BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0111 _________________________________________ POSTAL RATE AND FEES CHANGES, 2006 _________________________________________ Docket No. R2006-1 RESPONSE OF PARCEL SHIPPERS ASSOCIATION WITNESS CHRIS FINLEY TO INTERROGATORIES OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS/PSA-T1-1) [ERRATA] The Parcel Shippers Association (PSA) submits the answers of PSA witness Chris Finley to USPS/PSA-T1-1. The question is stated verbatim and then answered. Respectfully submitted, _____________________ Timothy J. May Patton Boggs, LLP 2550 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20037 Tel: 202 457 6050 Fax: 202 457 6315 [email protected] Counsel for Parcel Shippers Association Dated: October 3, 2006 4831020 RESPONSE OF PARCEL SHIPPERS ASSOCIATION WITNESS CHRIS FINLEY TO INTERROGATORIES OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS/PSA-T1-1) [ERRATA] USPS/PSA-T1-1 Please provide the assumptions used in the study reported in section 4 of your testimony, including the number of parcels going to each RDC, the weight of each parcel, the zone for each parcel based on DBMC entry and the zone for each based on DRDC entry. ANSWER I have attached a chart showing the number of parcels entered at each RDC and the number of parcels by weight and zone under DBMC entry and DRDC entry that I used in the study. 4831020 2 RESPONSE OF PARCEL SHIPPERS ASSOCIATION WITNESS CHRIS FINLEY TO INTERROGATORIES OF THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (USPS/PSA-T1-1) [ERRATA] Attachment to USPS/PSA-T1-1 Number of Parcels by RDC RDC Dallas Houston San Antonio Austin EI Paso Parcels 36,830 25,775 13,816 11,051 4,006 Number of Parcels by Weight and Zone Weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Total 4831020 1&2 5,207 7,027 4,667 6,061 2,888 2,590 1,521 1,485 882 1,041 639 592 394 385 487 332 242 228 175 188 102 81 56 44 24 21 20 14 17 16 37,426 Zone (as DBMC Parcel) 3 4 6,185 1 ,485 8,330 1,870 5,491 1,309 7,191 1,623 3,391 765 2,980 768 1,861 483 1,733 458 1,067 271 1,097 267 670 180 605 180 426 112 448 119 599 163 334 96 228 64 220 52 179 42 153 46 103 38 97 31 46 24 41 13 38 8 20 5 14 3 7 2 13 2 4 1 1 43,572 10,480 5 - 3 Zone (as DRDC Parcel) 1&2 3 4 12,627 250 16,909 318 11 ,227 240 14,563 312 6,914 130 6,193 145 3,777 88 3,604 72 2,176 44 2,360 45 1,465 24 1,334 43 906 26 932 20 1,215 34 744 18 520 14 493 7 387 9 374 13 236 7 202 7 120 6 96 2 69 1 45 1 36 1 22 1 32 21 1 89,600 1,878 - 5 -
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