TETUAN RESOURCES WINN State: **PLATFORM EXPRESS** G.L. K.B. 5540.00 ft 5561.00 ft NEVADA Elev. COMPENSATED NEUTRON, LITHO-DENSITY SHL: 294' FSL & 1631' FEL Latitude: D.F. 5560.00 ft 5540.00 f above Perm.Datum 41.143000 degrees Elev.: 21.00 ft Longitude: Ground Level Kelly Bushing -115.04800 degrees 4095.00 ft Kelly Bushing 0 deg Max.Hole Deviation Permanent Datum: Log Measured From: Drilling Measured From: 27-007-05265 API Serial No. 16-Feb-2012 S2R1 6780.00 ft 6787.00 ft 6787.00 ft @ 245 INDUCTION RESIS., GR, SP, SONIC Location: TETUAN RESOURCES WINN EXPLORATION MARYS RIVER 34-26 Company: Company: Well: MARYS RIVER 34-26 SHL: 294' FSL & 1631' FEL Well: Location: WILDCAT WILDCAT Field: ELKO Field: ELKO County: County: Logging Date Run Number Depth Driller 1850.00 ft Schlumberger Depth 9.625 in Bottom Log Interval Top Log Interval 4092 ft 12 s 8.75 in 8.9 Salt Brine 8.8 lbm/gal 75 degF 6.6 cm3 75 degF Viscosity @ 75 degF PH @ Active Tank 0.56 ohm.m @ @ Calculated 0.13 0.46 ohm.m 245 0.54 ohm.m Casing Driller Size @ Depth Casing Schlumberger Bit Size Density Fluid Loss Source of Sample @ Meas Temp Type Fluid In Hole RM RMF @ Meas Temp RMC @ Meas Temp Calculated @ 0.17 06:00:00 RMC 16:55:35 RMF @ BHT Source RMF 16-Feb-2012 VERNAL RM @ BHT 16-Feb-2012 247 degF Time 2211 Curtis Schaaf Time Location: Bill Ehni Max Recorded Temperatures Circulation Stopped Logger on Bottom Unit Number Recorded By Witnessed By MUD THE USE OF AND RELIANCE UPON THIS RECORDED-DATA BY THE HEREIN NAMED COMPANY (AND ANY OF ITS AFFILIATES, PARTNERS, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS, CONSULTANTS AND EMPLOYEES) IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS AGREED UPON BETWEEN SCHLUMBERGER AND THE COMPANY, INCLUDING: (a) RESTRICTIONS ON USE OF THE RECORDEDDATA; (b) DISCLAIMERS AND WAIVERS OF WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS REGARDING COMPANY'S USE AND RELIANCE UPON THE RECORDED-DATA; AND (c) CUSTOMER'S FULL AND SOLE RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY INFERENCE DRAWN OR DECISION MADE IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OF THIS RECORDED-DATA. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Header Disclaimer Contents Borehole Fluids Remarks and Equipment Summary Depth Summary S2R1 MAIN PASS - PEX-AIT - 1 INCH 7.1 Integration Summary 7.2 Software Version 7.3 Composite Summary 7.4 Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) 7.5 Parameter Listing 8. S2R1 MAIN PASS - PEX-AIT - 2 INCH 8.1 Integration Summary 8.2 Software Version 8.3 Composite Summary 8.4 Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) 10. S2R1 REPEAT ANALYSIS - 5 INCH 10.1 Composite Summary 10.2 Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes RA ) 11. S2R1 MAIN PASS - BHC - 5 INCH 11.1 Integration Summary 11.2 Software Version 11.3 Composite Summary 11.4 Log ( Sonic Delta-t ) 11.5 Parameter Listing 12. S2R1 REPEAT ANALYSIS - 5 INCH 12.1 Composite Summary 12.2 Log ( Sonic Delta-t RA_1 ) 13. Calibration Report 14. Tail 8.5 Parameter Listing 9. S2R1 MAIN PASS - PEX-AIT - 5 INCH 9.1 Integration Summary 9.2 Software Version 9.3 Composite Summary 9.4 Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) 9.5 Parameter Listing Fluid Type Water Fluid Name Salt Brine Max Recorded Temperatures ( degF ) 247 Source of Sample Active Tank Salinity ( ppm ) 1320 Density ( lbm/gal ) 8.8 Viscosity ( s ) 12 Fluid Loss ( cm3 ) 6.6 PH 8.9 Date/Time Circulation Stopped 16-Feb-2012 06:00:00 Date Logger on Bottom 16-Feb-2012 Time Logger on Bottom 16:55:35 Source RMF Calculated RMC Calculated RM @ Meas Temp ( ohm.m@degF ) 0.56 @ 75 RMF @ Meas Temp ( ohm.m@degF ) 0.46 @ 75 RMC @ Meas Temp ( ohm.m@degF ) 0.54 @ 75 RM @ BHT ( ohm.m@degF ) 0.17 @ 245 RMF @ BHT ( ohm.m@degF ) 0.13 @ 245 RMC @ BHT ( ohm.m@degF ) 0.18 @ 245 Total Solid ( % ) 3 High Gravity Solids ( % ) S2R1: Remarks Equip name LEH -Q T :2603 LEH -Q T:2603 L ength 6 4 .2 MP name O ffset RUN NUMBER 2 TOOL RAN AS PER TOOL SKETCH HGNS RAN ECCENTERED WITH BOWSPRING DT C -H :9 466 EC H -KC DTC -H:9466 6 1 .28 H GNS-H :3 7 99 5 8 .28 HG N H:2795 N P V -N N S R-F :5138 HA C C Z-H:1614 HM C A -H HG N S -H :3799 C T EM HV 6 0 .38 0 .0 0 T oolStatus T elStatus T emper atur e 5 8 .28 5 8 .28 5 8 .26 AIT RAN ECCENTRALIZED W/ 2 X 1.5" STANDOFFS CORRECTIONS: HOLE SIZE AND STANDOFF MATRIX TYPE: STANDSTONE ABOVE 6100', LIMESTONE FROM 6100' TO TD GR 5 7 .54 MDEN = 2.51 ABOVE 6100', 2.71 FROM 6100' TO TD DSLT RUN W/ 2 X CME-Z CENTRALIZERS THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING SCHLUMBERGER! H DRS-H :3 9 69 4 8 .88 EC H -M EB HRC C -H :4863 HRM S -H :3969 G P V -Q Long S pacing:28 475 HRG D-H :3799 S hort S pacing G S R-J:5234 Backscatter C NL P or osit y H MCA H GNS A cceler ome ter 5 1 .2 1 H RC C 4 4 .88 4 8 .88 4 8 .88 0 .0 0 MC FL 3 9 .44 C aliper 3 8 .96 T LD Density 3 8 .57 DSL T -H :8 156 EC H -KH DS LC -H :8156 S LS -E:1396 A IT -H :295 A HIS :295 A HRM :295 3 6 .63 C BL 3 ft Upper -Near 2 4 .17 2 4 .17 VDL 5 ft Upper -Far 2 3 .17 2 3 .17 Delta-T 2 1 .79 Lower -Far 2 0 .42 Lower -Near 1 9 .42 SLS-E 1 6 .00 1 6 .00 P ower Supp 7 .9 1 ly Induction T emper atur e 7 .9 1 7 .9 1 SP 0 .0 8 Mud Resistiv 0 .0 0 ity H ead T ensio n TO O L_ZERO Lengths are in ft M aximum O uter Diameter = 6.625 in Line: S ensor Location, V alue: G ating O ffset A ll measurements are relativ e to TO O L_ZERO Conveyance Type Wireline Log Sequence SUBSEQUENT TRIP Stretch Correction ( ft ) 2.50 Rig Type LAND Depth Remark 1 ALL SCHLUMBERGER DEPTH PROCEDURES FOLLOWED Depth Remark 2 IDW USED AS PRIMARY DEPTH MEASUREMENT DEVICE Depth Remark 3 Z-CHART USED FOR SECONDARY DEPTH CONTROL Type IDW-B Serial Number 6122 Calibration Date 11-OCT-2011 Calibrator Serial Number 33 Calibration Cable Type 7-46A XS Wheel Correction 1 -6 Wheel Correction 2 -5 Type CMTD-B/A Serial Number 2054 Calibration Date 04-FEB-2012 Calibrator Serial Number 100518 Calibration Points 10 Calibration RMS 15 Calibration Peak Error 32 Type 7-46A-XS Serial Number 710065 Logging Cable Length ( ft ) 16700.00 IHV Integrated Hole Volume GCSE_UP_PASS 1117.79 ft3 ICV Integrated Cement Volume GCSE_UP_PASS, FCD 395.06 ft3 MaxWell 3.0.9609.0 Application Patch SP-20111012-3.0.9609.1274 EXP_APL-SEC-3.0.9609.1645 Borehole Borehole Ensemble provides common Borehole Parameters and Channels 3.0.9609.1274 HENVIR Computation Ensemble for the HGNS Neutron environmental corrections 3.0.9609.0 HRCC-H HILT High-Resolution Control Cartridge, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 HGNS-H HILT Gamma-Ray and Neutron Sonde, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 AHIS Array Induction Sonde - H 3.0.9609.1274 HRGD-H HILT Resistivity Gamma-Ray Density Device, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 S2R1 Log[4]:Up Up 4060.00 ft 6797.67 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:55:35 PM 16-Feb-2012 5:44:32 PM 0.00 ft All depths are referenced to toolstring zero Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) Index Scale: 1 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:34:35 Channel Source Sampling AT10 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT20 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT30 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT60 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT90 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in CALI HDRS-H:HRCC-H:HRCC-H 1in DPHZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in GR HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 6in HDRA HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in ICV Borehole 6in IHV Borehole 6in NPOR HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 6in PEFZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in RXOZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SMIN HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SMNO HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SP AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 6in TENS WLWorkflow 1in TIME_1900 WLWorkflow 0.1in ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) false IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 (AT20) AIT-H 0.2 PERM FROM SMIN TO SMNO in Standard Resolution Density Standoff Formation 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Photoelectric Factor Correction (HDRA) HDRS-H (PEFZ) HDRS-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 0.25 0 10 -0.25 g/cm3 (AT60) AIT-H 18 Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 mV 20 0.2 Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H 0 gAPI ohm.m 40 ohm.m 0.2 Cable Tension (TENS) Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H 10000 lbf 0 ohm.m 40 ohm.m 0 0.2 ohm.m 4150 4200 4250 4300 4350 4400 4450 4500 4550 RXOZ SMIN 4600 4650 AT90 AT60 GAS FROM DPHZ TO NPOR Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 2000 0.45 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 4100 SMNO 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 200 Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 (AT30) AIT-H Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H 8 ohm.m ft3/ft3 -0.15 Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H 2000 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 GR AT30 4700 SP AT20 DPHZ 4750 CALI TENS 4800 4850 4900 4950 5000 5050 5100 5150 5200 5250 5300 5350 5400 5450 5500 5550 5600 5650 5700 5750 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA RXOZ 5800 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 5850 GR AT30 5900 SP AT20 DPHZ 5950 CALI TENS AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6000 6050 6100 6150 6200 6250 6300 6350 6400 6450 6500 6550 6600 6650 6700 6750 PERM FROM SMIN TO SMNO Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H Cable Tension (TENS) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m GAS FROM DPHZ TO NPOR 2000 Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 8 in Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 mV 18 10000 lbf 0 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 0.45 (AT20) AIT-H ohm.m 0.2 ohm.m Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H 0 gAPI 200 2000 Standard Resolution Density Standoff Formation Correction (HDRA) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 Photoelectric Factor HDRS-H (AT60) AIT-H (PEFZ) HDRS-H -0.25 g/cm3 0.25 0.2 ohm.m 2000 0 10 Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 ohm.m 40 Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H 0 ohm.m -0.15 2000 Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 (AT30) AIT-H 20 0.2 ft3/ft3 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 40 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) Index Scale: 1 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:34:35 ABHM Array Induction Borehole Correction Mode AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Compute Standoff ABLM Array Induction Basic Logs Mode AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Normal ACDE Array Induction Casing Detection Enable AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Yes ASTA Array Induction Tool Standoff AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 1.5 ATSE Array Induction Temperature Selection(Sonde Error Correction) AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS External BARI Barite Mud Presence Flag Borehole No BHS Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole) Borehole Open BS Bit Size COMPLETION 8.75 in BSAL Borehole Salinity Borehole 1320 ppm CALI_SHIFT CALI Supplementary Offset HDRS-H:HRCC-H:HRCC-H 0.3 in CBLO Casing Bottom (Logger) COMPLETION 4092 ft CDEN Cement Density HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 2 g/cm3 CSODDRL Casing Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller depths COMPLETION Depth Zoned in DFD Drilling Fluid Density Borehole 8.8 lbm/gal DFT Drilling Fluid Type Borehole Water DFT_WATER Drilling Fluid Water Type Borehole Salt Brine DHC Density Hole Correction HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H Bit Size FCD Future Casing (Outer) Diameter COMPLETION 7 in FD Fluid Density Borehole 1 g/cm3 FSAL Formation Salinity Borehole 6126.75 ppm GCSE_DOWN_PASS Generalized Caliper Selection for WL Log Down Passes Borehole BS GCSE_UP_PASS Generalized Caliper Selection for WL Log Up Passes Borehole CALI GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection, from Measured or Computed Mud Resistivity Borehole AMF in GTSE Generalized Temperature Selection, from Measured or Computed Temperature Borehole CTEM HSCO Hole Size Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Yes MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections Borehole Depth Zoned MDEN Matrix Density for Density Porosity Borehole Depth Zoned MFST Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature Borehole 75 degF RMFS Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample Borehole 0.46 ohm.m SOCO Standoff Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Yes SPDR SP Drift Per Foot AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 0 g/cm3 mV/ft Depth Zone Parameters CSODDRL [9.625] 4060 4095 CSODDRL [0] 4095 6797.67 MATR SANDSTONE 4060 6100 MATR LIMESTONE 6100 6797.67 MDEN 2.51 4060 6100 MDEN 2.71 6100 6797.67 All depth are actual. HMCA_BRD_TYPE HMCA Board Type HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HMCA-H 1 HRGD_BRD_TYPE HRGD Board Type HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H WITH_HET MAX_LOG_SPEED Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed WLWorkflow 3600 ft/h IHV Integrated Hole Volume GCSE_UP_PASS 1117.79 ft3 ICV Integrated Cement Volume GCSE_UP_PASS, FCD 395.06 ft3 MaxWell 3.0.9609.0 Application Patch SP-20111012-3.0.9609.1274 EXP_APL-SEC-3.0.9609.1645 Borehole Borehole Ensemble provides common Borehole Parameters and Channels 3.0.9609.1274 HENVIR Computation Ensemble for the HGNS Neutron environmental corrections 3.0.9609.0 HRCC-H HILT High-Resolution Control Cartridge, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 HGNS-H HILT Gamma-Ray and Neutron Sonde, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 AHIS Array Induction Sonde - H 3.0.9609.1274 HRGD-H HILT Resistivity Gamma-Ray Density Device, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 S2R1 Log[4]:Up Up All depths are referenced to toolstring zero 4060.00 ft 6797.67 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:55:35 PM 16-Feb-2012 5:44:32 PM 0.00 ft false Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) Index Scale: 2 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:34:47 Channel Source Sampling AT10 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT20 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT30 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT60 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT90 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in CALI HDRS-H:HRCC-H:HRCC-H 1in DPHZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in GR HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 6in HDRA HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in ICV Borehole 6in IHV Borehole 6in NPOR HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 6in PEFZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in RXOZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SMIN HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SMNO HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SP AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 6in TENS WLWorkflow 1in TIME_1900 WLWorkflow 0.1in ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 (AT20) AIT-H 0.2 PERM FROM SMIN TO SMNO in Standard Resolution Density Standoff Formation 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Photoelectric Factor Correction (HDRA) HDRS-H (PEFZ) HDRS-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 0.25 0 10 -0.25 g/cm3 (AT60) AIT-H 18 Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 mV 20 0.2 Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H 0 gAPI ohm.m 40 ohm.m 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 200 Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 (AT30) AIT-H Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H 8 ohm.m 0.2 Cable Tension (TENS) Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H 10000 lbf 0 ohm.m 40 ohm.m 0.2 ohm.m Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 2000 0.45 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 0 GAS FROM DPHZ TO NPOR ft3/ft3 -0.15 Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H 2000 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 RXOZ 4100 SMNO AT90 SMIN AT60 GR AT30 4150 SP AT20 CALI TENS 4200 4250 4300 4350 4400 4450 4500 4550 4600 AT10 DPHZ PEFZ NPOR HDRA 4650 RXOZ SMNO 4700 AT90 SMIN AT60 GR AT30 4750 SP AT20 CALI TENS 4800 4850 4900 4950 5000 5050 5100 5150 AT10 DPHZ PEFZ NPOR HDRA 5200 5250 RXOZ 5300 SMNO AT90 SMIN AT60 GR AT30 5350 SP AT20 CALI TENS 5400 5450 5500 5550 5600 5650 5700 DPHZ AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 5750 5800 5850 RXOZ 5900 SMNO AT90 SMIN AT60 GR AT30 5950 SP AT20 CALI TENS 6000 6050 6100 6150 6200 6250 AT10 DPHZ PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6300 6350 6400 6450 RXOZ 6500 AT90 AT60 GR AT30 6550 SP AT20 CALI TENS AT10 DPHZ PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6600 6650 6700 6750 PERM FROM SMIN TO SMNO Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H Cable Tension (TENS) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m GAS FROM DPHZ TO NPOR 2000 Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected 8 in Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 mV 18 10000 lbf 0.2 ohm.m gAPI 0.2 ohm.m 200 ohm.m 40 Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H 0 ohm.m -0.15 2000 Standard Resolution Density Standoff Formation Correction (HDRA) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 Photoelectric Factor HDRS-H (AT60) AIT-H (PEFZ) HDRS-H -0.25 g/cm3 0.25 0.2 ohm.m 2000 0 10 Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 ft3/ft3 2000 Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 (AT30) AIT-H 20 Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H 0 Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 0 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 0.45 (AT20) AIT-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 40 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) Index Scale: 2 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:34:47 ABHM Array Induction Borehole Correction Mode AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Compute Standoff ABLM Array Induction Basic Logs Mode AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Normal ACDE Array Induction Casing Detection Enable AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Yes ASTA Array Induction Tool Standoff AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 1.5 ATSE Array Induction Temperature Selection(Sonde Error Correction) AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS External BARI Barite Mud Presence Flag Borehole No BHS Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole) Borehole Open BS Bit Size COMPLETION 8.75 in BSAL Borehole Salinity Borehole 1320 ppm CALI_SHIFT CALI Supplementary Offset HDRS-H:HRCC-H:HRCC-H 0.3 in CBLO Casing Bottom (Logger) COMPLETION 4092 ft CDEN Cement Density HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 2 g/cm3 CSODDRL Casing Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller depths COMPLETION Depth Zoned in DFD Drilling Fluid Density Borehole 8.8 lbm/gal DFT Drilling Fluid Type Borehole Water DFT_WATER Drilling Fluid Water Type Borehole Salt Brine DHC Density Hole Correction HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H Bit Size FCD Future Casing (Outer) Diameter COMPLETION 7 in FD Fluid Density Borehole 1 g/cm3 FSAL Formation Salinity Borehole 6126.75 ppm GCSE_DOWN_PASS Generalized Caliper Selection for WL Log Down Passes Borehole BS GCSE_UP_PASS Generalized Caliper Selection for WL Log Up Passes Borehole CALI GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection, from Measured or Borehole AMF in Computed Mud Resistivity GTSE Generalized Temperature Selection, from Measured or Computed Temperature Borehole CTEM HSCO Hole Size Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Yes MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections Borehole Depth Zoned MDEN Matrix Density for Density Porosity Borehole Depth Zoned g/cm3 MFST Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature Borehole 75 degF RMFS Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample Borehole 0.46 ohm.m SOCO Standoff Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Yes SPDR SP Drift Per Foot AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 0 mV/ft Depth Zone Parameters CSODDRL [9.625] 4060 4095 CSODDRL [0] 4095 6797.67 MATR SANDSTONE 4060 6100 MATR LIMESTONE 6100 6797.67 MDEN 2.51 4060 6100 MDEN 2.71 6100 6797.67 All depth are actual. HMCA_BRD_TYPE HMCA Board Type HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HMCA-H 1 HRGD_BRD_TYPE HRGD Board Type HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H WITH_HET MAX_LOG_SPEED Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed WLWorkflow 3600 ft/h IHV Integrated Hole Volume GCSE_UP_PASS 1117.79 ft3 ICV Integrated Cement Volume GCSE_UP_PASS, FCD 395.06 ft3 MaxWell 3.0.9609.0 Application Patch SP-20111012-3.0.9609.1274 EXP_APL-SEC-3.0.9609.1645 Borehole Borehole Ensemble provides common Borehole Parameters and Channels 3.0.9609.1274 HENVIR Computation Ensemble for the HGNS Neutron environmental corrections 3.0.9609.0 HRCC-H HILT High-Resolution Control Cartridge, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 HGNS-H HILT Gamma-Ray and Neutron Sonde, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 AHIS Array Induction Sonde - H 3.0.9609.1274 HRGD-H HILT Resistivity Gamma-Ray Density Device, 150 degC 3.0.9609.0 S2R1 Log[4]:Up Up 4060.00 ft 6797.67 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:55:35 PM 16-Feb-2012 5:44:32 PM 0.00 ft false All depths are referenced to toolstring zero Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:34:55 Channel Source Sampling AT10 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT20 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT30 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT60 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in AT90 AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 3in CALI HDRS-H:HRCC-H:HRCC-H 1in DPHZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in GR HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 6in HDRA HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in ICV Borehole 6in IHV Borehole 6in NPOR HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 6in PEFZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in RXOZ HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SMIN HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SMNO HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H 2in SP AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 6in TENS WLWorkflow 1in TIME_1900 WLWorkflow 0.1in TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 (AT20) AIT-H 0.2 PERM FROM SMIN TO SMNO in Standard Resolution Density Standoff Formation 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Photoelectric Factor Correction (HDRA) HDRS-H (PEFZ) HDRS-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 0.25 0 10 -0.25 g/cm3 (AT60) AIT-H 18 Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 mV 20 0.2 Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H 0 gAPI ohm.m 40 ohm.m 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 200 Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 2000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 (AT30) AIT-H Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H 8 ohm.m 0.2 Cable Tension (TENS) Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H 10000 lbf 0 ohm.m 40 4060 ohm.m 0.2 ohm.m Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 2000 0.45 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 0 GAS FROM DPHZ TO NPOR ft3/ft3 -0.15 Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H 2000 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 SP AT20 4070 CALI TENS AT10 4080 4090 CSG SHOE @ 4092' 4100 4110 4120 4130 4140 4150 4160 4170 4180 4190 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 RXOZ SMNO 4280 AT90 NPOR PEFZ HDRA SMIN AT60 4290 GR 4300 AT30 SP AT20 DPHZ 4310 CALI TENS 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 4380 4390 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4460 4470 4480 4490 4500 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 4510 RXOZ SMNO SMIN 4520 AT90 AT60 4530 GR AT30 4540 SP AT20 DPHZ 4550 CALI TENS 4560 4570 4580 4590 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 4680 4690 4700 4710 4720 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 4730 4740 4750 RXOZ 4760 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 4770 GR AT30 4780 SP AT20 DPHZ 4790 CALI TENS 4800 4810 4820 4830 4840 4850 4860 4870 4880 4890 4900 4910 4920 4930 4940 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 4950 4960 4970 4980 4990 RXOZ SMNO SMIN GR 5000 AT90 AT60 5010 AT30 5020 SP AT20 DPHZ 5030 CALI TENS 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 5170 5180 5190 5200 5210 5220 5230 RXOZ 5240 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 5250 GR AT30 5260 SP AT20 DPHZ 5270 CALI TENS 5280 5290 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 5350 5360 5370 5380 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 5390 5400 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 5470 RXOZ 5480 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 5490 GR 5500 AT30 SP AT20 DPHZ 5510 CALI TENS 5520 5530 5540 5550 5560 5570 5580 5590 5600 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5670 5680 5690 5700 5710 RXOZ 5720 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 5730 GR AT30 5740 SP AT20 DPHZ 5750 CALI TENS 5760 5770 5780 5790 5800 5810 5820 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 5830 5840 5850 5860 5870 5880 5890 5900 5910 5920 5930 5940 5950 RXOZ 5960 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 5970 GR AT30 5980 SP AT20 DPHZ 5990 CALI TENS 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 6110 6120 6130 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 RXOZ 6200 AT90 AT60 6210 GR AT30 6220 SP AT20 DPHZ 6230 CALI TENS 6240 6250 6260 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 RXOZ 6440 SMNO SMIN AT90 AT60 6450 GR AT30 6460 SP AT20 DPHZ 6470 CALI TENS 6480 AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6490 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 6580 6590 6600 6610 6620 6630 6640 6650 6660 6670 RXOZ SMNO 6680 6690 GR 6700 AT90 AT60 AT30 SP AT20 DPHZ 6710 CALI TENS AT10 PEFZ NPOR HDRA 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 6780 TD @ 6787' 6790 Cable Tension (TENS) PERM FROM SMIN TO SMNO Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H 8 in Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 mV 18 10000 lbf 20 Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H 0 gAPI 200 Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 ohm.m 40 Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H 0 ohm.m 40 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H GAS FROM DPHZ TO NPOR 2000 Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 0 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 (AT20) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m 0.2 ohm.m 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 (AT30) AIT-H 2000 Standard Resolution Density Standoff Formation Correction (HDRA) Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 Photoelectric Factor HDRS-H (AT60) AIT-H (PEFZ) HDRS-H -0.25 g/cm3 0.25 0.2 ohm.m 2000 0 10 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 0.2 ohm.m 2000 IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:34:55 AAPL Array Induction Answer Product Level(Depth Log/View only) AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Radial ABHM Array Induction Borehole Correction Mode AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Compute Standoff ABLM Array Induction Basic Logs Mode AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Normal ACDE Array Induction Casing Detection Enable AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Yes ACEN Array Induction Tool Centering Flag (in Borehole) AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS Eccentered AMRF Array Induction Mud Resistivity Factor AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 1 ASTA Array Induction Tool Standoff AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 1.5 ATSE Array Induction Temperature Selection(Sonde Error Correction) AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS External BARI Barite Mud Presence Flag Borehole No BHS Borehole Status (Open or Cased Hole) Borehole Open BS Bit Size COMPLETION 8.75 in BSAL Borehole Salinity Borehole 1320 ppm BSCO Borehole Salinity Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H No CALI_SHIFT CALI Supplementary Offset HDRS-H:HRCC-H:HRCC-H 0.3 in CBLO Casing Bottom (Logger) COMPLETION 4092 ft CCCO Casing & Cement Thickness Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H No CDEN Cement Density HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 2 g/cm3 CSODDRL Casing Outer Diameter - Zoned along driller depths COMPLETION Depth Zoned in DFD Drilling Fluid Density Borehole 8.8 lbm/gal DFT Drilling Fluid Type Borehole Water DFT_WATER Drilling Fluid Water Type Borehole Salt Brine DHC Density Hole Correction HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H Bit Size FCD Future Casing (Outer) Diameter COMPLETION 7 in FD Fluid Density Borehole 1 g/cm3 FSAL Formation Salinity Borehole 6126.75 ppm FSCO Formation Salinity Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H No GCLF Coal-Like Formation HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H No GCSE_DOWN_PASS Generalized Caliper Selection for WL Log Down Passes Borehole BS GCSE_UP_PASS Generalized Caliper Selection for WL Log Up Passes Borehole CALI GR_MULTIPLIER Gamma Ray Multiplier HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 1 GRSE Generalized Mud Resistivity Selection, from Measured or Computed Mud Resistivity Borehole AMF GTSE Generalized Temperature Selection, from Measured or Computed Temperature Borehole CTEM HSCO Hole Size Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Yes HVCS Integrated Hole Volume Caliper Selection Borehole Compute Area from GHD IHVC Integrated Hole Volume Control Borehole Start MATR Rock Matrix for Neutron Porosity Corrections Borehole Depth Zoned MCCO Mud Cake Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H No MDEN Matrix Density for Density Porosity Borehole Depth Zoned g/cm3 MFST Mud Filtrate Sample Temperature Borehole 75 degF MHCC Switch to select MCFL High Contrast Correction HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H No MPOF MCFL Processing Operation Mode HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H On MWCO Mud Weight Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H No NAAC Switch for the correction of formation activation by the APS HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H Off NPRM HRDD Nuclear Processing Mode HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H Standard Resolution NTCO HRDD Nuclear Temperature Correction Option HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H On PTCO Pressure Temperature Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H No RMFS Resistivity of Mud Filtrate Sample Borehole 0.46 ohm.m SOCN Standoff Distance HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H 0.125 in SOCO Standoff Correction Option HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Yes in SPDR SP Drift Per Foot AIT-H:AHIS:AHIS 0 TPOS Tool Position: Centered or Eccentered HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HGNS-H Eccentered mV/ft Depth Zone Parameters CSODDRL [9.625] 4060 4095 CSODDRL [0] 4095 6797.67 MATR SANDSTONE 4060 6100 MATR LIMESTONE 6100 6797.67 MDEN 2.51 4060 6100 MDEN 2.71 6100 6797.67 All depth are actual. HMCA_BRD_TYPE HMCA Board Type HGNS-H:HGNS-H:HMCA-H 1 HRGD_BRD_TYPE HRGD Board Type HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H WITH_HET MAX_LOG_SPEED Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed WLWorkflow 3600 NDTC Nuclear Dead Time Correction HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H On NPUC Nuclear Pile-Up Correction HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H Off STSO_HRDD Temperature Source for the Density Algorithm HDRS-H:HRMS-H:HRGD-H HET data channel ft/h S2R1 Log[2]:Up Up 6270.00 ft 6470.00 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:18:33 PM 16-Feb-2012 4:28:47 PM 2.54 ft false S2R1 Log[4]:Up Up 6270.00 ft 6470.00 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:55:35 PM 16-Feb-2012 5:44:32 PM 0.00 ft false All depths are referenced to toolstring zero Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes RA ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:35:02 Channel Source Sampling ICV Borehole 6in IHV Borehole 6in TIME_1900 WLWorkflow 0.1in TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H 2 ohm.m 20000 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H 8 in 0.2 18 Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 (AT60) AIT-H Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H mV 2 20 2 400 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Main To Repeat Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H gAPI Main To Repeat Repeat To Main 200 2 Repeat To Main Cable Tension (TENS) Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) 10000 HDRS-H lbf 0 ohm.m 400 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 0 ohm.m Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 (AT30) AIT-H Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 Main To Repeat 20000 Repeat To Main Repeat To Main ohm.m ohm.m Main To Repeat Main To Repeat 0 2000 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat -80 ohm.m Repeat To Main Standard Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor (PEFZ) HDRS-H Density Standoff Correction (HDRA) HDRS-H 10 -0.25 20000 0 g/cm3 0.25 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 (AT20) AIT-H Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H ohm.m ft3/ft3 20000 0.6 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main 0.1 Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H 2 ohm.m 20000 0.6 ft3/ft3 0.1 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 6440 6450 6460 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A90 (AT90) AIT-H Standard Resolution Density Porosity (DPHZ) HDRS-H ohm.m ft3/ft3 Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Caliper (CALI) HDRS-H 8 in 18 Main To Repeat Cable Tension (TENS) 10000 lbf Repeat To Main 2 mV 20 Repeat To Main Synthetic Micro-Inverse Resistivity (SMIN) HDRS-H 0 ohm.m 2 Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A10 (AT10) AIT-H Enhanced Thermal Neutron Porosity in Selected Lithology (NPOR) HGNS-H ohm.m 2000 0.6 200 0.1 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Repeat To Main ohm.m Standard Resolution Formation Photoelectric Factor 20000 (PEFZ) HDRS-H Repeat To Main Gamma Ray (GR) HGNS-H ft3/ft3 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main gAPI Main To Repeat Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A60 (AT60) AIT-H 400 Main To Repeat 0 Main To Repeat 0.2 Main To Repeat 0.1 0 Spontaneous Potential (SP) AIT-H -80 20000 0.6 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A30 (AT30) AIT-H 0 10 Density Standoff Correction (HDRA) HDRS-H -0.25 g/cm3 0.25 Main To Repeat 2 ohm.m Repeat To Main Main To Repeat Synthetic Micro-Normal Resistivity (SMNO) HDRS-H Repeat To Main 0 ohm.m 20000 Array Induction Two Foot Resistivity A20 (AT20) AIT-H 400 2 ohm.m 20000 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Invaded Formation Resistivity filtered at 18 inches (RXOZ) HDRS-H 2 ohm.m 20000 IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 100.00 (ft3) IHV - Integrated Hole Volume every 10.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 100.00 (ft3) ICV - Integrated Cement Volume every 10.00 (ft3) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) Description: Triple Combo standard resolution template for Platform Express Format: Log ( PEX Triple Combo StdRes RA ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:35:02 ITT Integrated Transit Time ITTS 0.1912 MaxWell 3.0.9609.0 Application Patch SP-20111012-3.0.9609.1274 s EXP_APL-SEC-3.0.9609.1645 Borehole Borehole Ensemble provides common Borehole Parameters and Channels 3.0.9609.1274 Sonic Openhole Ensemble Sonic Openhole Ensemble 3.0.9609.1274 DepthCorrection DepthCorrection 3.0.9609.1274 SLS-E Sonic Logging Sonde E supports 3'-5'BHC DT and CBL/VDL S2R1 Log[4]:Up Up 4060.00 ft 6797.67 ft 3.0.9609.1274 16-Feb-2012 4:55:35 PM 16-Feb-2012 5:44:32 PM 0.00 ft false All depths are referenced to toolstring zero Description: SONI_Traditional_CompressionalDT_Curves Format: Log ( Sonic Delta-t ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:35:09 Channel Source Sampling BS Borehole 6in DT DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 6in ITT DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 6in SPHI DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 6in STIT DepthCorrection SVEL DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 6in TENS WLWorkflow TIME_1900 WLWorkflow 6in 1in 0.1in TT1 DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 2in TT2 DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 2in TT3 DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 2in TT4 DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 2in ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 1.00 (ms) ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 10.00 (ms) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) Bit Size (BS) 6 in 16 Sonic Velocity (SVEL) DSLT-H 5000 ft/s 25000 Transit Time 1 (TT1) DSLT-H 1200 us Transit Time 2 (TT2) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Stuck Tool Indicator, 200 Total (STIT) 0 Transit Time 3 (TT3) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Transit Time 4 (TT4) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 ft 10000 50 CableDrag ToolDrag Cable Tension (TENS) lbf 0 Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time) (DT) DSLT-H 150 us/ft 50 Sonic Porosity (SPHI) DSLT-H 0.45 ft3/ft3 -0.15 4060 SVELSTIT 4070 BS DT 4080 4090 4100 4110 4120 4130 4140 4150 TENS 4160 4170 4180 4190 4200 4210 4220 4230 4240 4250 4260 4270 TT4 4280 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 4290 4300 STIT SPHI 4310 BS DT 4320 4330 4340 4350 4360 4370 TENS 4380 4390 4400 4410 4420 4430 4440 4450 4460 4470 4480 4490 4500 4510 TT4 4520 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 4530 4540 STIT 4550 BS SPHI DT 4560 4570 4580 4590 TENS 4600 4610 4620 4630 4640 4650 4660 4670 4680 4690 4700 4710 4720 4730 4740 4750 TT4 4760 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 4770 4780 STIT SPHI 4790 BS DT 4800 4810 TENS 4820 4830 4840 4850 4860 4870 4880 4890 4900 4910 4920 4930 4940 4950 4960 4970 4980 4990 TT4 5000 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 5010 5020 STIT 5030 SPHI BS DT 5040 5050 5060 5070 5080 5090 5100 5110 5120 5130 5140 5150 5160 5170 5180 5190 5200 5210 5220 5230 TT4 5240 TT3 TT2 5250 TENS TT1 SVEL 5260 STIT SPHI 5270 BS DT 5280 5290 5300 5310 5320 5330 5340 5350 5360 5370 5380 5390 5400 5410 5420 5430 5440 5450 5460 5470 TENS TT4 5480 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 5490 5500 STIT SPHI 5510 BS DT 5520 5530 5540 5550 5560 5570 5580 5590 5600 5610 5620 5630 5640 5650 5660 5670 5680 5690 TENS 5700 5710 TT4 5720 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 5730 5740 STIT 5750 BS SPHI DT 5760 5770 5780 5790 5800 5810 5820 5830 5840 5850 5860 5870 5880 5890 5900 5910 TENS 5920 5930 5940 5950 TT4 5960 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 5970 5980 STIT SPHI 5990 BS DT 6000 6010 6020 6030 6040 6050 6060 6070 6080 6090 6100 6110 6120 6130 TENS 6140 6150 6160 6170 6180 6190 TT4 6200 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 6210 6220 STIT SPHI 6230 BS TENSDT 6240 6250 6260 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 TT4 6440 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 6450 6460 STIT SPHI 6470 BS TENSDT 6480 6490 6500 6510 6520 6530 6540 6550 6560 6570 6580 6590 6600 6610 6620 6630 6640 6650 6660 6670 TT4 6680 TT3 TT2 TT1 SVEL 6690 6700 STIT SPHI 6710 BS TENS 6720 6730 6740 6750 6760 6770 6780 6790 DT Bit Size (BS) 6 Stuck Tool Indicator, 16 Total (STIT) 150 in Sonic Velocity (SVEL) DSLT-H 5000 ft/s 0 us us/ft 0.45 ft3/ft3 CableDrag 200 50 Sonic Porosity (SPHI) DSLT-H 50 25000 Transit Time 1 (TT1) DSLT-H 1200 ft Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time) (DT) DSLT-H -0.15 Cable Tension (TENS) 10000 ToolDrag lbf Transit Time 2 (TT2) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Transit Time 3 (TT3) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Transit Time 4 (TT4) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 10.00 (ms) ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 1.00 (ms) Description: SONI_Traditional_CompressionalDT_Curves Format: Log ( Sonic Delta-t ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:35:09 AMSG Auxiliary Minimum Sliding Gate DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 380 us BS Bit Size COMPLETION 8.75 in CBLG CBL Gate Width DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 45 us CBLO Casing Bottom (Logger) COMPLETION 4092 ft CDTS Correction for Delta-T Shale, Empirical Borehole 100 us/ft DC_MODE Depth Correction Mode DepthCorrection Real-time DETE Delta-T Detection DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E E1 DTCM Delta-T Computation Mode DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E Full DTF Delta-T Fluid Borehole 189 us/ft DTM Delta-T Matrix Borehole 56 us/ft ITTS Integrated Transit Time Source DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E DT MAHTR Manual High Threshold Reference for first arrival detection DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 120 MNHTR Minimum High Threshold Reference for first arrival detection DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 100 NMSG Near Minimum Sliding Gate DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 340 us NMXG Near Maximum Sliding Gate DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 960 us SFAF Sonic Formation Attenuation Factor DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 3.25 dB/ft SGAD Sliding Gate Status DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E Off SGCL Sliding Gate Closing Delta-T DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 130 us/ft SGDT Sliding Gate Delta-T DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 55 us/ft SGW Sliding Gate Width DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 110 us SLEV Signal Level for AGC DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 9000 mV SPFS Sonic Porosity Formula Borehole Raymer-Hunt SPSO Sonic Porosity Source DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E DT TD Total Measured Depth Borehole 6787 DSLT_MODE DSLT Acquisition Mode DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E BHC ft 0 DSLT_RATE DSLT Firing Rate DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 15 Hz DTFS DSLT Telemetry Frame Size DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 536 MAX_LOG_SPEED Toolstring Maximum Logging Speed WLWorkflow 3600 ft/h S2R1 Log[2]:Up Up 6270.00 ft 6470.00 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:18:33 PM 16-Feb-2012 4:28:47 PM 2.54 ft false S2R1 Log[4]:Up Up 6270.00 ft 6470.00 ft 16-Feb-2012 4:55:35 PM 16-Feb-2012 5:44:32 PM 0.00 ft false All depths are referenced to toolstring zero Description: SONI_Traditional_CompressionalDT_Curves Format: Log ( Sonic Delta-t RA_1 ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:35:15 Channel Source Sampling ITT DSLT-H:SLS-E:SLS-E 6in TIME_1900 WLWorkflow 0.1in ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 1.00 (ms) ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 10.00 (ms) TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Sonic Velocity (SVEL) DSLT-H 5000 ft/s 25000 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Transit Time 1 (TT1) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Transit Time 2 (TT2) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Transit Time 3 (TT3) DSLT-H 1200 us 200 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Transit Time 4 (TT4) DSLT-H Cable Tension (TENS) 1200 us 200 10000 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Main To Repeat Cable Speed (CS) 0 ft/h Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Bit Size (BS) 6 in 50000 0.45 Stuck Tool Indicator, Total (STIT) ft 6270 6280 6290 6300 6310 6320 6330 6340 6350 6360 6370 6380 6390 6400 6410 6420 6430 0 Sonic Porosity (SPHI) DSLT-H Repeat To Main 16 0 lbf 50 150 ft3/ft3 -0.15 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time) (DT) DSLT-H us/ft 50 6440 6450 6460 Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Sonic Velocity (SVEL) DSLT-H 5000 ft/s 25000 Main To Repeat Stuck Tool Indicator, Total (STIT) 0 Repeat To Main ft Sonic Porosity (SPHI) DSLT-H 0.45 1200 50 Repeat To Main Delta-T (also called Slowness or Interval Transit Time) (DT) DSLT-H us 200 150 Repeat To Main Repeat To Main Transit Time 2 (TT2) DSLT-H Cable Tension (TENS) us 200 10000 Transit Time 3 (TT3) DSLT-H us 200 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Transit Time 4 (TT4) DSLT-H us 200 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Cable Speed (CS) 0 ft/h 50000 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main Bit Size (BS) 6 50 Main To Repeat Repeat To Main 1200 us/ft Main To Repeat Main To Repeat 1200 -0.15 Main To Repeat Transit Time 1 (TT1) DSLT-H 1200 ft3/ft3 in 16 TIME_1900 - Time Marked every 60.00 (s) ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 10.00 (ms) lbf 0 ITT - Integrated Transit Time every 1.00 (ms) Description: SONI_Traditional_CompressionalDT_Curves Format: Log ( Sonic Delta-t RA_1 ) Index Scale: 5 in per 100 ft Index Unit: ft Index Type: Measured Depth Creation Date: 20-Feb-2012 09:35:15 Array Induction Sonde - H AHIS 295 AITH Rm/SP Bottom Nose AHRM 295 Master (EEPROM): 07:48:42 25-Nov-2011 Test Loop Gain - 0 Master 1.000 0.950 1.010 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 0.516 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 1.007 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 0.555 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 1.014 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 0.000 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 1.009 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 0.062 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 0.992 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 0.048 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 0.990 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 -0.164 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 0.999 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 0.191 3.000 Master 1.000 0.950 1.005 1.050 Master 0 -3.000 -0.181 3.000 Master ----- -231.000 -129.189 119.000 Master ----- -2250.000 -558.390 2250.000 Master ----- 114.000 174.833 204.000 Master ----- -625.000 -207.178 625.000 Master ----- 66.000 111.310 156.000 Master ----- -350.000 -160.540 350.000 Master ----- 39.000 55.229 89.000 Master ----- -250.000 17.863 250.000 Master ----- 15.000 25.794 35.000 Master ----- -63.000 -8.950 63.000 Master ----- 4.000 13.811 24.000 Master ----- -50.000 -7.063 50.000 Master ----- 5.000 8.943 15.000 Master ----- -30.000 -10.938 30.000 Master ----- -5.000 -2.596 5.000 Master ----- -30.000 -9.622 30.000 Coarse Gain Master 1.000 0.800 1.092 1.200 Fine Gain Master 1.000 0.800 1.200 1.200 Test Loop Phase - 0 deg Test Loop Gain - 1 Test Loop Phase - 1 deg Test Loop Gain - 2 Test Loop Phase - 2 deg Test Loop Gain - 3 Test Loop Phase - 3 deg Test Loop Gain - 4 Test Loop Phase - 4 deg Test Loop Gain - 5 Test Loop Phase - 5 deg Test Loop Gain - 6 Test Loop Phase - 6 deg Test Loop Gain - 7 Test Loop Phase - 7 deg Master (EEPROM): 07:48:42 25-Nov-2011 Sonde Error Correction Real - 0 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 0 Sonde Error Correction Real - 1 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 1 Sonde Error Correction Real - 2 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 2 Sonde Error Correction Real - 3 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 3 Sonde Error Correction Real - 4 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 4 Sonde Error Correction Real - 5 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 5 Sonde Error Correction Real - 6 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 6 Sonde Error Correction Real - 7 mS/m Sonde Error Correction Quad - 7 Master (EEPROM): Master (EEPROM): Thru Cal Mag - 0 07:48:42 25-Nov-2011 07:48:42 25-Nov-2011 Before (Measured): V 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 After: Master ----- 0.363 0.625 0.847 Before ----- 0.363 0.626 0.847 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.001 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Thru Cal Phase - 0 Thru Cal Mag - 1 Thru Cal Phase - 1 Thru Cal Mag - 2 Thru Cal Phase - 2 Thru Cal Mag - 3 Thru Cal Phase - 3 Thru Cal Mag - 4 Thru Cal Phase - 4 Thru Cal Mag - 5 Thru Cal Phase - 5 Thru Cal Mag - 6 Thru Cal Phase - 6 deg V deg V deg V deg V deg V deg V deg Master ----- 11.000 66.720 131.000 Before ----- 11.000 66.776 131.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.055999999999 9974 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 0.762 1.281 1.778 Before ----- 0.762 1.283 1.778 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.002 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 10.000 65.702 130.000 Before ----- 10.000 65.755 130.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.052999999999 9973 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 0.374 0.636 0.872 Before ----- 0.374 0.637 0.872 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.001 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 6.000 61.947 126.000 Before ----- 6.000 61.995 126.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.047999999999 9947 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 0.422 0.717 0.986 Before ----- 0.422 0.719 0.986 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.002 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 5.000 61.176 125.000 Before ----- 5.000 61.224 125.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.047999999999 9947 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 0.802 1.344 1.872 Before ----- 0.802 1.346 1.872 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.002 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- -1.000 54.819 119.000 Before ----- -1.000 54.856 119.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.036999999999 999 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 1.173 1.954 2.737 Before ----- 1.173 1.957 2.737 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.003000000000 00011 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- -3.000 52.950 117.000 Before ----- -3.000 52.982 117.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.031999999999 9965 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 1.173 1.953 2.737 Before ----- 1.173 1.956 2.737 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.002999999999 99989 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- -3.000 52.957 117.000 Before ----- -3.000 52.988 117.000 Thru Cal Mag - 7 ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- 0.030999999999 9988 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 0.849 1.393 1.981 Before ----- 0.849 1.394 1.981 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.000999999999 99989 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- -7.000 49.496 113.000 Before ----- -7.000 49.460 113.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- 0.036000000000 0014 ----- Master ----- -50.000 -0.176 50.000 Before ----- -50.000 -0.190 50.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- -0.014 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 941.000 991.627 1040.000 Before ----- 941.000 991.138 1040.000 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- -0.489 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- -0.050 0.000 0.050 Before ----- -0.050 0.000 0.050 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.000 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 0.870 0.918 0.960 Before ----- 0.870 0.918 0.960 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- 0.000 ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- V Thru Cal Phase - 7 deg SPA Zero mV SPA Plus mV Temperature Zero V Temperature Plus Before (Measured): After Before-Master V ----- HILT High-Resolution Control Cartridge, 150 degC HRCC-H 4863 HILT Resistivity Gamma-Ray Density Device, 150 degC HRGD-H 3799 HRDD Backscatter Detector Backscatter HRDD Long Spacing Detector Long Spacing HRDD Short Spacing Detector Short Spacing Cesium 137 Gamma-Ray Logging Source GSR-J 5234 HILT High-Resolution Control Cartridge, 150 degC HRCC-H 4863 HILT High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde, 150 degC HRMS-H 3969 Small Ring Size (Caliper Calibration Small Ring) 8.00 Large Ring Size (Caliper Calibration Large Ring) 12.00 28475 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 Small Ring in Before 8.00 6.00 7.48 10.00 Large Ring in Before 12.00 9.00 11.67 15.00 Master (EEPROM): 13:05:40 02-Feb-2012 Rho Aluminum g/cm3 Master 2.596 2.586 2.600 2.606 Rho Magnesium g/cm3 Master 1.686 1.676 1.688 1.696 Pe Aluminum Master 2.570 2.470 2.552 2.670 Pe Magnesium Master 2.650 2.550 2.627 2.750 Master (EEPROM): 13:05:40 02-Feb-2012 BS Average Deviation % Master 0 -0.6000 0.5346 0.6000 BS Max Deviation % Master 0 -1.6000 1.0587 1.6000 SS Average Deviation % Master 0 -1.0000 0.2860 1.0000 SS Max Deviation % Master 0 -2.5000 1.1816 2.5000 LS Average Deviation % Master 0 -1.5000 0.4790 1.5000 LS Max Deviation % Master 0 -3.5000 1.0105 3.5000 Master (EEPROM): 13:05:40 02-Feb-2012 BS Window Ratio BS Window Sum 1/s SS Window Ratio SS Window Sum 1/s LS Window Ratio LS Window Sum Master (EEPROM): BS PM High Voltage SS PM High Voltage LS PM High Voltage Master (EEPROM): BS Crystal Resolution SS Crystal Resolution LS Crystal Resolution Before (Measured): 1/s Before (Measured): Master 1.0000 ----- 0.7291 ----- Before 0.7291 0.6926 0.7292 0.7656 Before-Master ----- ----- 0.0001 ----- Master 1 ----- 25303 ----- Before 25303 24037 25230 26568 Before-Master ----- ----- -73 ----- Master 1.0000 ----- 0.4729 ----- Before 0.4729 0.4493 0.4735 0.4966 Before-Master ----- ----- 0.0006 ----- Master 1 ----- 10617 ----- Before 10617 10086 10558 11148 Before-Master ----- ----- -59 ----- Master 1.0000 ----- 0.3019 ----- Before 0.3019 0.2868 0.3006 0.3170 Before-Master ----- ----- -0.0013 ----- Master 1 ----- 1181 ----- Before 1181 1122 1167 1240 Before-Master ----- ----- -14 ----- 13:05:40 02-Feb-2012 V V V Before (Measured): % % 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 Master ----- 1000 1524 2400 Before ----- 1000 1544 2400 Before-Master ----- -100 20 100 Master ----- 1000 1365 2400 2400 Before ----- 1000 1370 Before-Master ----- -100 5 100 Master ----- 1000 1601 2400 Before ----- 1000 1603 2400 Before-Master ----- -100 2 100 13:05:40 02-Feb-2012 % 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 Before (Measured): 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 Master ----- 5.00 11.17 25.00 Before ----- 5.00 11.26 25.00 Before-Master ----- -1.00 0.09 1.00 Master ----- 5.00 9.63 20.00 20.00 Before ----- 5.00 9.64 Before-Master ----- -1.00 0.01 1.00 Master ----- 5.00 8.74 20.00 Before ----- 5.00 8.63 20.00 Before-Master ----- -1.00 -0.11 1.00 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 Main Resistivity ohm.m Before 3875 3565 3913 4185 Deep Resistivity ohm.m Before 3830 3524 3809 4136 Shallow Resistivity ohm.m Before 3830 3524 3713 4136 HILT Gamma-Ray and Neutron Sonde, 150 degC HGNS-H 3799 HGNS Accelerometer, 150 degC HACCZ-H 1614 AmBe Neutron Logging Source NSR-F 5138 Water Temperature Housing Size JIG-BKG (Jig minus background reference) Before (Measured): 165 15:40:11 16-Feb-2012 AZ Vertical Measurement Before 32.2 31.5 32.2 Master Master ----- ----- QAT_160 ----- ----- 30.2 77.0 122.0 Accelerometer Coefficients - 0 Accelerometer Coefficients - 1 Master ----- ----- -3195.000 ----- Master ----- ----- 3.177 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 2 Master ----- ----- 0.012 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 3 Master ----- ----- 0.000 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 4 Master ----- ----- 2.708 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 5 Master ----- ----- 0.000 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 6 Master ----- ----- 0.000 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 7 Master ----- ----- 0.000 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 8 Master ----- ----- 298.500 ----- Accelerometer Coefficients - 9 Master ----- ----- 1.005 ----- Master (EEPROM): ft/s2 18:00:00 14-May-2002 Accelerometer Manufacturer Accelerometer Reference Temperature Master (EEPROM): 32.8 09:57:08 30-Nov-2011 Near Zero Measurement Far Zero Measurement Near Plus Measurement - 0 Far Plus Measurement - 0 Near Corrected Plus Measurement - 0 Far Corrected Plus Measurement - 0 degF Before (Measured): 1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s 1/s 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 After: Master 0 5.0 27.9 40.0 Before 0 5.0 27.4 40.0 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- -4.2 -0.5 4.2 After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master 0 5.0 32.0 40.0 Before 0 5.0 29.2 40.0 After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- -4.8 -2.8 4.8 After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master 6031.0 4700.0 5453.0 6900.0 Before ----- ----- ----- ----- After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master 2793.0 1900.0 2227.0 2900.0 Before ----- ----- ----- ----- After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 4700.0 5480.0 6900.0 Before ----- ----- ----- ----- After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before-Master ----- ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Master ----- 1900.0 2230.0 2900.0 Before ----- ----- ----- ----- After ----- ----- ----- ----- Before (Measured): Before-Master ----- ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- 07:24:16 16-Feb-2012 RGR Zero Measurement gAPI RGR Plus Measurement gAPI GR Calibration Gain After: Before 30.0 0 46.0 120.0 After ----- ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Before 185.4 157.1 164.4 206.3 After ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Before 0.89 0.80 1.00 1.05 After ----- ----- ----- ----- After-Before ----- ----- ----- ----- Company: TETUAN RESOURCES WINN EXPLORATION Well: MARYS RIVER 34-26 Field: WILDCAT County: ELKO State: NEVADA **PLATFORM EXPRESS** COMPENSATED NEUTRON, LITHO-DENSITY INDUCTION RESIS., GR, SP, SONIC -----
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