Automatic Verification of Firewall Configuration with Respect to Security Policy Requirements Soutaro Matsumoto1 and Adel Bouhoula2 1 Graduate School of System and Information Engineering University of Tsukuba – Japan [email protected] 2 Higher School of Communication of Tunis (Sup'Com) University of November 7th at Carthage – Tunisia [email protected] Abstract. Firewalls are key security components in computer networks. They filter network traffics based on an ordered list of filtering rules. Firewall configurations must be correct and complete with respect to security policies. Security policy is a set of predicates, which is a high level description of traffic controls. In this paper, we propose an automatic method to verify the correctness of firewall configuration. We have defined a boolean formula representation of security policy. With the boolean formula representations of security policy and firewall configuration, we can formulate the condition that ensures correctness of firewall configuration. We use SAT solver to check the validity of the condition. If the configuration is not correct, our method produces an example of packet to help users to correct the configuration. We have implemented a prototype verifier and had some experimental results. The first results were very promising. Keywords: Firewall Configuration, Security Policy, Automatic Verification, SAT Solver. 1 Introduction Firewalls are key security components in computer networks. They filter packets to control network traffics based on an ordered list of filtering rules. Filtering rules describe which packet should be accepted or rejected. Filtering rules consist of a pattern of packet and an action. Firewalls reject / accept packets if the first rule which matches the packet in their configurations rejects / accepts the packet. Security policies are high-level description of traffic controls. They define which connection is allowed. They are sets of predicates. Security policies reject / accept connections if the most specific predicate which matches the connection rejects / accepts the connection. Firewalls should be configured correctly with respect to security policies. Correct configurations reject / accept connections if and only if security policies reject / accept the connections. However, the correctness of firewall configurations is not obvious. Consider for example the following security policy. 1. All users in LAN can access Internet 2. All users in LAN1 cannot access 3. All users in LAN2 can access E. Corchado et al. (Eds.): CISIS 2008, ASC 53, pp. 123–130, 2009. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2009 124 S. Matsumoto and A. Bouhoula Fig. 1. Structure of the Network There are three predicates. Assume that we have a network LAN, two sub networks LAN1 and LAN2, and there is a website in the Internet. The structure of the networks is shown in figure 1. The first predicate is the most general one that allows all users in LAN to access any web site in the Internet. The Second predicate is more specific than the first predicate which prohibits users in LAN1 to access Third predicate allows users in LAN2 to access Under this security policy, users in LAN1 cannot access Since the second predicate is the most specific for a connection from LAN1 to, the connection will be rejected. Consider for example the following firewall configuration in Cisco’s format. access-list 101 permit tcp any access-list 102 reject tcp access-list 103 permit tcp eq 80 eq 80 eq 80 There are three rules named 101, 102, and 103. Rule 101 permits connections from 192.168.*.* to any host. * is wildcard. Rule 102 rejects packets from 192.168.1.* to Rule 103 permits packets from 192.168.2.* to Assume that the network LAN has address 192.168.*.*, LAN1 and LAN2 have 192.168.1.* and 192.168.2.* respectively, and has address This configuration can read as a straightforward translation of the security policy. Unfortunately, this configuration is incorrect. Since the first rule that matches given connection will be applied, a connection from LAN1 matches the first rule and it will be accepted even if the destination is We propose a method to verify the correctness of firewall configurations with respect to security policies. Security policy P and firewall configuration F are translated into boolean formulae QP and QF. The correctness of firewall configuration is reduced to the equivalence of the two formulae. The equivalence of the two formulae is checked by satisfiability of QP ⇎ QF. If the formula is satisfiable, QP and QF are not equivalent and F is not correct. A counterexample of packet will be produced such that P and F will give different answers for the packet. The counterexample will help users to find and correct mistakes in their configurations. 1.1 Related Work There are a lot of works about development of formal languages for security policy description [1, 2]. Our formalization of security policy is very abstract, but essentially Automatic Verification of Firewall Configuration 125 equivalent to them. The works are so technical that we simplified the definition of security policy. There are some works for efficient testing of firewalls based on security policies [3, 4]. Their approaches generate test cases from security policy and then test networks with the test cases. Our method only verifies the correctness of the configuration of firewall. The simplification makes our method very simple and fast. The essence of our method is the definition of boolean formula representation. Other steps are applications of well-known logical operations. The fact that our method is performed on our computers makes verifications much faster and easier than testing with sending packet to real networks. This also makes possible to use SAT solvers to prove the correctness. Detecting anomalies in firewall configurations is also important issue [5]. Detection of anomalies helps to find mistakes in configuration, but it does not find mistakes by itself. Hazelhurst has presented a boolean formula representation of firewall configuration, which can be used to express filtering rule [6]. The boolean formula representation can be simplified with Binary Decision Diagram to improve the performance of filtering. In this paper, we use the boolean formula representations of firewall configuration and packets. 2 Security Policy and Firewall Configuration We present a formal definition of security policy and firewall configuration. The definitions are very abstract. We clarify the assumptions of our formalization about security policy. 2.1 Security Policy Security policy is a set of policy predicates. Policy predicates consist of action, source address, and destination address. Actions are accept or deny. The syntax of security policy is given in figure 2. policy is a set of predicate. A predicate consists of action K, source address, and destination address. Action K is accept A or deny D. A predicate A(s, d) reads Connection from s to d is accepted. A predicate D(s, d) reads Connection from s to d is denied. Network address is a set. Packets are pairs of source address and destination address. Packet p from source address s to destination address d will match with predicate K(s’, d’) if and only if s ⊆ s' ⋀ d ⊆ d' holds. We have a partial order relation ⊒ on policy predicates. K(s, d) ⊒ K’(s’, d’) ⇔ s ⊇ s’ ⋀ d ⊇ d’ If q ⊒ q’ holds, q is more general than q' or q' is more specific than q. Packet p is accepted by Security Policy P if the action of the most specific policy predicate that matches with p is A, and p is rejected by P if the action of the most specific policy predicate which matches with p is D. 126 S. Matsumoto and A. Bouhoula policy predicate address K ::= ::= ::= ::= | { predicate, …, predicate } K(address, address) Network Address A D Accept Deny Fig. 2. Syntax of Security Policy configuration rule address K ::= ::= ::= ::= | rule :: configuration | φ K(address, address) Network Address A D Accept Deny Fig. 3. Syntax of firewall configuration Example. The security policy we have shown in section 1 can be represented as P = { q1, q2, q3 } where q1, q2 and q3 are defined as follows: 1. q1 = A(LAN, Internet) 2. q2 = D(LAN1, 3. q3 = A(LAN2, We have ordering of policy predicates q1 ⊒ q2 and q1 ⊒ q3. Assumptions. To ensure the consistency of security policy, we assume that we can find the most specific policy predicate for any packet. We assume that the following formula holds for any two different predicates K(s, d) and K’(s’, d’). s × d ⊇ s’ × d’ ⋁ s × d ⊆ s’ × d’ ⋁ s × d ∩ s’ × d’ = φ Tree View of Security Policy. We can see security policies as trees, such that the root is the most general predicate and children of each node is set of more specific predicates. We define an auxiliary function CP(q) which maps predicate q in security policy P to the set of its children. CP(q) = { q’ | q’ ∈ P ⋀ q ⊒ q’ ⋀ ¬(∃q’’ ∈ P . q ⊒ q’’ ⋀ q’’ ⊒ q) } For instance, CP(q) = { q2, q3 } and CP(q2) = CP(q3) = φ for the previous example. 2.2 Firewall Configuration The syntax of firewall configuration is given in figure 3. Configurations of firewalls are ordered lists of rules. Rules consist of action, source address, and destination address. Actions are accept A or deny D. Automatic Verification of Firewall Configuration 127 A packet is accepted by a firewall configuration if and only if the action of the first rule in the configuration that matches with source and destination address of packet is A. The main difference between security policies and firewall configurations is that rules in firewalls form ordered list but predicates in security policies form trees. 3 Boolean Formula Representation We present a boolean formula representation of security policy and firewall configuration in this section. This section includes also a boolean formula representation of network address and packet. In the previous section, we did not define concrete representation of network addresses and packets.1 The boolean formula representations of network address and firewall configuration are proposed by Hazelhurst [6]. 3.1 Boolean Formula Representation of Network Addresses and Packets Network addresses are IPv4 addresses. Since IPv4 addresses are 32 bit unsigned integers, we need 32 logical variables to represent each address. IP addresses are represented as conjunction of 32 variables or their negations, so that each variable represents a bit in IP address. If the ith bit of the address is 1 then variable ai should evaluate true. For example an IP address is represented as the following. a32 ⋀ a31 ⋀ ¬a30 ⋀ ¬a29 ⋀ ¬a28 ⋀ ¬a27 ⋀ ¬a26 ⋀ ¬a25 ⋀ a24 ⋀ ¬a23 ⋀ a22 ⋀ ¬a21 ⋀ a20 ⋀ ¬a19 ⋀ ¬a18 ⋀ ¬a17 ⋀ ¬a16 ⋀ ¬a15 ⋀ ¬a14 ⋀ ¬a13 ⋀ ¬a12 ⋀ ¬a11 ⋀ ¬a10 ⋀ ¬a9 ⋀ ¬a8 ⋀ ¬a7 ⋀ ¬a6 ⋀ ¬a5 ⋀ ¬a4 ⋀ ¬a3 ⋀ ¬a2 ⋀ a1 Here, a1 is the variable for the lowest bit and a32 is for the highest bit. «p» is an environment, which represents packet p. Packets consist of source address and destination address. We have two sets of boolean variables, s = { s1, …, s32} and d = { d1, …, d32 }. They represent source address and destination address of a packet respectively. If packet p is from address, «p»|s is the following. { s32 ↦ T, s31 ↦ T, s30 ↦ F, s29 ↦ F, s28 ↦ F, s24 ↦ T, s23 ↦ F, s22 ↦ T, s21 ↦ F, s20 ↦ T, s16 ↦ F, s15 ↦ F, s14 ↦ F, s13 ↦ F, s12 ↦ F, s8 ↦ F, s7 ↦ F, s6 ↦ F, s5 ↦ F, s4 ↦ F, s27 ↦ F, s26 ↦ F, s25 ↦ F, s19 ↦ F, s18 ↦ F, s17 ↦ F, s11 ↦ F, s10 ↦ F, s9 ↦ F, s3 ↦ F, s2 ↦ F, s1 ↦ T, } «p» also includes assignments of d for destination address of p. ‹a, b› is a boolean formula such that «p» ⊢ ‹a, b› holds if and only if packet p is from a to b. ‹, b› is like the following boolean formula. s32 ⋀ s31 ⋀¬ s30 ⋀ ¬s29 ⋀ ¬s28 ⋀ ¬s27 ⋀ ¬s26 ⋀ ¬s25 ⋀ … 1 Without loss of generality, we have a simplified representation of network addresses. We can easily extend this representation to support net-masks, range of ports, or other features as proposed by Hazelhurst. 128 S. Matsumoto and A. Bouhoula This is the only eight components of the formula. They are the same as the highest eight components of boolean formula representation of IP address 3.2 Boolean Formula Representation of Security Policy Security Policy P can be represented as boolean formula QP, such that ∀p : Packet . P accept p ⇔ «p» ⊢ QP holds. We define a translation BP(q, β) which maps a policy predicate q in security policy P to its boolean formula representation. BP(A(a, b), T) = BP(A(a, b), F) = BP(D(a, b), T) = BP(D(a, b), F) = ¬‹a, b› ⋁ (T ⋀ q∈C BP(q, T)) ‹a, b› ⋀ (⋀ q∈C BP(q, T)) ¬‹a, b› ⋁ (⋁q∈C BP(q, F)) ‹a, b› ⋀ (T ⋁ q∈C BP(q, F)) where C = CP(q) We can obtain the boolean formula representation of security policy P as BP(q, F) where q is the most general predicate in P. Example. The following is an example of transformation from security policy P in section 2 to its boolean formula representation. The boolean formula representation of P is obtained by BP(q1, F) since q1 is the most general predicate. BP(A(LAN, Internet), F) = ‹LAN.Internet› ⋀ BP(q2, T) ⋀ BP(q3,T) BP(D(LAN1,, T) = ¬‹› BP(A(LAN2,, T) = ‹› ⋁ T Finally we have the following formula after some simplifications. ‹LAN.Internet› ⋀ ¬‹› Consider a packet from LAN1 to, the first component in the formula evaluates true, but the second component evaluates false. Whole expression evaluates false, so the packet is rejected. 3.3 Boolean Formula Representation of Firewall Configuration Firewall configuration F can be represented as boolean formula QF, such that ∀p: Packet . F accept p ⇔ «p» ⊢ QF holds. B(F) is a mapping from F to QF. B(φ) B(A(a, b) :: rules) = = B(D(a, b) :: rules) ‹a, b› ⋁ B(rules) = ¬‹a, b› ⋀ B(rules) F 4 Experimental Results We have implemented a prototype of verifier. The verifier reads a security policy and a firewall configuration, and verifies the correctness of the configuration. It supposes Automatic Verification of Firewall Configuration 129 that we have IPv4 addresses with net-masks and port numbers of 16 bit unsigned integer with range support. The verifier uses MiniSAT to solve SAT [7]. In our verifier packets consist of two network addresses and protocol. Network addresses are pair of a 32 bit unsigned integer which represents an IPv4 address and a 16 bit unsigned integer which represents a port number. The protocols are TCP, UDP, or ICMP. Thus, a formula for one packet includes up to 99 variables – two 32+16 variables for source and destination addresses and three variables for protocol. We have verified some firewall configurations. Our experiments were performed on an Intel Core Duo 2.16 GHz processor with 2 Gbytes of RAM. Table 1 summarizes our results. The first two columns show the size of inputs. It is the numbers of predicates in security policy and the numbers of filtering rules in firewall configuration. The third column shows the size of the input for SAT solver. The last column shows the running times of our verifier. It includes all processing time from reading the inputs to printing the results. All of the inputs were correct because it is the most time consuming case. These results show that our method verifies fast enough with not so big inputs. If configurations are not correct, then the verifier produces a counterexample packet. The following is an output of our verifier that shows a counterexample. % verifyconfig verify ../samples/policy.txt ../samples/rules.txt Loading policy ... ok Loading configuration ... ok Translating to CNF ... ok MiniSAT running ... ok Incorrect: for example [tcp - -] The counterexample tells that the security policy and firewall configuration will give different answers for a packet from of port 0 to of port 80. Testing the firewall with the counterexample will help users to correct the configuration. Table 1. Experimental Results # of predicates 3 13 26 # of rules 3 11 21 size of SAT 9183 21513 112327 running time (s) 0.04 0.08 0.37 5 Conclusion In this paper, we have defined a boolean formula representation of security policy, which can be used in a lot of applications. We have also proposed an automatic method to verify the correctness of firewall configurations with respect to security policies. The method translates both of the two inputs into boolean formulae and then verifies the equivalence by checking satisfiability. We have had experimental results with some small examples using our prototype implementation. Our method can verify the configuration of centralized firewall. We are working for generalization of our method for distributed firewalls. 130 S. Matsumoto and A. Bouhoula References 1. Hamdi, H., Bouhoula, A., Mosbah, M.: A declarative approach for easy specification and automated enforcement of security policy. 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