th The 12 International Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG) 1-6 October, 2008 Goa, India In-situ Lysimetric Studies for Radionuclide Migration in Undisturbed Unsaturated Soil under Geoenvironmental Conditions R. R. Rakesh, P. K. Narayan, P. K. Wattal Back End Technology Development Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India S. Anil Kumar Radiation Safety Systems Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, India B. Hanumantha Rao, V. Sridhar, D. N. Singh Dept. of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai, India 3 Keywords: Vadose zone, In-situ experiment, Lysimeter, Pore water samplers, Radionuclide ( H, 137 60 Cs, Co) migration. 3 137 60 ABSTRACT: Migration of radionuclides H, Cs and Co in undisturbed vadose zone was studied using lysimeters at near surface radioactive waste disposal facility, RSMS Trombay site. The soil type of the site was clayey sand with appreciable quantity of montmorillonite. The studies were performed in two lysimeters separated by a distance of 50m. Radionuclides 3H (20 MBq), 137Cs (0.55MBq) and 60Co (0.40MBq) were doped as a tracer in sand layer placed at 100-200 mm from top of the surface of lysimeters along with the inactive salt solution of CsNO3 and Co(NO3).6H2O. Pore water samplers at different depths and Time Domain Reflectometer (TDR) were installed in the lysimeter. Periodically pore water samples were extracted using hand operated vacuum pump and the samples were analysed for radionuclides present. After rainy season the soil was cored up to a depth of 55cm and analysed for radionuclides migration depth wards. Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer and high resolution Gamma Ray Spectrometer were used for isotopic activity analysis. The study revealed that under normal 3 137 environmental condition, H migrated nearly 40 cm in 14 days of simulated rainfall condition; however Cs and 60 Co did not show any significant migration even in nearly 500 days. 1 Introduction Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (L & ILW) are generated at various stages of nuclear fuel cycle, which includes the mining and milling of uranium ore, fuel fabrication, reactor operation and spent fuel reprocessing. Besides these sources, radioactive wastes are produced as a result of the ever-increasing use of radioisotopes in medicine, industry and agriculture. After proper treatment and conditioning of these wastes the solid/solidified waste is disposed in the various disposal modules viz., Earth Trench (ET)/Stone Lined Trench (SLT), Reinforced Concrete Trench (RCT) and Tile Holes (TH) of Near Surface Disposal Facility (NSDF). The safety assessment and health monitoring of these disposal modules are carried out periodically. The safety assessment of operating NSDF sites has proved that the site is providing adequate safety in terms of radiological dose to the public and is below the regulatory limit (Rakesh et al., 2005, Rakesh et al., 2007). However, a temporal and spatial variation in site-specific parameter of the site introduces uncertainty in exact prediction of migration behavior. The issue is further complicated in case of radionuclide transport through the vadose zone which is lying between the bottom of disposal modules and the water table at least for a part of the year. The simulation of evaporation/evapotranspiration further complicates the modelling. Hence, to have a confidence building in the radionuclide migration studies using mathematical modeling, the results of modeling studies need to be supplemented with the in-situ experiment. With this in view, and to generate reliable database on radionuclide migration under geo-environmental conditions, in-situ experiment on radionuclide migration using Lysimeter has been initiated in 2005 and is in progress at one of the operating NSDF site, Radioactive waste Storage and Management Site (RSMS), Trombay. Lysimeter, a cylindrical metal container made of material such as fiberglass, MS, SS or aluminum and open at both ends have become important tools and is in practice by many researchers to study the contaminant transport in agriculture (Parizek and Lane, 1970; Swistock et al., 1990; Litaor, 1988), groundwater hydrology (Parizek and Lane, 1970; Rogers and McConnel, 1991; Litaor, 1988) and for calibrating and validating theoretical models of solute transport (Schoen et al., 1999; Eriksson et al., 1997). The contaminant migration is studied by 2320 exposing Lysimeter to natural physical, chemical and biological conditions, typical of disposal sites. This is followed by temporal sampling of the pore water from different depths of the controlled matrix and its analyses to know the radionuclide concentration in pore water and its temporal and spatial variation. The experiment is designed for developing a generalized in-situ experimental methodology that can be employed for studying the migration behavior of different radionuclides under natural geo-environmental condition. 2 Experimental investigations 2.1 Soil characterization Soil samples were collected from RSMS Trombay from a depth of 1.0 and 2.0m at two different lysimeter (L1, L2) experimental locations which are separated by a distance of 50m each. However, to create a representative sample from two different locations soils of same location of different depths were mixed together and representative samples of two different locations were generated. These representative samples were characterized for its physical characterization (specific gravity, ASTM D 5550-94; grain size, ASTM D 422-63; consistency limits, ASTM D 4318-93; ASTM D 427-93), geotechnical characterization (compaction characteristics, ASTM D 698-07; saturated soil hydraulic conductivity, ASTM D 5896-95) and geochemical characterization of the soil samples was performed as per IS: 2720 (Part XXIV)–1976. Soil classification has been done based on these results using ASTM D 2487-93. The geotechnical characterization was carried out on the two representative samples. The physical, geotechnical and geochemical characteristics of the soil samples are presented in Table 1. The grain size analysis of the soil samples are presented in Figure 1. The chemical composition of these soils have been analysed (Vogel, 1986) for major oxides and is presented in Table 2. Table 1. Soil characteristics Soil samples L1 L2 Property Physical characteristics: Specific Gravity Particle size distribution characteristics: 2.2 Sand (%) 2.3 Silt (%) 2.4 Clay (%) Consistency limits: L.L. (%) P.L. (%) S.L. (%) P.I. (%) Geotechnical characteristics: Compaction characteristics: γdmax (g/cc) OMC (%) Saturated soil hydraulic conductivity (m/s) Geochemical characteristics: Cation Exchange Capacity (meq/100 g) USCS 2.73 2.65 51 37 12 48 39 13 43 26 26 17 46 29 24 17 1.66 16.31 1.680E-04 1.70 19.45 1.075E-04 56.8 SM 48.8 SM Table 2. Chemical composition of the soil samples Oxide L1 L2 SiO2 40.25 41.42 Fe2O3 31.30 30.08 Al2O3 20.46 20.90 CaO 2.92 2.79 TiO2 1.86 1.80 MgO 1.27 1.25 Na2O 1.26 1.09 K2O 0.56 0.54 V205 0.06 0.08 P2O5 0.06 0.05 2.5 Radionuclides 3 137 60 The radionuclides used in this study are H, Cs (CsCl) and Co [CoCl2]. These radionuclides were collected from Board of Radiation and Isotope Technology (BRIT), Mumbai. As the contaminants used in this study are radioactive, limited activity of radionuclides 3H (20MBq), 137Cs (0.55MBq) and 60Co (0.40MBq) have been used in each lysimeter. These activity has been used as a tracer along with inactive salt solution of CsNO3 and Co(NO3)26H2O. 2321 100 % finer 80 60 40 20 L1 L2 0 -3 10 10 -2 -1 10 0 D (mm) 10 10 1 2 10 Figure 1. Grain size distribution curves of the soil samples 2.3 Lysimetric experiment The experiment has been performed in duplicate to have a reproducibility of data. For this two lysimeters, made of MS of diameter 1200 mm and height 1500 mm have been installed at the RSMS Trombay site as depicted in Figure 2. The top 200 mm of soil in the Lysimeter was excavated out and then part of the excavated portion was backfilled with sand up to 100 mm as depicted in Figure 3. The two experimental setups were separated by an approximate distance of 50m. These lysimeters have been secured by providing a steel caging to protect the instruments installed in it from rodents and other small animals. The plan and sectional view of the lysimeter as depicted in the Figure 3, presents the details of the instrumentation done for the study and the same has been listed in Table 3. Table 3. Instrumentation details of Lysimeter 1 (L1) Designation S1 S2 S3 S4 SS T11 and T12 GWT U Description Pore-water sampler MS steel ring (Lysimeter) Purpose For sampling @ 285 mm depth For sampling @ 355 mm depth For sampling @ 455 mm depth For sampling @ 565 mm depth For creating a control volume For determining in situ moisture Moisture probe (TDR) content for the entire depth of the control volume Ground water Table Below the zone of study Undisturbed Vadose zone (control volume) unsaturated soil Four numbers of pore water samplers (Sreedeep and Singh, 2005a,b) designated as S1 to S4, have been installed to extract pore solution from the soil mass. These samplers consist of Perspex tube of length 450 mm and diameter of 20 mm. The bottom end of the Perspex tube is provided with a U shaped ceramic thimble of 45 mm in length and of 100 kPa air entry value. The top end of the Perspex tube is provided with an air-tight screw cap through which a flexible rubber tube, of sufficient length, can be inserted. The other end of this flexible tube is connected to a Perspex sampling bottle. Two tubular access tubes for insertion of Time Domain Refelctometer (TDR) tube probe, designated as T11 and T12, have been employed for determination of the volumetric moisture content of the soil, θ, as a function of depth, Z. These moisture content measurements shall be used as an input parameter in the mathematical modeling of radionuclide transport through vadose zone. The details of the location of the pore water samplers and access tube of the TDR probes have been depicted in the Figure 3. 2322 Suction samplers TDR Access tubes Figure 2. Lysimeter along with instruments installed at RSMS Trombay Fig.3. Instrumentation details in the experiemtnal set up Lysimeter 1 (L1) In both the experiments radioisotopes (3H, 137Cs and 60Co) were used as tracers with the inactive salt solution of CsNO3 and Co(NO3)26H2O. A total 10 l active solution of specific activity concentration 2000 Bq/ml (3H), 55 Bq/ml 137 60 ( Cs) and 40 Bq/ml ( Co) was sprinkled over this sand layer as depicted in Figure 3. The inactive Cs and Co concentrations in the solution were of 17 and 45 (mg/ml) respectively. This was followed by backfilling of remaining excavated portion (0-100 mm) of Lysimeter with native soil by providing gentle compaction. In due course of time, under the influence of various hydro-geologic conditions (viz., precipitation, runoff, infiltration, evapo-transpiration and cyclic wetting-drying cycles) the contaminant would migrate through the vadose zone first followed by migration through saturated aquifer system. To expedite the experiment equivalent rainfall was simulated once a day for 15 minutes at an average flux rate of about 2000 ml min-1 (0.1768cm min-1) for 45 days duration in non monsoon period and then it was left for natural environmental condition. The flux rate was finalized based on the average annual rainfall and was distributed over a rainfall period of 90 days. Hand operated vacuum pump (of capacity 100 kPa) have been used to extract the soil water through pore water samplers installed at different depths and collected it in bottles attached with the pore water samplers. These water samples were collected at regular intervals and analysed for traces of contaminant migration up to different depths. Out of the four pore-water samplers installed in each lysimeter only one (S4) installed at the maximum depth, yielded significant amount of pore-water at all times, one yielded (S3) intermittently where as the during rainy season all the samplers performed satisfactorily. It must be noted that choking of samplers does not seems to be a possibility for no yielding of the pore-water, but it may be the volumetric moisture content less than a certain value (35%) in top soil as supplemented by the TDR readings at corresponding depths. 2.4 Pore solution analysis 3 137 60 Base line data on H, Cs and Co concentration in soil water of the experimental facility was generated by extracting the pore water samples using the samplers before doping the activity in the lysimeter and analyzing it for the activity of above-mentioned radionuclides. After doping the activity in experimental set-up, pore water samples were extracted from the experimental facility at different times and were analyzed for different radioisotopes. These pore water samples were first analysed for 137Cs and 60Co concentration in the water 2323 samples using HPGe based high resolution gamma ray Spectrometer. The detector is co-axial P-Type HPGe (make: EURISYS MESURES, FRANCE) with a relative efficiency of 50% and energy resolution of 2 keV for 1332 keV gamma energy of 60Co. Detector output is analyzed using PC based multi channel analyzer and associated software. The pore solution samples were counted in standard vial geometry for a period of 10000 sec. After 137 60 3 counting for Cs and Co the water samples were distilled and the distillate was counted for H activity using Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry (LSS) System (make: LKB WALLAC QUANTULUS 1220). The distillate samples were counted for 500 min in the standard LSS geometry. 2.5 Soil sample analysis Base line data on 137Cs and 60Co concentration in the experimental setup soil was generated by coring of the soil samples and its analysis for the specific activity of above-mentioned radioisotopes, before doping the activity in the experimental facility. Once the activity was doped, after rainy season, soil samples from the experimental facility were cored out up to a depth of 55 cm and the cored soil samples were analyzed for specific activity of 137 60 Cs and Co using HPGe based high resolution gamma ray Spectrometer. 3 Results and Discussions In first 45 days of simulated rainfall condition, the pore water samples from different depths were extracted daily. The analysis of pore water samples extracted from different depths at different time revealed that only 3H (non3 reactive) was present in the pore water samples. This is due to fact that H is non-reactive tracer and so it doesn’t 3 get sorbed in the migrating media. The results of H concentration with time at a depth of 40 cm is presented in 3 Figure 4. The movement of H indicates that as time passes, the wet front moves downward through the soil and reaches sequentially at different monitored levels. All other radionuclides have not shown any activity in the extracted pore water samples, during the simulated rainfall period of 45 days. 1300 L1 L2 1200 1100 1000 3 H Activity (Bq/ml) 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Time (days) 3 Figure 4. H activity concentration vs. time in different Lysimeters 137 60 In case of other radionuclides, (i.e. reactive solutes, Cs and Co) due to high CEC values of RSMS soil, the radionuclides are sorbed in the migrating media and so the radionuclides concentration in the pore solution was 137 60 Cs and Co specific activity (radionuclide concentration per unit dry weight of soil) was not traced. The determined from the cored soil samples and the results are depicted in Figure 5. The results clearly indicate that maximum specific activity of the doped radionuclides are traced at the depth of 15-20 cm, which indicates that maximum activity is still present there and very little migration has occurred depth wise in nearly 500 days. The results also indicate that only traces of radionuclides are expected when the depth exceeds 55 cm. Also due to high sorption value of the soil (Rakesh, 2005), whatever small contaminant migrates it gets sorbed in the soil matrix and it doesn’t available in free water. 2324 Figure 5. 137Cs and 60Co migration pattern with depth To have a reproducibility of results, 3H doping was repeated in the following year again and the pore solution 3 samples were collected and are being analysed for H concentration. Soil coring in lysimeter has also been performed after second year rainfall and the cored soil samples are also being analysed for specific activity of 137 60 Cs and Co. 4 Conclusions This paper dealt with methodology and associated instrumentation development for in-situ radionuclide migration experiment at the NSDF sites, and to analyse the reactive solute transport through the vadose zone. The experiment is of long term (few years) and the results are intermediate in nature. The study revealed that only few water samplers yielded significant pore water at all times, whereas during rainy season all performed satisfactorily. This indicates that choking of samplers does not seem to be a possibility for no yielding of the porewater. The study concluded that under normal environmental condition, 3H migrated nearly 40 cm in 14 days of simulated rainfall condition; however 137Cs and 60Co did not show significant migration even after nearly 500 days. Although, this is an interim result of the in-situ experiment but it concludes with fair degree of confidence 137 60 that in RSMS Trombay, migration of Cs and Co through vadose zone is very limited and maximum activity is still retained near the doped zone. The migration results obtained are promising and they have demonstrated the suitability of the method for studying the in-situ radionuclide migration at NSDF sites. The results have also proven the great importance of sorption, responsible for retardation of reactive radionuclides while migrating through the geo-environment. Such results can be useful for selecting the NSDF sites and it can also be used for estimating the waste load capacity of a particular site. 5 Acknowledgements Authors acknowledge sincere gratitude to Atomic Energy Regulatory Board for providing financial support for this project. Authors are extremely thankful to Shri S. D. Misra, Director NRG/BARC, for his keen interest in this project and for granting the permission to publish this study. Authors also acknowledge Shri M. R. Joshi, Dr. D. N. Yadav, BETDD/BARC, and Dr. K. K. Narayan, RSSD/BARC for their help at several stages of experimentation. 2325 6 References ASTM D 422-63. 1994. Standard Test Method for Particle Size Analysis of Soils, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. ASTM D 427-93. 1994. Test Method for Shrinkage Factors of Soils by Mercury Method, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. ASTM D 2487-93. 1994. Standard Classification of Soils for Engineering Purposes (Unified Soil Classification System), Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA. ASTM D 4318-93. 1994. 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