
Developments in Metrology in Support of
J.E. Decker, A. Bogdanov, B.J. Eves, D. Goodchild, L. Johnston, N. Kim,
M. McDermott, D. Munoz-Paniagua, J.R. Pekelsky, S. Wingar, and S. Zou1
Abstract. Nanotechnology emerges out of fundamental science through capability for accurate, repeatable and reproducible measurements on the nanoscale
which allows scientists and engineers to accumulate knowledge. Understanding
the measurement science is the first step towards development of new ideas. This
paper describes some research initiatives which underpin the development of
nanotechnology. Programs underway at the National Research Council of Canada
include: development of metrological scanning-probe microscope instrumentation
for dimensional calibration, materials characterization, development of artefacts
designed specifically for dimensional calibration, investigation of metrology for
application to soft materials and investigation of intrinsic length standards for realization of the SI metre at the nanoscale.
1 Introduction
Common terminology, standards and procedures form the basis of fair trade, technical competitiveness and product reliability. Accurate measurements are also
important for the advancement of science and acquisition of knowledge as they allow comparability of measurements. Comparability and coherence with the fundamental constants is becoming increasingly relevant to industry as feature sizes
diminish and quantum effects are exploited in new devices. This is best achieved
through traceability to the SI, which provides a unified basis for measurements.
Metrology and international standards have an important role in taking proofof-concept ideas to commercialization and trade in our global marketplace. The
June ‘07 Resolution of ISO/TC229 Technical Committee on Nanotechnologies
calling for governments to invest in nanotechnology R&D is a testament to the acknowledged large-scale cooperative effort required to establish terminology and
J.E. Decker, A. Bogdanov, B.J. Eves, D. Goodchild, L. Johnston, N. Kim, M. McDermott,
D. Munoz-Paniagua, J.R. Pekelsky, S. Wingar, and S. Zou
National Research Council of Canada – Institute for National Measurement Standards,
e-mail: [email protected]
J.E. Decker et al.
nomenclature, and measurement & characterization techniques − essential to our
understanding of health, safety and environmental impacts of nanotechnologies.
Consensus standards contribute in a fundamental way to the body of knowledge
necessary for realizing benefits, such as predictive toxicology in the area of health
and environment. Drawing further on this specific example, terminology, nomenclature and the specification of key physico-chemical properties of nanomaterials
are topics of intense interest for the purpose of unique identification and characterization of nanomaterials. There are several lists of measurands deemed as
essential currently under consideration by the science and technology community;
work is ongoing to determine the most widely-accepted list, which in turn will
influence nomenclature of new nano-objects and the development of metrology.
Reference materials are a necessary component of reliable measurements since
they are used to calibrate instruments and compare testing procedures and measurement results between laboratories. The community of national metrology institutes are launching nanoscale reference materials and measurement protocols with
the intention of providing guidance and benchmarks to nanotechnology users and
ensuring commutability of measurement results. Evidence that more work is
required to understand nanoscale objects and measurement methods is supplied
by the case of nanoparticles: the specific value attributed to particle size is
determined largely based on the measurement technique applied and end-use of
the client.
The quality of the transfer of the definition the metre depends on the design,
quality and measurement techniques used to calibrate reference standards. History
demonstrates that economic benefit results from high quality manufacturing, which
is in turn directly related to highest-level metrological standards that keep pace with
the developments of competitive precision mechanics. Nanotechnologies pose new
challenges to traditional metrology because our understanding of how nature behaves on nanoscale lengths is in development. This paper outlines the activities and
progress of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) program of research
and development, in part drawing upon trusted strategies from macroscale measurements and applying them towards understanding behaviour, and developing new
measurement techniques specifically to address nanoscale measurement problems.
In the area of length metrology, projects focus on development of lengthcalibration artefacts, metrological scanning-probe microscope instrumentation for
dimensional calibration, materials characterization and investigation of intrinsic
length standards for realization of the SI metre at the nanoscale.
2 NRC Metrology for Nanotechnology Program Components
2.1 Nanoimprint Lithography
The Canadian Photonics Fabrication Center (CPFC) was recently established at
NRC Institute for Microstructural Sciences (NRC-IMS) to provide an industrialgrade facility for prototype and low volume production of photonic devices for
Developments in Metrology in Support of Nanotechnology
external clients. Many of these devices depend on accurate control of critical dimensions from a few micrometres down to a few nanometres. For example, while
the grating features in semiconductor distributed feedback (DFB) lasers may be of
the order of 10 nm – 100 nm, their pitch must be controlled to better than 0.1 nm
accuracy to achieve best control of wavelength. CPFC has recently established
nano-imprint lithography as an attractive means of patterning sub-100 nm features
which until now, were usually achieved by direct write e-beam lithography.
Nanoimprinting as opposed to projection lithography or e-beam lithography
relies in the physical transfer of a 3-D mold or template into an intermediate polymer which is then used to transfer the pattern into the substrate through dry etching. In some cases the imprinted polymer is the final structure itself. By its very
nature this process lends itself to highly reproducible replication of the original
structure. One tile of the required pattern is first produced on a quartz template
(using e-beam lithography and etching). The template is used to replicate this tile
(in UV curable resist) across all the die on a wafer. Once the template is made,
the wafer patterning time (ie manufacturing cost of this step) is reduced by more
than an order of magnitude. Another key advantage is that the features printed
will have the same dimensions on every die, which is replicated from the same
template or master. By choosing to use a low molecular weight, UV curable material as the transfer polymer very fine features as small as 10 nm can be replicated
at the same time as large micron sized structures. Once this material has been
cured it is dimensionally very stable. The key to the success of using nanoimprinting as a method to create nanoscale structures is the fabrication of the 3-D
mold or template.
While this Nanoimprint technology provides an attractive route for fabrication
of nanostructured devices, it also offers a means of replicating standard structures,
which can be of use for metrology. Establishing traceable metrology standards
Fig. 1 Design of the NRC grating pitch
reference artifact. The 10-mm square
chip contains eight grating patches.
Nominal grating pitch ranges from 150
nm to 10000 nm
J.E. Decker et al.
and measurement methods is a prerequisite for manufacture of nanodevices.
Figure 1 depicts the high-quality reference artefacts under development which
possess features amenable to lowest-uncertainty calibration and validation by inter-laboratory comparison measurements.
The NRC-IMS facility has a JEOL JBX-6000 direct write e-beam system that
has a minimum beam diameter of 5 nm. A custom holder was made for the system
to hold the template to be exposed. Once the template has been coated with masking materials and has been exposed by the e-beam tool, the pattern is transferred in
to the template using dry etch processes to create a 3-D structure that is then used
by the imprinting tool.
Fig. 2 Scanning electron microscope image of a grating produced by method of nanoimprint lithography
To address the needs of a cost effective method of producing sub 100 nm
structures the CPFC has purchased a Molecular Imprints Imprio 100 UV step and
flash nano imprinter. The system uses a ink-jet like process to deposit the UV
curable material which is tailored to the pattern density of the template, so minimizing any excess material and producing a reproducible imprint as the template
is brought into close proximity (touching the polymer only) to the substrate. After curing by UV radiation the template is separated from the substrate and the
process repeated over at a new location. An image taken by scanning electron
microscopy in Figure 2 demonstrates the quality of the gratings produced by
nano-imprint lithography. The CPFC has produced 90 nm 1:1 pitch structures of
less than 5 nm line edge roughness (3-sigma) using this process (from template
fabrication to imprint).
Developments in Metrology in Support of Nanotechnology
2.2 Metrological Atomic Force Microscope
A necessary requirement of accurate metrology is precise and unambiguous definition of the measurand. One-dimensional (1D) grating pitch artefacts have the
advantage of simple, repeatable geometry amenable for calibration of the lateral
scales of microscopes [1-3]. Diffractometers and scanning probe microscopes
(SPM) are complementary instruments which are both needed to accurately measure this line spacing. The diffractometer measures the average grating pitch over
the spot size of the laser beam (pitch = 350 nm, U = 10 pm) and the SPM tip records the profile of the individual grating lines, providing information on the
variation of the line spacing.
The scientific community uses atomic force microscopes (AFM) extensively to
generate topographic and material contrast images of nanometre to micrometre
scale features. Only a small percentage of AFMs are suitable for extracting dimensions such as distance between features with a small or even known uncertainty
[2-7]. The National Research Council of Canada Institute for National Measurement Standards (NRC-INMS) is developing a platform to investigate the performance of dimensional measurements using scanning probe microscopy [8]. A key
requirement for the platform is a large measuring volume to increase the diversity
of possible applications. The design shown in Figure 3 achieves a measurement
Fig. 3 Schematic drawing of the NRC metrological atomic force microscope
J.E. Decker et al.
volume of 40 mm x 40 mm x 6 mm and aims to reach a measurement uncertainty
of position of 1 nm (k=1). The stated uncertainty target does not include the uncertainty contribution of the probe. The design also maintains an open architecture
such that various probe types can be integrated with the precision motion stage ensuring a versatile research instrument.
To attain the large measurement volume the translation of the sample is accomplished via multiple stages which allow for separate coarse and fine motions.
Laser interferometers and autocollimators are used to measure the position and
orientation of the sample and enable the correction of Abbe errors and form errors.
These errors are expected to dominate the uncertainty budget. The instrument
does not attempt to control position via feedback from the interferometers thereby
allowing use of readily available commercial translation stages and controllers.
Additional length errors which will be characterized and accounted for include:
alignment errors, thermal expansion errors, and index of refraction of air.
2.3 Interfacial Force Microscope
The synthesis of novel nanomaterials and nanostuctured films has driven the need
for new nanoscale characterization techniques. Nanomechanical properties such
as elastic modulus and hardness define the ability of a thin film to resist wear and
reduce friction. These properties are also important in nano-electro-mechanical
systems (NEMS) and are increasingly explored in biological systems. Lowuncertainty quantitative measures of these parameters can be achieved only via
instrumentation with traceable calibration. Influence parameters crucial to the uncertainty of nanoindentation measurements include: measured force sensor calibration, and z-displacement and tip area. Developments in instrumentation and
technique aim to minimize the uncertainties in these parameters.
The development of SPM and related techniques in the past 20 years has
opened pathways for the measurement of extremely small forces. Nanomechanical testing is growing area where the measurement of small forces yields properties such as adhesion, hardness and elastic modulus. Nanoindentation experiments
are used to determine these nanomechanical properties and involve pushing a
well-characterized tip with a given force into the test material while monitoring
the distance it penetrates into the sample. The integrated cantilever-tip force
sensing system of an AFM has been applied in mechanical force measurements;
however, quantitative results are compromised by the compliant nature of the cantilever system. In the early 1990s, J. Houston and coworkers introduced the interfacial force microscope (IFM), which employs a microfabricated, mechanically
stable, noncompliant and quantitative force sensor [9]. The sensor can provide
quantitative adhesion [10] and indention force measurements. IFM has been used
to characterize the mechanical properties of metal films [11], monomolecular
films, polymers [12] and automotive antiwear films [13]. A program of IFM instrument development is underway at the National Institute for Nanotechnology
Developments in Metrology in Support of Nanotechnology
Force vs. Displacement Curve on Gold
Displacement (nm)
Fig. 4 Force-displacement curve of a Au(111) surface taken with an IFM
The output of an IFM nanoindentation experiment is a force-displacement
curve such as that shown in Figure 4. These types of curves are analyzed by comparison to known models to obtain parameters such as hardness and elastic
modulus. For quantitative results, traceable calibration and verification of force
and displacement data are primary concerns. For example, in order to obtain values for hardness and elastic modulus with accuracy on the order of 5 %, force and
displacement data must be accurate to 1 %, and must therefore be calibrated and
verified with devices that are accurate at the level of 0.25 % to 0.5 % [14]. In addition, although the IFM provides high force sensitivity relative to commercial indentors, the technique still falls far short of the sensitivity of cantilever based
AFM systems that can detect piconewton forces. With a goal of applying IFM to
soft materials (e.g., biological), the first steps toward a lower force floor include
changing of force detection from capacitance to interferometry allowing for a
modified sensor design that will increase force sensitivity.
2.4 Characterization of Soft Materials
The NRC Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences (NRC-SIMS) has a unique set
of imaging tools that range from topographic imaging and force measurements to
correlated optical/scanning probe microscopy and advanced linear and non-linear
optical microscopies. Scanning probe microscopy expertise is focused on development of multi-modal methods that combine AFM and fluorescence imaging/spectroscopy and their application to studies of molecular interactions at
membrane surfaces. Recently the group has demonstrated the capabilities of nearfield scanning optical microscopy (NSOM) for the nanoscale visualization of
membrane protein receptors on cell surfaces, establishing a powerful new approach for characterizing nanoscale signalling domains [15]. Other studies have
J.E. Decker et al.
Fig. 5 AFM height image with a height profile (A), force curves (B), adhesion map (C), and
histograms of the elastic moduli (D) measured on a lipid bilayer of DOPC/ Sphingomyelin/Cholesterol mixture in a 2:2:1 molar ratio
focused on examining the interaction of amyloid peptides with supported lipid bilayers and probing the enzyme-mediated restructuring of membrane raft domains
using a combination of atomic force and fluorescence microscopies [16, 17].
Calibration standards are crucial elements of any measuring technique.
Scanning Probe Microscopes (SPMs) are standard instruments at scientific and industrial laboratories and are one of the most suitable instruments for imaging,
modification and manipulation of nano-objects and biological samples. Methods
of measurement developed for conventional materials in many cases cannot be directly applied to nano-objects or biological systems. For such cases special protocols need to be developed. There are several reference artifacts available on the
market that can be applied for calibration of SPMs, including NSOM and AFM.
Since international standards for such artifacts are in development, and there is a
current shortage of documentary standards, there is a need not only for measuring
tools and techniques including calibration artifacts, but also for authoritative guidance on how to interpret measurement results from a practical perspective. The
NRC research program includes development of artefact standards applicable for
evaluation of mechanical properties such as elasticity and step height, as well as to
Developments in Metrology in Support of Nanotechnology
accurately perform force measurements in the nanonewton range on soft biological samples. Supported lipid membranes that can be produced reproducibly from
readily available materials are being examined as standard samples (Fig. 5). The
intrinsic nanomechanical properties of the supported bilayers, such as breakthrough forces, elastic moduli, bilayer thicknesses, adhesion and correlation
among these properties, were systematically characterized by AFM-based high
resolution force mapping method.
3 Conclusions
This paper describes an NRC program of scientific research and development
offering a unique opportunity for innovative design and fabrication of standards,
development of metrological instrumentation and calibration procedures. Goals
focus on length and force quantities; establishing a solid foundation for development of nanotechnologies which are expected to have powerful applications not
only in physics and engineering, but also in chemistry and biology. Instrumentation and methods developed in this program will be validated via international inter-laboratory comparison experiments. Measurement comparisons offer the only
opportunity for performance evaluation of measuring instruments at the highest
metrological level, since instruments do not always perform to the specifications
anticipated [18, 19]. They also uncover practical aspects of reference standard
quality, longevity/durability, etc. Comparison results offer international peer review and validation of research-oriented instruments, and a quality check on production-based industrial instruments.
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