Nanotechnologies for Climate Friendly Construction – Key Issues and Challenges M.M. Andersen and M.R. Geiker * Abstract. Expectations as to the climate potentials of nanotechnology are high, none the least related to the construction sector. This paper seeks to highlight key aspects in the early development and application of eco-innovative nanotech solutions in the construction sector, “nanoconstruction”. The paper provides a framework for addressing relevant issues of green nanoconstruction and takes stock of current challenges. Eco-innovative nanoconstruction has the potential to simultaneously enhance the competitiveness and climate potential of the construction sector and could become a key strategic factor for the sector ahead. However, the considerable lack of knowledge both on the eco-opportunities and risks of nanoconstruction and the industrial dynamics involved forms a serious barrier for pursuing nanoconstruction as a serious strategic target for business and policy. 1 Introduction Despite the enormous and still rising research and development (R&D) investments in nanotechnology worldwide, nanotechnology is still at an early formative stage of development; much nanoscience is still pre-commercial [1, 9, 10, 29, 31, 33, 42, 43]. The hype (extensive focus, debate and phantazising) related to nanotechnology is considerable, with grand expectations of nanotechnology to restructure the world atom by atom. There are especially high expectations to nanotech’s ecoinnovative (climate friendly, ‘green’) potential. It is difficult to find a nanoreport or policy document where major environmental benefits are not a main or important claim (see e.g. [13, 22, 31, 35, 37, 39, 40]). As the climate agenda is becoming increasingly important for the competitiveness and development of the construction sector, the “nanoconstruction” eco-innovative potentials are increasingly interesting. M.M. Andersen Department of Management Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark email: [email protected] M.R. Geiker Department of Civil Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark email: [email protected] 200 M.M. Andersen and M.R. Geiker At the same time concerns regarding possible environmental and health risks related to nanotechnology are increasingly being addressed by policy makers, NGOs, and more lately also nanoscientists and companies and [1, 5, 7, 11, 20, 24, 28, 36, 39]. There are concerns, that regulation is lacking behind the rapid advances in nanotechnology and a precautionary principle is called for by the European Commission [17]. There is, as this paper will unfold, overall still much uncertainty both as to the environmental risks and opportunities related to nanotechnology [5]. The construction sector was among the first to be identified as a promising application area for nanotechnology back in the beginning of the 1990s; but today we see that the fragmented, generally low tech-tech and conservative construction sector is falling behind other sectors in applying nanotechnology [25]. When talking about eco-innovation in nanoconstruction we are still dealing more with potentialities than with actual developments. Data and analyses are lacking [6, 26, 27]. This paper seeks to highlight key aspects in the early development and application of eco-innovative nanotech solutions in the construction sector. The paper provides a framework for addressing relevant issues of green nanoconstruction and takes stock of current challenges. 2 Trends and Key Issues in Climate Friendly Nanoconstruction The great diversity of nanotechnologies means that it is not easy to identify what green nanotechnology could mean for construction. The high environmental expectations to nanotechnology are related to some fundamental features of nanotechnology. Potentially the atom-by-atom construction of nanomaterials may lead to optimised tailoring of materials and products without dangerous and messy by-products. Self-assembly, i.e. the attempt to mimic nature’s intrinsic way of building on the nanometre scale, molecule by molecule through self-organization, has eco-potentials because it is extremely resource efficient ([36] p.39). Also the large surface area of nanoparticles leads to a high reactivity which may lead to higher energy efficiency, e.g. increasing absorption rates for light and facilitating reaction processes at reduced temperatures and with less materials loss ([35] p.89). An important feature of relevance for nanoconstruction is that nanotechnology allows the design of materials with multifunctional properties. A single nanomaterial can replace several traditional ones potentially increasing the resource efficiency. E.g. nanocomposites can be made strong, light, thin, electrically conductive and fireproof. Nanocoatings can be self-cleaning, de-polluting and antimicrobial. See also [6, 23, 27, 35, 41] for early but not very thorough discussions on green nanotech opportunities in construction. The goal of a recent Danish report [6] was to identify the potentials of nanotechnology to meet the needs and solve the problems of the construction sector including the environmental challenges. In this work six nanopillars emerged that systematize the potentials of nanotechnology in relation to the construction industry: 1) nanostructured materials, 2) nanostructured surfaces, 3) nanooptics, 4) nanosensors & electronics, 5) nanointegrated energy production & storage, 6) nanointegrated environmental remediation. Table 1 gives an overview of nanoresearch and technology areas and their construction relevance. Nanotechnologies for Climate Friendly Construction 201 Table 1 Overview – nanorelated areas and their relevance for the construction sector Nanorelated Relevance for the construction sector (main topics) research and technology areas Topics Application in Important environmental properties 1. Nanostructured mate- Construction materials in general rials Insulation materials a) Nanoporous materials, Load carrying materials incl. cement and wood based materials Multifunctional, including: b) Polymers Self-cleaning, impact on indoor and outdoor climate c) Composites Strength – weight ratio Durability Fire resistance Energy & resource efficiency d) Other materials Recyclability Degradability 2. Nanostructured surfaces Everywhere in buildings and civil works, Multifunctional, including: none the least renovation Strength and toughness as coatings and thin films Durability incl. aesthetics a) Chemically modified surfaces Impact on indoor climate b) Physically modified surfaces Maintainability Hygiene Self-cleaning, see Environmental remediation, 6. 3. Nanooptics Integrated functions in general a) Planar light wave cir- Electrical and lighting systems cuits Climate control b) Photonic crystal fibers Energy efficiency Fire and other safety c) Light emitting diodes, LED & OLED d) Integrated optical sensors 4. Nanosensors & elec- Monitoring and control every where in buildings and civil works tronics Embeddedness For monitoring and transmission Maintainability a) Biosensors, b) Optical sensors, c) Chemical sensors, d) Gas sensors, e) Microorganisms, f) Electro active materials Durability Resource efficiency 202 M.M. Andersen and M.R. Geiker 5. Nanointegrated en- Heating and cooling systems Building ergy production & stor- envelope age Electricity supply a) Solar cells Energy self-sufficiency and – efficiency in buildings and utility systems b) Fuel cells c) Other 6. Nanointegrated envi- Air purification in buildings and infraronmental remediation structures a) Catalytic cleaning Water systems (supply and waste) b) Other separation and Waste systems purification processes Inbuilt air- and water cleaning Environmental remediation in general Indoor climate, incl. cleaning and hygiene Degradability Resource efficiency Substitution of hazardous materials Source: Modified after Andersen and Molin 2007 The overview illustrates the great variety and scope of the many emerging nanotechnological areas, and the broad application opportunities which address almost all aspects of construction. They are interesting because they point to novel climate solutions for achieving resource efficient and intelligent buildings and cities and because many can be applied in existing buildings where the climate potential is considerable; e.g. via surface treatments, applications of thin panels and high efficient insulation. The majority of the novel solutions are in an early stage of development, but some are fully commercial. Data are poor but two recent consultancy reports on green nanoconstruction [27, 41] identifies a wide range of commercially available products worldwide, illustrating that much is beginning to happen in this area. However, so far, it is the major industrial multinational players who are pioneering the development and application of nanotechnologies in construction, while the majority of (predominantly small) construction companies, universities and other knowledge institutions have little insight and experience with nanotechnology [6, 8, 12, 23, 26, 32, 44]. A Danish innovation analysis shows a generally weak demand for nanotechnology in the construction sector: ‘The overall picture of the demand for, knowledge of, and views on nanotechnology in the construction sector is that knowledge and expertise are currently too fragmented to allow for a substantial uptake, diffusion and development of nanotechnological solutions in the construction industry. At present, only very vague ideas of the possible benefits can be identified among key agents of change such as architects, consulting engineers and facility managers. Furthermore the demand side will be reluctant about introducing nanotechnological materials until convincing documentation about functionalities and long-term effects is produced. A need for documentation of the consequences for health and safety is evident’. ([6] p.32). According to the two recent reports on green nanoconstruction [27, 41] barriers for the wider development of climate friendly nanoconstruction are considerable Nanotechnologies for Climate Friendly Construction 203 and lie mainly in four areas: a) the lack of knowledge of nanotech opportunities in the construction sector b) reluctance of the sector towards (radical) innovation, c) the high costs of some, but not all, nanotechnologies, and d) public concern about nanorisks. But another, and often overlooked factor, is that there are also barriers on the nanoside. Today most nanotechnologies are targeted at other applications than construction, mainly more knowledge-intensive areas such as medico, food and military [5, 6, 31, 34]. It will take effort and time to shift the attention and capabilities among the nano scientific community towards the construction area. Also on the innovation dynamics of nanoconstruction are analysis and insights lacking. 3 Strategies for Climate Friendly Nanoconstruction In the strategic priorities of the European Construction Technology Platform (ECTP) see Table 2, climate issues, here ‘becoming sustainable’, is given considerable attention. The ECTP defines sustainable development in construction quite broadly, encompassing resource efficiency, environmental impact, utility networks, and the cultural heritage and safety issues. Table 2 List of strategic research priorities ECTP 2005 A: Meeting client / user requirements A1 Healthy, safe and accessible indoor environment for all A2 A new image of the cities A3 Efficient use of underground city space A4 Mobility and supply through efficient networks B: Becoming sustainable B1 Reduce resource consumption (energy , water, materials) B2 Reduce environmental and man-made impacts B3 Sustainable management of transport and utilities networks B4 A living cultural heritage for an attractive Europe B5 Improve safety and security C: Transformation of the construction sector C1 A new client-driven, knowledge-based construction process C2 ICT and automation C3 High added-value construction materials C4 Attractive workplaces Source: Generally nanotechnology offers opportunities for meeting many of the challenges addressed by the ECTP strategy. These include A) meeting the user requirements both in terms of developing intelligent, fashionable and efficient buildings and cities and an improved indoor environment; B) achieving high 204 M.M. Andersen and M.R. Geiker resource efficiency and contributing to environmental remediation and energy production; as well as C) renewing the sector in making it more knowledge based and automated. Nanotechnology may particularly address the climate/sustainability agenda in simultaneously contributing to making the construction sector both more clever and clean and hence improve the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the sector [2, 5]. In doing so, the nanoconstruction area fits well with the rapidly rising policy and business interest into “eco-innovation”1. The climate agenda is increasingly moving away from the more general sustainable development agenda towards the market oriented “eco-innovation” agenda [3, 4, 30]. The eco-innovation policy perspective seeks to address the specific challenges different sectors and types of companies face when they are eco-innovative. “Sustainable construction” has recently been identified as one of the six ‘lead markets’ for innovation in the EU and one out of four eco-innovation policy priority areas [16, 18, 19]. Germany has recently launched a major programme within nanoconstruction, which includes climate issues [23]. This underlines the recent considerable interest in promoting eco-innovation in the construction sector which could form a window of opportunity for the development of nanoconstruction. 4 Conclusions Eco-innovative nanoconstruction has the potential to simultaneously enhance the competitiveness and climate potential of the construction sector and could become a key strategic factor for the sector ahead. 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