SUM 2015 Madrid.pdf

 The City University of New York
Spanish Language and Literature
Summer 2015
Madrid, Spain
May 31 – June 27
June 30 - July 29
Credits Offered
6 CREDITS (CUNY tuition is NOT included in program fee).
Application Deadline
March 20, 2015
Financial Aid
TAP, Pell, Gilman, Student Loans
Program Fee
$1,400.00 for each session (estimate) includes room, breakfast and lunch, excursions, cultural events, excursions and
international health insurance. AIRFARE is NOT included in
the program fee.
(All students are responsible for arriving at their study abroad location
by the first day of the program; this may mean flying the day before).
Payment Schedule
Session I
Session II
$350.00 Application Fee due with all application materials
$1,050.00 Program Fee Balance due before April 27, 2015
All payments must be made with certified checks or money orders.
Program Description
Spanish Language and Literature encompasses two college-level undergraduate programs for
six credits each - June and July, and one Intensive Program for twelve credits - June and July
combined. We will experience one of the liveliest cities in the world, Madrid. We will visit
ancient places such as Segovia from the Roman days; Salamanca, one of the oldest
universities in Europe; Avila, the medieval world city
and more. All participants are going to live with local families. Life with a host family is an
integral part of the program, since it provides insights into Spanish culture and a daily
opportunity for language practice that is not easily gained in any other way.
Prerequisites: One semester of Spanish language or equivalent.
All Students interested in applying for the Spanish in Spain program must meet
with Prof. Schinaider before applying to the program. Contact information
w w w .hun ter.cun y. edu/edu cationa broad
Session I
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2
Spanish Language:
SPAN 208 Advanced Spanish for Spanish Speakers
SPAN 211 Grammar and Composition
SPAN 221 Advanced Spanish Conversation
Spanish Culture:
SPAN 335 Spanish Civilization
SPAN 275 Readings in Modern Spanish Literature
Spanish Literature: SPAN 370 Celestinas & Don Juanes
SPAN 390 Trans. & Interp. for the Professions
SPAN 495 Teatro Español del Siglo XX
Session II
Spanish Culture:
SPAN 335 Spanish Civilization
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2
SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1
SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2
Spanish Language:
SPAN 208 Advanced Spanish for Spanish Speakers
SPAN 211 Grammar and Composition
SPAN 221 Advanced Spanish Conversation
SPAN 275 Readings in Modern Spanish Literature
Spanish Literature: SPAN 370 Mujeres en la Literatura Española del Siglo de Oro
SPAN 390 Trans. & Interp. for the Professions
SPAN 495 Novela Española Contemporanea
Academic Inquiries
Monica Schinaider
Dept. of Romance Languages
Phone: 212-772-5092
E-mail: [email protected]
Administrative Inquiries
Education Abroad Office
E1447, Mon – Fri 9:30 am - 5:30pm
Phone: (212) 772-4983
Fax: (212) 772-5005
E-Mail: [email protected]
Estimated Total Costs of Attendance
Program Fee
Estimates not included in the Program:
Local Transportation
$ 1,200
$ 550
$ 60
w w w .hun ter.cun y. edu/edu cationa broad