Progress in Nanoscale Studies of Hydrogen Reactions in Construction Materials J.S. Schweitzer, R.A. Livingston, J. Cheung, C. Rolfs, H.-W. Becker, S. Kubsky, T. Spillane, J. Zickefoose, M. Castellote, N. Bengtsson, I. Galan, P.G. de Viedma, S. Brendle, W. Bumrongjaroen, and I. Muller 1 Abstract. Nuclear resonance reaction analysis (NRRA) has been applied to measure the nanoscale distribution of hydrogen with depth in the hydration of cementitious phases. This has provided a better understanding of the mechanisms and kinetics of cement hydration during the induction period that is critical to improved concrete technology. NRRA was also applied to measure the hydrogen depth profiles in other materials used in concrete construction such as fly ash and steel. By varying the incident beam energy one measures a profile with a depth resolution of a few nanometers. Time-resolved measurements are achieved by stopping the chemical reactions at specific times. Effects of temperature, sulfate concentration, accelerators and retarders, and superplasticizers have been investigated. Hydration of fly ashes has been studied with synthetic glass specimens whose chemical compositions are modeled on those of actual fly ashes. A combinatorial chemistry approach was used where glasses of different compositions are hydrated in various solutions for a fixed time. The resulting hydrogen depth profiles show significant differences in hydrated phases, rates of depth penetration and amount of surface etching. Hydrogen embrittlement of steel was studied on slow strain rate specimens under different corrosion potentials. J.S. Schweitzer, T. Spillane, and J. Zickefoose University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, USA R.A. Livingston University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA J. Cheung W.R. Grace, Cambridge, MA, USA C. Rolfs and H.-W. Becker Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany S. Kubsky Synchrotron SOLEIL, Saint-Aubin, Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX, France M. Castellote, N. Bengtsson, I. Galan, and P.G. de Viedma Institute of Construction Science "Eduardo Torroja" (CSIC), Madrid, Spain S. Brendle Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands W. Bumrongjaroen and I. Muller Catholic University, Washington, DC, USA 132 J.S. Schweitzer et al. 1 Introduction At the previous International Symposium on Nanotechnology in Construction (NICOM2) in 2005 in Bilbao, the use of nuclear resonant reaction analysis (NRRA) to investigate the induction period in the hydration of cementitious phases was described [1]. This method gives in-situ measurements of hydrogen concentration with depth at a depth resolution of a few nanometers [2]. It uses the 1 15 12 ER = 6.400 MeV resonance in the H( N,αγ) C reaction [3]. A nitrogen ion beam with precisely regulated energies and good energy resolution is produced by a 4 MeV Dynamitron tandem accelerator at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany which provides an H-detection sensitivity of about 10 ppm and an H-depth resolution of a few nm at the surface [4]. This has enabled the detailed investigation of the effect of temperature and other factors on the induction period [4-6]. Since NICOM2 the application of NRRA has gone beyond the silicate phases in Portland to look at the hydration of the calcium aluminate phase. It has also been applied to study the pozzolanic reactions of fly ash glasses and the process of hydrogen embrittlement of steel. These studies are reported here. 2 Experimental Approach The experimental procedure for studying hydration has been described in detail elsewhere [2]. A major difference between this method and others for studying cement, like calorimetry, is the material being studied is not in powdered form, but is rather a solid pellet, that presents a smooth surface to the ion beam. Cementitious phases such as tricalcium silicate (C3S) and tricalcium aluminate (C3A) are molded into cylindrical pellets of 12.7 mm diameter and fused. A typical experiment involves 8-12 samples. They are hydrated in a common solution bath of specific composition and temperature; individual samples are removed at specific times. Samples are stored and handled under inert atmosphere both before and after the chemical reaction. Reacted samples are kept in vacuum until analysis. Each sample is a single point in the material’s hydration time history. To obtain an H depth profile, the beam energy is increased stepwise from just below the resonance energy of 6.400 MeV. As this is an isolated resonance in the H cross 15 section the reaction only occurs when the N ion energy is at the resonance energy. If its energy is greater, no reactions occur until the beam loses enough energy by scattering to get down to the resonance energy. At each energy step, the 15 N ion will reach the resonance energy at a particular sample depth, and the hydrogen concentration at that depth is measured. For each energy step, a gamma-ray spectrum is acquired, typically 10,000 cts per minute. The beam energy is increased in 10 keV steps to 7 MeV to resolve thin surface layers, and then in coarser steps (100-500 keV) as the profile typically changes more slowly in this region. The maximum beam energy is limited to 12 MeV to avoid interference from the next higher energy resonance. A plot of the H signal as a function of incident beam energy allows a visualization of the H depth profile, as shown in Fig. 1 for a C3S sample during the induction period. It shows the typical Gaussian peak associated with a surface layer, on the left edge of the figure, followed by a diffusion-type region at greater depths. Progress in Nanoscale Studies of Hydrogen Reactions in Construction Materials 133 The NRRA coordinates of beam energy and counts per charge have been converted to depth and H concentrations on the upper and right axes, respectively. Profiles for three times are shown to illustrate the diffusion region growth with the Gaussian peak unchanged. The induction period ends with the surface layer breakdown. This is easily recognized by the absence of the Gaussian peak and a change in the shape of the diffusion region curve that allows the time for the induction period to be determined to a relative precision better than 5%. o Fig. 1 Evolution of hydrogen depth profile for triclinic C3S hydrated at 30 C. The inset expands the left portion of the figure for clarity 3 Cement Measurements NRRA hydration studies have been reported on several of the silicate cement phases including the effects of retarders, absorbers, and temperature. From the temperature dependence it has been possible to determine the activation energy. The studies have been extended to investigate the hydration properties of calcium aluminate (C3A). As is well known, C3A appears to have rapid early hydration reactions. Therefore, to obtain better sensitivity for seeing changes in the hydration o properties, we have performed studies at temperatures of typically 5-10 C. Factors that have been studied for C3A include the effects of gypsum, retarders, and superplasticizers. Figure 2 shows a comparison of the hydration profiles after 40 o minutes of hydration at a temperature of 10 C. This figure shows the results for 134 J.S. Schweitzer et al. three different conditions. All samples are hydrated in a fully saturated calcium hydroxide water solution. In one case, gypsum was also added to the solution. In the third case, both gypsum and a superplasticizer were added. o Fig. 2 C3A hydration after 40 min. at 10 C for three different solutions All three profiles are very different from the hydration profile for tricalcium silicate (Fig. 1). When no gypsum is present the hydration profile has saturated down to about ¾ of a micron with a diffusion tail to greater depths. This indicates rapid early reaction and corresponds to flash set of Portland cement. When gypsum is added to the hydrating solution, hydration has only occurred to about a ¼ of a micron. As shown in the inset in Fig. 2, a very sharp rise and flat plateau appears at the leading edge. We believe this is due to a crystalline surface layer, presumably ettringite, that has impeded the hydration rate. Examination of the profiles in pellets taken at other times in this series show essentially no difference. The implication is that the formation of the ettringite layer stops the hydration reaction in less than five minutes. When a superplasticizer is also added to the gypsum and calcium hydroxide in solution, the leading edge has a different shape that resembles a Gaussian curve that would be typical of a disordered noncrystalline layer. Nevertheless, the rest of hydration curve falls off even more rapidly than the one with the ettringite layer, suggesting that the superplasticizer interferes with the formation of the surface layer or alters its character, but similarly stops the hydration reaction at a very early time. Progress in Nanoscale Studies of Hydrogen Reactions in Construction Materials 135 4 Fly Ash Measurements A simple way to study fly ash hydration is with glasses whose chemical compositions are identical to those of a particular fly ash. The glass samples are made with smooth flat surfaces for NRRA study, so we can study the hydration changes as a function of small changes in the fly ash chemical composition. NRRA provides direct observation of the depth profile of hydrogen diffusing 2+ into the fly ash in exchange for the alkalis and Ca as shown in Fig. 3. These H depth profiles are for three calcium aluminate silicate glasses that have chemical compositions based on data from actual fly ash glass samples [7]. The major difference among these specimens is the Ca/(Na+K) ratio. The specimens were hydrated for 72 hrs in simulated concrete pore solution (0.4 M KOH + 0.0215 M Ca(OH)2, pH=13.5). The profile for the low Ca specimen appears to be much shallower than the others, which suggests that it reacts more slowly. Another possibility however, as shown by analysis of the dissolved ions in the solution, is that the rate of etching of this glass is so rapid that a full depth gradient cannot develop, as initial hydrated portions are etched leaving a fresh surface. The profiles for the other two glasses show hydrogen profiles that reach a plateau that extends over the 1-micron range of the measurement. This indicates the presence of a saturated phase. Given the higher Ca content of these fly ashes, this is likely to be a C-S-H gel formed through the alkali-activated, or self-cementing reaction. Repeating these measurements at different hydration times makes possible the determination of parameters such as kinetic rate constants and diffusion coefficients. However, these profiles generally cannot be fitted to a simple Fick’s Law model based on the erfc function. Instead, more complicated mathematical relations would be required, possibly involving concentration dependent diffusion coefficients [8] . This diffusion process within the unreacted core is not the same as the one that is associated with the topochemical reaction that involves diffusion through the surrounding C-S-H gel layer. Both diffusion processes affect the overall rate of growth of the gel. However, the reaction at the core/gel interface is affected by the fly ash glass composition, whereas the diffusion to the core’s reaction surface is determined by the properties of the gel. By studying the hydration Fig. 3 NRRA hydrogen depth profiles of three synthetic fly ash glass specimens 136 J.S. Schweitzer et al. reactions of the fly ash in isolation and in a cement paste, it is possible to determine the contributions of the individual diffusion processes. 5 Hydrogen Embrittlement Measurements The application of NRRA to investigate hydrogen embrittlement is illustrated by Fig. 4 [9]. This presents the H profiles for three samples of a commercial cold drawn pearlitic steel (0.77% C) that were exposed to different corrosion conditions designed to accelerate hydrogen embrittlement. The samples were subjected to the combined action of stress and aggressive environment through the Slow Strain Rate Test (SSRT) in which a potential is applied so that H is generated within cracks and pits in the specimen. The aggressive environment was a naturally aerated 0.05 M aqueous solution of NaHCO3 (pH = 8.5) previously shown to be capable of promoting SCC in cold drawn steels [10, 11]. An anodic potential of 300 mV (SCE) was applied to sample N1. This condition promotes pitting corrosion, a localized attack in which hydrogen is produced by acid hydrolysis of the corrosion products in the interior of the pit[ 10, 11]. In contrast, sample N14 was subjected to a cathodic potential of -1200 mV (SCE). At this potential, water is not thermodynamically stable [12]. This produces molecular hydrogen at the metal surface some of which diffuses into the metal and promotes embrittlement. For the NRRA measurement, the sample was mounted so that the beam hit it normal to the fracture surface. It can be observed in Fig. 4 that the resulting shape of the H profile is different depending on the treatment. The -1200 mV (N14) sample has a higher concentration near the fracture surface, but it diminishes to values very close to that of the inert sample at about 0.3 µm. In between it exhibits a convex shape, which indicates a departure from a simple Fick's Law diffusion process. The N1 sample shows a more Fickian profile but exhibits a flat profile of hydrogen deeper in the sample at depths greater than 0.5 µm. The total amount of hydrogen in each sample can be determined by integrating the area under the curve. The peak at the surface in each curve may be due to H adsorption, the first step in the HE process. However, surface contamination such as grease from handling or exposure to atmospheric humidity may also be present. Therefore, to eliminate this peak the integration of the hydrogen concentration was restricted to the range between 0.020 µm and 0.48 µm, the maximum depth of the NRRA tech2 nique. The resulting area densities are 0.13, 0.67 and 0.46 µmol/cm for the N4 (inert), N1 (-300 mV) and N14 (-1200 mV) samples, respectively. Therefore, the sample tested under pitting corrosion conditions took up a greater amount of hydrogen than the one tested at the more negative potential. These results can also be used to estimate key parameters in the hydrogen embrittlement process. By the nature of the SSRT procedure, the H concentration in the sample is the critical value for fracture. The average of the two samples N1 2 and N14 is 0.56 µmol/cm . Taken over a depth of 0.46 µm, this is an average con3 3 centration of 12 mmol/cm or 7.3 x 1021 atoms/cm . Steel has a number density of 22 3 8.53 x 10 atoms/cm . Hence the critical H value is 8.6 atomic percent. Concerning the diffusion constant, as noted above it is not possible to fit the profiles with Fick’s Law models. But it is possible to make a rough estimate, given the time of exposure to solution of ~ 48 hrs, and the effective depth of 0.46 Progress in Nanoscale Studies of Hydrogen Reactions in Construction Materials -15 137 2 µm. The resulting effective diffusion constant is on the order of 10 cm /sec. For -10 -11 2 comparison, the values in the literature are in the range of 10 -10 cm /sec [20, 21]. However, these were determined indirectly, whereas these NRRA values are measured directly. A major advantage of NRRA is that it is nondestructive and requires no special treatment of the samples. Thus it is possible to measure the same steel sample repeatedly over time to observe how the depth profile evolves. Hence, this time-resolved approach can be used to sort out the different diffusion mechanisms that control the hydrogen embrittlement process. 6 Conclusions 1 15 12 We have used NRRA with the H( N,αγ) C reaction to study physical and chemical processes at a nanometer scale involved in the hydration of various components of Portland cement. This has given new insights into the mechanisms that control the setting and curing of concrete and has helped to resolve some longstanding controversies. For the calcium silicate phases, there is generally the development of a semi-permeable surface layer that controls the hydration rate of reaction during the induction period. The induction period length has a classic Arrhenius-type dependence on temperature. Tricalcium aluminate shows a very different spatial pattern of hydration than the calcium silicates. There is no semi-permeable surface layer. Instead a crystalline layer develops rapidly when gypsum is present and apparently slows further reaction with water. Initial experiments with accelerators and retarders have shown that they significantly affect the development the hydration profile, either by changing the permeability of the surface layer or the diffusion coefficients in the substrate. For a commercially available retarder like sodium gluconate, the rate of hydration is strongly dependent on the dosage. These studies have demonstrated the great promise of nuclear resonance reaction analysis for better understanding the hydration properties of cements and that the hydration of Portland cement is a valid topic for nanoscience research. The NRRA technique has also been used to study hydration reactions of fly ash and hydrogen concentrations resulting in hydrogen embrittlement of steels. Acknowledgments. 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