Synergistic Action of a Ternary System of Portland Cement – Limestone – Silica Fume in Concrete J. Zelić, D. Jozić, and D. Krpan-Lisica * Abstract. Some experimental investigations on a synergistic action when a ternary system of Portland cement – silica fume – limestone is used in mortar or concrete are present in this paper. Standard laboratory tests with respect to the pore size distribution, micromorphology, compressive strength and sulphate resistance in both sodium and magnesium sulphate solutions were performed on mortars made with 70% (by mass) of Portland cement (PC), type CEM II/B-S and 30% of cement replacement materials consisted of various combination of fine ground limestone filler (LF) and silica fume (SF). In addition to these ternary systems, binary blends, such as: PC-LF, as well as PC-SF, along with 100 % PC mortars, were investigated for comparison. It is found that SF-blends reach higher compressive strengths than LF-blends for the same replacement of cement. When SF was added together with LF, the mortars show considerable increase in the compressive strength and show a lower expansion than a control, sulphate-resisting mortar, independent of the type of sulphate solutions, due to pore size refinement microstructure of mortars. 1 Introduction Concrete is a porous material with many different kinds of pores, ranging from the air voids to the nanometre-scale pores produced by the cement-water chemical reaction. Since, these nanoscale pores control the properties of the calciumsilicate-hydrates hydration products (C-S-H), which is the main "glue" that holds concrete together, concrete is in some ways a nanoscale materials [1]. According to literature data [2], the addition to concrete mixes of silica fume (also known as condensed silica fume or microsilica), a by-product of the production of metallic silicon or ferrosilicon alloys, with mean particles size over 100 nm, results in high-performance concrete, in terms of better chemical resistance, higher strength or better durability. The beneficial effects of adding silica fume (SF) are due to the filling action of its fine particles in the pores and the formation of an additional quantity of C-S-H by pozzolanic reaction between the SF and calcium hydroxide J. Zelić, D. Jozić, and D. Krpan-Lisica* Faculty of Chemical Technology, University of Split, Split, Croatia e-mail: [email protected] 426 J. Zelić et al. formed during cement hydration. Recently, a new pathway based on the addition of the colloidal silica nanoparticles (nano-SiO2) to Portland cement has been explored. The research confirmed that the silica nanoparticles addition to Portland cement has provided notably increase both the mechanical properties of cementbased materials [3,4], and the durability against the calcium leaching [5], respectively. Limestone is used in cement and concrete for various purposes, namely as a raw material for clinker production and as coarse or fine aggregate. For long-time, ground limestone has been considered as inert filler. During the last decades, however, studies have pointed that limestone filler (LF) addition to Portland cement (PC) produces several effect on mechanism and kinetics of cement hydration; thus, LF addition increases the hydration rate of PC, especially of C3S, at the early ages, improves the particle packing of the cementitious system, provides new nucleation sites for calcium hydroxide, and produces the formation of calcium carboaluminates as results of the reaction between CaCO3 from limestone and C3A from Portland clinker [6]. Today, modern cements often incorporate several mineral admixtures one of which is LF. European standard EN 197 identifies two types of Portland limestone cements (PLC): Type II/A-L and Type II/B-L, containing 6-20% and 21-35% LF, respectively. The aim of this paper was to investigate a synergistic action when ternary system PC-SF-LF used in concrete. More specifically, an answer was sought for the question of whether a suitable combination of LF and SF would improve the properties of hardened concrete more than these materials would separately. It is anticipated that the results and conclusions obtained here on mortars will be transferable to concretes [7]. 2 Experimental 2.1 Materials Commercial blended PC, Type CEM II/B-S 42.5N (supplied by Dalmacijacement, Croatia), high purity LF (supplied by Konstruktor, Croatia) and SF (supplied by Elkem Co., Norway) were used. The sulphate-resisting PC (supplied by Dalmacijacement, Croatia), Type CEM I-HS, was used as the control cement for the sulphate-resistance tests. Chemical composition and physical properties of the used materials are given in Table1. Particle size distributions of the blended PC, LF and SF were determined using the Coulter Counter method (methanol-LiCl solution), as shown in Fig. 1. Salts MgSO4 x 7H2O, p.a., and Na2SO4 x 10H2O, p.a., were used in preparation of sulphate solutions. The sulphate ion concentration in both solutions was 2.5% and was kept constant during sulphate-resistance test. Mortar mixes. Two kinds of mortar samples were prepared: (I) for mechanical strength tests –prismatic specimens dimensions 40 x 40 x 160 mm, according to HRN EN 196-1:2005; and (II) for the sulphate-resistance tests – prismatic specimens dimensions 25 x 25 x 350 mm, with two stainless-steel inserts cast into the ends to facilitate accurate monitoring of the changes in length, according to the ASTM C 452. Mix proportion and designation of mortars prepared are given in Table 2. A different water-to-cementitious material ratio (w/cm) was used in each Synergistic Action of a Ternary System of Portland Cement 427 Table 1 Chemical and physical properties of materials used a Cement I b Silica fume Limestone Cement II 89.68 1.15 1.58 1.40 1.45 0.17 2.99 1.83 0.66 0.32 0.20 53.45 0.64 43.23 - 21.61 3.71 4.49 62.94 1.88 1.73 0.76 0.80 - - - 55.65 19.98 2.23(max. 3.5) 13.64 - 2.26 2.70 3.26 4,200 13,000 3,021 - Chemical composition, mass %: SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 CaO MgO SO3 Total Alkalis Loss on Ignition Carbon 21.03 6.56 2.68 58.10 2.57 2.54 1.02 1.04 - Composition (Bogue), mass%: C3S C2S C3A C4AF CaO (free) 62.10 17.60 11.20 8.20 0.90 Finenes: 3 Density, g/cm 3.18 2 Specific surface area (SSA), cm /g Blaine 3,530 BET 11,000 180,000 a Commercial Portland cement Type CEM II/B-S 42.5N b The sulphate-resisting Portland cement Type CEM I-HS case in order to keep the mixture's fluidity constant. No superplasticizer was added. After mixing, the cement mortars were cast into prismatic molds and compacted by vibration. The specimens were demolded after of 24 h at 90% relative o humidity and were then cured in water at 20 C until testing. Table 2 Mix proportion and designation of mortars prepared for the study Designation Composition (mass%) Cement I Silica fume Limestone Cement II w/cm PO PL15 PL15S8 PL15S15 PS8 PS15 a SPC 100 85 77 70 92 85 0 0 15 15 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0.57 0.57 0.61 0.65 0.60 0.65 0.53 0 0 8 15 8 15 0 428 J. Zelić et al. 100 Cumulative oversize, % 90 80 SF 70 PC 60 LF 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Size, m icrom eter Fig. 1 Particle size distribution of PC, SF and LF used 2.2 Test Methods Mechanical properties. The mechanical properties of produced blend mortars (I series) were determined by compressive strength measurements at ages of 3, 7, 14, 28, 90 and 120 days. The strength value was the average of three specimens. Sulphate resistance. After 28-days curing in tap water, each blended mortars and the control mortars based on the sulphate-resisting cement (II series) were individually immersed in a plastic tank containing both a sodium and magnesium sulphate solution, respectively. At 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 days of sulphate immersion, the specimens were tested to determine the expansion of mortars. The structure and particle shape of silica fume were identified using X-ray diffraction (RXD Philips PW 1010, with graphite monochromator) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM Philips EM 301), respectively. The morphologies of the hydration products were studied by using a scanning electron microscopy (SEM Leitz AMR 1600T). At certain curing ages, mortars were crushed and treated with acetone to stop the hydration. The fresh broken surface of mortars was gold coated. The pore structure, both the pore volume and pore size distribution, in the 28-day-old hydrated mortars were determined by a mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP Carlo Erba series 200). The volume of mercury intrusion at the maximum pressure was considered to be the total porosity. It is important to note that only connected capillary pores can be reached by MIP. 3 Results and Discussion The particle size distributions, physical and chemical properties of material used are present in Fig. 1 and Table 1, respectively. The particles sharp and the amorphous nature of the SF used are shown in Fig. 2 (a) - (b), respectively. The results Synergistic Action of a Ternary System of Portland Cement 429 reveal that SF, in form supplied, contains 89.68 mass% of silica, and consists of amorphous and extremely fine spherical particles. Fig. 2 (a) also shows that SF exists almost completely in the form of fine spheres linked together into chains of clusters (the particle agglomerate), rather than isolated spheres. The particles range from fraction of 2 to 15 µm (Fig. 1), although silica fume has high nitrogen BET SSA (Table 1). It is obviously that the reason for this phenomenon is that nitrogen can penetrate into space of original SF particle inside the agglomeration; thus, the Coulter Counter method measures the agglomeration size while nitrogen measures the original size [8]. Fig. 2 (a) TEM micrograph (magnification 130,000 x) and (b) X-ray diffraction curve of the SF used The derivate plots of cumulative pore volume of dV / d ln r versus pore radius, r for 28-day-old mortars are present in Fig. 3. At a 15 mass% replacement of PC by the equal mass of LF, the derivate plot shows discontinuous pore structure with the first maximum of occurrence of pores radii at 0.02 µm, and second one at 0.03 µm, respectively. As both PC and LF show similar characteristics (the BET SAA, Table 1), their different behavior perhaps indicates the LF activity during cement hydration, which is responsible for the development of pore structure with a pore size distribution covering many orders of magnitude. For mortars containing SF together with LF, a larger number of small pores is seen than in analogous mortar samples containing no LF. A discontinuous pore structure with two derivate maximums; the first maximum at a pore radii of about 0.015 µm and the second one, between 0.025-0.030 µm, are also perceptible for the binary PC-SF (with 8 mass% of SF) and ternary the PC – SF – LF blends, respectively. According to Feldman [9], a discontinuous pore structure will result in a lower permeability, and better resistance to sulphate attack. Figure 4 shows the total porosity of the 28-day-old mortars measured by MIP. Comparing the porosity of the control PC mortar, all mortar samples show an increase of the total porosity with higher w/cm ratios. When SF in the amount of 8 and 15 mass% is added to the mortars containing LF the total porosity of mortars first decreases (the PL15S8), and then the porosity increases (the PL15S15), respectively. 430 J. Zelić et al. 7000 PL15 6000 PO PL15S8 5000 PS8 dV/dlnr PL15S15 4000 PS15 3000 2000 1000 0 0,005 0,015 0,025 0,035 0,045 Pore radius, m icrom eter Fig. 3 The derivate plots pore volume vs. pore radius T otal pore volum e, mm 3/ g 60 50 40 Vp 30 20 10 0 PO PS8 PS15 PL15 PL15S8 PL15S15 Sam ples Fig. 4 Total pore volume in the 28-day-old mortars Figure 5 presents the compressive strength of mortars for ages of 3, 7, 28, 90 and 120 days, respectively. The highest compressive strength shows PC mortar containing 8 mass% of SF. The SF addition of 15 mass% increases the w/cm ratio (Table 2) and, therefore, decreases the mortar strength due to the increase porosity (Fig. 4). For the same replacement of PC, SF gives higher strength than LF. Added Synergistic Action of a Ternary System of Portland Cement 431 70 Compressive strength, MPa 60 50 40 30 PO PS8 PS15 PL15 PL15S8 PL15S15 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 Time, days Fig. 5 Compressive strength developments of mortars studied together with LF, SF increases the compressive strength, although the strength is lower than that of mortars containing no LF. It appears that certain LF-SF combination can improve the strength of mortars more than LF alone. Figure 6 (a)-(b) shows the SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the 28day-old mortars containing SF alone (Fig. 6a), and SF together with LF (Fig. 6b). The recticular network formation of C-S-H layer precipitated on the surface of silica grains and the calcium hydroxide hexagonal plates is detected for the PS8 sample (Fig. 6a). The mortar containing together 15 mass% of LF and 8 mass% of SF (the PL15S8) does not exhibit recticular network features and shows occasional evidence of hexagonal plates (Fig. 6b). A distinct different between this sample and the sample not containing LF (the PS8) is that its surface seems to be consolidated and uniform, formed as an interconnected network. Figures 7 and 8 show the length changes of mortars immersion in both sodium (N) and magnesium (M) sulphate solutions for 30, 60, 120, 150, and 180 days, respectively. By comparing the expansion values of mortars exposed to the attack of both sulphate solution, it can be observed that specimens not containing SF have the higher initial expansion after 30 days of sulphate immersion, and the intensive trend of breakdown; the P0 samples were disintegrated after only 90 days, while the PL broke down after 150 days. Mortars containing SF show better sulphate resistance, although they have larger initial total porosity associated with the higher w/cm ratios. These results indicate that pore size refinement caused by pozzolanic reaction has a beneficial effect on the sulphate resistance. Other authors [10,11] came to similar conclusions. The presence of brucite, Mg(OH)2 (which suggests a rapid attack by magnesium sulfate solution), detected in the SF-mortars after 120 days of immersion, had no 432 J. Zelić et al. (a) (b) Fig. 6 SEM micrographs of the fracture surface of the 28-day-old PC mortars: (a) the PS8 sample, and (b) the PL15S8 sample 0,05 Expansion, % 0,04 30d 60d 0,03 90d 120d 0,02 150d 180d 0,01 ) (N C SP N ) PL 15 (N ) PL 15 S8 N L1 5S 15 N PS 15 ( 8( N ) PS PO (N ) 0 Age of sulphate im m ersion, days Fig. 7 Length changes of mortars immersion in sodium sulphate solution 0,05 Expansion, % 0,04 30d 60d 0,03 90d 120d 0,02 150d 180d 0,01 C (M ) SP PL 15 (M ) PL 15 S8 M L1 5S 15 M 15 (M ) PS ) 8( M PS PO (M ) 0 Sam ples Fig. 8 Length of mortar bars on immersion in magnesium sulphate solution Synergistic Action of a Ternary System of Portland Cement 433 great effect on the reduction of compressive strengths [11]. It is obvious that the effect of the pozzolanic reaction (reduction in permeability and refinement of the pore structure) overcame this negative effect of the sulfate attack. The smallest expansion, even smaller then controls mortars on the basis of sulphate-resisting cement (SPC), independent of type of sulfate solution, is shown by the samples containing 15 mass% of SF, and the SF-LF blends. Results from this work show that the LF activity during cement hydration [6] in combination with the pore refinement caused by the pozzolanic activity of the SF addition may increase the sulphate resistance of blended PC mortars or concrete. 4 Conclusions The highest compressive strength is shown by PC mortar containing 8 mass% of SF. The replacement of PC by 15 mass% of LF causes a significant reduction in the compressive strength. Blending SF and LF simultaneously with PC is most effective on strength development, especially in the later ages, compared to a PC alone. Both SF and LF additions used alone or in combination with PC, modify the PC mortar microstructure. 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