Theory of Languages and Automata Chapter 0 - Introduction Sharif University of Technology References O Main Reference M. Sipser, ”Introduction to the Theory of Computation,” 2nd Ed., Thompson Learning Inc., 2006. O Additional References P. Linz, “An Introduction to Formal Languages and Automata,” 3rd Ed., Jones and Barlett Publishers, Inc., 2001. J.E. Hopcroft, R. Motwani and J.D. Ullman, “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation,” 2nd Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2001. P.J. Denning, J.B. Dennnis, and J.E. Qualitz, “Machines, Languages, and Computation,” Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1978. P.J. Cameron, “Sets, Logic and Categories,” Springer-Verlag, London limited, 1998. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 2 Grading Policy O Assignments O First Quiz O Second Quiz O Final Exam Theory of Languages and Automata 30% 20% 20% 30% Prof. Movaghar 3 Main Topics O Complexity Theory O Computability Theory O Automata Theory O Mathematical Notions O Alphabet O Strings O Languages Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 4 Complexity Theory O The scheme for classifying problems according to their computational difficulty O Options: Alter the problem to a more easily solvable one by understanding the root of difficulty Approximate the perfect solution Use a procedure that occasionally is slow but usually runs quickly Consider alternatives, such as randomized computation O Applied area: Cryptography Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 5 Computability Theory O Determining whether a problem is solvable by Computers O Classification of problems as solvable ones and unsolvable ones Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 6 Automata Theory O Definitions and properties of mathematical models of computation Finite automaton Usage: Text Processing, Compilers, Hardware Design Context-free grammar Usage: Programming Languages, Artificial Intelligence Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 7 Logic O The science of the formal principles of reasoning Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 8 History of Logic O Logic was known as 'dialectic' or 'analytic' in Ancient Greece. The word 'logic' (from the Greek logos, meaning discourse or sentence) does not appear in the modern sense until the commentaries of Alexander of Aphrodisias, writing in the third century A.D. O While many cultures have employed intricate systems of reasoning, and logical methods are evident in all human thought, an explicit analysis of the principles of reasoning was developed only in three traditions: those of China, India, and Greece. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 9 History of Logic (cont.) O Although exact dates are uncertain, particularly in the case of India, it is possible that logic emerged in all three societies by the 4th century BC. O The formally sophisticated treatment of modern logic descends from the Greek tradition, particularly Aristotelian logic, which was further developed by Islamic Logicians and then medieval European logicians. O The work of Frege in the 19th century marked a radical departure from the Aristotlian leading to the rapid development of symbolic logic, later called mathematical logic. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 10 Modern Logic O Descartes proposed using algebra, especially techniques for solving for unknown quantities in equations, as a vehicle for scientific exploration. O The idea of a calculus of reasoning was also developed by Leibniz. He was the first to formulate the notion of a broadly applicable system of mathematical logic. O Frege in his 1879 work extended formal logic beyond propositional logic to include quantification to represent the "all", "some" propositions of Aristotelian logic. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 11 Modern Logic (cont.) O A logic is a language of formulas. O A formula is a finite sequence of symbols with a syntax and semantics. O A logic can have a formal system. O A formal system consists of a set of axioms and rules of inference. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 12 Logic Types of Interest O Propositional Logic O Predicate Logic Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 13 Syntax of Propositional Logic O Let {p0, p1, ..} be a countable set of O O O O propositional variables, {, , ¬, →, ↔} be a finite set of connectives, Also, there are left and right brackets, A propositional variable is a formula, If φ and ψ are formulas, then so are (¬φ), (φ ψ), (φ ψ), (φ → ψ), and (φ ↔ ψ). Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 14 Semantics of Propositional Logic O Any formula, which involves the propositional variables p0,...,pn , can be used to define a function of n variables, that is, a function from the set {T, F}n to {T, F}. This function is often represented as the truth table of the formula and is defined to be the semantics of that formula. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 15 Examples ψ φ (¬φ) (φ ψ) (φ ψ) (φ → ψ) T T F T T T T F T F F T F F T F T F T T F F F T F F T T Theory of Languages and Automata (φ ↔ ψ) Prof. Movaghar 16 Other Definitions O A formulae is a tautology if it is always true. (P (¬P)) is a tautology. O A formulae is a contradiction if it is never true. (P (¬P)) is a contradiction. O A formulae is a contingency if it is sometimes true. (P → (¬P)) is a contingency. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 17 Formal System A formal system includes the following: O An alphabet A, a set of symbols. O A set of formulae, each of which is a string of symbols from A. O A set of axioms, each axiom being a formula. O A set of rules of inference, each of which takes as „input‟ a finite sequence of formulae and produces as output a formula. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 18 Proof O A proof in a formal system is just a finite sequence of formulae such that each formula in the sequence either is an axiom or is obtained from earlier formulae by applying a rule of inference. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 19 Theorem O A theorem of the formal system is just the last formula in a proof. O Example: For any formula φ, the formula (φ→φ) is a theorem of the propositional logic. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 20 A Formal System for Propositional Logic O There are three „schemes‟ of axioms, namely: (A1) (φ→(ψ → φ)) (A2) (φ→(ψ → θ)) → ((φ→ ψ) → (φ → θ)) (A3) (((¬φ) →(¬ψ)) → (ψ → φ)) O Each of these formulas is an axiom, for all choices of formulae φ, ψ, θ. O There is only one rule of inference, namely Modus Ponens: From φ and (φ→ ψ), infer ψ. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 21 Example of a Proof O Using (A2), taking φ, ψ, θ to be φ, (φ→φ) and φ respectively ((φ→((φ→φ)→φ))→((φ→(φ→φ))→(φ →φ))) O Using (A1), taking φ, ψ to be φ and (φ→φ) respectively (φ→((φ→φ)→φ)) O Using Modus Ponens ((φ→(φ→φ))→(φ →φ)) O Using (A1), taking φ, ψ to be φ and φ respectively (φ→(φ→φ)) O Using Modus Ponens (φ→φ) Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 22 Soundness & Completeness O A formal system is said to be sound if all theorems in that system are tautology. O A formal system is said to be complete if all tautologies in that system are theorems. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 23 Predicate O A proposition involving some variables, functions and relations O Example P(x) = “x > 3” Q(x,y,z) = “x2 + y2 = z2” Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 24 Quantifier ∀ ∀x P(x) ⇔ P(x1) ∧ P(x2) ∧ P(x3) ∧ … O Universal: “for all” O Existential: “there exists” ∃ ∃x P(x) ⇔ P(x1) ∨ P(x2) ∨ P(x3) ∨ … O Combinations: ∀x ∃y y > x Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 25 Quantifiers: Negation O ¬ (∀x P(x)) ⇔ ∃x ¬ P(x) O ¬ (∃x P(x)) ⇔ ∀x ¬ P(x) O ¬ ∃x ∀y P(x,y) ⇔ ∀x ∃y ¬ P(x,y) O ¬ ∀x ∃y P(x,y) ⇔ ∃x ∀y ¬ P(x,y) Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 26 Rules of Inference 1. Direct Proof 2. Indirect Proof 3. Proof by Contradiction 4. Proof by Cases 5. Induction Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 27 Direct Proof O If the two propositions (premises) p and p → q are theorems, we may deduce that the proposition q is also a theorem. O This fundamental rule of inference is called modus ponens by logicians. p→q p ∴q Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 28 Indirect Proof O Proves p → q by instead proving the contra- positive, ~q → ~p p→q ~q ∴ ~p Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 29 Proof by Contradiction O The rule of inference used is that from theorems p and ¬q → ¬p, we may deduce theorem q. p ~q → ~p ∴q Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 30 Proof by Cases You want to prove p → q O P can be decomposed to some cases: p ↔ p1 ν p2 ν …ν pn O O Independently prove the n implications given by pi → q for 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 31 Proof by Induction O To prove xP (x ) Proof P(0), 2. Proof x [P (x ) P (x 1)] 1. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 32 Constructive Existence Proof O Want to prove that x P(x) O Find an a and then prove that P(a) is true Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 33 Non-Constructive Existence Proof O Want to prove that x P(x) O You cannot find an a that P(a) is true O Then, you can use proof by contradiction: ~ x P( x) x ~ P( x) F Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 34 Intuitive (Naïve) Set Theory There are three basic concepts in set theory: O Membership O Extension O Abstraction Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 35 Membership O Membership is a relation that holds between a set and an object O x∈A to mean “the object x is a member of the set A”, or “x belongs to A”. The negation of this assertion is written x∉A as an abbreviation for the proposition ¬(x∈A) O One way to specify a set is to list its elements. For example, the set A = {a, b, c} consists of three elements. For this set A, it is true that a∈A but d∉A Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 36 Extension O The concept of extension is that two sets are identical if and if only if they contain the same elements. Thus we write A=B to mean ∀x [x∈A ⟺ x∈B] Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 37 Abstraction Each property defines a set, and each set defines a property O If p(x) is a property then we can define a set A A = {x ∣ p(x)} O If A is a set then we can define a predicate p(x) p(x) = ∀x (x∈A) Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 38 Intuitive versus axiomatic set theory O The theory of set built on the intuitive concept of membership, extension, and abstraction is known as intuitive (naïve) set theory. O As an axiomatic theory of sets, it is not entirely satisfactory, because the principle of abstraction leads to contradictions when applied to certain simple predicates. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 39 Russell‟s Paradox Let p(X) be a predicate defined as P(X) = (XX) Define set R as R={X|P(X)} O Is P(R) true? O Is P(R) false? Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 40 Gottlob Frege‟s Comments O The logician Gottlob Frege was the first to develop mathematics on the foundation of set theory. He learned of Russell Paradox while his work was in press, and wrote, “A scientist can hardly meet with anything more undesirable than to have the foundation give way just as the work is finished. In this position I was put by a letter from Mr. Bertrand Russell as the work was nearly through the press.” Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 41 Power Set O The set of all subsets of a given set A is known as the power set of A, and is denoted by P(A): P(A) = {B | B A} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 42 Set Operation-Union O The union of two sets A and B is A B = {x | (x A) (x B)} and consists of those elements in at least one of A and B. O If A1, …, An constitute a family of sets, their union is = (A1 … An) = {x| x Ai for some i, 1≤ i ≤ n} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 43 Set Operation-Intersection O The intersection of two sets A and B is A B = {x | (x A) ∧ (x B)} and consists of those elements in at least one of A and B. O If A1, …, An constitute a family of sets, their intersection is = (A1 … An) = {x| x Ai for all i, 1≤ i ≤ n} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 44 Set Operation-Complement O The complement of a set A is a set Ac defined as: Ac = {x | x ∉ A} O The complement of a set B with respect to A, also denoted as A-B, is defined as: A-B = {x ∈ A | x ∉ B} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 45 Ordered Pairs and n-tuples O An ordered pair of elements is written (x,y) where x is known as the first element, and y is known as the second element. O An n-tuple is an ordered sequence of elements (x1, x2, …, xn) And is a generalization of an ordered pair. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 46 Ordered Sets and Set Products O By Cartesian product of two sets A and B, we mean the set A×B = {(x,y) | xA , yB} O Similarly, A1×A2×…An = {x1A1, x2A2, …, xnAn} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 47 Relations A relation ρ between sets A and B is a subset of A×B: ρ A×B O The domain of ρ is defined as Dρ = {x A | for some y B, (x,y) ρ} O The range of ρ is defined as Rρ = {y B | for some x A, (x,y) ρ} O If ρ A×A, then ρ is called a ”relation on A”. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 48 Types of Relations on Sets O A relation ρ is reflexive if (x,x) ρ, for each x A O A relation ρ is symmetric if, for all x,y A (x,y) ρ implies (y,x) ρ O A relation ρ is antisymmetric if, for all x,yA (x,y) ρ and (y,x) ρ implies x=y O A relation ρ is transitive if, for all x,y,z A (x,y) ρ and (y,z) ρ implies (x,z) ρ Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 49 Partial Order and Equivalence Relations O A relation ρ on a set A is called a partial ordering of A if ρ is reflexive, anti-symmetric, and transitive. O A relation ρ on a set A is called an equivalence relation if ρ is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 50 Total Ordering O A relation ρ on a set A is a total ordering if ρ is a partial ordering and, for each pair of elements (x,y) in A×A at least one of (x,y)ρ or (y,x)ρ is true. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 51 Inverse Relation O For any relation ρ A×B, the inverse of ρ is defined by ρ-1 = {(y,x) | (x,y) ρ} O If Dρ and Rρ are the domain and range of ρ, then Dρ-1 = Rρ and Rρ-1 = Dρ Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 52 Equivalence O Let ρ A×A be an equivalence relation on A. The equivalence class of an element x is defined as [x] = {y A | (x,y) ρ} O An equivalence relation on a set partitions the set. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 53 Functions A relation f A× B is a function if it has the property (x,y) f and (x,z) f implies y = z O If f A× B is a function, we write f: A → B and say that f maps A into B. We use the common notation Y = f(x) to mean (x,y) f. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 54 Functions (cont.) O As before, the domain of f is the set Df = {x A | for some y B, (x,y) f} and the range of f is the set Rf = {y B | for some x A, (x,y) f} O If Df A, we say the function is a partial function; if Df = A, we say that f is a total function. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 55 Functions (cont.) O If x Df, we say that f is defined at x; otherwise f is undefined at x. O If Rf = B, we say that f maps Df onto B. O If a function f has the property f(x) = z and f(y) = z implies x = y then f is a one-to-one function. If f: A → B is a one-to-one function, f gives a one-to one correspondence between elements of its domain and range. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 56 Functions (cont.) O Let X be a set and suppose A X. Define function CA: X → {0,1} such that CA(x) = 1, if x A; CA(x) = 0, otherwise. CA(x) is called the characteristic function of set A with respect to set X. O If f A× B is a function, then the inverse of f is the set f--1 = {(y,x) | (x,y) f} f--1 is a function if and only if f is one-to-one. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 57 Functions (cont.) O Let f: A → B be a function, and suppose that X A. Then the set Y = f(X) = {y B | y = f(x) for some x X} is known as the image of X under f. O Similarly, the inverse image of a set Y included in the range of f is f -1(Y) = {x A | y = f(x) for some y Y} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 58 Cardinality O Two sets A and B are of equal cardinality, written as |A| = |B| if and only if there is a one-to-one function f: A → B that maps A onto B. O We write |A| ≤ |B| if B includes a subset C such that |A| = |C|. O If |A| ≤ |B| and |A| ≠ |B|, then A has cardinality less than that of B, and we write |A| < |B| Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 59 Cardinality (cont.) J = {1, 2, …} and Jn = {1, 2, …, n}. O A sequence on a set X is a function f: J → X. A sequence O Let may be written as f(1), f(2), f(3), … However, we often use the simpler notation x1, x2, x3, …., xi X O A finite sequence of length n on X is a function f: Jn → X, usually written as x1, x2, x3, …., xn, xi X O The sequence of length zero is the function f: → X. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 60 Finite and Infinite Sets O A set A is finite if |A| = |Jn| for some integer n ≥ 0, in which case we say that A has cardinality n. O A set is infinite if it is not finite. O A set X is denumerable if |X| = |J|. O A set is countable if it is either finite or denumerable. O A set is uncountable if it is not countable. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 61 Some Properties O Proposition: Every subset of J is countable. Consequently, each subset of any denumerable set is countable. O Proposition: A function f: J → Y has a countable range. Hence any function on a countable domain has a countable range. O Proposition: The set J × J is denumerable. Therefore, A × B is countable for arbitrary countable sets A and B. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 62 Some Properties (cont.) O Proposition: The set A B is countable whenever A and B are countable sets. O Proposition: Every infinite set X is at least denumerable ; that is |X| ≥ |J|. O Proposition: The set of all infinite sequence on {0, 1} is uncountable. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 63 Some Properties (cont.) O Proposition: (Schröder-Bernestein Theorem) For any set A and B, if |A| ≥ |B| and |B| ≥ |A|, then |A| = |B|. O Proposition: (Cantor’s Theorem) For any set X, |X| < |P(X)|. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 64 1-1 correspondence Q↔N O Proof (dove-tailing): Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 65 Countable Sets O Any subset of a countable set O The set of integers, algebraic/rational numbers O The union of two/finite number of countable sets O Cartesian product of a finite number of countable sets O The set of all finite subsets of N O Set of binary strings Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 66 Diagonal Argument Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 67 Uncountable Sets O R, R2, P(N) O The intervals [0,1), [0, 1], (0, 1) O The set of all real numbers O The set of all functions from N to {0, 1} O The set of functions N → N O Any set having an uncountable subset Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 68 Transfinite Cardinal Numbers O Cardinality of a finite set is simply the number of elements in the set. O Cardinalities of infinite sets are not natural numbers, but are special objects called transfinite cardinal numbers. O 0:|N|, is the first transfinite cardinal number. O continuum hypothesis claims that |R|=1, the second transfinite cardinal. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 69 Alphabet O A finite and nonempty set of symbols (usually shown by ∑ or Г). O Example: = {𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, … , 𝑧} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 70 Strings O A finite list of symbols from an alphabet O Example: house O If ω is a string over ∑, the length of ω, written |ω|, is the number of symbols that it contains. O The empty string (ε or λ) is the string of length zero. λω = ωλ = ω O String z is a substring of ω if z appears consecutively within ω. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 71 Operations on Strings O Reverse of a string: w = a1a2…an wR = an…a2a1 ababaaabbb bbbaaababa O Concatenation: w = a1a2…an v = b1b2…bm wv = a1a2…an b1b2…bm |wv| = |w| + |v| Theory of Languages and Automata abba bbbaaa abbabbbaaa Prof. Movaghar 72 Operations on Alphabet O *: The set of all strings that can be produced from ∑. O +: The set of all strings, excluding λ, that can be produced from ∑. Suppose that λ={λ}. Then: Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 73 Languages O A set of strings O Any language on the alphabet ∑ is a subset of ∑*. O Examples: Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 74 Operations on Languages Languages are a special kind of sets and operations on sets can be defined on them as well. O Union O Intersection O Relative Complement O Complement λ, b, aa, ab, bb, aaa, …} Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 75 Operations on Languages (cont.) O Reverse of a language O Example: Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 76 Operations on Languages (cont.) O Concatenation O Example: Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 77 Operations on Languages (cont.) O *: Kleene * The set of all strings that can be produced by concatenation of strings of a language. Example: O +: The set of all strings, excluding λ, that can be produced by concatenation of strings of a language. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 78 Gödel Numbering O Let ∑ be an alphabet containing n objects. Let h: ∑ → Jn be an arbitrary one-to-one correspondence. Define function f as: f: ∑* → N such that f(ε) =0; f(w.v) = n f(w) + h(v), for w ∑* and v ∑. f is called a Gödel Numbering of ∑*. O Proposition: ∑* is denumerable. O Proposition: Any language on an alphabet is countable. Theory of Languages and Automata Prof. Movaghar 79
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