Blackboard Grade Center - PPT

Wednesday, December 9
12:10 pm -1:10 pm
Blackboard Grade Center
John Blackwell – [email protected], 914.923.2506
Academic Technologies - [email protected], 914.773.3664
(Creates a help ticket.)
Academic Technologies
A direct connection between ITS and the Pace academic community.
(914) 773-3664
[email protected]
1. Answer submitted questions.
2. Provide tips.
3. Questions.
 Is there a way to take this at a different TIME on Wed, or another day?
This webinar will be on our webpage ( for later
 Submitting grades on blackboard and Portal
 How to handle official final grades. Blackboard and Pace Portal are not
connected related to final grades. Official grades must be entered on
the Pace Portal site.
 I have problems before when putting the grades... maybe I was very
careful making sure everything was fine and then the system would
close it for lack of speed. The timeout limit is two hours.
 entering grades in an efficient and timely manner
 I would like to know if it is possible to remove students who have
dropped from the Gradebook who are still appearing in it. (The
instructor can hide student rows.)
 whether it is possible to relocate columns. Yes.
Remember to click the, “Submit” button.
 I've been calculating grades as I go, how can I enter the final grade for
each student? Create a column (manual input) or a calculated “Total”
column (automatic) and select “Letter” as display option, if it is
 I am not sure how theBlackboard discussion grades (which is in an
excel sheat on my computer) can be included into the grading center
without manually typing each entry. Use a GRADED discussion board or
import grades from Excel.
 How to weight columns
 I think I know how to 'weight' various columns, but a review of that
would also be helpful. Naturally or artificially performed.
Syllabus Statement
= 5%
5 points
Lab Reports
= 25% 5 x 5 = 25 points
Midterm Exam = 30%
30 points
Final Exam
= 40%
40 points
100 points
 I'd like to know how to "ignore" some of the results, how to "choose"
the 'best scores' for a student (ie, only average in their top 10 of 13
homeworks, etc). Use categories.
 Discrepancies on Blackboard between letter grades and score. Ensure
that the grading schema is correct for your course/program.
 option to carry the grading scheme / setup from one semester to
another (one course to another). Create a schema in one course and
then copy the grade center into another course.
 Would like to know how to make BB Grade center more organized, with
module grades by module, rather than by question, and by week. Use
Grading Periods.
There are two methods to create/delete a grade
center column.
Use high-resolution grades during the course
before converting to letter grades.
Take care with the, “Running Total”.
Yes = 10 Quizzes – 9, 7, 8 = 24/ 30 = 80%
No =
24/100 = 24%
Blackboard creates grades using a CriterionReferenced framework, but provides data for
Norm-referenced grades.
Organize columns in a logical sequence so
students see them logically…and so that it is easy
for you to control your tasks.
Use Smart Views.
Create your grade center columns at the
BEGINNING of the course.