LANGUAGES, LITERATURES, AND CULTURES NEWS SPRING 2013 Congratulations... Congratulations to our student scholarship and award recipients! If you are interested in contributing to one of our many study abroad scholarships or other awards, please visit our website for a list of our scholarship accounts http:// files/foundation%20accounts%202013.pdf and then visit USC’s Carolina’s Promise Campaign site to give. Or contact (803)-777-9734 for more information. • • • A word from the chair… • • • • • • Did you know….. • This has been an exciting y ear in Lan g u ag e s , Literatures, and Cultures. We are continuing to recruit first class faculty from around the world and plac e our gr ad u ate students in top-flight institutions. This year, we hired faculty members in Spanish and Chinese, and our current faculty continue to be extraordinarily active in teaching and research, publishing with top-flight presses and winning grants and awards. We are also particularly proud of our dedicated staff who now for two years in a row have been recognized with excellence awards by the university. Dr. Nicholas Vazsonyi, Interim Chair Dept of Languages, Literatures & Cultures Jesse Chapman Alcorn Memorial Professor of Foreign Languages Professor of German & Comparative Contact Us: • • • Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures 1620 College Street; Welsh Humanities Office Building Columbia, SC 29208 Ph: 803.777.4881 Fax: 803.777.0454 Department Chair: Allen Miller Assistant Chair: Mark Beck Summer 2013 Study Abroad Awards Graduate News… Marc Demont has earned the Harriet Hampton Faucett Award from the Women’s and Gender Studies Program. Shannon Gowe received the Albert Ross Garner Award given to an outstanding graduate student who intends to pursue a career in teaching French. Jennifer Slobodian earned a certificate after completing the course “Preparing Future Faculty,” administered by the Center for Teaching Excellence and established by the Council of Graduate Schools. Jennifer also earned a highly competitive fellowship to finish her dissertation this summer. Christiane Steckenbiller successfully defended her dissertation, “Putting Place Back into Displacement: Reevaluating Diaspora in the Contemporary Literature of Migration.” The following students have successfully defended their MA theses this semester: Leigh Buches, MA German, “The Conflicted Artist: An Analysis of The Aesthetics of German Idealism in E. T. A. Hoffmann’s Artist” Jade Mathieu, MA French, “La Quête d’identité à travers la quête de l’autre dans le cinéma de Cédric Klapisch.” Paula Rivero, MA Spanish, “El rol de la cultura visual en el desarrollo de una nueva espacialidad en la literature argentina.” Whitney Waites, MA Spanish, “Recuperando la memorial de la Guerra Civil Española en Luna Lunera y la huguera.” Retiring Mission Statement The Department of Languages Literatures and Cultures (LLC) has a threefold mission: 1. to provide high quality instruction in languages, literatures and cultures to all students at the University of South Carolina; 2. to train the next generation of teachers and researchers through excellence in graduate education; 3. to be an internationally recognized center of excellence for the creation and dissemination of new knowledge about languages, literatures, and cultures. Adrianne Woods, MA Spanish, “Female Character Development in Select Works by Lope de Vega, Maria de Zayas and Calderón de la Barca.” Farewell…Shaniqua Livingston is graduating this spring with a degree in Psychology. Shaniqua has been a Work Study Student in our department since January of 2010 and has served us all with her cheerful smile and willing attitude. Shaniqua is currently seeking f u l l t i m e employment with plans to attend Grad School in the future.
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