PHYSICAL REVIE% VOLUME 14, NUMBER 9 D Radiative corrections to ee /urn l and ee NOVEMBER 1976 —&p7rn. M. P. Gokhale, S. H. Patil, and S. D. Rindani Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay 400 076, India (Received 26 January 1976) We calculate the radiative corrections to ee ~Q'~ Qn n, and predict that the ratio of the rate for ee ~ Q'~ gw+m to that for ee~Q'~Qrr~tr should be about 1.86. We show that the asymmetry in the n'+n distribution for ee~p m+m is quite large, about 15%, but it goes through zero for the m+m invariant mass near m~. On the other hand, for ee ~Q'~Qrr+rr, the asymmetry is negligibly small, less than 1%. corrections. I. INTRODUCTION The discovery' of the P and the P' particles has introduced a major new element in the domain of elementary particles. It has given rise to a very intense effort toward the understanding of the properties of these particles and their interactions. Though a considerable amount of knowledge has accumulated, it has not, as yet, led to definite conclusions regarding their role in the scheme of strong and electromagnetic properties of elemen- tary particles. A particularly important process' involving the g and g' particles is e(P, ) + e(P. ) - 0'- ), tr(&, ) + u(&. ) + 0(&. where the two pions are in a predominantly Sstate. The decay g'- g+ tr+tr, which is a major decay mode of the f', finds a significant analogy in the decay p' p+w+n. There are' interesting similarities and differences between these two decays, which are important for the understanding of the properties of the and the (' wave ( particles. In this note, we discuss the radiative corrections to process (1) and to e(p, ) + e(p, ) —tr {a,) + tr(u, )+ pe(us) . The electromagnetic corrections to these pro- cesses (1) and (2) are qualitatively similar, but are quite different quantitatively. The differences can be traced to the difference in the isospin content of the two systems and in the magnitudes of the decay widths. We will analyze two aspects of the processes (1) and (2): 1. The ratio of the rates of m'v production and tretro production is considered for process (1). With the generally accepted assignment of isospin I =0 for both g and g', this ratio is expected to be 2 from pure strong interaction, since the two pions would then be in an Z = 0 state. Any deviation from this ratio of 2 would be ascribed to electromagnetic 14 The experimental value4 for the ratio rate(ee- (tr'tr ) rate(ee- Ptt'n') is 1.6 +0.4. This number, while consistent with a ratio of 2, could allow for a major deviation from 2. We analyze the electromagnetic corrections to process (1) in the soft-photon approximation, which we find to be quite large, and predict a value of R =1.86. It is expected that improved experimental numbers for R will tend toward this value. It should be noted that, since p has isospin I =2, the two pions in process (2) can be in I =0 or 2 states, so that the ratio of the m'm production rate to the ttetto production rate for process (2) can be different from 2, even without the electromagnetic interaction, and we make no prediction for this ratio for process (2). 2. jn processes (1) and (2) for tr+tt production, the two pions are in the charge-conjugation C =+1 state if the processes proceed via a single-photon intermediate state. In that case, there will be no asymmetry in the angular distribution of m'n However, electromagnetic corrections allow the m" z to be in the C =-1 state to a small extent. We calculate the asymmetry in the angular distribution of tr'tt for processes (1) and (2), resulting from the interference between the amplitudes with n'm in the C =+1 and C =-1 states. Though this asymmetry is of the order of the fine-structure constant z, it is considerably enhanced by the infrared effects and the final-state interaction. In particular, we show that the asymmetry, as a function of the azimuthal angle defined later, for process (2) with the invariant mass of the tt'tt near the p-meson mass, is quite large, about but goes 15/q in the soft-photon approximation, through zero at a position slightly below the resonance. The corresponding asymmetry for process (1) is much smaller because of the small width of the g' resonance, and the energy restrictions for the nm system. Observation of the above effects will be useful the properties of g and g', espein understanding cially with reference to processes (1) and (2). 2259 M. P. GOKHALE, 2260 S. H. PATIL, We neglect the lepton mass in the following con- S. D. RINDANI AND 1(a)] gives siderations. 2a(m2 —2 p, 2) H. RATIO R OF PRODUCTION RATES ee~ Qm'm, (4) The contributions to come from the vertex correction [Fig. 1(a)], the wave-function correction [Fig. 1(b)], the bremsstrahlung corrections [Fig. 1(c)], and a correction due to the difference in the charged- and neutral-pion masses, so that we write & —4 p. 2)'/2 nm(m2 Pm'omo The leading electromagnetic correction to order a, in the soft-photon approximation, to the value of R =2 comes from the diagrams in Fig. 1, and is given by ~, where 5 14 x ln (m2 4~2)1/2 m —(m' —4 p, 2)'~ p. is the pion mass, m is the "average" mass of the n'n system, and m& is a small mass assigned to the photon. Since the m n distribution is peaked toward a larger mass of the n'n' system, we obtain a value of ~ = 3.5 p, . Waue-function correction. The wave-function corrections [Fig. 1(b)] give 'PRy 7l contributions Other electromagnetic corrections of order n to process (1) are the diagrams where the soft photon interacts only with the leptons, in which case the value of R is unchanged. The diagrams where the internal soft photon interacts with the pions only once, in which case the pions are in a C=-1 state, give rise to corrections to 8 of the order of e', which are neglected. contributions to 5. The calculations are similar to those done previously' for ee- p. p. , K'K . Vertex correction. The vertex correction [Fig. We now evaluate the soft-photon x j correction. The bremsstrahlung [Fig. 1(c)] lead to m' —2g2 1- m (m2 4i12)1/2 ln m + (m' —4 p. 2)'/2~ (m2 4i/2)1/2 m where 4E is the maximum energy of the soft photon emitted. We take (AF)//i/. =2%. Mass coxrectln. The correction & due to the difference in the masses of n' and m' is given by I'2 2„(m, +) —I'2. 2,„(m,p) I"i, (b) (6) where BxenzssA'ahlung =5y+5~+5~+5 my ~„(m„p) where I'& 2„,(m) is the decay width for p'- gn/w with the pions having mass m each. The number is the fractional difference in the integral of the weighted phase space, due to the difference in the masses of m' and w'. To evaluate this, we use an e model, similar to the one used by Schwinger et al. , ' in which the g'Pe and ewv couplings are of the form P'„gf'e and ega, respectively, where P is the pion field. We have used m, =800 MeV and l", =400 MeV for the mass and width of c. Numerical evaluation of the above quantities gives ~, ~ g +~, = 2. 3x10-~, =-4.6x10-', so that 5= -6.9 x10-2 R =1.86. FIG. 1. Diagrams contributing to the change in the ratio of the rate for ee g' g~+7t to that for ee —y' 7('m'. This should be compared with the experimental value' of 1.6 +0.4. It should be possible to verify the corrections implied by (11) by a more accurate RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS TO ee ~ Pen' AND ee ~ 14 determination of the experimental value for the ratio R. The above analysis is applicable to a more general process ee-Xmm, where X is a C =-1, I =0 particle, at a relatively low value of the effective mass of the mm system. For example, for X=co or P and the effective mass of mw m =3.5 p, , we expect the same value of about 1.86 for the ratio of the decay rates into the charged pions and the neutral pions. So far, however, there is no experimental information on the value of 8 for these cases. III. ASYMMETRY IN e(p, )+e+2) n'(k, )+z(]&2)+p (p3) We consider the asymmetry in the w n distribution mainly for process (2), i.e. , ee- p'w'rr . Though it is present in process (1) as well, it is considerably suppressed there, because of the small decay width for g' and the restriction on the maximum energy of the n'n system. The asymmetry in the m n distribution is due to the interference between the leading amplitude for which the n'm are in a C =+1 state and the amplitude with electromagnetic corrections for which the w'n are in a C =-1 state. We will assume that the m'm in the leading amplitude are in an S-wave state. This is justified at the energies under consideration for the process. The diagrams which contribute to asymmetry, to order a, are shown in Fig. 2. We write the ampli- tude for process (2), including the leading term T» and the terms in the soft-photon approximation for the diagrams in Fig. 2(a), as T„=T, „(1+&) . (12) Here (13) P„s, = (P —k;)', where s = P', P =P, + amplitude for y, p&n n, the cn'n vertex, assuming duced via the E resonance. given by the expression - —i(e/g) (2m)' d'q, ' q, gt„„ is the g is the strength of that the pions are proThe correction & is and 2p, eTB [(p, —q, )' —m'+ ic] (14) where m is the lepton mass, and 78, the amplitude for the on-shell-photon process y8(q, )+e(k)- m'(k, )+ v (k, ), has a form g 8 =(k, ak, q, —k, sk, q, )r, where v is the scalar invariant amplitude. The region of importance for the asymmetry is the one near the position of the p-meson resoTherefore, one should calnance, i.e., s, =mp culate the amplitude 7 with the final-state interaction in the I =1, 4=1 n'n state. W'e introduce the final-state interaction in terms of the helicity amplitudes. The helicity +1 amplitude v, is related to the invariant amplitude v by 4~2 (a) pmm i/2 q, (k, +k, )(sing')r, (17) where 6' is the scattering angle for process (15) in the center-of-mass frame. The Born approximation for v, is given by the diagrams in Fig. 3, and has the expression / (b) FIG. 2. Diagrams contributing to the asymmetry distribution for ee pox+7t in FIG. 3. Born diagrams for e+y& x++x . / 7T S. H. PATIL, M. P. GOKHALE, 2262 s —4p, ' eg '~' ~s S. D. RINDANI 1 { Projecting this amplitude AND J =1 state, onto the J =1) = — Seg) (s .—» S ')(»,' k}{ k we get for the 2— ' (», + &.)) ( J =1 part s.(s, —» S ' )I s' ln of T~ »s, —(s. —» S ' )'" I ' (19) where g is the "coupling" constant for e))')) . The analytic properties of ~s(J=1) suggest that the finalstate interaction may be incorporated by writing dispersion relations in the variable s, for 1/s, [q, (k, +k, )]'T(J =1)D, (s, ), where D„(s,) is the D function for the I =1, J =1 partial-wave m))'-scattering amplitude. Approximating the left-hand discontinuity of v(J= I) by that of ws(J=1), we get D (s, )[q, (k, + k, )] ' (20) „(s,')'~'(s,' —4 p. ')@'(s,' —s.,) Now, because of the steep behavior gral, which leads us to the result of the integrand near s,'=0, we may set D, (s,'}=D„(0)inside the inte- (21) J =1 partial-wave We saturate the ' ~(J=I)=, mP —S3 —imP VE p . I"P so that we have by the p meson, amplitude ~s(J=1), (22) where mp is the mass of the p-meson resonance and ~p is its width. For other angular-momentum states, i.e., =3,5, . . etc. , we assume that the final-state interaction is negligible so that the corresponding With this assumption, the total amplitude amplitudes may be approximated by their Born approximations. 7 1S J . 1 {q, k, )(q, k, ) ~ ~ 3s~ (s, —4p. ')[q, (k, +k, )]' ' [s, 4p, (s, —4p, vs, + (s, —4p. ')'~' ~s, —(s, —4g')'" ')]'" mp' mp' —s, —il'pm~ carry out the integrals in (14) with the ~() obtained from (16}with this expression for v, and get, in the limit of the vanishing lepton mass, We p, k, p, k, 12(p, k, P, . k, ~ -p, ~ k, p, k, ) ~ In this expression we have negiected a term proportional to {~k~/ko)', which is (Iuite small in the region of our interest. For the discussion of the asymmetry in the m m distribution due to &, we choose the symmetric centerof-mass frame where the z axis is along the direction of k, xk, and the x axis is along the direction of k3. Defining 8 and (t) as the polar and azimuthal angles of p„we have do m' »s»ss J»s, Jgl i »sl e„ is the polarization vector for the p, J, Jf are the spins of the initial and final parti- where and l*,»sss (25} f cles, respectively, and the limits of integration for s, are p. '+m '+2k„k„+2(k,[(k, [, and for s, the limits are (s'' —m )' and 4p, ' with k, =(s '')/ 2 and k»=(s —m, ' —s, )/2s, '~'. To (25) we add the contributions from the bremsstrahlung processes corresponding to the diagrams in Fig. 2(b). The effect of this is to replace the my in (24) by b, F., where 4E is the maximum energy of the soft photon emitted. We take 4E =0.02 p. . The asymmetry in the distribution is conn veniently described in terms of the asymmetry parameter A defined as m' RADIATIVE CORRECTIONS TO ee ~ 14 about 0. 3 Pmm AND ee s,''=760 ~ pox 2263 MeV, which is slightly below the resonance. 0.2 . 0.1 0.0 A —O. '3 (Ve 650 i. -02- 0.3 — FIG. 4. Asy~~etry in e +e p +Vt +7t as a function of the invariant mass of ~+~, near the p-meson resonance position. The asymmetry analysis can be extended to other processes ee —Xw'n where X is a C = -1 particle, and the above results are generally valid. For example, X can be v, P, or P. However, the analysis for ee- it'- gv'v requires important modifications because of the narrow width of the $' resonance. Effectively, we find a similar expression for & as in (24), except that the factor ln(p, /b. Z), which would have been there after including the bremsstrahlung contributions, is now replaced by In/[LE —(il& )/2]/b, EI. This suppresses the value of & by at least an order of magnitude. Also we do not have the enhancement due to the p-meson resonance, since the m'n can have a maximum effective mass of about 600 MeV only, which is below the p-meson resonance threshold. Overall, the asymmetry for this process is less than 1%. IV. CONCLUSIONS f, f" Our calculations predict that the ratio of the (vm' rate for ee- g'- (n'n to that for eeis 1.86. However, the asymmetry in the distribution of w'w for ee-g'- Pm" m is found to be quite small, less than 1%. On the other hand, the asymmetry in the n m distribution for ee —p n n is shown to be quite large, of the order of 15% for the effective mass of n'~ near the p-resonance ('- (d'o/ds, dy)dP —f„(d'(x/ds, d&p)dy ' (d'o/ds, dy)dy+ P" (Fg/ds, dy)dy (26} is evaluated numerically with =770 MeV and I'~ =150 MeV, and is plotted in Fig. 4 as a function of vs„ for s' ' =1700 MeV. It has a mild dependence on s and increases slowly as s increases. In general, the asymmetry is quite large, about 15 /o, but goes through zero at This parameter m& ~J. E. Augustin et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 33, 1406 (1974); J. J. Aubert et al. , ibid. 33, 1404 (1974); G. A. Abrams et al. , iMd. 33, 1453 (1974). 26. S. Abrams et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 34, 1181 (1975). 3R. W. Brown, V. K. Cung, K. O. Mikaelian, and E. A. Paschos, Phys. Lett. 43B, 403 (1973); M. P. Gokhale, S. H. Patil, and S. D. Tindani, preceding paper, Phys. Bev. D 14, 2250 (1976). position, but goes through zero. This dramatic behavior of the asymmetry should be experimentally easily observable. 4J. Schwinger, et al. , Phys. Rev. D 12, 2607 (1975); D. Morgan and M. R. Pennington, ibid. 12, 1283 (1975); L. S. Brown and R. N. Cahn, Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 1 (1975). 5E. HQger et al. , Phys. Rev. Lett. 35, 625 (1975). V. Barger, Nuovo Cimento 32, 127 (1964). S. H. Patil and S. D. Rindani, Phys. Rev. D 13, 730 (1976).
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