Mitigation of Leachates in Blast Furnace Slag Aggregates by Application of Nanoporous Thin Films J.F. Muñoz, J.M. Sanfilippo, M.I. Tejedor, M.A. Anderson, and S.M. Cramer1 Abstract. The reutilization of slag materials as aggregates is seriously limited by the production of contaminant leachates rich in heavy metals and sulfur when these materials are contacted by water. A unique type of thin-film nanotechnology was used to ameliorate this problem. The surface of the slag was altered by depositing a thin-film comprised of nanoporous oxides. The deposition was performed by coating the aggregates with a suspension containing nanoparticles. Once the water evaporated, a nanoporous thin-film (<0.5 µm) remained firmly attached to the surface of the slag. Different leachate experiments under semi-anoxic conditions were performed using three different nanoparticles oxides films including silica, and titanium. These films were compared against a control. The preliminary results demonstrated that samples coated with one layer of these oxides can decrease the amount of sulfur and calcium in the leachate by 70 and 80%, respectively. 1 Introduction The combination of different factors such as the aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the achievement of a sustainable development, and simply economical J.F. Muñoz University of Wisconsin-Madison e-mail: [email protected] J.M. Sanfilippo University of Wisconsin-Madison e-mail: [email protected] M.I. Tejedor University of Wisconsin-Madison e-mail: [email protected] M.A. Anderson University of Wisconsin-Madison e-mail: [email protected] S.M. Cramer University of Wisconsin-Madison e-mail: [email protected] 322 J.F. Muñoz et al. constraints, have motivated a growing interest to explore new applications for materials that in the recent past have been considered as waste. This is the case of blast furnace slag emanating from iron and steel production that, depending on its gradation, is used as traditional supplementary cementitious materials or as a potential substitute for natural aggregates. However, when the material is contacted by water, the application of slag materials as aggregates is seriously limited by the production of contaminant leachates rich in heavy metals and sulfur (H2S) [1-4]. The hydration of the high amounts of lime present in the aggregates triggers a rise in pH that leads to a degradation of the amorphous silicates that otherwise binds the sulfur and the other contaminants to the aggregate. The objective of this research is to explore the capacity of nanoporous thinfilms comprised of nanoparticulate oxides, judicially located on the surface of the aggregates, to eliminate or ameliorate the leachate produced when air cooled blast furnace (ACBF) slag aggregates are used as base layer materials. 2 Materials and Sample Preparation The slag materials selected for this research were ACBF slag aggregates obtained from iron production with ¾ inch size gradation. These aggregates were coated with two types of basic nanoparticle coatings using a “dip coating” method. One of thin-film coatings was a nanoporous silica dioxide and the second a nanoporous titanium dioxide. Both oxide solutions were prepared using standard sol-gel processes [5, 6]. The coating of the slag has been done by immersing baskets of slag aggregate into the sols and later draining the sol from the aggregate at a constant speed. The slag was coated with one layer of either materials and left to dry. As the last steep in the process, the coated samples were heated at 300 ºC for 3 hours. The sintering temperature was selected taking into account the thermal stability of the aggregates and the capability for the sintering particles to themselves and to the slag. The thermal stability of the slag was determined from thermogravimetric and differential thermal analysis of the slag heated in air. 3 Methodology The methodology initially chosen to study the leaching of these slag materials was based on the standards 1027 and 212-02T from the Ohio State and the Indiana Departments of Transportations, respectively. These two methods were selected since they are commonly used to evaluate the leaching capacity of the ACBF slag aggregates. In order to save time and material, it was decided to scale-down specimen size. In our modified method, 500 g of slag aggregate was used. In these leaching experiments, the samples were kept immersed in deionized water inside 500 ml propylene bottles under almost anoxic conditions as little overhead air remained in the container. These experimental conditions were chosen in order to minimize the lost of the water phase through evaporation. Aliquots of the leachate were extracted and filtered after 24 and 48 hours from preparing the Mitigation of Leachates in Blast Furnace Slag Aggregates 323 initial samples. Three different analyses were performed on the samples: i) color evaluation of the filtrate and the solid retains in the filter paper, ii) pH measurements of the filtrate, and lastly, iii) a measurement of the calcium and sulfur concentration in the filtrates using inductively coupled plasma (ICP). From an analysis of the results, we could see some limitations of these particular initial analytical protocols. As a result, a more thorough methodology for the analysis of leached calcium and sulfur was developed in order to quantitatively determine the capability of the thin film coatings to ameliorate the leaching of the ACBF slag aggregates. A scheme of the final methodology used to quantify the leachates is represented in Figure 1. The results predicted by the corresponding chemical equilibrium diagrams were corroborated by applying the analytical protocol to a solution of 0.25 M of Ca(NO3)2 and K2SO4. The analyses done by ICP indicated that the recovery of calcium and sulfate by using the proposed methodology is very close to 100%. Sample (5 ml) 5 ml of H2O2 5% v/v Dilute with KOH 10-2 M pH = 12 Fd = 5 Fd = 5 Solution 1 (25 ml) 5 ml of Solution 1 10 ml Ba(NO3)2 10-1 M Add HNO3 1N to pH = 2 Fd = 5 5 ml of Solution 1 10 ml K2C2O4 10-1 M Add NaOH 1N to pH > 11.75 Solution 2 (25 ml) Centrifugation Solution 3 (25 ml) 15 ml of Solution 3 Add HNO3 1N to acid pH = 2 Centrifugation Measure Calcium & Magnesium Measure Sulfur 1 ml of Solution 3 To 25 ml (MQ water) Add HNO3 1N to acid pH = 2 Centrifugation Measure Silica Fig. 1 New Proposed Analytical Protocol of Leachates 4 Results and Discussion 4.1 Analysis of Leachates Using Standards 1027 and 212-02T The results obtained from the three types of analysis are summarized below. None of the filtrates showed any color. The color of all solids retained by the filter 324 J.F. Muñoz et al. matched a light brown color labeled as 10YR 8/2 in the rock-color chart. Exceptions were the samples coated with titanium that exhibited a darker brown color (10YR 5/4). The measured pH values of the filtrates were different for coated and uncoated samples as can be seen in Figure 2. The pH in control samples oscillated from basic (~ 10) to acid (~ 2) values during the first 48 hours of leaching. A similar trend but over a different pH range and also smaller in magnitude was observed in the samples coated with silica. The samples with a coating of titanium showed a different behavior. The pH shifted to more basic values during the first 48 hours but the shift was very small when compared with the other two systems. The low values of pH in most of the filtrates can be explained by the leaching of sulfur as sulfide or polysulfide. This is to be expected as the leaching test was performed under rather anoxic conditions. During these extraction and filtration procedures, sulfur species were exposed to atmospheric oxygen. Under these conditions, the sulfides can easily oxidize to sulfates, as it is expressed in equation 1. − H 2 S + 4 H 2 O ↔ HSO4 + 9 H + + 8e − (1) The oxidation of one mole of sulfides produces nine moles of protons that explains the acidification observed in the filtrate. The fact that the 24 hours filtrate sample has a very basic pH can have several explanations: a smaller leaching of sulfur than in the rest of the systems; most of the sulfur being retained on the filter as colloidal polysulfates; and even a third explanation that larger quantities of Ca leaching into solution could increase the buffer capacity of the filtrate. Further hypothesis await additional studies. However, one thing seems clear, the coated slag produces a more similar pattern of pH values in the filtrates than do uncoated slag samples. Thus, it can be concluded that nanoporous coatings on slag result in quite different leaching behaviors. This first evaluation of the potential of the coatings to ameliorate ACBF slag leachate concluded by determining the concentration of calcium and sulfur in the 12.0 10.0 pH 8.0 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 Control SiO2 TiO2 Fig. 2 pH Values of the Filtered Water Measured at 24 ( ) and 48 ( ) Hours Mitigation of Leachates in Blast Furnace Slag Aggregates 0.80 3.0 a 325 b 0.60 M o l/L M o l/L 2.0 0.40 1.0 0.20 0.00 0.0 Control SiO2 TiO2 Control Fig. 3 Concentration of Calcium (a) and Sulfur (b) at 24 ( Leachate SiO2 ) and 48 ( TiO2 ) Hours in Slag filtrates. These two elements were chosen as tracers of the leaching activity of the slag aggregates. The results are represented in Figure 3. The values obtained for the concentration of calcium did not show any significant difference with respect to leaching time of coated versus uncoated slag. On another hand, Figure 3b shows a more than 50% reduction in the concentration of sulfur in the filtrates associated with silica and titanium dioxide coated slag after 48 hours of leaching. In the leaching mechanism proposed by Schwab et al. [7], the amount of sulfur liberated is directly dependant of the amount of soluble calcium originating during the hydration of the lime. Originally, the sulfur is trapped inside some of the inter-granular amorphous silica matrix. The hydration process of the lime triggers the resulting basic pH of the system to dissolve this matrix. Therefore, a lower amount of leached sulfur from the coated samples should be accompanied with a lower amount of calcium. This correlation was not observed in the analysis of the filtrates of Figure 3. The homogeneity in the values of calcium concentration could be explained if the soluble calcium was controlled by the solubility product of some calcium salt present as a solid phase in the leachate. In this case, the leached calcium will be the sum of the calcium in the filtrate and the calcium on the filter. Therefore, an analysis of leachated solutes in the filtered will not allow one to evaluate the total leached calcium. A similar problem can be encountered when measuring sulfate in the filtrates, as some of the sulfates can be present in the leachate as an insoluble phase. Under the anoxic conditions of the test, the sulfur is as sulfide that could easily be in the formation of polysulfides. The polysulfide particles are colloidal in nature and could be retained and/or adsorbed by the paper filter. Furthermore, the sulfates can form calcium sulfates, which is not very soluble. Despite the limitations of these analytical protocols, there are some encouraging signs indicating a different behavior for coated and uncoated slag with respect to leaching. 326 J.F. Muñoz et al. 4.2 Analysis of Leachates Using the New Analytical Protocol The new analysis protocol was applied to leachates taken from the three systems mentioned above, 60 days after mixing the slag with water. It is worthwhile to mention that, after 2 months of near anoxic conditions, only the bottles of the control displayed a characteristic green color, indicative of higher presence of polysulfides. 0.50 0.40 Mol/L 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 Control SiO2 TiO2 Fig. 4 Leaching Concentration under Anoxic Conditions of Calcium ( ), Magnesium ( ), and Sulfur ( ) Measured at 60 Days Results of these analyses, shown in Figure 4, indicated that coating the slag with a thin-layer of either oxide significantly decreased the amount of calcium and sulfur leached under anoxic conditions. The amount of calcium leached with SiO2 and TiO2 is only 28% and 14% of the one leached in the control system. The same trend is true for the quantity of leached sulfide. The results illustrate the higher capacity of the titanium oxide versus the silica coating to ameliorate leaching. 5 Conclusions These results clearly suggest that the thin-film nanotechnology has the potential to stop or significantly decrease the production of environmental unfriendly leachates of ACBF slag aggregates. The experiments have proved that the nanoporous coatings of metal oxides can be used as an effective barrier to avoid this diffusion and ultimately decrease the leaching in ACBF slags. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study this subject matter in more detail, for example, the influence of the number of coatings, different oxide coatings, etc. This new way of applying nanoparticles in concrete processing opens the door to the possibility of managing and manipulating the physical-chemical properties Mitigation of Leachates in Blast Furnace Slag Aggregates 327 of aggregates depending on specific needs. 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