Gate Insulator Process Dependent NBTI in SiON p-MOSFETs S. Mahapatra and V. D. Maheta Department of Electrical Engineering, lIT Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India Email: [email protected] Abstract 2. Device details The material dependence ofNBTI in SiON p-MOSFETs is studied using the UF-OTF IOLIN method. It is shown that the N density at the Si/SiON interface plays a very crucial role in determining the magnitude as well as the time, temperature and field dependence of NBTI. The relative contribution of interface trap generation and hole trapping to overall degradation is qualitatively discussed. Table-I shows the process details of devices used in this work. ToXB is starting base oxide thickness, atomic N% and EOT were determined respectively by XPS and CV measurements followed by QM corrections. 1. Introduction Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) is a very serious reliability concern in p-MOSFETs having Silicon Oxynitride (SiON) gate insulators [1-4]. It is well known that NBTI induced shift in parameters (e.g., linear drain current, IOLIN; threshold voltage, VT; etc.) is governed by oxide field (E ox ) and not by stress gate voltage (VG), and proper choice of VG is crucial for reliable stress test [5]. It is also well known that NBTI parametric shift recovers after removal of stress for conventional Measure-StressMeasure (or MSM) sequence, which results in incorrect degradation magnitude and time dependence [2,4,6,7]. Therefore, On-The-Fly (OTF) IOLIN [6] or fast MSM [8] methods are used for NBTI characterization. Recently, an Ultra-Fast On-The-Fly (UF-OTF) IOLIN technique has also been proposed [9] and employed to study the SiON process dependence of NBTI. It is important to understand and model NBTI physical mechanism to extrapolate short time stress data to end of life at operating condition for reliable determination of device lifetime. It is generally accepted that NBTI results in generation of interface traps (.~NIT) and hole trapping (~Nh) in N-related bulk SiON traps, though the relative dominance of ~NIT or ~Nh is debated [2,4,7-10]. While ~Nh is a faster process that saturates quickly in time and shows weaker T dependence, ~NIT gradually builds up in time, shows power law (tn) time dependence at longer stress time and shows stronger T dependence. In this paper, a review is done of our recently published results on SiON process dependence of NBTI [4,9,11, 12]. By using Plasma Nitrided Oxides (PNO) with and without Post Nitridation Anneal (PNA) and Thermal Nitrided Oxide (INO), it is shown that N density at the Si/SiON interface governs the relative ~NIT and ~Nh contribution; and as a result the magnitude, as well as the time, E ox and temperature (T) dependence of NBTI. It is shown that NBTI physical process in PNO devices with proper PNA is dominated by interface trap generation. W# Toxa Type NOOSE EOT N% W3 15 PNO 2.8 14.0 22 W4 15 PNO 5.8 12.3 41 49 W5 15 PNO 7.8 11.9 W6 20 PNO 2.9 17.7 19 W7 20 PNO 5.3 15.6 34 W8 20 PNO 6.8 14.6 42 WI0 25 PNO 3.1 23.5 16 WII 25 PNO 5.5 21.4 29 WI2 25 PNO 6.8 19.9 35 W23 20 INO 0.8 18.5 06 W24 W25 20 20 PNO* PNO** 2.0 2.7 22.2 20.2 12 17 Table-I. Process details of devices used in this work (TOXB and EOT in A 0, NOOSE in cm-2). All PNO have proper 2-step PNA, except PNO** (moderate PNA) and PNO* (improper PNA). 3. Time and temperature dependence Fig.l shows the measured IOLIN transients during NBTI stress for W6 and W23. The reduction in IOLIN is due to defect generation during stress, which is more for W23 in spite of having lower N dose when compared to W6. Fig.2 shows the time evolution of degradation calculated as ~ V = -~IOLIN/loLiNO * (VG-VTO), where IOLINO is the value of IOLIN measured at time to ( or Ims) after the application of stress VG, ~IOLIN refers to the degradation in IOLIN from IOLINO for a given stress time and VTO is the pre-stress VT. The choice of to influences the magnitude and time evolution of ~ V, more for W23 as compared to W6. This is due to the larger difference for W23 in IOLINO when obtained at t and t o=lms (Fig. 1). Note that a to of Ims is standard for conventional OTF [2,4,6,7, I 0, 12], and the necessity of UF-OTF [9] having to of is obvious from Fig.2. For a given to, ~V for W23 is much larger when compared to W6, which is consistent with Fig.l. For t o= IJ.lS, W23 shows very high degradation at short stress time (--30mV in Ims), which is not observed 978-1-4244-2186-2/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 31, 2008 at 01:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. for W6. Note that conventional OTF fails to capture this large difference in the initial degradation between PNO (W6) and TNO (W23) films. 1.00 , o .......... ~ 0.98 .~ (ij E 0.96 a 0.92 Eox 1 10- - 8.5 MV I em T (DC) o o 55 125 W23 " Sz _~0.94 [14,15]. Therefore, the difference between W6 and W23 can be attributed to the difference in Si/SiON N density between the films, as discussed in [9,12]. T=125°C Eox - , 8.5 MV I em 10-7 10-5 10-3 10-1 10 1 o 3x1 0-3L.....1..11.-..................-......-............-.._............L...U.LIl-.........--.....~ 103 stress time (s) Fig.I. Time evolution of IOLIN degradation for W6 and W23 at identical stress Eox and T. For details of measurement setup, see [9]. 10-3 10-6 100 103 stress time (s) Fig.3. Time evolution of L\V for W6 and W23 at identical stress Eox but different stress T. 1 10- T (DC) o 125 o 55 3 1010-3 10° stress time (s) 10 3 Fig.2. Calculated time evolution of L\ V (see text) from IOLIN transients of Fig. 1 for different to for W6 and W23 at identical stress E ox and T. Fig.3 shows the time evolution of L\V at different stress T for W6 and W23. Note that clear T dependence for the entire stress duration is observed for W6. This is not the case for W23, which shows T independent degradation at short stress duration and small overall T activation at longer stress time. It is important to note that the large overall degradation observed for W23 (compared to W6) is almost accounted for by this T insensitive component observed at short stress time. Figs.I-3 show that irrespective of higher total N dose. W6 shows much smaller NBTI compared to W23. It is well known that the N density at the Si/SiON interface for PNO films (having proper, 2-step PNA [13]) is much smaller compared to TNO films, as most of the N during PNO is incorporated close to the SiON/poly-Si interface 10 0 10 3 stress time (s) Fig.4. Time evolution of L\V for W24 and W25 at identical stress Eox but different stress T. Fig.4 shows L\ V time evolution at different T for W24 and W25. Unlike W6 that underwent proper 2-step PNA [13], W24 saw incorrect PNA, while W25 was subjected to moderately correct PNA. Though NOOSE is highest for W6 followed by W25 and W24, NBTI is highest for W24, followed by W25 and W26. Unlike W6, W24 and to some extent W25 show high, T independent NBTI at short stress time similar to W23. It is evident that PNO films having moderate N dose show very high NBTI, as also shown in [8], unless subjected to proper PNA [13]. 4. Time exponents Though not true at short stress time, long time stress data (t-stress > Is) shows power-law time dependence. The time exponent (n) is a very important metric, as it is used to extrapolate short time stress data to failure limit to Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 31, 2008 at 01:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. determine safe operating condition. Moreover, the value of n was used to determine the underlying physical mechanism [1-4,7-12,16,1 7]. It is therefore important to study the SiON process dependence of n. Fig.5 shows measured n (linear fit of 1Os-1 ODDs stress data plotted in a log-log scale) as a function of to delay for a variety of SiON processes. First, it is important to highlight the strong impact of to delay on n observed for all devices, with conventional OTF yielding somewhat higher n than UF-OTF. It is also important to note that n saturates (within error) for to < for all SiON films. Hence, a faster OTF implementation is unlikely to show significantly different value of n than that reported in this work. In the remaining discussion, the value of n at t will be referred. en 0.20,..-------------, 0 W3 o g 0 W6 ~ ~ W10 o o ~0.15~ V W23 & ....c ......... ~ (1) c 8. 0.1 0 ~ V x (1) (1) V E ~0.05 V "I Eox- 8.5 MV/cm " ..I 10.6 10-5 10.4 10-3 10. 2 g ~ ~ 0.15~ ~ ~c 0 ~ ~ 1) &.0.10~ 0 Q) .~ ~ o o 0.14 ~ 0.10 W4 W7 o 8. 0.08 x 0 o E o 0 ~ O M 0.16~----------., ,,&6 V W24 0 W25 ........, en W3 0.20,......---------, 0 W6 0 W7 ~ W8 Fig.6 shows n as a function of TOXB for PNO with proper PNA devices for various NOOSE. Note, n is independent of stress E ox and T [9,12], and hence the variation seen is due to variations in TOXB and NOOSE. The N density for PNO films peaks near SiON/poly-Si and exponentially falls towards the Si/SiON interface [15]. Hence, increase in N density with increase in NOOSE (fixed TOXB) is lower at Si/SiON compared to SiON/poly-Si interface, while N density increases only at Si/SiON as TOXB is reduced for a given NOOSE. Si/SiON N density slightly increases but n remains independent as TOXB is reduced for moderate NOOSE. Large increase in Si/SiON N density and large reduction in n is seen with TOXB scaling at higher NOOSE. For thicker TOXB, n shows slight reduction with increase in NOOSE due to smaller increase in Si/SiON N density, while for thin TOXB the increase in Si/SiON N density and reduction in n with increase in NOOSE is significant. It is clear that n is governed by N density at Si/SiON and not at SiON/poly-Si interface, which is also consistent with difference seen for PNO and TNO films. It is also clear that proper 2-step PNA reduces Si/SiON N density and results in lower NBTI and higher n for PNO films. V to delay(s) (i) the necessity to treat PNO films with proper PNA. Fig.5 also shows the importance of using UF-OTF for reliable determination of power law time exponent n. ~ ~ ......... ~ 0.12 c (1) (1) 0.06 +:i 0.04 10 T = 125°C Eox - 8.5 MV/cm ..... 0.05 . . . . .,... . .I-......I-&...I..LI..I.LI.I&-II...........LLI~.uL......I.IL...L..L.L.LLLI"II-....L.I..&...L..L.IJ..IIIL,,"I--...... 10-6 10-5 10-4 10.3 10-2 to delay (s) Fig.5. Time exponent (n) as a function of to delay for different process splits. Note, PNO (proper PNA) films having moderate NOOSE (W3, W6, WID) show identical n irrespective of TOXB ' and is much higher as compared to TNO (W23) device. Moreover, n reduces with increase in PNO dose (W6, W7, W8), while PNO with inadequate PNA (W24, W25) show very low n, similar to TNO device. Such very low n (and large degradation) for PNO films was also shown in [8] for moderately dosed PNO films, and highlights 0 0 0 0 W8 W5 15 W10 BW11 W12 to = 1~s 20 o T BASE (A ) 25 30 Fig.6. Time exponent (n) for PNO as a function of base oxide thickness for various N dose. 5. Field acceleration As mentioned before, degradation during NBTI is a field driven process [5]. Like time exponent that is used to extrapolate short time stress data to end of life, the E ox dependence is also important to extrapolate from stress (high E ox ) to operating (low Eox ) condition to determine device lifetime. Fig.7 shows ~V (normalized to EOT) at identical stress time and T as a function of stress E ox for various SiON films. The E ox dependent slope (f) is also mentioned. PNO (proper PNA) films with moderate N Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 31, 2008 at 01:15 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. dose (W3, W6, WIO) show identical ~V that is much lower as compared to TNO (W23) for all Eox . Unlike n dependence (Fig. 5)~ r reduces slightly as TOXB is scaled, although r is much higher for PNO compared to TNO films. Moreover, ~ V increases and r reduces as N nosE is increased for PNO with proper PNA devices (W6, W7, W8), and improper PNA (W24, W25) devices show high degradation and low r, same as TNO (W23). saturates fast which causes low overall T activation (when added to ~NIT component that gradually builds up in time) seen in these films at longer stress time [4]. Optimized PNO films with proper PNA show lower N density at Si/SiON interface, negligible ~Nh and ~NIT dominated NBTI physical process. 0.7 T=12SoC 0.6~ - v v V :::J 010.3 W IS; ~ []~O 0 0 ~ V 10-4 6 ::j ~ W ~ E 0.4~ I 7 0 1:: 0.3f0.2~ W3 (r=0.60) W6 (0.52) W10 (0.47) W23 (0.32) I I 8 9 Eox (MV/cm) W3 0 W4 0 10 W7 OW11 0 W12 0 W8 0 W5 O. 1 ~ 1 ~6 to 20 25 T BASE(Ao) I I =1J..1S 70--L.-----:-1~....L..----1----L.-L....:..-....L..--1 5 30 Fig.8. Field acceleration (f) as a function of base oxide thickness for various N dose. 6. Conclusion 010. > ~ ~DO ~o ~ ~ ~0.5~ 0 ~ ~ v v "610 3 .... ~ Aq <> <> 0 0 0 o o o W6 (0.52) W7 (0.44) ~ W8 (0.42) o 0 V 10-4""'"--__............ 6 7 <> W24 (0.33) W'45 (0.33) I I_-a..-.~-..L-_.L..-.1~---J 8 Eox (MV/cm) 9 10 Fig.5. Field acceleration of normalized degradation for various process splits. Fig.8 shows r as a function ofToXB for PNO with proper PNA devices for various NnosE . r is more sensitive than n to changes in N density at Si/SiON interface. Note that for moderate N nosE, r reduces (unlike n) with reduction in TOXB, though the reduction in r is more drastic for higher N DOSE ' The reduction in r with increase in N nosE is much larger for thinner TOXB, once again suggesting N density at SiiSiON interface to playa crucial role. It is therefore apparent that SiON process conditions that result in higher N density at the Si/SiON interface also results in higher degradation as well as lower nand f. Additional NBTI in these films can be mostly attributed to the T insensitive, high degradation observed at shorter stress time, which is likely due to large ~Nh in these films [4,9]. Note~ ~Nh has negligible T dependence and To summarize, process impact of SiON films on NBTI is studied. Processes that result in higher N density at the Si/SiON interface show high NBTI, low time exponent, T activation and field acceleration. This can be attributed to large relative increase in hole trapping in such films. PNO films having moderate N dose and proper 2 step PNA shows interface trap dominated NBTI. Acknowledgement E. N. Kumar and S. Purawat (lIT Bombay) for help in UF-OTF setup development; K. Ahmed and C. Olsen (Applied Materials) for samples; M. Alam (Purdue University) for useful discussions; Applied Materials, SRC and Renesas Technologies for financial support. References [1] Y. Mitani, p.II7, IEDM 2004; [2] A. T. Krishnan, p.688, IEDM 2005; [3] K. Sakuma, p.454, IRPS 2006; [4] S. 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