5% of with the long in such a rate regulatory limited on~ly the consideration all shown As the post be eligible with by first Therefore, should letters for case. rate, the upon post card billers. Additionally, with into which imposed sequences, in a Single-piece reclassification, should a values, is sorted SUMMARY when compared with relative mail be explored. the USPS, which have resulted is quite processing The alternative, address. VIII. The Commission where rates routes, to 3 and 5-digit mail and to walk automation the sends code are irrelevant. to destination bar-codes of automation centers, to carriers sorted or to carrier of letters: 18 standing relationship standards, communication would capacity, considering our historical would be the 8.5% weight, more zero and 4 Comparison of Letters and Post Card, At APPA Recommended Rates Letter ~... Post card PC/Letter Criter&i 3 Rate 33 cents 18 Privacy Sealed Open Zero Communication 8 pages 113 page 5% Weight 1 l/12 8.5% Elasticity -0.2'3 A Basic 9 Presort unit costs post card rate, clearly oz. of 15 cents cents) with 20 cent the record single-piece every statutory Single piece increase rate for First-class would be far more consistent statutory standards. Second, "discount" provide the for the rate The Basic Third, modification record basic Presort the Presort card rate card rate with the historical would be post cards required should the directed for by 33 cent the proposed be rejected. letter relationship present two As rate and cent and fails by the statutory conditions 19 prcposed is punitive be increased be the present excessive, and a 33 cent presorted should quite should rate differential th,at the card that of the Automation single-piece Consequently, rate. post is with clear USPS post cards is discount cent 18 of total standards. post post an 18 cent An case demonstrates letter in the single-piece have a mark-up 100%. as compared standard, % CONCLUSION in this shown above, with 400 the statutory IX. First, oz. would of almost and a 15 cent Basic consistent 54..5% -0.944 rate (7.7568 cents Ratio to standards. to 3 cents. to post 'consider cards some presorted to 5-digits 5 digit for It i ‘nd carrier postoffice, enlargement also and delivered to allow,those the Automation might routes, categories be useful of permissible presorted without to post consider cards the the to a destination post full ca:rds to qualify 11 digit barcode. ramifications to 7 inches. Suite 200 1493 Chain Bridge McLean, Virginia, (703) 734-1918 (703) 734-1943 20 3 or Rd. 22101 of an CURFSCULLJM VITAE 1493 Personal Eugene E. Threadgill Chain Bridge Rd. Ste. McLean, VA 22101 (703) (703) Data: Born: May 19, 734-1918 734-1943 1918; 200 Fax Miami, Florida Education: Employment: 1972-97 George Washington University, LL.M., 1950 Georgetown University, J.D., 1944 University of Florida, B.A. With Honors, 1940 American University - course work for M.A in Economics completed, 1948-50 Federal Legislation Editor, George town Law Journal, 1943-4 Private Law practice before the Postal Rate Commission, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Courts, representing bulk first-class mailtr Associations; pipelines, gas distribution companies and competitors Committees Testified Congressional before regarding postal matters; submitted recommendations to the Postal Service and to Congress that (1) the function of regulation of postal rates and classes by the Postal Rate Commission should be with regulation of telecommunications merged and transportation services (2) .the Board of Governors of the Postal Service should have its own staff to write of lawyers and economists its decisions (.3) carriers should co~llect data for Advised population census and demographics; Accounting Office committees of the General regarding proposed revisions of the Private Express Statutes and Postal Reform legislation Testified regarding 1971 Assistant Supervised assisted before energy Congressional policy issues Committees General Counsel, Postal Rate Commision Commlsslon orders; preparation of Congressional in presentations to Committees reviewing operations of the U.S. Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission, created by the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970 1969-70 Judge, Services disputes Board of Contract Appeals, Administration; adjudicated -~ General contract 1968-9 Consultant, National Iranian Gas Company, Teheran, Iran - prepared contract for sale of natural gas to Soviet Union (Sojuznefteexport) 1957-68 Private law practice (Wolf and Case; Connole & pipelines, O'Connell) representing natural gas producers and gas utility companies before the Federal Power Commission 1955-57 Transmission Consultant, Sui Gas Company, Karachi, Pakistan - drafted contracts for sale of gas to Karachi Gas Company and Indus Gas revision Company; consulted regarding of gas purchase contract with Pakistan Petroleum 1951-55 Trial Attorney, Litigated cases 1948-50 Advisor, National Attorney Labor Board - wrote NLRB decisions and orders 1946-7 Farragut and Assistant Professor, College Technical Institute, Farragut, Idaho; taught courses in Economics Economic History, and Mathematics and Law 1944-6 Chief Judge William E. Law Clerk, District of Columbia Court of Appeals 1942-4 Economic Gasoline Rationing Statistician, Price Administration Branch, Office of Iof gasoline, analyzed demand for and supply recommended changes in coupon ration program Federal Power Commission and wrote opinions Published Relations Richardson, Papers 66, Insurance Under the Sherman Act, 32 Georgetown Law Journal November, 1943 Resource Pricing of Natural Gas Field Sales, Public Util. Fortnightly, Oct. 1966 Public and Classes, Utility Regulation of Postal Rates Utilities Fortnightly, May, 1977 Anti-Competitive Abuse Under the Natural Gas Policy Act, Pub. Utilities Fortnightly, March, 1988 A Perspective on Pipeline Pricing Under the Natural Gas Act, 16 Energy Law Journal 441, November, 1995 BILLING Current Typical Standard POST CARDS Billing Exhibit APPA-1 Post Card THREADGILL EIJCJENE 1493 CEAIN BRIWE BD MC The complete barcode the 2.5 inch return required stub for - l- LEAN VA Automation 22101-5726 ~I.11 not fit on BILLING Present A. Post - ----- POST CARDS Automation-Compatible Card with Billing Horizontal , . ~.,, Return Exhibit APPA-1 Post Cards Stub !ccce~ M~“E~SE SC.51 -RN l3-t.f m&J$.qqj-!=Jg -------------.--_. AcCO”NTN0. 21-1360-10 s:. P. QAND M”STBEPAIDlw 10/19/97 91’ ECIST END AVE .w.?O”NT DUE: B. Post Card with a 3.75" EASLEY Return SC 29640-3132 Stub $(y . . goly= ANYTOWN, MD ITel: RETURN PaSTAGE G”PP.ANTEED ACMMI vymbw : 10002921 Oak Meter Read : 1019, Present Reading : 255624 Previous Reading : 255624 TohI Used : 6134 lal~ges/c~dits: 12.45 'Prenou Unpid : 0.00 - tielhlourll Lhs w10/97 -To be Paid By : 37 109. al-4 10002921--5 ~scM.tvTNEPARDs, .~ B~.~uPPER LwJ3 IIn MD1 NX 1486f30608 i I 1.1II II I, II II III II II II .I. I I I 111 II 1.1,II 11.1 IllII II I II 111 I I I I, I - 2 - BILLING Possible C. Illustrative Alternative POST CARDS Automation-Compatible Exhibit Billing APPA- 1 Post cards 7" Post card EUGENE E THREADGILL SUIT 200 1493 CHAIN BRIDGE RD MCLEAN VA 2?101-5726 1,,1,1,,1,1,,,1111 ~~~~~~ll,l,l,l,~,l,,l,l,ll,,l,i,,,,ll~,,,l,ll D. Standard Post card with first of barcode 5-Digits \ EUGENE t: omitted THREADGILL
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