2004 11th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power VAr Compensation and Elimination of Harmonics in Three-phase Four-Wire System Based on Unified Constant-frequency Integration Control Sachin Hirve, Kishore Chatterjee, and B. G. Femandes Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay, Mumhai 400076, India email: [email protected] Abstmcl-In this paper, an attempt has been made to design a shunt active power tilter based on Unified Constant-frequency Integration (UCI) Control, for a three-phase four-wire system with unbalanced loads. The active power filter provides compensation currents in such a way that the utility supplies only the balanced fundamental frequency current at unity power factor, even if the load draws reactive and harmonic currents. The proposed scheme does not need to sense utility voltages, thereby reducing the complexity. In this paper, UCI control is applied to both four-leg and three-leg inverter topologies. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated by simulation results. I. INTRODUCTION The proliferation of power electronics devices have resulted in distortion of the steady state ac current and voltage waveforms. Equipments realized through these devices pose as non-linear loads and draw reactive and harmonic currents in addition to the active load current. The reactive and harmonic currents lead to poor power factor, low efficiency, electromagnetic interference with neighboring electronic appliances and overheating of transformers [l]. In addition to the undesirable harmonic currents flowing through the phase conductors, single phase non-linear loads cause a very large current to flow through the neutral wire. In most of the distribution systems, power is distributed through three-phase four-wire network. The non-linear loads, present in the system, result in excessive neutral current due to triplen harmonics, which are potentially damaging to both neutral conductor and distribution transformer [l]. Static VAr Compensators (SVCs) have been used for reactive power compensation of non-linear loads. But the size of energy storing capacitor and inductor used in the compensator is generally large. They also inject considerable amount of harmonics in the system. All these limitations of SVCs can be solved by Static Synchronous Compensators. These static converter based var generators, are known as Active Power Filters (APF). APF is a viable solution for the compensation of reactive power and harmonic currents drawn by non-linear loads. Various control strategies have been proposed for the control of APF for compensation of three-phase non-linear loads. Active power filters for three-phase systems without neutral conductor have been successfully developed [l]. But the issue 0-7803-8746-5/04/$20.00 02004 IEEE. of elimination of harmonics in three-phase four-wire systems is not addressed extensively, In [l], the compensation of harmonic currents in threephase four-wire system has been achieved using hysterisis hand controller for both split-capacitor and Four-leg inverter topologies. But hysterisis hand controller results in continuously varying switching frequency and make high frequency filtering difficult. Whereas in constant switching frequency approach, the filter current tends to ride either the upper or lower hand depending on the switch duty cycle. Hence small amount of low order harmonics are present in the filter current and neutral wire current. Using the instantaneous reactive power theory [Z], it has been shown that the reactive power requirement of a threephase circuit can be compensated instantaneously without the requirement of energy storage device. In modified form, instantaneous reactive power theory [3] is also seen to compensate for reactive and harmonic components of load currents in balanced and unbalanced system. But the drawbacks of these schemes are expanded architecture, complex circuitry and need for real time calculations. Smedley and Qiao have proposed an approach based on Unified Constant-frequency Integration (UCI) control 141. This scheme gives satisfactory results to compensate reactive and harmonic currents in a three-phase system [6]. This scheme is not computation intensive and hence, there is no need for high performance processors. Also there is no need to sense utility voltages. Hence the information about zero crossing of supply voltage is not needed. This control method is based on one-cycle control and uses an integrator with reset to control the pulse width of an ac-dc converter so that current drawn by it, compensates the reactive and harmonic currents drawn by the non-linear loads. In this paper, an attempt is made to apply UCI control for three-phase four-wire system containing single phase nonlinear loads. The scheme is applied for both three-leg and four-leg invener topology. Simulation results are presented in this paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modified scheme. 647 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 06:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Fig. 1. Active Power Filter for four-wire system baaed on UCI contool with four-leg invener topdog) 11. CONTROL SCHEMES The commonly used converter topologies for Active Power Filter (APF) applications include both voltage and current type converters, where the voltage type converters have been reported more cost effective than their counterparts [ 5 ] . For the compensation of three-phase four-wire system, the APF could be of either four-leg inverter topology or split-capacitor topology. In four-leg inverter topology, three legs of inverter are connected to the three-phase conductors through series inductors and the fourth leg is connected to the neutral conductor. The second approach is to use a standard three-phase converter. In this topology, the midpoint of DC lmk is connected to the neutral conductor. In this paper, control strategies for both the topologies are proposed. A. Four-leg Inverter Topology Reactive power and harmonic current requirement of nonlinear loads can be met by controlling the AF'F in such a way that the effective load, consisting of the non-linear load and APF, appears to be resistive. Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the three-phase APF which employs a three-phase four-legged bridge converter with the proposed controller. The current references for each of three phases are derived from UCI control scheme [6]. The current references consists of the harmonic current components drawn by the load. By forcing the filter phase current to follow the reference, only a fundamental frequency sinusoidal current is drawn from the supply, which is in phase with the supply voltage. So the source experiences a resistive load in effect. The control equations based on UCI control [6] are R, . is, = V, - 2 . V, . d., R, .ish = V, - 2.vm.dbn R, . i,, = V, - 2 V, . d,, (1) The above equations indicate the relationship between the input phase currents, duty ratios of switches, and the output of the dc-rail voltage compensator under unity power factor condition. Unity power factor can be achieved by controlling the switches Sa,, Sb,, etc. so that the duty ratios satisfy the control equation (1) and thereby controlling the inverter terminal voltages U A N , W B N and V C N . All harmonic currents except zero sequence currents form symmetrical sets in a balanced system and their sum is zero. Hence, in addition to the high switching frequency current components, a dominant uiplen harmonic current flows 648 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 06:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. ...... Fig. 2. Schematic of three-phase APF with Split-Capacitor inverter topology bared on UCI conuol. through the load neutral. The zero sequence current can be eliminated by controlling the fourth leg of inverter so that it draws a current which is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the zero sequence current flowing through the neutral conductor of load. The three legs of APF are operated based on the above control equation and it can he seen that source current is sum of respective load current and current injected by the APE proposed controller. The driver signals to the two switches in each arm are complementary and the converter is always in continuous conduction mode (CCM). Assuming that the switching frequency is much higher than the tine frequency, the switching cycle average voltage at nodes A, B, and C referred to the midpoint of the capacitor “ N can he written as VAN .,i = i ~ , + i f . + izb = i f b ifb (2) is, = ik + i fc To balance the source currents and to eliminate the zero sequence current, the fourth leg of inverter is operated under a simple constant hysteresis band controller. The current reference for the fourth leg is a function of load neutral current il, such that, i f n = - il, (3) UBN VCN - + + (4) where dan,dbn. and d,, are the duty ratios for switches Sa,, San, and S,, respectively; V,, and Vczare the voltages across the dc link capacitors. The voltages at nodes A, B, and C referred to neutral point “ N can be written as UAN The current through source neutral conductor reduces to a very high frequency current of small magnitude. This current can be easily filtered out by a small passive filter. B. Split Capacitor To,rmIogy Fig. 2 shows the schematic of the three-phase APF that employs a three-phase standard bridge converter with the + = Vci - (Vci K2).dan = Vci (h vc2). dbn = VI (Vci K2) . d,, UBN UCN = Z)a - j W L . if. = lib - j W L . ifb = ‘Vc - j W L . ifc (5) where L is source inductance (assuming all phases have the same inductance L), and w is the line angular frequency. Neglecting the voltage drop across the inductance, ( 5 ) can he 649 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 06:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. I where V , is the phase-neutral rms voltage. In order to achieve unity power factor, the control goal for the active power filter is U , = Re . i s , U b = Re ' i s b (8) ~g = Re . i s , 03 ,1, 051 -m ' em 01 o s os4 0 1 0% 037 0- 032 os 0% 03s 056 017 011 Fig. 3. Simulation Results for four-leg tOpdOgy, (a) Source voltages, (b) Load w m n t s , ( c ) APF currents. (d) Source Currents. where Re is the emulated resistance. Combination of (7) and (8) yields Re i,, = &I - (Kl O Y m il, + K2) d m 10 ' Re ' i a b = 1/,1 - (&I + Kz) . dbn Re i,, = v,, - (Kl + V,Z) . d,, (9) -10 ' where is,, i.b, and i,, are the input phase currents, and they are the sum of nonlinear load phase currents and the filter phase currents as shown in Fig. 2. Unity power factor is achieved by controlling the switches Sa,, sb,, etc. so that the duty ratios satisfy equation (9). This control equation can be implemented based on a onecycle control circuit that uses an integrator with reset along with other circuit elements. The voltage feedback compensator regulates the voltage across both the complete capacitor branch and also the individual capacitors in the APF converter during each line cycle. As a result. there will ideally be no active ' converter and source. power transfer between the AEF Fig. 4. Simulation Results for neutral circuit with four-leg lopology. (a) Load n e u f d currenf (b) Filter neutral current. (c) Source neural currenf. 111. SIMULATED RESULTS M The complete model of APF has been implemented in MATLABISimulink software package and simulation study for above discussed topologies is carried ont. Three-phase unbalanced load consists of a single-phase rectifier in phase A and single-phase R-L load in phase B and C . Rectifier consists of commutation inductance of 40mH and inductive load (R = O.ln, L = 120mH) on DC side. R-L load for phase B and C is modeled as R = IOR & L = 40mH. Simulation results for the proposed control strategies are shown in Fig. [3-7]. The supply voltages and loads are identical for both cases. A. Four-Leg Iimener Topology The four-leg APF is simulated with DC link voltage of 700V. The coupling inductance of 5 mH is used. Simulation results of the system compensating unbalanced load, are shown in Fig. 3-4. I 0 18 0 a* 0. 0.1 0 12 043 I 0.4 Fig. 5 . Simulation Results for a step change in rectifier load with four-leg topology, (a) Source voltage, (b) Load current. (c) APF current, (d) Source current. As seen from above figures, APF is compensating the harmonics and the reactive power while balancing the load. The 650 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 06:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. -," 03 011 ou o u 0% 011 0 1 017 B. Split-Capacitor Imaner Topology Simulation results for three-leg topology with split-capacitor for three-phase four-wire system are discussed in this section.ln order to achieve the performance similar to four-leg APF, DC link is modified in three-leg APF. Capacitor in DC link is split into two halves in such a way that net capacitance of new topology is same as that of four-leg APE Fig. 6 shows the simulation results for split capacitor topology and Fig. 7 shows the neutral currents. It is found that the source neutral current consist of a nominal fundamental frequency component. This is due to unbalanced charging of the DC link capacitors. This unbalance in DC link capacitor voltages depends upon the extent of unbalanced load in the system. Performance of this control scheme is also verified for step change in load. It is observed that performance of this scheme is similar to that of earlier scheme. J 0 1 Fig. 6. Simulation Results for spliti.apacitor topology, (4Source volwges, (b) Load currents, (c) APF c~rrents.(d) Source Currents. IV. CONCLUSION UCI control is verified for four-leg and split-capacitor inverter topology. Though the performance of four-leg inverter topology is found to be equivalent to conventional methods, this scheme uses less complicated control circuitry. Even though four-leg inverter topology gives satisfactory performance, the active switch count is high. In order to overcome this problem, split-capacitor inverter topology is suggested using UCI control. Due to uneven charging of the DC link capacitors, there exists some nominal fundamental frequency component in neutral conductor. This current is a function of unbalance in the system. It is observed that performance of split-capacitor inverter topology is very similar to that of four-leg invener topology. -10 -10 REFERENCES Fig. 7. Simulation Results for neutral circuit using split-capacitor topology, (a) Load neural current. (bJ Filter neutral cumnt. (c) Source ne~rralcurrent. nominal high frequency harmonic content in source current can be easily filtered out with small passive filter if required. Also the neutral current is effectively compensated. Performance of the proposed scheme is also evaluated for a step change in load. Simulation results for a step change in load at t = 400111s are shown in Fig. 5 . It is seen that this scheme offers excellent dynamic response. 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