Bending Instabilities of Carbon Nanotubes N. Silvestre and D. Camotim1 Abstract. This paper presents an investigation on the buckling behaviour of single-walled carbon nanotubes (NTs) under bending and unveils several aspects concerning the dependence of critical bending curvature on the NT length. The buckling results are obtained by means of non-linear shell finite element analyses using ABAQUS code. It is shown that eigenvalue analyses do not give a correct prediction of the critical curvature of NTs under bending. Conversely, incremental-iterative non-linear analyses provide a better approximation to the molecular dynamics results due to the progressive ovalization of the NT crosssection under bending. For short NTs, the limit curvature drops with the increasing length mostly due to the decreasing influence of end effects. For moderate to long tubes, the limit curvature remains practically constant and independent on the tube length. An approximate formula based on the Brazier expression is proposed to predict the limit curvature. 1 Bifurcation (Eigenvalue) Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Let us start by consider the NT(13,0) under uniform bending, previously investigated by Yakobson et al. [8]. The NT is modelled with rigid end sections (the flexural rotations at both supports are free and the axial translation of one end section was left free, in order to enable the axial shortening of the tube under large bending displacements) and the following properties were adopted: ν=0.19, E=5.5TPa, h=0.66Å, r=5.09Å. Performing bifurcation (eigenvalue) analyses, it is found that the NT buckling is triggered by a local mode, characterized by the deformation of the top compressed zone. This local mode is very similar to the axisymmetric mode of NTs under compression, both displaying a large number of -1 half-waves. The critical curvature at the local minimum is κc=0.0160Å and the corresponding half-wavelength is Lc=3.4Å. These values are close to the ones -1 (κc=0.0150Å and Lc=3.1Å) obtained from N. Silvestre and D. Camotim Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, ICIST/IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Lisboa, Portugal e-mail: [email protected] 366 N. Silvestre and D. Camotim κc = h r2 (1) 3(1 − ν 2 ) where h and r are the shell thickness and radius, respectively. The minor discrepancy is due to the fact that the top compressed zone of the NT under bending is partially restrained by its bottom tensioned zone. Using molecular dynamics simulations and adopting Brenner’s empirical potential for the atomic interactions, Yakobson et al. [8] studied the NT(13,0) with L=80Å and obtained a critical curvature -1 -1 κc=0.0155Å , which is close to the numerical value obtained (κc=0.0160Å ). Nevertheless, it seems fair to say that the critical mode obtained by the current analysis looks very different to that identified by Yakobson et al. [8]. The later displays only one kink at the middle of the tube and the deformed configuration of the midspan section is very similar to the two half-wave (m=2) distortional mode. In order to shed light on this subject, several data on NTs under bending obtained by other authors were collected. Figure 1 shows the variation of the critical curvature with the NT radius and includes several dots corresponding to the mentioned data. The solid curve is obtained from Eq. (1), which is related to the critical local mode of the top compressed zone. The first remark is that the critical curvature decreases with the NT radius. However, the decreasing rate of the solid curve is much more pronounced than that of the data. The carefull observation of this figure shows that, apart from the Yakobson’s result (black dot), all data (white dots) are located below and far from the solid curve. This evidence leads to us to question the accuracy of Eq. (1), which is extensively used in NT analysis (Iijima et al. [4], Buehler et al. [1]), and to have some reservations on the performance of pure bifurcation (eigenvalue) analysis of NTs under bending. κc (Å-1) 0.045 Yakobson et al. [8] Cao and Chen [2] Guo et al. [3] Shibutani and Ogata [5] 0.040 0.035 Bifurcation − Eq. (1) Brazier − Eq. (3) Modified Brazier − Eq. (4) 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 ξ=0.15 0.005 ξ=0.10 0.000 3 5 r (Å) 7 9 11 Fig. 1 Variation of the critical curvature with the NT radius 13 15 Bending Instabilities of Carbon Nanotubes 367 With the aim of investigating the above mentioned difference between the critical curvatures, one is aimed to perform fully non-linear analysis. Details of the numerical model can be found in the recent work by the author [6]. First, the nonlinear analysis of the NT(13,0) with L=80Å was performed. Figure 2 shows (i) the non-linear equilibrium path M(θ) (or M(κ)) obtained from the incrementaliterative analysis (solid curve) and (ii) the linear equilibrium path (dashed line). Moreover, while several points (A to M) are located along the non-linear path, point P is located on the top of the linear equilibrium path and corresponds to the -1 NT bifurcation in the local mode (the values κc=0.0150Å and θc=0.0150Å 1 ×80Å=1.20rad are obtained by means of Eq. (1), with linear pre-buckling path). The observation of figure 2 deserves the following comments: • Until point D is achieved, the equilibrium path is almost linear. After point D, the non-linear path starts to deviate from the linear one and reaches a limit point at G. After that, the bending moment always decreases and the bending angle (or curvature) increases after a small snapback. In the descending branch of the M(θ) curve, the increase in the bending angle leads to a final deformed configuration (point M) with three kinks in the mid-span zone. From this nonlinear analysis, it is seen that the NT under bending never reaches the critical bending moment value Mc=22.5TPaÅ3, which is associated with the local mode (point P) determined from the bifurcation analysis. It should be stressed that the same non-linear trend of the ascending branch of the M(θ) curve was also unveiled by Yakobson et al. [8] and Vodenitcharova and Zhang [7]. κ (×10-3Å-1) 0 6.25 25 10.25 12.5 18.75 22.5 20 θ 15.0 12.06 P M M Non-Linear Analysis Bifurcation Analysis Brazier Analysis 15 M Q 12.2 (TPaÅ3) 11.8 10 E F H G J D A I K B C D L M C 5 E F G B 0 0.83 A 0 0.5 θ (rad) 0.96 1.0 1.20 1.5 H I J K L M Fig. 2 Non-linear behaviour and progressive ovalization and collapse of NT(13,0) with L=80Å under uniform bending 368 N. Silvestre and D. Camotim • The roundness of the non-linear path is related to the well known Brazier effect, which is due to the action of normal (longitudinal) stresses on the curvature of the bended NT, thus resulting in transverse (vertical) pressure directed towards the NT neutral axis. This pressure leads the top (compressive) and bottom (tensioned) zones to move towards the neutral axis, thus resulting in the NT ovalization. It is obvious that the ovalized shape of the cross-section coincides perfectly with the two-wave distortional mode represented in figure 1(b). The NT flattening (ovalization) is responsible to a decrease in the cross-section second moment of area (I(κ)), which depends on the curvature. Consequently, it also leads to a drop in the actual bending moment (M=EI(κ)κ). The Brazier equilibrium path is shown in figure 2 (dotted curve) and is given by r4 M = EIκ(1 − 32 ξ) ξ = κ 2 2 (1 − ν 2 ) (2) h 3 where I=πr h is the second moment of area of the circular section and ξ is the ovalisation parameter (oval minor axis width / 2r). The Brazier curve exhibits a local maximum (point Q) given by 2π 2 Erh 2 2 h / r2 κ BR = (3) 9 3 1 − ν2 1− ν2 • The Brazier curve (dotted line) approximates very well the non-linear path until the limit point G is reached. While the limit point G is associated with 3 -1 Mlim=11.8TPaÅ and κlim=0.01025Å , the Brazier curve local maximum point Q 3 -1 is characterised by MBR=12.2TPaÅ and κBR=0.01206Å . It is fair to say that both points lead to similar values of the bending moment M and to a much -1 lower curvature κ than the critical local mode one (κc=0.01500Å ). • From the Brazier analysis, the limit value of the bending moment 3 (Mlim=11.8TPaÅ ) is reached for an ovalization parameter ξ=0.157, which means that the circular section vertical axis width decreased about 16%. Vodenitcharova and Zhang [7] found a value of the ovalization parameter ξ=0.14, very close to the one obtained here. Moreover, the picture in the right of figure 10 shows the variation of the ovalization parameter ξ with the bending angle θ. 3 For the maximum Brazier bending moment (MBR=12.2TPaÅ – point Q), the circular cross-section exhibits an ovalization parameter equal to 21%. • For the several coloured points (A to M), figure 2 also shows the corresponding deformed configurations of the NT mid-span section. While A is the underformed circular section configuration, the configurations B, C and D remain almost circular after bending. Nevertheless, the configurations E, F and G exhibit clearly visible ovalized configurations, where the two-wave distortional mode is prevalent. In particular, it should be noticed that the (black) deformed configuration G, corresponding to the limit situation, exhibits an ovalization parameter equal to 19%. This value is located between those mentioned before in the context of the Brazier analysis (16% and 21%), thus reflecting the relative accuracy and usefulness of the later. M BR = Figure 3(a) shows the non-linear M(θ) equilibrium paths obtained for the NT(15,0), for several length values (10Å<L<120Å). Obviously, the inclination Bending Instabilities of Carbon Nanotubes 369 values of the initial branches (M/θ) are proportional to the NT bending stiffness values (EI/L). It is also visible that shorter NTs possess almost linear (straight) equilibrium paths until the limit moment Mlim is reached. Conversely, the equilibrium path of the longer NTs is more rounded near the point of limit bending moment Mlim. This fact proves that the ovalization phenomenon (Brazier effect) is more evident in the longer NTs. Moreover, it is also seen that the limit bending moment Mlim decreases abruptly for the shorter NTs but remains nearly constant for longer lengths. A possible explanation for this Mlim decrease in the shorter NT behaviour resides in the influence of the boundary conditions, which is absent in the longer NT behaviour: the mid-span section of longer NTs, where collapse takes place, is too distant from their end supports, a fact that does not occur in the shorter NTs. The transition between these two (shorter and longer NT) behaviours is different in the case 3 of NT(15,0). It is clear that the NT(15,0) length-independence of Mlim (≈13.7 TPaÅ ) occurs for L>40Å. As a first approach, one can state that this limit length depends on the NT radius (r) and is relatively well approximated by the NT perimeter (p): L>p=36.9Å for the NT(15,0). NT(15,0) 25 0.012 L=10Å 0.010 20 L=20Å 0.008 L=40 L=60 L=80 L=100 κ lim (Å-1) M (TPaÅ3) L=30Å 15 L=120Å 10 0.006 0.004 Non-Linear Analysis Bifurcation − Eq. (1) Brazier − Eq. (3) 0.002 5 Modified Brazier (ξ=0.15) − Eq. (4) Guo et al. [3] 0.000 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 θ (rad) (a) 0.8 1 30 60 90 120 L (Å) (b) Fig. 3 Buckling behaviour of NT(15,0) under bending: (a) M-θ equilibrium paths and (b) variation of limit curvature with the length The figure 3(b) shows the variation of the limit curvature (κlim) with the length of the NT(15,0). The limit bending curvature κlim also decreases for the shorter NTs, exhibits a local minimum and then augments sligthly for increasing lengths. It is interesting to mention that Cao and Chen [2], using molecular dynamics to simulate NTs under bending, also found that the curve κ(L/d) exhibited a “kind” of local minimum for very short NTs (i.e., with very low aspect ratio L/d). Moreover, the black dots in figure 3(b) represents the critical curvatures (κc) obtained by Guo et al. [3], using the atomist-scale finite element method, for the -1 NT(15,0) with L=83.5 Å. The NT(15,0) critical curvature (κc=0.0077 Å ) is rather 370 N. Silvestre and D. Camotim -1 close to the limit curvature calculated from non-linear analysis (κlim=0.0070 Å ). Moreover, figure 3(b) also shows four horizontal lines corresponding to the curvature values obtained from (i) bifurcation analysis (dashed line − Eq. (1)), (ii) Brazier analysis (dashed-doted line − Eq. (3b)) and (iii) modified Brazier analysis (dotted line). This modified Brazier analysis is based on the following expression, h / r2 (4) κ= ξ 1 − ν2 This expression can be used to evaluate the limit curvature as a function of the ovalization parameter ξ. While the dotted line in figure 3(b) correspond to the value ξ=0.15, the bifurcation and Brazier lines correspond to the adoption of ξ=3/9 and ξ=2/9, respectively. From the observation of figure 3(b), it is possible to -1 -1 conclude that both bifurcation (κ=0.0113 Å ) and Brazier (κ=0.0092 Å ) curvature estimates are too high, in comparison with the non-linear values (white dots). -1 However, the modified Brazier curvature values with ξ=0.15 (κ=0.0075 Å ) lead to lower and more accurate estimates of the critical curvature. Finally, let us look at figure 1, where the bifurcation (ξ=3/9), Brazier (ξ=2/9) and modified Brazier (ξ=0.15) curves are represented and compared with available data. Despite the modified Brazier with ξ=0.15 curve is the one that gives more accurate estimates, it is also obvious that it does not fit well with available data. Therefore, one proposes the use of a modified Brazier analysis with ξ=0.10, which leads to very accurate results for all data (bottom dotted curve), with the exception of Yakobson’s result. For a more detailed discussion of the results, the reader is referred to a recent work by the author [6]. References 1. Buehler, M.J., Kong, Y., Gao, H.: Deformation mechanisms of very long single-wall carbon nanotubes subject to compressive loading. J. Eng. Mat. Tech. ASME 126, 245– 249 (2004) 2. Cao, G., Chen, X.: Buckling of single-walled carbon nanotubes upon bending: molecular dynamics simulations and finite element method. Phys. Rev. B 73, 155435(1-10) (2006) 3. Guo, X., Leung, A.Y.T., He, X.Q., Jiang, H., Huang, Y.: Bending buckling of singlewalled carbon nanotubes by atomic-scale finite element. 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